Edinburgh life

Wendy McMurdo and the Roslin Institute Commission National Portrait Gallery. 1 Queen Street. (r24 (r2()(). l2.-l5hm. l'ree. .'\rtist and writer Niek} Bird talks abotrt photographer \Vend} .\Ie.\lurdo’s eommission. Martin Fowler Artist’s Talk 'l‘albot Riee (ialler'y. I'niversit) ttl‘ lidinburgh. South Bridge. 650 221 l. 1pm. liree. Martin l‘ow Ier talks abotit his exhibition. His/r You Were Here. Artists’ Talk: Natural History I‘ruitmarket Gallery. 45 Market Street. 225 2383. 7-9pm. l-‘ree. Andrew Patrizio is in eom‘ersation with Stefan (iee whose seulptures deal with issues of migration and displacement.


The Open University in Scotland \Vaterstone‘s. (ieorge Street. 226 385 l.

5 7.30pm. liree. Information and ad\ iee on eourses and qualitieations ot‘t'ered b) the ()l '. There are o\‘el' 4()() eourses on otter and stall are on hand to answer questions.


City Art Centre 2 Market Street Edinburgh

Advance Tickets 0131 228 1 1 55

For further details 'call 0131 529 3993 wWw.cac.org.uk

Exhibition sponsor

TheRoyalBank otScotIand

Museum Of Childhood 1.


«aid. Morr—

,ar: »-.>;,\'tt. 8.x


Adult Workshop ('it} .-\rt ('entre. 2 Market Street. 52‘) 3903. ltlam 4pm. liree with exhibition tieket. ;\d\anee booking required. in )our hand at making eelestial headgear inspired b) the .-\rl ()I'Slur llirrs e\hibition. Creative Writing Workshops ('ameron llouse. ('ameron llouse Avenue. l’t'estonlield. ()(37 37(32.

1 lam lpm. .\'o\elist. sereenwriter

and journalist .\'iek Smith hosts writing workshops eoneentrating on working methods and developing .stot'ies.

Other events

Big Word Performance

Poetry (iilded Saloon. 233 (‘owgate. 226 (i550. 9pm. £4 (£3). liurious

poetie eabaret with seabrotis slam ehatnp 'l‘im 'I‘urnbull. rh} thmieal aee

Longtaee. Rodney Relax arid 'I‘rae} l’atriek. Anita (iman and .lem Rolls eompere.

\ , 5'69 {go‘so 0°“ . c)" 6‘ x, ° so \“ «0 OK


erase-4's: farral', ticket S‘Tt’ioflw. Sill"‘.l".§} lift;- as a

~17 lltrt‘ Street. :329 9-1? "v<)()."r-Z";t)ll‘; 'lt.(:- tittl‘. covrttrr‘, al>l1t>yztite l/lf," Sat 172a!“ 55;;"3 "latH -?’,~i;"‘. "he. palace has evolved Into a " I l'..r it i ' lit-27",. Dex/my: s;<;'<:., fr; 3H:- 5;.rrr‘pttioos regal

"(t ' r t t.." ’i‘) "into", and lwtagit: of {tastrltérteo (Zf'tttt‘tllt‘tl UT of :1 it; it t '21», " ( S':<;‘.la"<l_ ‘f"<; lair (lint; th’t‘lliltlttfl arrl artofatzts ""w ' attt:‘a<:tt; r:o"t;t!rtf; t 1r:tltorr‘atrcall. (lélillltl tract. irrrr‘arrl‘, to

'I ‘o';' ,',".-l':"‘o<;'l gir'a'trtmir;xl1tl).t'r;ttf;. Ila: Nth (Ittl‘iilil‘y

'."",.l<;" fl‘t: anus. i run no. "r; ‘rt/t‘ [;t(: lllSltfl). Royal Botanic Garden 5:.' li’lt.‘:tif,iifLTt/£i TU'H'N; it"‘r;tr<i" tlw:|:=<lti%;t!a: ll“.t?tl(3ll,’lll()'.'/, {my l'l/l. til/IX t, ’;'.';!t:. t‘ttflu'f lit;.’(, ..t!::"_ 1:. f"r« "";-f;€:ll't Dart, E) ittfii'r‘ [not l '(L'tf.

tum“, l“:":°.’r‘;t:ft’.l tigr,. Astraotttgtttrrtlllltt', Ir‘ tilt} ,“/' (It'll'l’) v Palace Of lllll)l)til)()illltfflli‘jh llltl‘ 'r:""' 'a"»’:. Holyroodhouse Hotarae (ittliltrll 1:; ltorr‘t:

Museum Of Scotland

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100 THE LIST .' ,,'

53/,ng Mm, 5.5,

lla'l, trainer

1 l ritti. ‘Ltrr'h S‘t}.?~.()

To a ‘.'.’(3£tllll of flora iltlf‘.‘ £1t<>tltl<lill(:ttl()l)(3.

Friday 28 Talks Buildings in the Background: Dutch Ecclesiastical National (killer) of Seotland. 'l‘he .\lound. (r24 (r200. l2.-l5pnt. l‘ree. .v\le\ander Stttrgis from the National (killers in l.ondon gi\es a talk.

Other events

Badger Watch ('let‘ntiston Road .\'orth (‘ar Park. oll' Queenslerr} Road. 4-17 71-15. S~ltlpm. liree. l-‘ind out more about these interesting and ClllsiVL‘ ereatures on a guided walk.

Saturday 29


Edinburgh Grand Prix International Track Meeting Meadowbank Sports ('entr‘e. l2“) London Road. 537 3527. l lam. l'it'ee. The world‘s top e} elists eompete tor the last time before the ('ontmonwealth (iames. in this. Seotland's premier e}eling e\ent. See pre\ iew.

