Film listings
llGC Renirew Street: Glasgow
7 Reni'reyy Street. 11110 and (C h00king: 0870907 0789. Adult £4.51). Child/Students £2.51) (Mun—Thu ): £3.51) (Fri—Sun). (‘0ncessi0nsz £3.50. Famin ticket £12. liarly Bird admissi0ns hel‘0re 12am: £3. Kid’s Club: £1.50. 17nlimited (‘ard: £9.99 per m0nth.
Bad Company112) 11.40am. 2.30. 5.41). 8.45.
Big Fat Liar1PG1 11.10am. 1.31). 3.30. 6.0().
BlrthdayGlrl115) 11.25am. 1.41). 3.55. 6.20. 8.50.
MMMPG) 11.20am. 3.00. 7.15. Dogtown and Z-Boys 1 15) 1 1.20am. 2.00. 4.11). 6.31). 9.00.
400ays and40nghts115) 2.00. 4.15. 6.3(). 9.211.
Kissln Jessica Steln115) 8.10.
Min Report112) 11.00am. 110011. 1.00. 2.11). 3.30. 4.20. 5.211. 7.30. 8.00. 8.41).
Monster’s Ball1151 8.01).
Murder By Humbers1151 2.20. Hovocaine1151 1.00. 3.30. 6.1111. 8.21). Resident EVII1151 11.20am. 1.411. 4.111. 6.30. 9.15.
Scooby-Doo11’(i1 10.30am. 11.30am. 12.50. 1.40. 3.11). 4.00. 5.40. 6.30. 8.11). 8.50.
Snow Dogs1t') 11.40am. Spider-Man112) 10.30am. 11.30am. 1.30. 2.20. 4.30. 5.31). 7.41). 8.21). Spirit: Stallion oi Cimarron 11') 11.30am. 1.45. 4.00. 6.111.
Star Wars Episode II: Attack oi the CIones1PG1 2.00. 5.01). 8.3(1. Thunderpants (PG) 1 1.55am.
The Abduction Club1121
Daily: 11.40am. 2.40. 5.50. 8.51). Als0 late Fri & Sat: 11.15.
Austin Powers 3: Goldmember (the) Thu: 10.45am. 11.30am. 12.30. 1.15. 2.0(). 3.00. 3.45. 4.311. 5.30. 6.15. 7.00. 8.10. 8.45. 9.30.
Bad Company112)
Daily: 11.40am. 2.30. 5.41). 8.30.
Als0 late Fri 8; Sat: 11.20.
Big Fat Liar (PG)
Matinee Fri -Wed: 11.10am. 1.30. 3.40. Birthday Girl 1 151
Fri- Wed: 8.51).
A180 Fri— M011. Wed 62 Thu: 6.21). Devdas1P(i1
Daily: 11.20am. 3.1111. 7.15.
Als01ate Fri & Sat: 11.00.
The Lighthouse 1 181 +The Evil Dead 1 181 Daily: 11.30am. 3.31). 7.31).
Evolution 1 PG 1
Matinee Sat: 10.30am.
40 Days and 40 Hights115)
Fri—\Ved: 6.10. 8.30.
Jason X115)
Daily: 11.40am. 2.00. 4.20. 6.50. 9.20. Als0 late Fri 8; Sat: 1 1.50.
Minority Report 1 121
Daily: 11.00am. 110011. 1.01). 2.111. 3.30. 4.20. 5.20. 7.30. 8.00. 8.311.
A1s0 late Fri & Sat: 10.40. 11.10. Monster’s Ball 1151
Daily: 8.00.
Murder By Numbers 1 I5) Fri—Wed: 2.20. 5.20. 8.30. Resident Evil 1 15)
Daily: 11.10am. 1.30. 4.00. 6.31). 9.10. A150 late Fri 8; Sat: 11.30. Scooby-Doo1PG1
Daily: 11.20am. 11.50am. 1.41). 2.30. 4.00. 5.00. 6.30. 7.31). 8.50.
