Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale
Ali Zaoua ( 15) .0. (Nabil Ay'och. France/Mtirocco/l'unisia. 2000) Said 'l'aghmaoui. .Mtiiiii Kliab. l00min. Btmuel's superior 1.0.x ()lriilut/m updated to the streets of ('asablanca with In Maine star 'Iaghmaoui. l-‘ilmhouse. lidinburgli: (El-T. (ilasgow. Annie Hall f l5) O'CCC (\Voody Allen. L'S. l‘l77i Woody Allen. Diane Keaton. Tony Roberts. 93min. Two decades before Set and the ('in~ had its first orgasm. Annie Hall was laying bare the mores of modern. urban romance to deyastating effect while also zoning in on the specific psyche of Allen Konigsberg: anti-Semitic paranoia. metaphysical angst. the search for true love. There's a highly charged on-screen electricity between Allen and Keaton. glorious \‘isltts of the old New York atid hilarious set pieces Alyy' fighting with lobsters. the scene of his childhood home below the rollercoaster and a stream of one-liners to end them all: ‘don't knock masturbation; it's sex with someone i low.‘ The) really don't make ‘em like Annie Hall anymore. (irosyenor. Glasgow.
0 Atanariuat - the Fast Runner ( IS) 0.... (Zacharias Ktiiitik. ('anada. 300] t Natar l'ngalaq. liugene lpkarnak. Peter llenry Arnatsiaq. 172mm. This remarkable singular beautiful film is the first to be entirely in the Inuit language. It is quite simply as pure and perfect a piece of narratiye cinema as you are ever likely to see today. When an unknown shaman puts an ex il spell on a group of nomadic lnuit's liy'ing off the (‘anadian Arctic it takes twenty years before two brothers emerge to challenge the ey'il order. Director Kunuk never lets the stunning scenery oyer- power the many minute dramas being acted otit by a mostly non-professional. though impressiye cast. l-Tll ('inema. lialkirk. Baise-Moi (Rape Me) ( 18)..
(Virginie l)espentes and ('oralie Trinh Thi. France. 2002) Raffaela Anderson. Karen Bach. 87min. Based on a (toycl by l)espentes. liaise- .)Ini depicts the sex-and—killing spree of two nihilistic young women. rape y'ictim Manu (Anderson) and prostitute Nadine (Bach). Blending real sex Anderson and Bach come from professional hardcore backgrounds -- and deliberately stylised y iolence. liaise-Moi constantly references other mos ies. whilst being aware of its own shortcomings. ('rudely' shot on digital \ ideo. and accompanied by a thrash metal soundtrack. it lacks aesthetic finesse and intellectual rigour. but its raw anarchic energy is undeniable. (‘ineworld l-"alkirk.
The Band Wagon (l’(i) COO.
(Vincente Minnelli. l‘S. I053) Fred Astaire. ('yd (‘harisse. Jack Buchannan. l l lililll. ()ne of the great Minnelli musicals. Buchannan is a highbrow producer who wants to turn Astaire‘s comeback into an arthouse take on I-kiiist.
Falkirk Town Hall
Thu 20th June Atanarjuat, the Fast Runner (15)
7'00pm Sun 23rd June Bully (18) 5:00pm In the Bedroom (15) 7:30pm
Thur 27th June
Kate & Leopold (12) CUPPA at 77 for 71:30am, <9 at 7:30pm
Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office
(Tel: 01324 506850)
or on the day from the hall
30 THE LIST ’20 Jun :1 Jul 20f)?
Some fantastic lloward Diet/[Arthur Schwart/ numbers and Astaire and ('harisse take the opportunity to show off with an array of different datice styles. (irosyenor. (ilasgow. Behind the Sun ( 12) 0000 (Walter Sallcs. Bra/il. 3002) Rodrigo Santoro, Jose Dumont. lilay ia Marco Antonio. l05min. In a remote north-eastern proy ince in Brazil circa l‘ll0. a deadly feud is being waged between two neighbouring families. Tonho (Santoro). the middle son of an impoy'crislted sugar-cane farmer ( Dumont ). is asked by his father to ayenge the killing of his elder brother. A terrified Tonho ftilfils his filial duty. btit the cycle of Violence resumes. ('ony incingly acted and impressively shot. Behind the Sun incorporates symbolic elements w itliiii the framework of an emotionally engaging storyline. It may draw on an array of sources. not least (ireek tragedy and the American Western. and yet in a world scarred by
atay islic conflicts. the film's contemporary resonance is considerable. l‘ilinhouse. lidinburgh.