Other events

St Stephen Street Market/Party Day St Stephen‘s Street. lllam (1pm. l‘ree. ('onie and join the part} with a New ()rleans-st} le niarehing band and entertainers. stalls and a botnre} eastle. .\ seleetion of bands w ill be pla} ing in loeal pubs all atternoon as part ol' the Stoeklest .\Itisie 'l‘rail.

Study Day on Richard Wagner’s Siegfried The Hub. (‘astleltill ls’t>_\al Mile. 473 2()()(). lllant 4pm. £25 l£2lll. .-\ stud) da) to enhanee _\otlt' understanding of Wagner's opera. bel'ore Seottish ()[k‘l'il‘s prentiere til the l't‘sti\;tl. Introduction to Batik Rtwal Botanie (iarden. lmerleith Row. 552 7171. ltlant 3.30pm. £5“. ’l‘ransl'ornt images ot‘ the garden into a design using this Indonesian teehnique.

Home Herbalism Rtwal liotanie (iarden. lnxerleith Row. 552 7 l ."l

ltlam 5.30pm. £30 per da}. See Sat 22.


Edinburgh Grand Prix International Track Meeting Meadow bank Sports ('entre. 13‘) l.ottdott Road. 337 S527. llaltt. l'll'ee. See Sat 2‘). See pl'L‘\ iew.

Other events

Introduction to Batik Rtwal Botanie (iarden. lmerleith Row. 552 717]. Want 3.30pm. [50. See Sat 2‘). Home Herbalism Rosal Botanie (iarden. lm'et'leitlt Row. 552 7 l 7 l. ltlam 3.30pm. £30 per da}. See Sat 22.

Book events

Quintin Jardine Assembl} Rooms. 54 (ieorge Street. 220-1340. (Litlpnl. £3. The popular author signs eopies and discusses his latest work. sluloemplrx m I/lt' Ruin.

Boasting a Rock Gard-:2”

and ten glasshollstzs plants from the i€}ll‘t)t?l£l'.-:3 aer l!(>l>l(i£t' pa"f:; of {Mt}

‘.'.'<)tl(t. the S tr: gtlsl‘ tics; a year l()ll't(t ivogyanaw: o? merits and exhibitions at;

'\.'.'(:ll at; gttikltxl torus r". Ila.


A Purgatory Before the Paradise of National Collections National (ialler_\ ol‘ \ltttlel'lt .'\l'l. liellttl'tl Road. (t2-sl (12th). l2.sl5pin. lit'ee. l(i_\ntnasiunrl. (irll lledle} lroni the (‘ontenrporars .-\rt Soeiet} gi\ es a talk.

Other events

Guided Tours of Scotland’s National Botanic Garden t'ntil 4 .ltll. Ro}al llotanie (iarden. lmerleith Row. 552 7|"l. llatn 1230th t&

2 3.30pm. £5 (£2.5lll. 'l‘he lllsttil'} til. Seotland’s national botanie garden and its plants and people is re\ea|ed on this guided walk.


The Paradise Garden Carpet Project Ro}al \lttseunt. 2 (‘hatnbers Street. 247 42 l‘). 2 4pm. l’ree. two giant lL‘\lllL' [tlL‘et‘s L‘L‘lel‘l‘allltg lllL‘ et‘llltlt'les- old lslarnie l’aradise (iarden earpets are on show. ('onre along to the drop in workshops to add )our own ‘garden design.

Other events

Stella Screen Cinebar ()\}gt'tt Bar tk (irill. 3 5 lnlirntar} Street. 55“ 00‘)“. Spin. l’ree. See 'l‘ue 25. tonight‘s \L'l't‘eltillg‘ ls Writ/r.

Wednesday 3

Book events

The Potter Phenomenon: from Beatrix to Harry National liln'ar} ()t' Seotland. (ieorge l\' Bridge. 22o l5.i I. 5pm. l‘ree. ladtlor and publisher l)a\ id l'iekling and eolleetor l)r Selw } ll (ioodaere diseuss the promotion and marketing ol elrildren‘s books.


Collecting Contemporary Art in the 19th Century: Part I National Portrait (ialler). 1 Queen Street. 021 (t2tltl. l2.-l5pm. l-ree. 'llte lirst in a two part talk on eolleeting art in the l‘llh eentur} b} l‘ranees l~'ow le.

Other events

The Paradise Garden Carpet Project ls’twal \ltrsetnu. 2 (‘Itanrbers Street. 2le 'l2l‘). 2 ~lplll. l'l‘L‘L‘. See 'l'tle

Thursday 4


Janice Galloway l’ruitrnarket (ittllL‘l'). 4.5 \lal'ket Street. 22.< 2535. ."pnr. l'ree. .laniee (iallowa_\ reads lronr her new book (lam. based on the lite ol pianist ('lara Seltttniann. wile ot Robert Seltuntann. SL‘C Books seetion littl’

t'e\ iew.


The Paradise Garden Carpet Project lx’o}al Museum. 2 (’Itambers Street. 24" 42W. 2 4pm. l’ree. See 'l'tie

t;tl-".‘rtt(?'. of Childhood Royal Museum g,_ H , i)(Litatr‘lmrsStreet. .grwswpy , ,

til/“Si. Mo.“ 8le fit. M. 5:- (

ttlarr‘ 5mm Stilt “Jam”

.".()()ll oint‘; lot.- H... {rug . .. . ttlart‘ Z'itHl‘. l ltrtt. A lE‘tf" scotch Whisky

(:trrtttltfi, ll‘ltSti'llll‘ lrotlta'ri Heritage centre .. witorrratrorral<::>'lo;‘t:o":;vl QM“... . -