Fri 8: Sat: 10.00. 11.11).
Spider-Man 1 12)
Daily: 10.30am. 1.31). 4.40. 7.40. A|s0 late Fri 8; Sat: 10.50.
Spirit: Stallion oi Cimarron 11’)
Fri—Wed: 11.50am. 2.00. 4.41).
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones1P(11 Daily: 2.311. 5.30. Stuart Littie21t'1 Daily: 11.00am. 11.50am. 1.10. 2.10. 3.30. 4.31). 5.50. 6.40. 8.50.
B W. SDAX. 1
Pr0gramme likely 10 he similar 10 the prey'i0us yteek. Ph0ne 0870 907 (1789 1111‘ details and times. New lilms due 10 0pen 011 Fri 261111:
Austin Powers 3: Goldmember (thc) Crocodile Hunter - Collision Course 1 12)
52 THE LIST 18 .1111 1 A111; 2002
I 1
Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore
Cameo: Edinburgh
38110111e Street. 11131 228 4141. (’(' h1)0king: 0131 228 414111111124 110111‘ 11110111111001) Line: (1131 228 2800. |l)|. £5.21) (£3.50 c0ncs all day Tuesday - Thursday and Friday -Sunday he1'0re 6pm): £3.50 all day .\l0nday and Tuesday-'l‘hursday hei'0re 3pm. Wed: £1 c0ncs 1'01: Iirst shim in each screen. Late night slums: late night main £4 (£2.50): midnight mm'ie £4.50. l)0uhle hills 1Sun 111atinee/late night): £4.51) (£3.50 cuncs).
The Closet115) 3.51).
Dogtown and Z-Boy5115) 4.115. 6.40. 11.20.
Kissing Jessica Stein 1 15) 6.311. 1). 11). Nine Queensnhu 3.41). 6.211. 11.011.
Atanarjuat, the Fast Runner 1 15) Matinee Sun: 1.30.
Austin Powers 3: Goldmember (the) 11111: 4.00. 6.40, 9.211 Dogtown and Z-Boys 1 151
Fri \Ved: (1.40, 9.21).
Also matinee Fri & Sat. .\l1)n Wed: 4.1111. A1s0 matinee Fri 1k Sat: 1.35. A1s0 l.ate Fri: 1 1.45.
Happy Man 11111-1
Matinee Fri Sun: 1.311.
.r\1s0 matinee .\10n Thu: 4.05. Kissing Jessica Stein 1 151 Daily: 6.311. 9.111.
Als0 matinee Fri S1111: 3.51). Hine Queens (thc)
Daily: 3.41). 6.211. 11.1111.
.'\ls() matinee Fri Sun: 1.111). Also late 1'11: 11.3.5.
Swingers 1 15)
Late Fri: 1 1.1111.
(21110131228 4141/11131228 28111) 01' pick up a \seekly timetahle 110111 the cinema 101' pcrl‘01‘1nance times.
Late nights and Sun matinees 110111 Fri 25 Jul:
Human Tiaific 1 18)
Late Fri: 1 1.1111.
Brotherhood 01 The Wolf 1 15) + Dog Soldiers 1 15)
Sun matinee: 1.3(1.
Dominion: Edinburgh
18 NL‘\\1311111L' .l‘L‘lTilCL‘. 111.31 447 4771. 1111.1):0131 447 2000111111447 845(1.('(' h00king: 11131 447 4771. Restaurant. liar. 11)]. Adult. Standard: £5.101Supcri01‘: £5.60; Pullman: £6.20 (hel'nre 611m .\11)n- 1110. Standard: £3.80: Superiur: £4.41); Pullman: £5.40). ()AP/l'li40. Standard: £3.80:Superi11r: £4.60: Pullman: £5.20: (‘inema .3 & 4: £4.61) (hel0rc 6pm: £3.81): (‘inemas 31k 4: £4.40). Children. Standard: £4: Superi0r. (‘inemas 3 1k 4: £4.()(1(he11)1'e 6pm. Standard: £3.81); Superi0r: £4.40; Pullman: £5.20). Famin tickets start at £14 hc1‘01'e 6pm 0nly.
