Music folk & world listings

Folk 8. world continued


I Ceilidh Dance Rl\L‘l‘\itlL‘ (‘lulx l-‘ox Street. 348 3 H4 8pm. to. Mtixic from the .l;tltle\ ('outtx’ (’eilidh Band.


I Lanarkshire Songwriters in Concert ('roxx KL‘}\ Inn. Queen Street. lllhl).\ 35‘)33h. 8.30pm. Stoncltottxe liolk ('luh \lltt\\c;t\t‘ some ol‘ l.anark\hire\ hext \ottgut'tliltg talent.

Glasgow I Ceilidh Dance Rl\L‘l'\ltlL‘ (‘lulx liox Street. 348 3 I44. 8pm. Ur. Sec l'ri l3.


I Black Cat Bone Nil QllL‘clt Street. 0.30pm. l’ree. l’otir-piece old time} .v\mericana. iug hand music attd hluex \\ ith tea chest ham. mandolin and harmonica. I Kantaro l-.l Barrio. \Yextpot't. 22‘) .\.\ll5. lllpm. £5 it‘4t. l.atin dance \tttllltl\. I Ceilidhs at the Caley (‘aletlonian Brewer}. Slatel‘ord Road. ()3 Silhh.

7pm lam. to l [5 i. the music trom Last lt'attt [tic:\tlL‘l1L‘ll\ltllgglL‘.


I Borders Night Wee Folk (‘luh Rina] ()ak. lnlirmar} Street. 557 397h. 8.30pm. L3 liordct' pipc\ and Border ballads.


I The Lucky Bags Stirling l-‘olk ('Iuh. 'lct't’actN Hotel. 4 Mel\ lllL‘ 'lcrracc. (“730 473MB. hpm. £5 i£4t. l'cmale tour-piece

\\ ho hlend mo\ ing \tlt‘itlx \\ ith ('eltic harp. guitar and hodhran.

Tuesday 1 6


I Rhumba Caliente lil Barrio. \chtport. 33‘) 8805. lllpnt. £3 t£3i.Sc'\c‘tt- strong hand pla} Incl} .v\i‘ro ('uhan. .\'e\\ York \ttl\il and ja/I.

Wednesday 1 7


I Tift Merritt 'l'ron 'l‘heatre. 'l‘rongate. 553 43(t7. 8pm. L'h'. Big-\oiccd singer and respected countr} guitar pla_\er \\ ho recentl} supported R}an Adams on tour.


0 Malinky Iidinhurgh l-‘olk (‘ltih (‘aharet Bar. the I’leaxancc. 050 334‘). 3pm. to t£5i. li\-Battletield Band singer/song- writer Karine l’olmrrt and Irish hm plater l.eo Mc('ann are too ol the talents iii the group pla} ing tlte last lil‘(’ gig hel‘ore tlte summer break.


I Session l)unl'et'mline l-‘olk ('luh. 'l‘ltixtle 'l‘a\ern. Baldridgehurn. (H.383 73%73. 8.30pm. l‘ree.

Thursday 18


'3 Dar Williams St .'\lltll'L‘\\ ‘\ ln lhe Square. ()l't' Saltmarket. St .-\ttdt'c\\ '\ Street. 353 Silllll. 8pm. till. ()ne ol tlte lincxt [’8 songwriters. the )otmg .\'e\\ linglander returnx \\ ith her hilarious tales atid takes oit lite attd manners. She's here promoting a neu album. The (il't’t’ll Room

I Songwriters’ Competition lllc Star ('lult. Rherxide ('luh. l‘o\ Street. 50‘) 7387. 7.30pm. to 4 Hi. Next \ong\ \houcaw.

nyos The National Youth Orchestra of Scotland Summer Concerts 19-26 July 2002

Conductor Nicolae Moldoveanu

Soloist Andreas Boyde

Gordon McPherson South

(World Premiere of N YOS/RSGS Commission)

Schumann Piano Concerto

Stravinsky Petrouchka

' 19 July Pickaquoy Centre, Orkney

concert sponsored by £4- BANK OF SCOTLAND

21 July

Eden Court Theatre, lnverness

22 July

Glasgow Royal Concert Hall

Photograph Andy Buchanan

70 THE LIST 7- '

£8-16 (conc £2-8) 0141 353 8000

23 July Westmorland Hall, Kendal 24 July

Symphony Hall, Birmingham

26 July

Concertgebouw, Amsterdam

Ticket prices start at £2 concerts start 7.30pm

Scottish Arts Council


Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Classical listings compiled by Kelly Apter.