Best in Show ( ll) .00. ((‘hrisiopher (itiest. l'S. 2001 t (‘lit'istopher (itiest. l’arkei‘ l’oscy. Michael \lc‘KL‘dtt. ‘Jllltllll. Directed. to- written by and starring ('hristopher (iuest (better known as Nigel Tufnel the rock guitarist w hose amp goes tip to cleyen in This is Spinal 'Iiipt. Hm! in Show adheres to the spoof documentary format of fill). The largely improy ised action rcy‘olyes around a bunch of dog-loy ing oddballs who dream of their canines w inning the prestigious Mayflower Dog Show. lies! in Show is hilarious because it plays the humour straight. No pause for laughter. this is comedy without the punchline. and it's definitely the better for it. \\'y iid 'l‘heatre. Melrose.
Betty Fisher and Other Stories (Betty Fisher et autres histoires) ( (xi ((‘Iaude Miller. l-‘rance. 200] ) Sandrine Kiberlain. Nicole (iarcia. Mathilde Seigner. l00min. Miller's psychological thriller takes tis through a strange story inyoly ing the collision of the liyes of two women and the unexpected arriyal of an estranged mother. Part of the l-‘rench l‘ilm l‘estiyal. l‘ilmhotise. lidinburgh.
The Breakfast Club ( (St 0.. Hughes. l'S. l‘lSS) limilio listeyel. Ally Sheedy. Judd Nelson. .Molly Ringwald. Wmin. The filtn that helped launch the Brat l’ack. which ain't a compliment. l-‘iye American teenagers punk. swot. nut case. etc spend a Saturday afternoon in school detention. where they go through a tribal bonding esperience while spewing all manner of teen angst it's all my parents fault and other old chestnuts. (ii‘osy'enor. (ilasgow.
Brief Encounter ( P( if 00. (hand l.ean. l‘K. 1945) ('elia Johnson. Treyor lloward. Stanley Holloway. Somin. Stiff upper lips and emotionally charged brushes of the hands are all that Johnson and Howard w ill allow thctnselyes as their estra-marital 'affait" doesn't deyclop much beyond unspoken longings at a railway station. lior some. the tears w ill still flow; for others. the unforgiy ing morality is exasperating. (iiyen the rigidity of this linglish romance. the Rachmaninoy soundtrack is tiiifittiiigly sweet. ()deon. lidinburgh.
Bully ( IS) 0... (Larry ('lark. 1S. 3003) Nick Stalil. Brad Renfro. Rachel Miner.
l 12min. If you can get past tltc fact that (‘lai'k is the biggest pacdoy'oy eur working today then there is lots to enjoy in the new mos ie from the director of Kids. Bully is based on the true story of Bobby Kent who was murdered in l‘lorida in I‘M.i by a group of teenagers led by his best friend Marty l’uccio. As yoti would expect from this legendary photographer. Bill/t looks great and is naturalistically paced and acted. No one catches seedy suburban teenage nihilism better than ( lark. l-‘l'll (inertia. l'alkii'k.
Calamity Jane it» 0000 (Day id Butler. l'S. WSM Doris Day. Howard Keel. Allyn Mcl.erie. (iale Robbins. l0] min. \Vhen lltc Deadwood stage comes on o\ er the ltlll bringing the wrong Adelaide Adams to the town's music hall. ('alamity 's in trouble again. and Wild Bill Hickok ain‘t too happy eittier. Bouncy musical with good songs. great laughs and an engagingly energetic performance from Day as the btickskinncd tomboy. (irosyenoi'. (ilasgow.
The Cameraman (f’( i) 0000 (tittw ard Sedgew ick. l‘S. I‘llb't Buster Keaton. Marceline Day. llarry (iribbon. S0min. A struggling photographertakes the job of a new sreel cameraman and unespectedly becomes a hero in one of his films. Some lacklustre clowning in the early stages soon makes way for moments of comic mastery. (iros\enor. (ilasgow.
0 Carry on Camping (Poi ((ierald 'l‘homas. l'K. ION): Sidney James. Kenneth Williams. Barbara Windsor. S’S’miu. ()ooh-er. Let me giye you a hand to get tip your tent pole. etc. etc. liyei'yone's trying to get into M ei‘yottc elsc's sleeping bag in [his classic outing for the tisual team. ()ne of the best. with a mild smattering of nudity. (irosy'enor. (ilasgow.
Carry on Doctorit'i ((iei'ald Thomas. (K.
1%.") Kenneth Williams. Sid James. Joan Sims. Kenneth ('onnor. et al. 05min. Hospital farce oyct'llow ing with innuendo and rather naughty puns the kind of comedy where a jab with a syringe is only a little prick. (irosyenor. (ilasgow.
C9 La Ceremonie: a Judgement in Stone ( l5) 0... ((‘laudc ('ltabt'ol. l‘rance. NUS) Sandrine Bonnaii'e. lsabelle lluppert. Jacqueline Bisset. l l lmin. Ati illiter- ate maid begins work at a posh btit isolated home in rural fiance and begins a strange relationship with the obsessiye local postal clerk. (‘habrol‘s masterly adaptation of Ruth Rendell's noy el is like a reworked Ili'urt'nly' (‘rt'unm'x meeting a thinking—man's 'I'lir- lltllltl Ill/Jill Ritt'kt'tf l/It' (Tilt/[(2 l'lllttlltttlsc. lidinburgh.
