Clubs listings
Edinburgh Fridays continued
I EVOI at thc Liquid Room.
10.30pm 3am. £5. \Vcckly. lidinhurgh‘s longest running indic night (tcn consccutiyc ycars. with no holiday s and tio sickicst. proyiding an cwr rcliahlc mix of the best currcnt and classic alternatiyc. crossoycr tuncs. It's an institution alrcady and with the rcccnt addition of thc hack room. playing host to Mr & Mrs Mogwai. thc l'titurc looks like a happy place for all things liyol.
I Fiesta Fiesta at (iaia. llptn 3am. £4 (£2). \Vcckly. 1)] l-‘ahulo/ (Vihc. 2 l'rhant drops the ltthsI prcssings and jams from thc hot and jiggy worlds ol' hip hop and R&B.
I Finisternis at the l’lcasancc (‘aharct Bar. 9pm lam. £2 (£l l. 2] Jun. ’l'hc lightcr sidc ol goth (it such a thing truly cxistsi with a mix of dark ainhicnt. nco~ classical and cthcrcal tracks l'i'oin l’ctit Scarahcc. Dcccption Boy atid (ihost Dancer.
I The Fun at ligo. llpni 3am. £3. 3| Jun. Siininonc Black and .Morgan playing a tasty sclcction ol' hotisc and garagc.
I Funkey Magic at ('octcau l.oungc (downstairs at ligoi. l lpm 3am. £5 (lice to members). Monthly ncst datc 28 Jun. GFunkey Magic + 1 at thc \‘t-nuc. 10.30pm 3am. £8 (UN. 7 Jun. 'l‘hc l‘tinkcy Magic guy s pill on a brand new night with more ol‘ that dccp hotisc you loyc so much and special guest lain Macl’hcrson (l'iinky 'l‘ransport/Zl) 2t) Vision).
I GO-GO at (’octcau lounge (downstairs at ligoi. llpni 3am. £(i. 2| .lttn. Swinging (ills garagc (ot' the rock yaricty. sorry to disappoint any So Solid wannahcsi. soul. mod. Rtkli attd sIca/y listening l'roni thc rightcous 'l‘all Paul Robinson. Angus .\ (io-(io and Kaiscr (icorgc. lirank Murphy ('l’hc (ioodl‘ooti gucsts with inorc soul tor your soul.
I Impulse at (‘luh Jaya. 9pm 3am.
£6 £8. 2t Jun. Monthly. lniptilsc makc its mark on ('luh Jaya with a sclcction ol hard house atid stomping hcats trom residents Stu llirst. Hay and .\cil l)ayidson and spccial gticst l)arrcn ('hristian ('l‘hc (iallcry l.
I Lick Shot at Bongo (‘luh
7.30 ltlpm. £5. 2| Jun. Monthly. Hip hop. ragga and RxB tor thc kiddic winks (strictly undcr l8s only Ti hosch hy Brian Joncs. Nasty l’ atid the li\ c sty lings ol thc Scotland Yard .\l('s.
I Lube at the \cntic. “Lilli?!” 3am. £8 (£5 hct‘orc midnight: l'rcc lor incnihcrs and Joy/lastc/l.uycrly special tickct holders). 7 Jun. Monthly. The hcatcd scssion of hard. uplil‘ting housc and lilthy trancc rclocatcs to thc \t‘lltlt‘ to host its i'cgular monthly rcsidcncy. llcdonistic inayhcm cnsucs with (iail Scllars (.-\cctatci. llt'ctt King (Mingin' i and .\Ian Joy (Joy l iii a night of lurid ltthrication for body and mind. \Vith l’ctc ()wcn and Daysolari (Spanish llarlcnii with l'unky hcats and grooy cs in thc ('oolcr.
I Lush at ligo. lllfillpin 3am. £(i (£5i. Monthly ncxt datc 28 Jim.