AboutaBoy1121 8.35. BadCompany1121 2. 5. 5.15. 8.15. Kissing Jessica Stein115) 1.211. 4.111. 7.35.
Minority Report112) 1.20. 4.25. 7.41). Spirit: Stallion oi Cimarron 11') 1.01). 3.40. 5.41).
Abouta Boy112) 0.1111; 7.511.
-. Bad Company112)
Daily: 8.311.
Kissing Jessica Stein1151 Daily: 1.41). 4.41).
Minority Report112)
Daily: 1.311. 4.35. 7.50. Spirit: Stallion oi Cimarron 11') Daily: 1.00. 3.40. 5.41). StuartLittie21t')
0.1111: 1.1111. 3.41). 5.45. 8.30.
Pr0gramme likely 10 he similar 10 the preyi0us \seek. Ph0ne (1131 447 2661) 101' details and times.
Filmhouse: Edinburgh
88 1.011111111 R0ad. (1131 228 2688. Bar. Restaurant. llil. IDI. .\1ain eyening screenings: £5.50 (£4 Sun 1111) 0111y 1. liarly liyening screenings: £4.501£3
S1111 '1‘11110nly). .\1atinces: £3.51) (£2
Sun 'I'hu 0nly 1: Friday hargain matinees: £2.51) (£1.20).
1.Tape115) 3.111). 5.111). 7.00. 11.00.
2. The Pomographer1 181 3.31).
The King is Dancing (Le Roi Dance) 1 181 6.1111. 8.30.
3. Comment j’ai tue mon pere 1 151 2.31). 8.45.
Sex and Lucla1181 5.45.
1*R1DAY 10.1111- 1.5,000FingersoiDrT11'1 1.3. Tape1151 5.111). 7.00. (1.00.
2. Biggie and Tupac 1 15) 2.31). 6.30. 8.45.
3.Venus Boy2115) 3.15. 8.30. Hen: Girls Shorts11 6.15.
SATURDAY 20 .1111.
1. 5,000 Fingers of DrT11') 1.3. Tape 1 15) 5.1111. 7.00. (1.01).
2. Biggie and Tupac 1 15) 2.30. 6.31 . 8.45.
3. Hen: Girls Shorts 1 1 Venus Boyz1151 6.15. Ignorant Fairies (Ie iate ignoranti) 1 181 8.30.
SUNDAY 21 .1111.
1.Tape1151 3.00. 5.111). 7.00. 11.00.
2. Biggie and Tupac 1 151 2.30. 6.311. 8.45.
3. Price oi Love 1 151 2.00.
Ignorant Fairies (Ie iate ignoranti) 1 181 0.15.
Venus Boyz 1 151 8.30.
MONDAY 22 .1111
1.Tape115) 3.00. 5.111). 7.00. 11.01). 2. Biggie and Tupac1151 2.31). 4.45. Pather Panchali11’(;1 7.15.
3. Ignorant Fairies (Ie iate ignoranti) (181315.845.
Borderiine1) 6.31).
1.Tape115) 3.00. 5.111). 7.111). 11.00. 2. Biggie and mpac1151 2.30. 8.45. Pather Panchali 11’( 11 5.45.
3. Julie Johnston 1 12) 3.15. 8.30. Ignorant Fairies (Ie iate ignoranti) 1 181 (1.1.5.
1.Tape1151 1.30. 6.111).
Tosca11’(;1 3.31).
Lost in La Mancha1151815.
2. Biggie and Tupac115) 2.31). 8.45. Pather Panchali 11’( 11 5.45.
3. Ignorant Fairies (Ie iate ignoranti) 118) 3.15. 8.31).
Julie Johnston 1 121 6.15.
1.Tape1151 2.01). 6.311.