Class Trip (La Classe De Neige) ( IS: 0.... ((‘laude Miller. l‘i'ance. l‘l‘lfs’i ('lement Van Den Bergh. l‘rancois Roy. 07min. Young Nicolas is giy en to morbid thoughts. a product of suffocating and possessiye parents and of too many nights poring o\ er accidents on the TV new s. During a therapeutic school trip itito the mountains his outsider status confirmed. a ftirther e\cuse for Nicolas to remain inside his head. Miller's moy ie. a finely etched portrait of angst which intei'nalises the usual rite of passage. creates a stunningly L'yocallyc and scltslllu' ttltttosphct‘t‘. l-‘ilmhouse. lidinburgh.
Comment i’ai tue mon pere ( t5)
.0. (Anne l‘ontaine. l‘rance/Spain. 200l ) (‘hai'les Berling. Natasha Regniei'. Amira Kasar. ‘lb’min. The life of Jean-[tic (Berling I. a successful Versailles gerontologist with a beautiful young wife lsa (chniei't and a loyal mistress (Kasari. is disrupted by the sudden reappearance of his sey enty -soiiiething father Maurice (Michel liotiqtlcl f. \\ lit) decades earlier had walked out on his family to become a doctor in Africa. Ayoiding simplistic psychological ‘esplanations' for its characters' actions. the film scrutini/es the father-son conflict with icy assurance. and climases in art emotional confrontation of \enomous intensity. l’ilmliouse. lidinburgh.
Comment J’ai tu mon pere - Oedipus and the man
The Commitments ( (5» (Alan Parker. l'K. l‘)‘)l J Robert Arkins. Michael Aherne. Angeline Ball. Maria Doyle. llh’min. Sod [‘3 when would-be manager Jimmy Rabbitte (Arkinst puts together The (‘ommitiiients soul comes to Dublin and the band become the force to really ptit Irish music on the map. Alan Parker deliyers a hilarious. dow n-to- earth. close—to-home tttoy ie. stuffed ftill of good music and with some releyant social comment to boot. (irosyenor. (ilasgow. Crossroads (l’(ii C. (Tamra Day is. 1S. 2002) Britney Spears. Kim (‘attralL Dan Aykroyd. ‘l-lmin. lt's yery difficult to rey iew (‘roxtrmnls as it's not a normal film. btit simply another part of the Britney Spears World Domination Plan. And. disappointingly. this is not the turkey we secretly hoped for. Britney doesn't act so much as pretend to be someone she‘s not she's btiilt her career on if. and has bccotne \ei'y good. Yes. this is cheesy and completely lacking in originality. l‘lll tlten This is (t teen moy ie. ll. you go to see this filtii. you're not coming for the film. but for an extra large dose of Britney. And that‘s esactly what you'll get. ()deon ('ity ('entre. (ilttsgow. Crush ( l5) .0 (John McKay. (K. 2000) Andie McDow ell. liiielda Statinton. Anne ('hancellor. l IZmin. Dreary pre- menopausal drama about three female friends who behaye badly in a wry nice middle class way. They take young liners and e\periment with jaded Set (int! [he (in scenarios. A yawn from start to finish. Staunton howey er lends a bit of class to her bookisli cliche of a character. l'(i(' Rt‘lllTL‘“ Street. (iltlsgoys. The Dam Busterstt't 000 (Michael Anderson. l'K. I‘JS-lt Michael Redgra\ e. Richard Todd. l'rsula Jeans. ll-lmin. \Vhat ho? Bouncing bombs away boy s. Mtich parodied btit still litigely enjoyable tribute to Barnes Wallace and Wing ('orporal (iuy (iibson. (lie two men w ho may hay e helped turn \\'\\'2 around by destroying itiipoi'tant Ruhr dams. A mi\ of gross sentimentality and the British stiff upper lip. A film say much of its time. (irosyenor. (ilasgow. Dancing at the Blue Iguana ( (s. .0 (Michael Radford. l'S. 2002i Daryl Hannah. Sheila Kelley. Jennifer Tilly. Sandra Oh l23min..-\ piece of highly unproyiscd film-- making from director Michael Radford ( [US-J i. ll] \\ lllc‘ll lllL' c‘;t\l tlt‘\ L‘lUPCtl lllt‘lt' own characters without the safety -net of a traditional script. The Blue lgtiaiia is a San l'ernando strip joint. Angel (llannahi is attempting to become a foster-mother. Stormy (Kelley ) has to face tip to a figure from her past. Jo (Tilly I is struggling with an unplanned pregnancy. Jasmine (()hi doesn't want her new boy friend to know about her work and newcomer Jesse (Ay annat has to contend with a physically abusiye partner. This is a dreary. tttiittyoly ing esperience in which casting choices f'llll counter to the mood of purported gi'ittiness. the superfluous sub‘plots only