We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Glasgow life listings compiled by Jane Hamilton.
Dame Janet Baker Theatre Royal. 282 Ilope Street. 332 9000. 1pm. £4.50 (£3). Bakerjoins Hem/d arts writer. .Michael Tttmelty as she discusses her life and work including her time with Scottish ()[N’IYL Open University at Waterstone’s \\'ziterstoite‘s. 153 157 Sattchiehall Street. 332 9105. 5—b‘pm. Free. A chance to chat to ()L' staff and find ottt more abottt the cottrses attd qualifications they have to offer.
Seeing Voices Bishoploch Residents Hall. 15Auchingill Road. 7pm. Free. 427 7842. Directed by Fringe First winner Deborah Andrews and produced by Solar Bear. Seeing than is a multifaceted performance piece exploring the theme of belonging and the issue of communication. Based on the New Penguin Bonk omenixlt 1273? each performance is preceded by a Touch Tour. particularly sttitable for blind and yisually impaired people. and followed by an infortnal discussion also led by the Centre for Sensory Itnpaired People.
Anti-Nazi League Rally Ramada Jaryis Ilotel. lngratn Street. 7.30pm. Free. A public rally to challenge fascism. See panel
Seeing Voices lbros Library. 1 1 Midlock Street. 427 5831. 3pm. Free. See Thu 6.
Stories we Have to Tell Tron Theatre. 63 Trongate. 552 4267.
9.30am 5pm. £20. A one-day seminar on Danish Theatre frotn children and young people. chaired by Tony Reekie. director of
Why is it only in EastEnders that everyone goes 'up West' for a night out or a spot of retail therapy? Glasgow's West End certainly has enough shops. restaurants and bars to accommodate any resident of Albert Square. but it also has more to offer for sixteen event filled days in June.
The West End Festival is now in its seventh year and. Since the demise of Maytest. is the only general arts festival in the Clly. It features walks around the area led by painters. historians and architects. talks abOut
Imaginate. To register. contact the Danish Cttltttral Institttte. 0131 225 7189. Navigation in Summer Tiso (ilasgow ()utdoor Experience. 50 Cottper Street. Townhead. 559 5450. 7—9pm. £38. An introduction to the ‘micro‘ navigation techniques on Friday night with a full day‘s coaching on the mountains on the Saturday. liyerything you will need to know to find your way in the hills.
Other events
Faslane Peace Camp 20th Birthday Party L'tttil 15.1un. Faslane Peace Catnp. Shattdon. nr Helensburgh. 01436 820901. Faslane Peace Catnp commemorates 20 years' opposition to nuclear weapons with a week of action. workshops and celebration. Volunteers Week (ilasgow Royal Concert Ilall. 2 Sauchichall Street. 0800 015151 I. llatn 3.30pm. Free. Join iii the yolunteers parade front (ieorge Square to the Concert Ilall to launch Volunteers Week 2002. Afterwards you will be able to browse the stalls and visit the workshops rttn by yolttntary organisations.
Saturday 8
Book events
Poetry in the Park 't‘ollcross Park. \Vellshot Road. 556 4554. 1 3pm. Free. A chance to read or listen to some poetry and music.
Navigation in Summer Tlso (ilasgow ()titdoor lixperience. 50 Cottper Street. 'I'ownhead. 559 5450. 7 9pm. £38. See Fri 7.
Seeing Voices Tron Theatre. ()3 'I‘rongate. 552 4267. 8pm. Free. See Thu 6. Volunteers Conference (ilasgow Royal Concert Hall. 2 Saucltieltall Street. 0131 220 4466. 9.30am 4.30pm. £12. For those inyolyed in yoluntary organisations and local authority arts. this is a chance to hear what is happening arottttd the arts and yolunteering. Speakers include Mike Watson. the Minister for Cttlture. Arts and Sport and (ieorge Thomson. Chief lixecutiye of Volunteer Dexelopment Scotland.
photOgraphy. art and the local area and readings by authors and poets such as Nanzie McLeod. Hamish Whyte and Jim McGonigal. There are galas. craft fairs and fun days as well as the ever popular Cyclefest and a Japanese Matsuri day.
The Cyclefest takes place on Sunday 16 June in Kelvingrove Park and starts at 9.30am with cycle rides from areas such as Paisley. MilngaVie. Clydebank. Scotst0un and Queen's Park all arrivmg in Kelvungrove at l lam for the OlllClal opening of the festival. There Will be races for all ages. beginners training. cycle tours. SpeCial Olympic races and a cycle parade to finish off the day. ‘It is a very popular event for families and this year we hope to get 1000 wshors.‘ says DaVid Marsh of the Scottish Cycling Development Proiect. He says the Cyclefest not only promotes the fun side of cycling but also encourages the use of bikes for enVironinental reasons' as well as givmg adVice on routes and getting back in the saddle.