I Majestica at thc \cnttc. lllpni 3am. £12. 21 Jun. Monthly. Down and dirty housc night l'caturing rcsidcnts and gucst l)ls l.ucicn lioort (Mclody l’aradisc l. Barry lanticson (l’luid Rccordingsi. Scan (‘tisick ('I‘wilol and Three (llalliicinationi across thrcc lloot‘s. (iay l'ricndly. straight l‘ricndly: gcncrally. just ll'icndly.
I The Mambo Club at Maniho (’luh. lllpm 3am. £5 (£4 l. \Vcckly. the highly rcspcctcd llll\ ol' rcggac. ragga. Rtkll. rap and hip hop contintics to he onc ot thc strongcst nights lor music ol hlack origin in town.
QManga at La Bcllc .\ttgclc.
10.30pm 3am. £l3 (£llli. l4 .ltin. Monthly. Manga w clcomcs the mighty (ioldic king of da junglc (and hc promiscs to turn tip this lllllt‘l. 0Modern Lovers at l-Lgo.
llpiii 3am. £4. 7 Jun. Monthly. .\
78 THE LIST t» I“
swinging lIll\ ol rarc soul. llatntnotid jal/ and l'rcakhcats galorc with gttcst D] John .\lclcan (the Beta Randi. l‘itl' this (/(I/(‘ HII/\ hi'th/‘t‘lll'l/ hit/i/t'l'y L‘('/ 1/ UN i/ooi' [H‘it‘t' ti// lug/ll hing. I Nuklear Puppy at lago. lllfillpm 3am. £ltl ( £‘)l. l4 .lnn. Monthly. llard housc night l'caturing lcshhdnslason(IUHC/tunlldnlhtuhtuhl sccing that it's their tirst hirthday thcy '\c in\ ich .\nnc Sayagc along to pelp (Ldtd‘tdlc. I Opal Lounge at ()pal loungc. lllptn .itllll. £5. \Vcckly. l’tinkcd tip \ocal holisc w itlt a smattering ol'disco t'roni Mikc 'lhornton. I Opium at ()piutn. Ill..illpiii 3am. l'rcc. \Vcckly. Scc lhti. GPillbox at Sttidio 24. lttfittpni 5am. £8 (£(ii. l4 .lllll. Shit. anothcr duality hadasslcclnhilngln dcctdcstttgtitun \\ltllc‘ still (tti lttti. silt. itiilt lltt‘ lttll ltlSIL'l ol' rcsidcttts (.l -l.oop. llwatsong. Morph. l‘tlthy Rich. lnsoniniak. l.aurcn ()rdcr and (‘aptain Kasai as thcy hid a loud latcwcll. But he warncd. 'as this is thc last night w c acccpt no rcsponsihility t'or anything] they say. I Planet Earth at (‘itrus (‘Iuh ltlfitlpni 3am. £5. \Vcckly. 'l'hc \aricd \ istial and musical delights ot thc "(ls and 8(ls. with sonic stt‘css laid on thc c\ploits ol' cai'ly .\tls clcctro artists. .\o smoking at Ulc‘litn'ltlc;tstfl I Roadblock at l’o \a .\‘a. llpitt 3am. £3. \Vcckly. .\ict'i l- stops thc trallic iii had music when shc digs up the hcst iii lunk. disco. housc atid hlot'k titcktn'lictds. I Salsa Con Sabor at lil Barrio. ‘lpni 3am. £4 (trcc hcloi'c llpnii. \Vcckly llot. hot. hot salsa and latin sounds troni l).l llcctor and \ano. Space Face at (‘octcau lotingc (downstairs at ligoi. llpiti .iani. £3. ll .lun. 