Exhibitions are listed alphabetically by city and category, then alphabetically by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


l‘) Parnie Street. 552 777‘). Mon Sat noon- 5pm.

The Scottish Show t'ntil Mon 2‘) Jul. An exhibition of' Scottish paintings by new and regular exhibitors including landscapes by Jatnes .\lac.-\ulay and David Marshall and a selection of small landscapes priced under £100.

Wilson Mitchell ['ntil Mon 2‘) Jill. .A new suite of quirky stttdies of' people by Wilson Mitchell and figurative works by Lee Robertson.

The Bigger Picture l'ntil Mon 2‘) Jul. A selection of‘ large-scale paintings by some of' the gallery’s layourite painters.

Director’s Choice l'ntil Mon 2‘) Jul. .\'ew paintings by Tim (‘ockburn on a dancing theme.


185a Bath Street. 222 2830. Tue Sat lllam 5.30pm.

The Glasgow Group l'ntil Hi It) Jul. Art exhibition of' work by the (ilasgow (iroup featuring (iregor Smith. Attda Paterson. Tom McKendrick arid liy‘eleen Wright. Summer Show Sttn 2| Jul Hi 23 Aug. Paintings by Various artists including Donald Macleod. Ken 'l’aylor. Keyin Hunter and Matteo Boato. NEW SHOW.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART I34 Blythswood Slr'eel. . 32 4027.

Mon l-‘ri 9.30am 5.30pm: Sat

10am - 1 pm.

Ten Years On L'ntil Wed 3] Jul. The gallery celebrates its tenth birthday with three floors of work by almost all of the artists and designers who hayc eyer shown there.

Amy Cushing and James Griffin l'ntil Wed 3] Jul. 'l‘wo small solo shows of work by glassmaker Amy ('ushing and jewellery by James (irif'fin.


36 West (ieorge Street. 332 555 l. Mon-Sat lllam 5.30pm; Sttn noon—5pm.

Mixed Exhibition A selection of paintings by local artists.

Sand and Sea t'ntil Wed 3t Jul. Paintings by John l.owrie Morrison. Duncan Palmer. Lawrence ('oulson. Rueben (‘olley and Wendy McBride.

In our regular column, a team of mystery artists give their thoughts on the current an scene.


If the National Galleries of Scotland were put into the Big Brother house. the National on the MOund w0u|d unquestionably be on the rich side. the Portrait Gallery reliant on votes and the Gallery of Modern Art stuck firmly on the poor side. The three galleries receive a purchase grant from the Scottish ExeCutive which is


l'niy'ersity of Strathclyde. 22 Richmond Street. 548 2558. Mon l’ri lilarn 5pm; Sat noon 4pm.

Foiled: Mary MacLean t'ntil Sal ll) Aug. Widely exhibiting in the l'ls' and liurope. Mary .\lacl.ean presents an exhibition of to large-scale sin er gelatin photoworks on aluminium inspired by Vacated domestic interiors. See r'ey'icw and llillisl.


I73 West Regent Street. 22l (i370.

.\lon Sat lflam 5.30pm.

New Generation Show l'ntil wed 7 Atig. A selection of work by graduates from the four Scottish art colleges. Sce re\*icw.


3| (‘hisholm Street. lentrance through salonl. 552 7100. Mon Wed. liri tk Sat lll.3(latn 5.3(lpm1'l‘hu 10.30am 7pm. Majority Rules! t'ntil Sat 27 Jul. A two- part exhibition itt which the audience decide what gets shown in the gallery. l’rotn a slide show of oy er 3()() artworks by artists from 26 countries. \‘islltlrs Vote for their top fiye pieces which w ill be shown in ()ct.


i 7 T227 ' ¥53§§§1fi¥§¢3 6"7‘125'3”. ""37, ,' '“ ' "I .2 (937:: m. '12. ’1' . , . fig A 5.1:... Inc. )i ~ A i“ 2 7’ M} til [a .- " .' 24513.jpg at Q. 5. _~

then ‘shared' among the institutions. well in theory at least.

However. if recent history is anything to go by. when Sir Timothy Clifford wants something - three pert burns. a heavily restored Botticelli or some new medals that ‘sharing. caring' ideal goes Out of the window. leaving the others with little or no purchasing power. a point more than illustrated by the Modern Art gallery's latest offering New.

New is a selection of works made by British artists since 1990 which have been acquired by the gallery. with the exception of Tony Cragg's piece which is over 12 years old. and ‘old' is how this show looks and feels. The entrance to the exhibition is a clutter of prints published by the Paragon Press which amount to no more than a collection of autographs by just about anybody connected with the YBA house. Artists books are displayed like trophies in museum cases and self-conscious British attempts at the much hyped 908 fashion 'neurotic realist' also make an appearance.

Hirst. Borland. Wearing. Freud. Davie. etc all feature in the exhibition but what comes up time and again as you wander through IS how often the work purchased seems lightweight. I know big brother has been in charge of the purse strings. but I can't help 3 feeling that it w0ttld have been better to buy less and concentrate on quality rather than to put on display such a lack of purchasing power.

