We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Glasgow life listings compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Book events

Peter Stamm (ioctltc lnxtitut. 3 Park ('ii'cux. 332 2555. 7pm. l'i'cc. S“ ixx author l’ctci‘ Stamm I'L‘;ltl\ in (ict‘tttan and linglixh lrom hix itc‘c‘lttltllctl \llttl'l \lot'} .lg’llr'x.


Thanksgiving Service (ilil\:_‘tt\\ (‘athcdrak (’axllc Slrccl. 552 h’l‘m. l'rcc. llcr .\laic\l_\ lltc ()uccn and thc l)ukc ol' lidinhurgh attcnd a thankxgn ing \cr\ icc ax part ol lltc .lttlttlL‘L‘ l-L‘\ll\ lltcx


Graham Fagen 'l‘i‘anma}. 25 .v\|hcrt l)t‘l\t‘. 2N7 3‘)llll. (\plll. l'lL‘L‘. lllL‘ :tl'llxl talk\ about l]l\ \xork. l'ocuxing on rcccnt and currcnt proicctx.

The Hill House - Ten Years Of Change ()uccn’x ('roxx ('hurch. XV) (iarxcuhc Road. ‘Mo (moo. (i.3l)pm. L'5. l’ropcrt} managcr at thc llill llouxc. .v\nnc lillix marks hcr rctii‘cmcnt \\ ith a talk ahout thc changcx that ha\ c takcn placc at thc llouxc o\ cr tlic paxl dccadc. Macallan/Scotland On Sunday Masterclass Bordcrx Book\. 233 Buchanan Strch 222 Tallll. 7pm. l-i‘cc. (ilaxgou -ha\cd author (‘hrixtoplicr \\'lt'\lc lL‘;ttl\1lltttt\lL‘l'cl;t\\tlc\lgllctlit) hclp honc _\ottt' \kill\ in anticipation ol' this _\cai"\ compctition.

Other events

Open University \\'aim\ionc\. lit l5? Saucltichall Sll'L‘L‘l. lll5l 22h .335l t()pcn l‘ni\cr\it_\ l. 5 8pm. l'rcc. .v\n oppot‘ltlltii} to lind out morc ahout lltc dil'l'crcnt courxcx and qualilicationx on UllL‘l' .tl lllL' ().l '.

Other events

Are There Bats About? Strathcl'\dc (’ountr} Park. 300 Hamilton Road. lllo‘L‘ 2ool55. .\‘pm. l'rcc, l'ind otit morc ahout thcxc ll_\ ing mammals \\ ith thix c\cning \\alk. .\lcct at lltc Rangch ollicc at llic \\atcr\poi‘l\


Go For Gold - Walk A Mile For Health .lohn \Vright Sportx (‘cntrc. ('altlci'\\ootl lx’oad. l'.a\t Kilhridc. (H.355 23773l. \oon -lpm. Raiw monc} lor charil} \xhilxt ha\ ing lun \\ itli thc \pttlhttl'L‘tl \xalkx. lacc painting. hounc) caxtlc and niorc at llll\ .luhilcc c\cnt.

Other events

The Great Scottish Bike Show Sli( ‘( '. l‘innicxton Qua), 087“ (Ml) .lllllll. lllam 5.3(lpm. £5.50 £7 (£3 Hi. l)l\[)l;t} \ ol' ltlttlttl'c'}L‘lL‘\ [tlth lUl\ ol- l'amil} -oricntcd cnlcrtainmcnl. Scc photo caption and compctition.

Books At The Botanics (il;l\gti\\ Botanic (iardcnx. 73H (ircal \chtci'n Road. 33-1 2422. lllani 4.30pm. l‘rcc. Pick up a lilcrar} ltargain al thix hook markct.

Open Weekend (ilaxgon Botanic (ittl'LlL‘lh. 23H (ii'cal \chtcl‘n Road. 334 2422. llam ~lpm. l‘rcc. :\n oppol‘ltlttll} to \ icxx lltc National Bcgonia (’ollcction. Becoming Cinema: Michael Snow’s Wavelength (‘('.\. 35(l Sanchichall Strcct. 352 49ml. 1 lam (rpm. LN (to). l('('.'\ -li. 'lhix x} nipoxium c\aminc\ a kc} lilm l'rom thc carcci' ol' \licliacl Snoxi and \\ ill includc a rarc \crccning ol' thc lilni. Spcakcrx includc .lohu (’alcutt. Roh (ianthrop and .\lichacl ()‘l’ray

Medieval Camp lilll't‘L‘ll ('ollcclion. 2(lhll l’ollokxhanx Road. 28." 255i). \oon 4pm. l‘i‘cc. (‘ari'ick Nlll) tranxlorm lhc groundx ol' thc Btu‘rcll iiilo a nicdic\al camp lcalui'ing lilill'L|llCL‘\. \\ illi tlt‘llitllhll'ulltilh ol’ archci'}. comhat and lcatltct'uorking.