If you prefer something a bit more laid back. the Japanese Matsuri event on Sunday 23 June lets you try yOur hand at making an origami kaki or try on a traditional Japanese kimono. To liven things up there will be Taiko drumming from Psycho Taiko. Japanese sweets and second hand books. (Jane Hamilton)
“ glasgow©list.co.uk
Ramada Jarvis Hotel, Ingram Street, 7.30pm, Fri 7 June
The election of three far right British National Party councillors in Burnley in the recent English local elections has sent shock waves through the British body politic. For many it proved that Britain is not immune from the cancer of fascism which has recently made gains in France and the Netherlands.
For the Anti Nazi League it is time to mobilise to prevent the BNP turning its localised gains into a national growth.
The BNP recently announced its
Glasgow life
intention to stand in next year’s elections to the Scottish Parliament. The ANL has declared its intention to prevent them from making a
The ANL argues that the BNP’s politics are those of Adolf Hitler and that it should not be given a platform in the media and public politics as if it was a legitimate democratic party. The ANL points out that BNP leader Nick Griffin believes in an ‘all white Britain’ and that his chief lieutenant Tony Lecomber has criminal convictions for a nail bomb attack and a serious assault against a Jewish teacher. Numerous other leading BNP members have convictions for fascist hate crimes.
In order to give a focus to the fight against the Nazis here in Scotland the ANL is holding a public rally in Glasgow on the eve of its Scottish conference in Edinburgh. Speakers will include anti-Nazi campaigners from France, the Netherlands and Burnley, Julie Waterson and Charlotte Ahmed of the ANL, anti-racist campaigner Aamer Anwar and representatives of the SNP and the Scottish Socialist Party. (Mark Brown)
Other events
2002 Walter Scott 8: Partners Edinburgh-Glasgow Boat Race *Riyer Clyde. 0131 650 2253. Members of(}|asgow and Iidinburgh l'niycrsity boat clttbs compete in this historic race. The 2.5km race begins at the Cowen Bend and spectators can yiew the finish from the bridge on (ilasgow (ireen. Meet Your Neighbour St Mango Mttseum of Religious Life And Art. 2 Castle Street. 55.3 2557. 10am. Free. (ilasgoys ’s annual inter-faith festiyal with arts and crafts. meditation. dance workshops. an exhibition and a music concert.
Bearsden and Milngavie Highland Games Btii-nhrae. Milngayie. 942 5177. 10am 5pm. £4 (£1 ) accompanied children free. A traditional Ilighland games with pipe bands. tttg o‘ war. athletics. heayy eyents. children's actiyities and Highland dancing.
Faslane Fair The Pier Car Park. West Clyde Street. Helensbttrgh. 01436 674321. I 1.30am. A family fair contributed to by all the armed forces and featuring air and water displays. marching bands. raffles. tombolas. kiddies” fairgrottnd rides and a beer tent.
Scottish Claymores v Berlin Thunder llampdcn Park. the National Stadium. I.etherby Driye. 0500 353535. 3pm. £l2(£4l £ 16(£b’l. The Clay mores’ final home game of the .\'FI. Iittropean League campaign.
Other events
Meet Your Neighbour St Mango Mtiseum of Religious Life And Art. 2 (‘itslle Street. 55.3 .2557. me. Free. See Sat 3.
Temples of the Dead Neei-iipolis. High Street. 10am. Free. Join the Countryside Rangers at (ilasgoys ‘s greatest Victorian cemetery and explore the architecture. history and w ildlifc. Meet at the Necropolis entrance. Partick Police Office Open Day Partick Police Office. 60‘) ()1 l Dttmbarton Road. Partick. 532 3500.
l lattt 2.30pm. Free. Take a wander
round the local police office while the kids yisit Penguin Pete and the bouncy castle.
Monday 1 O .
Book events
Valerie Thornton 'I‘empleton Business Centre. 5564554. 3 5pm. Free. Writer Valerie 'I‘ltornton joins Suryiyors' Poetry for this workshop titled Delusions of(irandcur.
Jimmie Macgregor Theatre Royal. 282 Hope Street. 3329000. 6pm. £4.50 (£3 1. The musician and radio presenter giyes an illustrated lectttre on his extensiye trayels.
Studio Visit CCA. 350 Sauchichall Street. 352 4900. 6.30 8.30pm. £30 (£15). (CCA 4). A talk and tour round (ilasgow‘s Independent Studios and Project Room led by sltldio resident Katie lixley.
Other events
Stella Screen Oinebar Blackfriars. 36 Bell Street. 552 5924. 9pm. Free. Stella bring cinema to the pub. screening classic films in a rela\ed and familiar enyironment. Tonight's screening is ./('.\'1(.\’ ' Suit.
Wednesday 1 2
Other events
Big Word Performance Poetry Nicc'n'Slea/y. 431 Sauchichall Street. 333 (1900. 9pm. £4 (£31. Sayagely funny slam champ Tim 'I‘urnbull. Michael .\lc(ii||. one-liner ttettylst Racltel Dury and political polcinicist Tom \Vhite lead the charge at this hyperactiye poetic cabaret.
Medical Matters Bttrrell Collection. 2060 Pollokshaws Road. 287 2550. 11.30am. Free. Dr Keir Fisher on the Btu'rell's medical artefacts.
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