Thursday 4


I Mendelsson on Mull Festival \tlt‘ittth Yenttcx. 335 8333. Uhc. A week- long series til~ rccitalx. L‘Uttccl'h ttttd open rehearsals.

Tobermory I Mendelsson on Mull Festival Various Venues. 335 833. L‘thc. See 'l‘hu


I The Organist Entertains :\rt (iallet') and Muxeum. Kchingroxc. .r\rg_\ le Street. 387 3(r‘)‘). 33” 3pm & 3.30 4pm. l-‘ree. Hear the \otmd ol' the lamotix organ at this monthl} concert.


OMelissa Forshaw and Robert Melling ‘l‘he Huh. (‘axtlehill Rotal Mile. 473 3000. 7.3() lllptn. L'lo. Dinner concert lcaturiitg a \elcction of chamber music perl'ormed h} this \iolin arid piano duo. Ticket price includes too-course meal and complitnentar} glit\\ ol' \\ inc. Bookings oit ()l3l 473 3007.


I Magdalen Green Band Concerts Magdalen (ireen. Magdalen Yard Road. (H333 433647. 3 3pm. Free. lax} Sunda) at'ternoon music courte\_\‘ ol' local hraxx hand\ and a local dance orchestra and quintet.


I Organ Recital St Mar} \ l);ll'i\lt (’httrclt. 'l‘he Sidegate. l)|(r3l) 333738. 3pm. l‘ree. l)a\ id llatnilton pcrl'ormx \\Ut‘l\\ h} Melcltior Schildt. Bti\tehudc and \lttllilth \Vcckmann.

Monday 8


QParagon Ensemble with an Evening of Order and Disorder Dundee ('ontemporar} .‘\l‘l\. I53 \ethergate. (H383 ‘)()‘)‘)l)tl. (rpm & 8.30pm. £8 (UH. Set ngtttllxl Simon Starling'x installation. a ttnique pro- gramme ol‘ music l‘rom contctnporar) composers h} the Paragon linxemhle including \\ttt'l\\ h} l’hilip (il:l\\ and John ('age.

Wednesday 1 O


I East Meets West RUIllLN litlllx. Rttllle Square. (H593 ()l l l()l. 7.30pm.

93 Ill tt‘h’i. 'l‘he liaxt l-‘il‘e Male Voice ('hoit' are joined it} the Sum oi ()rphcttx ('ltoit' trout ‘l'ucxon. Ari/otta tor a charit)

Balls, pants, jugs and beavers? Scenes straight from a Soho shop front or the latest _ contemporary art exhibi- tion at t e Lighthouse? Susannah Thompson, see Art, page 94

Melissa Forshaw and Robert Melling Stunning young Scottish violinist on her first public date since returning home last month as a graduate of New York's famous Julliard school. Music. then good food and wine. followed by more music. add tip to a rather nice night out. Cafe Hub.

* Edinburgh. Sat 6 Jul.

Monteverdi Choir These early-music stars will sound superb with St Mary's spacious acoustics. Founded in Cambridge in 1964 by Sir John Eliot Gardiner. the singers may have changed over the years. but he remains at the helm as artistic director. St Mary '3 Church. Haddington. Wed 17 Jul.

: Paragon Ensemble Djungel is the name of the astonishing installation by Simon Starling that Paragon's latest programme is set against. Trace the patterns of music by John Cage. Philip Glass and Schoenberg and make up your own mind if they represent order or disorder. Dundee COIllt-BIIUXJI'JN'y Arts. Mon 8 Jul.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra with the Scottish Borders Community Orchestra \\'_\lltl 'l'heatre. Buccleuch Street. (MSW) 833854. 7.30pm. £3.50. :\ classical collaboration pla_\ ing \\'ttt'l\\ h} Bach. .lanacek and Berger.


I Sunday Promenade Organ Concerts .v\rt (killer) aitd .\ill\L‘lllll. Keh ingrme. .-\rg_\ Ic Street. 337 300‘). 3.30 3pm & 3.30 4pm. l-‘rce. l-"ortnighth organ concert gi\en h} local musicians.


I Magdalen Green Band Concerts Magdalen (ireen. Magdalen Yard Road. (H.383 433047. 3 3pm. Free. See Sun 7.

Wednesday 1 7


O Monteverdi Choir St Mar} \ l’arixh (lunch. The Sidcgate. 01030 333.738. 8pm. [l3 (£5 L'llll. With con- dttctor .lohn liliot (iardiner at the helm. the acclaiitted choir perform a mi\ed programme. including \\t)l'l\\ h} ’l’merncr. (iihhonx and \Yeelkex.