Blooming Lovely 'l‘ollcrow l’at'k. 25~-lh \Vclhliot Road. "()3 l.\'(»3. l.3llpm. l‘rcc. llclp thc (’ountr} \idc Ranch hrightcn up thc park h) planting

\\ ildl'loucrx to crcatc a \\ ildl'loncr ltlt‘atltm.

Book events

The Land That God Forgot Si \lat'). '\ (‘athcdrak 3llll (ircal \chtcrn Road. 33" 23(i2. 7.30pm. l-rcc. .\uthoi' .\lcg (iutllchaud launchcx hci' \\oi'k. l’art ttl /(’r(\l.


Pedal The Parks liL‘ll\ Bridgc. (‘ongrcxx Road. lllam. l‘i‘cc. linio} a da) \ c}cling through tltc parkx ol (ilaxgon including Bcllahouxlon l’ark. l’ollok l’ark. ()uccnx Park and .\la\\\cll l’ai‘k. hclorc linixhiug al lhc Strauhcrr} Social.

Scottish Claymores v Amsterdam Admirals llamptlt-n l’ark. 'l'hc National Stadium. l.cthcrh} l)ri\c. ll5lltl 353535. 3pm. {l2 L'lo lLIl L'Ni. lltc ('la_\ inot‘c\ pla} lltlxl to thc Dutch .'\Inci'ican l'oothall titanx.

Other events

The Great Scottish Bike Show Sl‘.( '( 3. l'llllllL‘\lt)ll ()tla}. ()qu) (Hi) -l()()(). Illam 5.3llpm. L55” L5 tL'3 t-li. Scc photo caption.

Books At The Botanics (ilawtm Botanic (iardcnx “3H ( ii'cat \chtci‘n Road. 33-12-122. lllam ~l,3llpm. l‘rcc. Scc Sat 25. Open Weekend (ilaxgtm Botanic (iardcnx. "3H (ircal \chtcrn Road. 331 2122. llam -lpm. l‘rcc. Scc Sat 25.

Burrell Collection " '."-: ~2l"' =~' v v f'fafi‘f ’t‘wi l: l' .. l' 'i ' Art Gallery & ' ' 3 '7 '~" ' Museum, Kelvingrove =" Vt" ‘> ' ':' l w ' t :r. Inl- 3'! -- -=' l? ,' ,-~'~t.u~.~,. I. . , 5,, .~ , Glasgow School of z :. : r ,1' Art .. , l. : ' ' 7' v . . 't' ' ' ' fi't- ,, . ,ou,‘ .:.'.t.fl.. 2’ t 7-" ,ii.t‘:l« .'.fi '1, I , , I I, ;, Glasgow Cathedral [w w. L' :vl-a. l-r..~-. . 1 " '7 " ii~ i ,t n v . w , 1, , 2'" < i ;-y i .X- .t . . [ ’.. , , .5 z. i , , I l h h .

Glasgow life

lAl KS MO MOWLAM Royal Concert Hall, Wed 29 May

Did you know that Mo Mowlam’s first name is Marjorie? Did you know that she is married to an artist who paints in the nude in the garden shed? These are some of the facts you might discover when Mowlam visits Glasgow to talk about her life as a cabinet minister and secretary of state for Northern Ireland. Even if you don’t get the full details of her private life, you will certainly come out knowing a lot more about her views on the present Labour Government and some of the characters in it.

Mowlam was first elected to parliament in 1987 and soon became one of the most popular members of the Government, a fact that she believes turned Tony Blair against her. As secretary of state for Northern Ireland, she worked hard towards the IRA cease-fire with the involvement of Sinn Fein, but was replaced in 1999 by Peter Mandelson. According to Mowlam, Mandelson is one of the people who, along with Alastair Campbell and Jonathan Powell, she believes orchestrated a whispering campaign to discredit her in the government, a government she also accuses of using ‘vicious, violent and horrible behaviour’ towards her.