Tosca11’111 4.1111. 8.31).
2. Biggie and Tupac1151 2.31). 5.45. Pather Panchali11’111 8.15.
3. Julie Johnston1121 3.15. 8.30. Ignorant Fairies (Ie iate ignoranti) 1 18) (1.15.
1.Tosca11’(;) 1.311. The Girl from Paris112) 4.111). 6.15. 8.30.
2.1kingut11'1 1.31).
Hine Queensnhe) 3.30. 6.1111. 8.45. 3. Cabaret118) 2.31). Beijing Bicycle 11’( 11 5.45.
SATURDAY 27 JUL 1. Ikingut11'1 1.30. The Girl from Paris112) 4.01). 6.15. 8.30.
2. Nine Queens (the) 3.01 1. 3. Cabaret118) 2.31). Beijing Bicycle 1P( )1 5.45.
(1.00. 8.45.
1. The Girl from Paris 1 12) 3.31). 6.15. 8.30.
2. Nine Queens 0th 3.00. 8.45. Cabaret 1 18) 5.45.
3. Quiet Death 1 151 2.01).
Beijing Bicycle mm 5.45. 8.21). MONDAY 20 JUL
1. The Girl from Paris 1 121 3.30. 6.15.
2. Nine Queens (the) 3.00, 8.45. Cabaret118) 5.45.
3. Beijing Bicycle 11’(1) 2.15. 4.45. The Green Ray (Le Rayon Vert) 11’( 1) 7.15.
1. The Girl from Paris 1 12) 3. 8.30.
2. Cabaret1l81 3.00. 8.15. Hine Queens (thc) 5.45.
3. The Green Ray (Le Rayon Vert) 11’( i) 2.31).
Beijing BicycIe11’(;) 6.01). 8.45.
1. The Girl from Paris 1 12) 3.31). Gypsy8311816.15.
2. Cabaret1181 3.00. 8.15. Hine Queens 11111-1 5.45.
3. Beijing Bicycle 11’( 1) 2.30. 6.1111. The Green Ray (Le Rayon Vert) 11’( 11 8.45.
THURSDAY 1 AUG 1.The Girl irom Paris 1 121 8.30.
2. Nine Queens (the) 3.00. 5.45. Cabaret 1 18) 8.15.
3. The Green Ray (Le Rayon Vert) 11’( 11 2.30. 6.311. 8.45.
\Vcstsidc Pia/a. 1211\Vcs1c1‘llailes Rnad. \Vc‘slc‘l‘ llilllL'S.(18.711511511111177. “)1. 11‘11. Adults: £4.80 1111\111'y seats £5.30): he101'e 611111 £3.20. (‘hildren/().-\P/Student: £3.21) 1111\111'y seats alter 6pm £4). Famin ticket: £13 1111\ury seats £14); below 6011) £12. Bargain Day The: £3 all seats. Pie—110011 slimy s: £3.
31). (1.15.
3.30. (1.15.
Bad Company112) 2.31). 5.51). 8.31). Minority Report112) 1.00. 2.00. 4.111). 5.111). 7.00. 8.1111.
Resident Evil1151 3.10. 6.10. Scooby-Dood’u) 1.11). 2.10. 4.211. 5.211. 6.311. 7.40. 8.40. Spider-Man112) 2.20. 5.41). 8.20. Spirit: Stallion oi Cimarron 11‘) 1.41). 3.411. 6.111.
Star Wars Episode 11: Attack oi the CloneS11’(i) 8.111).
8.411. 3.111.
Austin Powers 3: Goldmember 11111-1 11111: 11.40am. 12.40. 1.50. 2.511. 4.10. 5.20. (1.211. 7.40. 8.311.
Bad Company 1 12)
5.55. 8.31).
Minority Report1 12)
Daily: 1.111111101111111. 2.1111. 4.001001 111111. 5.1111. 7.111111101111111. 8.1111. Resident Evil 1 15)
Daily: 4.111. 6.30. 8.50.