The dates listed below are for one-off or ticketed shows; see below section for free residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Jazz listings compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.
I Fionna Duncan Vocal Workshops Raiiishorn Theatre. 98 Ingram Street. 553 3489. £100 £l50. A live—day intensive training course devised by the renowned Scottish vocalist. ('ontact (‘athie Rate for more itifortiiation on 0l()30 301000.
I Pauline Copeland and Ronnie Findlay l’riiices Square. 48 Buchanan Street. 33] 0334. 13.30pm. Iii'ee. JaI/ vocalist (‘opeland joins forces with keyboardist I’indlay.
I The Glasgow Bay: Buchanan (iallei'ics. Buchanan Street. 333 9898. lpm. liree. I)oo Wop vocal quartet.
I David Berkman Quartet and Chris Potter Quartet The ()ld l-‘ruitmarket. Albion Street. 387 55l l. 7.30pm. £ l4 (£l3). ('onteiiiporai'y ja/x from New York pianist Berkman will) imaginative sax stylings from I’otter. I’url oftiluxerni' Jar: I'i'ylii'ul.
I Kent Duchaine The Star (’lub. Riverside ('lub. liox Street. 509 7387. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). A night of hard driving blues from the steel guitar maestro.
I Lynne O’Neill Trio ()K(). 68 Ingram Street. 573 I500. 8pm. Bra/.ilian tunes with the odd ja// standard.
I Lorna Brown Quartet Loop. ()4 Ingram Street. 573 I473. 8pm. This jal/ foursome. featuring guitar. bass and drums. is fronted by on-the-up saxophonist Brown.
I Nick Kaboev ('afe ('ossachok. Russian ('ultural (‘entre. l0 King Street. 553 0733. 8.30pm. I’ree. The Russian pianist/composer presents his oyy it take on jaz/ tunes for piano.
I Nikki King with Marcus Ford Millennium Hotel. (ieorge Square. 333 (i7l I. 8.30pm. Jan vocals from King backed by the guitar stylings of liord. I Kudu Mc(’huill's. 40 Iliin Street. . 3 I35. 9pm. Iiree. llot ja// and blues. I Sylvia Rae Quartet Tron Theatre. ()3 Trongate. 553 4367. 9.30pm. £6 (£4). Vocalist Sylvia Rae (who also makes tip one third of indie popsters The Lanterns) isjoined by Brian Kellock (piano). Kenny lillis (bass) and John Rae (drums). l’uri of (Havering/r15.“ limit) (1/.
I Poindexter Blacklriars. 36 Bell Street. 553 5934. l()piii. (iuitarist ('harles Reilly leads tliisja/l group.
I Ruth Lambert Duo Corinthian. l9l Ingram Street. 553 I l()l. l()piii. 'I‘wosome fronted by new ja// vocalist Lambert. \y ho sings in the Julie London style.
I Paul Harrison Trio Millennium Ilotel. (ieorge Square. 333 (171 I. l().3()pm. Modern jal/ from keyboardist Ilarrisoi).
w ho is already making major waves in ja// circles. Ilc isjoined by bassist Mario ('aribe and drummer l’addy Iilaherty.
I Brian Shiels Trio Henry \ Jaz/ ('ellai‘. 8 Morrison Street. 407 5300. 8.30pm. £5. Debut performance from the bassist's new trio supplying surprising takes on jail standards.
I El Cometa All-Stars The Beat Ja/I Basement. I (‘hambers Street. 078l I 375374. 9pm. £3 £3 (free before l()pm). Iidinburgh‘s finest I.atin-ja// exponents. made UP from members of Salsa ('eltica. the Iiast ('oast Ja/I Project and l‘reshly Squee/ed. bear dim n w ill) heavy urban Latin rhythms. lidinburgh's favourite Vene/uelan singer. ('arlos I’ena. provides the vocals.
I Collectively Speaking The Bridge Ja// Bar. 83 South Bridge. 478 35l0. 9pm. I-ree. American drummer I’atil Mills is now based right here in Scotland. and brings in a line-up of top local players in a
Nikki King plays at the Millennium Hotel, Glasgow, Thu 4 & Fri 5 Jul
funky. jazzy. I'SA party style for this Independence Day special.
I Clyde Quartet Silver 'l‘assie. Almada Street. 8pm. Free. Straight tip
jazz with special guests at the Ilamilton
Ja/J. (Tub.
I Fionna Duncan Vocal Workshops Ramshorn Theatre. 98 Ingram Street. 553 3489. £100 £l50. See Thu 4.
I James Cairney Duo I’rinces Square. 48 Buchanan Street. 33] 0334. 13.30pm. I‘ree. Young piano duo.
I Allon Beauvoisin and Brian Molley Buchanan (ialleries. Buchanan Street. 333 9898. lpm. I‘ree. Ja/ly stuff from this young saxophone dtio.
I Alania Princes Square. 48 Buchanan Street. 33l 0334. 6pm. liree. l’emale Russian vocal jazz quartet backed on iano and electric organ.
Joshua Redman Elastic Band The Old I‘i'uitmarket. Albion Street. 387 551 l. 7.30pm. £l(i (£ l4). Tenor saxman Redman invests his cool ja/l sounds with hip hop and ftmk influences. backed by Sam Yahel on organ and (ireg Ilutchinson on drums. l’uri ottilusgmr Jar: l‘t’.\'lfi‘(l/. I Nikki King with Marcus Ford Millennium IIoteI. George Square. 333 ()7l 1. 8.30pm. See Thu 4.