She will be discussing her autobiography, Momentum, in which she looks at the way she was dealt with after admitting to having treatment for a brain tumour. She’ll also be talking about the tense and ‘destructive’ relationship between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. If you ever wanted to know the truth behind the doors of number 10 then this is the straight talking lady who will dish the dirt. (Jane Hamilton)


(iottnli‘) l’ai-k. l’ollokxlttmx Road. ()3: Composing Workshop St .\lar_\".\ 920‘). l ~1ltni. l‘i'cc. .«\ ini\cd da} ol ('athcdral. .300 (ircat Western Road. lamil_\ Inn and tradition dixcoxcring 337 2862. l 3pm. l'rcc. .-\d\'ancc

hon tltc \xoodlandx utrrc uxcd in thc hooking ncccxxar}. lllllOVilllVL‘

paxt. You can alxo tr) )our hand at compoxci‘ Stcphcn l)a\ ixmoon leads \HlllL‘ countr_\ craltx. .\lcct at Burrcll llllx \\til'k\llt)p in thc art of composing. (‘ollcclion car park. l’art ol' 'l'rt't'liwl l’art ol' l'i'ml.


The Wallace Clan Btu'rcll Other €Vent8

(‘ollct-uon. Juno l’ollokxlta\\\ Road. Books At The Botanics (Hangou-

23" 255i). 2 -ipm. l‘i'cc. .\ \pcctacular Botanic (iardcnx. 730 (ircat \Vcstcrn

piping and drumming group rccrcalc Road. 334 2422. lllam 4.30pm. lircc.

lllL‘ \iglll\ atltl \Ulllltl\ til lllL' llltlc ol' SL‘L‘ Sal 2.5.

Roh Ro}. Open Weekend (ilasgou Botanic (iardcnx, 730 (ircat \chtcrn Road.

[mm 3.: 24:2. 1 lam 4pm. l'lCL‘. Scc

Sat 25.

Medieval Trumpets Burrcll

('ollcction. 2()(i() l’ollok\lta\\\ Road.

237 2550. l 3pm. lii'cc. .-\ mcdicval

lilll\lL‘ group pcrl'orni traditional music

lo l‘anl‘arc tlic \‘ixitorx.

Pollok Woodland Fair l’ollok


David Bintley 'l'ltcatrc l<tt_\ill. 2X2 llUllC Sll'ct‘l. 5.52 ‘lllllll. (iplll. [4.5” 1 L3). ‘l'lic dit‘cctoi' ol [firming/tun: Rural li’rtl/t’l gncx an inxiglit into lilx \\ork.

Gallery & Museum,

. 'Gr'eek' l'lioi‘hson this Kelvnngrov 1

house is an excellent exan‘ple of his classical style.

House For An Art Lover

l-Sellahoustor‘ Park. H [)un‘lneek Road. 3:33 4/7133. Daih ldam Son“. S‘L3.f>() '3‘.7.fi()i. llllllitlh, designed tit Charles; Rennie Mackintosh for a (ton‘iietttion ll‘. 1901. hit; unfinished ‘.'.'<)rk has been

to! attraction it; a mine

'..li'i:,.\l,t)l.. ltifl .i.l

'i .>‘i"fo~i‘.itiononscience


I .-..;i Glasgow 5 .tlitll(?1‘llllt3l()§l\. Centre Holmwood House

l’i :" l).;.i‘,_ oi. oi Ntrtlterlee Road.

5», t).:.l. Ru" omit (1.1tlit:.irt. (Hf Tiff), {)aih

completed in niotlern»

: :“U. 31'. :‘Ug lg‘w‘ ‘>_.-‘~t7i)t'.‘. 8‘32”) ,. ., 3 (lat. architectsand f») ...l : "".l‘-f‘;'.i’t>lillt? i>;’.;t‘ l)z?t;lt)l‘.i?tll‘\. the f , 1 ) tiesitiiieit; lll true ' ' l l " - l lanai-ti :fli t‘onttlp. .. Mack'itoslt Shh}. (mm; .'.:,2 f"Y‘.'l tl'Cl‘x‘ttftfl.AltFXLlllllUl

.‘3 Mr. ii Jui‘ Z‘AX‘ THE LIST 91