GALLERY OF MODERN ART Queen Street. 22‘) 19%. Mon 'l‘hu & Sat lllant 5pm: l-‘ri ix Sttn l lam 5pm. David Mach: Hell Bent t'ntil Sun 29 Sep. Hie-born I)a\'id Mach. creator of. Big Hr'lt/s. the tltrec huge steel heads on the MS. returns to Scotland with a major show of new and recent works. A spacetnan tttade front coat hangers. sculptures constructed entirely from tnatchsticks. collage works created from dottated photographs artd in the liarth (iallery. an installation made tip from 50 tonnes of The Hem/(l new spaper and burnt-out cars. Jigar - Films by Alia Syed t'ntil Sttn 8 Sep. British Asian artist Alia Syed's first tnajor solo gallery features a significant body of work ntade over the last I5 years. The featured four films explore social concerts and issues of" representation. looking at the Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities of liast London. Her work has been show at Tate Modern. the National liilm 'l‘heatre. the l('.-\ and international film f'estiyals and forms part of a touring exhibition. nuArts Discussion Sat 20 Jul.

.\'oon 4pm. A chance for goth and skater kids who congregate around the gallery

to yoice their opinions about their lives and ltow they are perceived by the public. The video footage \\ ill be Used itt conjunction with colour portraiture to form the basis of an exhibition later in the year which will explore the group’s attachment to the gallery. See The Front.


HS West Regent Street. 221 3005. Mon Sat 9.30am 5.30pm.

First of the Summer Wine t'ntil Wed 3] Jul. Draw tags and paintings with a summer flay'our including works by liardley. l’ergusson. l’eploe. Annie l-‘rcnch. Jack Knox. James Paterson and many others.


(’af‘e (’osmo. 12 Rose Street. 332 (i535. .\Ion Sat ll).3()am 9pm.

St Paul’s Primary Exhibition l'ntil Wed 3] Jul. Stills by pupils from St Paul's Primary who took part in a (il’l‘ animation project which explored the experiences of' childrett of' asylum seekers living in the local community.


22 & 25 King Street. 552 0704.

Tue Sat Illatn 5.30pm.

Will Maw: Modern Dreams t'ntil Sat 2() Jul. liy'et'yday images are Used to comment on urban life in this exhibition of new screcnprints by (ilasgow-based artist Will Maw. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

Nicola Murray: the Anatomy of Absence l'ntil Sat 2() Jul. Anatomy r’fxl/Mt'llt't’ is a series of prints deyeloped Using a dissection kit and a photo-polymer intaglio techniqtrc. Norman Sutton Hibbert: No Bigger Picture t'ntil Sat 20 Jul. Woodcut prints.

QChristine Borland and Claire Barclay Hi 20 Jul Sat 14 Sep. The Turner Pri/e nominee ('hristine Borland and (‘laire Barclay show a series of' prints and drawings exploring issues relating to natural history. Tanuja Rane l-‘ri 2r» Jul Sat l4 Sep. (’olour etchings made in (ilasgow and India.


(it'ound l’loor. Princes Square. Buchanan Street. 221 Slo2. .\lon Sat lllam (ipm; Sttn llatn 5pm.

New Artists A \‘aried selection of work by up-and-coming artists featuring sculpture. textile design. photography. paintings and jewellery.

GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART The Mackintosh (iallery. lb7 Renf’rew Street. 353 4500. .\lon l'ri Illam 5pm: Sat lllam noon.

Degree Show Selection l'ntil Hi In Aug. A selection of work drawn from the School of line Art 2002 degree show featuring paintings. sculpture. \‘ideo installation and photography.

Glasgow Print Studio Gallery

re 26 July l4 September 2002

Galleries | &|| Dragon Doll Christine Borland & Claire Barclay Gallery Ill Tanuja Rane

New Works

22/25 King Street. Glasgow Gl SQP Open:Tues - Sat: l0am-S.30pm t: 0|4| 552 0704 w:www.gpsart.co.uk

(Lilli Ken I’riv'a ,‘iass

WW compass gallery

A selettton frorn the .1 Stotttsh Art Sthool [)eqree Shows Also at the Pentagon Business (entre

Small works by over sixty invited artists, tntludtnq llelert llotkhart, l’htltp Reeves, lesley flanks, Altrsa llyslop, John Houston, lit/abeth Blatkadtler, (iareth

Sponsored by Stolwork Neqottattnq Skills N “TN “b

I78 West Regent Street Glasgow (:2 JRI. Scotlaan monday saturday lilam 5.30pm fax: (ll-ll 248 1322 e-m: gerberm compassgallery.l'sbusittess.co.tik

tel: (ll-ll 22] 6370

Until 7th August The New Generation Show

\‘lashtnqton Street 10th August-28 August Cabinet Paintings

Reid, Neil .‘.latl’lterson arid James .‘.ltl)onald

30th August - 24 September Peter ihomson Solo Exhibition

98 THE LIST 8 Jill l Air; I/‘Tl’l?