Food & Drink
Eat out, drink up
Wonder brasserie
Ab fab in Edinburgh. Words: Anna Millar
aryey Nichols has long been a symhol of style.
indulgence and glatnour. .-\nd the creatiye
powerhouse of l’rada. I)ior and Joseph among others shottld ensttre that seasoned lashion l‘ollowers have plenty to reyel in. But food connoisseurs needn‘t lose heart as plans for the eighth liaryey Nicks destination restaurant and hrasserie. the l‘orth l-‘Ioor. are equally a la mode and cosmopolitan.
‘We‘ye taken all the hest elements from the other llaryey Nicks and put them together to create this unique space.‘ says restaurant and lood retail director Dominic l'iot‘d. (‘ertainly walking around the new premises (albeit mid-constructionl it's dillicult not to he excited by the architectural space. Reminiscent of Le Bon Marché in Paris. the Forth l‘loor promises exceptional Views. The terrace. which holds around 30—35 people. directly oyet'looks St Andrew Sqttare al‘l'ording wonderful vistas of both the liirth ol l-'orth and the castle.
Split into different areas. the Forth attempts to cater to a range ol' culinary tastes. The restaurant. hrasserie and bar dominate the middle area. while the lood market consists of a hakery. deli. winery. and meat and produce department. An expert team ol huyers has heen hrought in to ensure that the llaryey Nicks‘ retail range is as sumptuous as it is aesthetically pleasing.
To add another dimension to the floor. a hook section.
it is
kitchen department and play area. complete with state of
the art electrical goods are also ayailahle in the surrounding areas.
‘The Harvey Nicks’ retail range is as sumptuous as
aesthetically pleasing’
l’ord is determined that the range of facilities won't distract from the restaurant itscll'. ‘.\lo\'ahle partitions are to he placed around the restaurant area. concealing the rest ol' the l'loor.‘ he says. ‘Similarly. the lighting swallows the acoustics lending itsell‘ to a relaxed and tranquil atmosphere. We want to create a certain amhiencc. (‘osy and intimate with a moonlight sparkle no matter what time you‘re there.‘
The ‘sparkle‘ will he generated through a highly sophisticated lighting system working in synch with the surrounding glass design. ‘()ne ol' the worst things ahotit going to a restaurant at night is that often you can't appreciate the yiew.’ says liord. ‘You look out the window and your reflection is staring hack at youf
He insists this won't he a prohlem. '\\'e‘\'e got special non-rellectiye glass ensuring that all our customers can enjoy wonderful l'ood as well as an exceptional \‘iew.'
The decor. similarly. reeks of
Nancy .\'icks chic. "l’he llooring dictates the two yery distinct elements.’ he says. "l‘here’ll he marhle on the retail side and woodhlock in the restaurant and hrasserie. We want a natural feel to contrast with the hard l'eatures ol the glass.‘
And while the menu is still unconlirmed. l‘ord is quick to rehttke my concerns of an all style. no content mentality. ‘lt’s the qtiality ol the food and service that‘s going to make it special.‘ he concludes. ‘linyironment is one thing hut ultimately it‘s the lood and the service that really matter: that‘s the real challenge.‘
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Side dishes
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I THE BOLLYWOOD THEME sweeping Edinburgh has not been lost on the food and drink world. The Leith branch of Suruchi restaurant in Constitution Street is hosting its own Botlywood food festival this month.
Suruchi will serve a variety of Bombay street foods, snacks that represent the many regions of India and main courses that reflect the diversity of cuisine the Indian film capital. Owner Herman Rodrigues says that discounts will go to diners who dress in something traditional to the sub- continent (so get those saris and Nehru jackets out) and those guests willing to stretch authenticity further by eating without cutlery receive additional savings on the price of a meal.
Hotel in Haymarket will launch a second Outlet of Metro Cafe Bar and Brasserie on 1 August. It replaces what was once Tabu and according to Apex ‘forrns part of the ongoing redesign and rebranding of Apex hotels‘. Metro will be open noon to 2.30pm and 6 to 10pm daily.
I REPUBLIC BIER HALLE will open a second bar on Glasgow’s Southside next month. In Kilmarnock Road (assuming the former premises of an old working man's pub, The Snug), the Republic will offer its trademark selection of 100 odd European lagers in chilled glasses, as well as a recently launched selection of sausages specially made by a Bavarian expert. Owner Colin Barr is also looking to bring the Republic to Edinburgh on Wctoria Road where Byzantium cafe once traded.
I AND FtNALLY. CONGRATULATtONS to Andrew Fairlie (below). chef and owner of Andrew Fairlie at Gleneagles. This month he received a prestigious Catey Award in London as ‘best newcomer' in the UK. Of course. he is not really new. having served as head chef at One Devonshire Gardens in Glasgow befOre launching his own Perthshire restaurant last year in May.
"" Trish: .‘