1 Free beer.
2 Worldwide cooperation by a consortium of developed nations in the j_)roductioi‘. of a cheap alternative to fossil based fuels in a kind of partnership that would make the technology available to all the peoples of the world on a barter and credits system. The profits of which w0uld go to maintain a facility where all partiCIpating COuntries woiild be regiiired to pool the fruits of their culture into an easily accesSible and independently governed combine into which all other participating nations w0uld be highly encouraged to freely dip.
3 And speaking of dip: free crisps. The Pig in the Snake. Traverse Theatre. 228 7404, 3—5 Aug. i' loin. f‘f-a‘ (£8.50.
Dr Phil Hammond
1 Redistribution of status. Small differences in job or life status make big differences to life expectancy.
2 Nurneri’jcy for all. lnnuiiieracy is endemic. Very few people cai‘ think rationally. understand l)f()l)£tl)llll‘,. evaluate risk and live with uncertainty. So we all get shafted by health scares. miracle Cures. corporate promises and the National Lottery
3 Feed kids. don't fuck
59 Minutes
32 11!! LIST 18 Jul—1 Aug 2002
to Save the NHS. Pleasance. 556 6550. (it Jul 22 Aug. 6.30bni, Vii—410.50 .r.<‘.">—E.‘(-i.5()i.
1 Educate ‘~.'.’omen_ There is a clear correlation between econo'iiic deyelobnient and t.'.'oi~.ien's l: eracy
2 Regulate corporations. Corporations need to be regulated if are to ensure human rights. and safeguard our en\.'ir0nment. 3 Reiiisti'il'>iite l.'.’(3£llll‘.. And unrealtl‘. must be r‘eoistr.'i)ute(l :i‘. a more e<iuitable '.'.'ay than is currently the case. On almost every measure.
' oxer the
iiiezjuaiity has been increasing past 90 years. A ‘.'.'orld of gliettos and gated ccriiinunities is both untenable and dangerous.
Glee" artil Gore: (Erooalsaf'or‘. Tire Teri: <8 I " '..'a'rii,ee. Book fesriml.
l:'>'-\/‘:w 0'; ' . .‘ \/( “ ink/i). i'_.\/ /\(l(14, "i/i . l ‘3 U
r” Richard Holloway 1
.'.':iiild :lecree
i ‘ lb» ' that i‘at'ons could
J ‘A i. crizy iiiai.i.ia(,ttiie a.“ ‘ arms for purely
(lOfOllSI‘y 2 purposes and none" for (X/‘lllllltfl'fiiéti purposes. thereby ending the obsceiiit. cf tl‘c aunt: trade.
2| .'.ouid er‘d' f'ie " deoiisl. {}X[)(El‘;53l‘.’(k arid counter prod..:ttr.-;:~ .'.ar (>l‘1lf'ilfjf3 and find i‘atioriai '.'.a'.s ::‘ helping iii.iiigir‘t; 'itaiiagje Z'ieii' need for the odd <:l‘.er"ica yacation. 3| '.‘.’()ii'(lf;tilil}l‘l. ‘ree ai‘ti
"2 the poor izeopie of l\f".($£l '.'.'l';ll
AIDE} MN. The inopey to be (l(}ll‘.{*(l front a tax ()l‘. :iiferi‘atct'ui :lrugj (L()'lll)it.’lit}f3.
That .'.‘(liittl yiis’. about
Dr Phil wants society to go from numb to number
solve all our problems.
l'/riting for Young Readers. 70 Aug. .rl.30pm. l.‘ 7 ll.‘5i.‘ Provocations: Gods and Guns. 23 Aug. 8pm. {‘8 li76i. Consignia Theatre. Book Festival. 624 5050.
Will Hutton 1 Reform US campaign finance to eliminate. as far as possible. the impact of the rich and corporations on US politics.
. 2 Implement the Mitchell plan in the Middle East.
3 Adopt WHO targets for disease prevention in less developed COuntrieS plus UN targets for literacy and numeracy and require first world countries to allocate aid transfers to pay for them.
Provocations: Politics and Economics. Screenhase Studio Theatre. Book
l esfrval. 6M 5050. 23 Aug. 5pm. 57
My seven-year~ old daughter pinched ‘more of The Siinpsons'. leaying in no particular order: 1 Peace.
2 Look after
. nature.
3 Help the poor. Boson: Buddies. 0. 16. .70. 25‘ Aug. Spin. :’.‘7 if‘o‘r.‘ Daddy Take me to the l-unlair; 7 ~26 Aug. Jpn). fit—f8 ii‘o‘l‘fl.‘ The lit/hole Shebang. 37 Jul PoAiig. font. 57-619 if“6~-.“7i.'
P/easance. 5:36 6550.
Elizabeth MacLennan itiere are four things:
1 lake ':inage' out of imagination. 2 the 'inar'ket' out of free.
3 the "global out of village.
4 the tanks out of Palestine.
L’l/l/d Raspberries by Elizabeth MacLennan. Pleasance Dome. 556 6550. 37 July—72 Aug riiot 6i. 7 7.50am. 57—2750 lE5—E550/s Hypeernx by John it/thrath. Pleasance Dome. 556 6550.
.’ 7,50ani. 74—26 Aug rnot 20i. 57—5850 675—537. 50l.
Geo e Mon lot
1 A world parliament. allowing the people of the earth to be directly 1 represented in their own forum. when international decisions have to be made.
2 A fair trade organisation to replace the World Trade Organisation. This w0uld control corporations and set minimum standards for the protection of workers. consumers and the environment.
3 A complete restructuring of global banking. The World Bank and IMF should be destroyed and replaced by the kind of system proposed by John Maynard Keynes. which automatically cancelled debts and rebalanced the terms of trade.
Green and Gold: Globalisation. Certs/gnia Theatre. Book Festival. 624 5050. 23 Aug. 7.30pm. £7 £5).
Mo Mowlam
1 Find a way for countries to work together on the issue of asylum seekers and also work together on the Subjects of bigotry and prejudice.
2 Take the financial markets out of drugs by legalising all drugs and then usrng the money to help the addicts. This wOuId also limit the powers of terrorists by taking away the major sowce of their funding.
3 Find a way to break down the power of the global economy to help third world poverty and have some form of acc0untability and transparency. Lived Lives. Consignia Theatre. Book Festival. 624 5050. .73 Aug. 7.30pm.
£7 i’l‘5i.
SandyWalsh 1 A re-evaluation ab0ut what virtues are important and I believe Our present day icons could set an example. it's
~ now rather cool to be thrusting. aggressive. self-obsessed and hedonistic. And qualities such as modest. generous. altruistic. philanthropic and selfless are not qurte as hip. I often wonder if Gandhi would now be thought of as extremely strange!
2 For us to wake up to the fact that the human race is only a tiny part of the ecosystem on this planet and we need to start using rather than abusuig its resOurces.
3 A personal plea for a total ban on junk mail not only to save trees but also allow me to have a genuinely ‘nice day'.
Correspondent. Assembly Rooms.
2.26 2428. 2—26 Aug, 4.05pm, £‘5—L‘70 il‘fi—L‘Qi.