'l‘hc c\ ('arholic l'i‘olic hoys .\ndy \Villiants and Scott l'cl'gtison .tl'c hack to cntcrtain tis with their ninhitahlc llll\ ol’ hip hop. hottsc. lunk and disco. .lolticd hy spccial gucst Hill llrcwstcr inllucntial Di and author ol Inst \ig/n’ (i /).l Sin ('t/ I)l\ li/t'. l'i'l' l/iis (Ill/l with it /,/\l't im/ lirt/i/i‘i‘s gr! 13 oil t/oor [int i' ii/iti/ tint/night. I Spectral at \\'t-c l\)t‘tl liar. llpiti .‘ani. £(i ( £51. 7 ill”. Monthly. Koyac joins thc rcsidcnts I l )ayc .\ndcrson and Phil Dicksoni lot a ltyc sct ot ta/l lcch and thc dccpcst tough. ttinky housc gi‘ooy cs. Surlct's can snoop w w w.spcctral.tirgtik tor tnorc lltltl. I Sublime at lloncy colltlt. Illitlpiii .iani. UN 1 £8i. 7 Jun. liortnightly. lhc tct'h trant'c night that liy cs up to its name w clcontcs trancc lcgcnd Mark .\|lcti (Rt-turn to thc Sourcc/l'ly tng ls’hinoi. rcnicnihci‘ to gct in quick as this is the sccond to last thlinic cycr ( linal party on ll .lun w ith .\lltiosi. lioo. I Trouble at the Blue Note at thc Bcat .la// liascnicnt 8pm iani. £3 £4 tl'rcc hclorc lllpnii. \‘st'ckly. ,\|l new improy iscd iax/ iani spoltsot‘cd hy thc lt‘g't'lltlttl'} lilllt‘ \ttlt' l\’t‘\‘ttt'tl\. lortnight w c ha\ c .\lonosapians l lornicrly l)cslatol llicrogly ph t’ct'oi‘ds tnastcrs ol tax/y hrcaks atid hcats (7 Jun i. \\ith a hip hop ia/x ltink sound clash as l'Sll takc on thc l).l skills ol llctna tk \it'c Il'i'cak Mowsi on ll .lnn. '\|so watch otit loi‘ l‘rcnch hip hop \t‘ll\tllltlll\ 'l 'l‘(' on 38 Jun. I Up! at Studio 3.4. It). itlpni iani. £8 (£"i. 7 Jun. Monthly. l’i'ogrcsstyc Iiotisc and trihal tiant‘c lroni rcsidcnt l).ls .\driati l)a\cnport and \l\‘ ( ‘aycndislt. why not come down atid wclt‘oinc thcin hack to tlicir old stomping ground. you know you want to play on their Itotincy casllc. I UTI presents: REDDER at Studio 34. llpiii ittlll. 7 .ltlll. .\lontlily. l‘ndcrgronnd tcchno night lcaturnig i'csidcnt l).ls Scniai. .lohnny ()h' and 'lorniod Mor plus gticsts 'l'w itch and .i
TI-IE JUNGLE BROTHERS Scratch at La Belle Angele, Edinburgh. Sat 8 Jun
I J...»
"n.4- -:.- Eur. fl." {3's .'.ere her". during the golden period of hip hop in the late
i"e:~ ttITtE'lZ o,” of the outilit: alongside aets Such as De La SOuI and 3»_.-:;~:;f. i'ttf'tt‘tZ-(l t'irongl‘ the high school friendship of Nathaniel
lit." E-‘iazg. Elm“ 'rlzi'. (\xl's’e S't‘al: and DJ Santn‘y B. the group honed their
i .s. .,.. t ,n. is,- in”.