I Andy Mitchell and Graeme Scott Duo ('in Inn. l‘innieston Quay. 337 l0l0. 9pm. £l(i.50 (inc dinner). Jan. guitar duo.
I Deek McGhee and Blusicians Mc(‘huill's. 40 Iliin Street. 553 3l35. 9pm. l'l'CC. llot blues action.
I Four Bar 9|. 9| (‘andleriggs 553 53l I. 9pm. l‘ree. Jan-funk I'tision from this contemporary outfit. which features the talents of guitarist Morph. pianist Stuart (‘onaghan bassist lid Macfarlane and drummer Jim I)rummond.
I Alan Wylie Quintet Blackfriars. 36 Bell Street. 553 5934. l()piii. liree. llard- edged jal/ from trumpeter Wylie.
I Cachaito The Old I’ruitmarket. Albion Street. 387 55] I. l().3()pm. £16 (£l4). l-‘ormer bassist with the Buena Vista Social (‘lub unveils his new direction teaming tip with Miguel ‘Anga’ Dial and French hip Iiop pioneer DJ I)ee Nasty. I’url ()ffr‘lili'grui' .Irlf.” l'i'xlii'ul.
I Paul Harrison Trio Millennium Ilotel. (ieorge Square. 333671 I. l().3()pm. See Thu 4.
I Rumba Caliente lIenry‘s Jalz (‘ellaiz 8 Morrison Street. 467 5300. Midnight. £5. New six-piece band lead by Salsa (‘eltica trumpeter Toby Shippey. providing the finest in hot raunchy Latin sounds.
I Ruben’s Exotic Ranch Henry‘s Ja/z ('ellar. 8 Morrison Street. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £5. Iliin energy ja// from this ('anadian trio headed by guitarist Jamie Ruben.
I Like Minded Souls The Beat Jal/ Basement. l ('hambers Street. 078] I 375374. 9pm. £3 £4 (free before l0pm). Latest signings to IT] Bukem's (‘ookin' label mixing tip liveja/l and intelligent drum & bass.
I The BackBeat Band The Bridge Ja/I Bar. 83 South Bridge. 478 35 I0. 9pm. I-‘ree. Four-piece electric ja/l night featuring the best in local talent.
I Kent Duchaine \y'y-nd 'l‘heatre. Bticcleticli Street. 0I89o 833854. 8pm. £8 (£6). Sec Thu 4.
Saturday 6
I Fionna Duncan Vocal Workshops Ramshorn Theatre. 98 Ingram Street. 553 3489. £100 £l50. See Thu 4.
jazz listings Music
5:11: Joshua Redman’s Elastic Band Saxman Joshua Redman‘s (pictured) new trio with Sam Yahel (Hammond) and Brian Blade (drums). Confusingly. they have just issued an album as a collective group named Yaya3. but are now touring under Josh's more bankable moniker. and will release another disc as that in September. Whatever the name. they should launch the last weekend of the jazz festival in style. Old Fruilmarkei. Glasgow, Fri 5 Jul.
Rebecca Malope Gospel is usually a popular draw. and this South African singing star should come up with the goods with her band. Pure Magic. She became famous after winning a national competition in South Africa in 1987. and has gone on to make an international reputation. Old Fruitmarkel. Glasgow. Sat 6 Jul; To/bootl). Stirling. Sun .7 Jul. Smiling School An intriguing new project featuring keyboard player Steve Hamilton. poet and guitarist Don Paterson. and saxophonist Tim Garland. All three are well—regarded in UK jazz. and their music promises to bring together their diverse interests in European jazz. dance music. classical music and folk. Howden Park Centre. Livingston. Fri 72 Jul.
I Alania, Graeme Scott Trio, Bobby Wishart Quartet, Chris Clark and Masquenada (‘ity Inn. I-‘innieston Quay. 337 Hill). .\'oon 8pm. £l9.95 (children £9.95). All day jau regatta at the (My Inn. with a host of ja/I acts and a buffet included.
I Dave Wilson and the Uptown Shufflers Buchanan (ialleries. Buchanan Street. 333 9898. lpm. liree. An tip-tempo selection of trad. Dixieland and .s\\ ing ja/I. inspired by ja/l‘s roots in America's deep .solltll.
I East and West ll (‘af‘e (‘ossaehuk Rtissian (‘ultural ('entre. l0 King Street. 5530733. 3pm. £5 (£3). Rtissian vocal ja/l quartet Alania perform w ith guitarist .\'igel (‘lark and multi-instrumenta|ist ()leg l’onomarev.
I Linton Kwesi Johnson Tron Theatre. ()3 ’I‘i‘ongate. 553 4307. 4pm.
£ l0 (£8). .-\lternative perspectives on modern Britain from the world's first reggae poet. l’url ufti/uxgmt' ./u:;‘ l'i'xii'i‘ul.
I Haftor Medboe and Andy Mitchell ()K(). ()8 Ingram Street. 573 I500. 4pm. I-‘ree. 'I'alented guitar duo.
‘8 .l.. .‘t‘o.’ THE LIST 65