V I saw you working the floor at Bltte. Yott wore that hangoy er like a neon imitation to plenty. [7444/7

V I saw you. Deek. I stole l'rom yott. I low you - Bridge \\\\\ Spillage.....['/444/S

V I saw you looking all sexy itt your Sunday shoes. I couldn't take tny eyes ol'l‘your cheeky smile atid o! course your hairy nose? [7444")

V I saw you June l2 on train heading to Biggat'. Yott had intery iew. .\listook yoti t'or goth while we chatted. Yott l.isa. .\le Joe. You were loyely. l‘ancy a drink‘.’ [7444/ll)

V I saw you Winnie The Pooh slim gin-ing in the liilinliouse t2 l/(i/2 l. Yott are my light and my loye your Hog l’rince \\\o\\\ [7444/ll

V I saw you to the girl with the red hat at the lst .r\shl}().\...l think l'm in loye. [7444/12

V I saw you Classy corporate lady. getting on the 25 hits at the research park jttst alter liy e. long straight dark hair. glasses. hlack jacket and short tau skirt. Dare to escape the Il\\‘ col‘l'ee sometime tor a chat‘.’ l7444/l 3 V I saw you at :\slll3().\. You didn't see ttie though. (iuess who's hack. tlm stay ing with .‘ylicliaelt [7444/3l

V I saw you writing ad ahottt me. John l.amh. in this column. Still missing me'.’ Do I itiiss you'.’ Yoti know what to do? Are calling me cheeky '.’ .\'e\erl [7444/14

V I saw you all at the 'l'i'ayerse e\ ery day. and now I don't see yott at all. l.ondon stinks. I miss you. [7444/l5

V I saw you: Sexy girl. dark hair. w inning smile. worked in Roots on Saturdays. .\le: (iuy

w ho hassled you lot‘ chiyes and coriander. \Vhere'd yott go'.’ l’ancy swapping recipes'.’ [7444/lo

V I saw you in Iigo. IS/oti, upstairs. you were loyely. We talked lots hut danced terrihly. You gay e tne a hit home in red car and I forgot to get yottr nnmher. [7444/17

V I saw you Dundee (’ollege ol'.'\rt l‘riday l4th June. Were you following me'.’ lwishl Does your suntan co\ er yottr cotnplete and compact hody '.’ You helped tne pttll a cork from a hottle of wine tcheap and nits!) corkscrew l and then our all~to-hriel' discussion ol‘ a painting centred on thy piscean traits of dreaming and litiitttsisitigl [7444/lS

V I saw you last on w‘ayerley Steps. l was on my way to (ilasgow. w hen yott stopped atid hottght me coll'ee. Bel'ore yott leay e. thank yott l'or heing my inspiration and tny motiyation. l w ill miss yott always. and loye yott always. l'ce \ l7444/l‘)

V I saw you To the guy who picked tiie tip when l tainted at .r\shho\ last week...'l‘hank You. \ [7444/20

V I saw you in l.eith - heautil'ul hninette who humped into me in Bernard Street when l was on the phone on June 22. I'd like to hump into you again. [7444/2l

V I saw you at llenry's enjoying .\'ew Blue. You attractiy e girl at front tahle

(w ith girl friend). .\le. oyer your left shoulder. Shall w e'.’ [7444/22

V I saw you with a twinkle in your eye standing at the waters edge 'l'yddingham hay in late May. posing on one leg as I came close by you took off into the open sky legs akimho head held high. (let in tottch. l haye lish. [7444/23

V I saw you beautiful dark haired girl at the Royal Highland Show Sunday 2.3 June. You in jacket oyer red fleece atid jeans. the in brown shirt and hlue coat. You eating potato. the with hurger and coke. You asked il~ the grass was wet. I was too shy to speak

htit realised my lost opportunity and spent the afternoon looking for you. B it is meant to he. giye the another chance? [7444/25

V I saw you... w‘ee/ie waking tip in the morning with dogs hreath and sticky tip hair and i realised we were meant to he..\' [7444/20

V I saw you in Strata cale/har. Sunday 23rd June. You. sleenrless check shirt and glass of white wine. .\le. hlack top. gray hair. trying to decide if you where looking hack at the or just looking out the window. [7444/27

V I saw you at l.eith St. carhootsale tlidinhurghl on Sunday 23/06/02. You are a woman. wearing dark green t- shirt and jeans. carrying a yellow plastic hag and a rucksack hag. I am a tall guy from Barcelona. wearing a hlack coat. I hope get in touch. [7444/28

V I saw you the hlaekish panther I spotted while cluhhin. I'm guessing it you're reading this. you haye already figured out who is staying at my house just now. Bumped into the pair of them at :\sliB().\' last week. couldn't helieye it and they both want to see you again. Keep it real. [7444/2‘)

V I saw you in the lilmhouse. you were old spinster smoking rollies and drinking cider. You are a minky hoot. [7444/32

V I saw you cute. llull‘y and white. perl'ectly l'ormed spots ol‘ hrown on your hack. Big lloppy' ears with a happy smile on your lace...desperate to please and he pleased. (‘lumsy energetic tail hruising all that comes neal'...itnpossihle to pass without wanting a play and a stroke....my darling little al. i

w ill loye you...l'ore\er. ps...il' you pick up a Newcastle accent there w ill he trouhle. [7444/33








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