I i l,,i ‘,I‘ IV‘ 8"7"/0P" /\:
«w‘ \, I\' 'I")//‘(" (‘ /\ ., '.,,,.. ,VXWW‘ ,.\,“.;,) (.(\I\,/\
scene. oetore bursting onto the rt‘ainstreani .‘ The Jungle ill t988.
t.’\’atu/'e. ‘-.'.’as their inaior laliel debut and
:s. it'Ol“ .'a//. soul. house and funk. along
T" It w: "ti-git) :2" same, es £t'l(l African heats. to n‘assit'e critical and
t‘{,' ifil :l'leiit)
..,.._ ,.,.. ,.‘.. ..',, ,\,.I,.,‘.., 3,... i' 1,.i il.l,\i\\,:lsi ...l(,.i.
t;.."‘:; to ';>.'.'-::-(t. out none has met ‘.'./|ill the success of the first .Jtteef ’l‘lt‘:.i:§l(}tlf. textuallg, -(:o.'i‘,i)lex sound was lost 5:“ T u- :,:::;t..' "(t o" it‘t‘: gangsta rappers who ruled the roost during
‘°"‘s-y-':\ "e't‘ar‘ a t'(}l‘()‘.'.tll(}(l ll‘.'(3 act. and ‘.'.’lll get the opportunity they headime Scratch. ‘The Jungle
got IY‘lC in the late 80s. so it means a lot to
""-’l see tr‘en‘ (lo the-tr st lit’.’ says Lyley. one of Scrateh's
.te were a! the Venue about three years
‘ea'lx, rocked :t and put on a brilliant show:
.--ot.t ‘.'.'1’.ll the Jungle Brothers Pikeiy to
'." '-_ 1'11." '..::’. t'1ts..:;ti;ii";i;> :tt:f;(?f$t3;‘.'(}8. 'You don't ham to be into hip " r; '. a: g::' t‘z"‘£t..f;t: 30.: [est i\ll()‘.’.' that you're going to have a good time' :;.:.:~i . 'V’ ‘:. t:-.> ""1: anything and stti' get off on them These guys are 'l . -,-.:-u".:::. .2.“ l ff;?‘f)t. .t' he a yen, spettlal night.‘ (Gregor Urquhart)
in c sct troni lzdinhurgh duo ('y tnhol itt support ol thcir dchut \ inyl t'clcasc thc lll/[llt'lltt l‘.l’.
I Velvet Chains at thc laughing Huck. 8pm 2am. £3 (£l ). 7 Jun. \cw
gothit‘ tht'tncd night ol’ ini\cd sc\ualitics.
.\o entry nnlcss suitath attired: StsM. lclisli. goth ctc (changing lacilitics .iyailalilcl.
I Work at [ago It). itlpni 3am. £8 (£0). 7 JUN. Monthly. l-tinky hotisc li'otn l’ctc ()wcn and lirct King.
I Zealous at Studio 24. Illultlpin .ittlll.
£1 £5. 3| .ltlll. Monthly. Scriotis nti |llt‘l;tl and l'ttt‘l's action with liyc acts l‘ar lioni ( )ttt atid .\lislcd Youth.
Chart 8 Party
I Canned Heat at (iaia. ltlpin .iani. £i t £31. \\cck|_\. l).l llarry lct's (io (lloonihov lays on the pop and particd- up Innk. disco and housc ttincs. l’lus l).l l‘;tl\tll(t/ upstairs iii thc lotittgc w itlt tlic latcsl ls’tkll. hip hop and ragga.
I Cyber Subway at siihway \Vcst land. "'ptn .iani. £-l t£| i. \Vcckly. .\n intci‘at'ttyc t‘lttli mpct‘icncc l'ot‘ thosc sad
puppies who tst rather than talk to pcoplc. \‘otc itt adyancc for thc drinks promotions and thc niusic policy onlinc or hy SMS or rise the ‘digital cyhcr stihway pollitig stations’ in thc \cntic on thc night. Still to
w w w .suhw ay w cstcndcotik l'oi' inorc into.
I Friday Funkin’ at thc .-\rk.
ltlpin 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckly. You'yc workcd hard. now strut your l'unky stutl likc thcrc's no tomorrow to Big l)a\c's party um.
I Hootin Annie at (’luh Jaya. 7 Jun only. Boys night otit spccial with dancing
Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh
See page 75 for details
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