Music classical & opera listings

Edinburgh, Mon 27

I Russian Spectacular l'xher llall. l.othian Road. 223 ll55. 7.30pm. £9.50 L'll (£8.50 L'ltll. See Hi 24.

Tuesday 28 A


I Baamfest Slt'zttltc‘l}LlL‘ l'niu‘t‘xit}. Jordanhill ('ainptix. 7r» Southhrae l)ri\e. ()5t) 3476. 7.30pm. Studentx on Strathchde l’nherxity'x Applied .\luxic degree perl‘orm l‘our nightx ol' di\er\e muxic. Tue 28: Rock Band\; Wed 2‘): Big Band: Thu 3“: ()rchextra; liri 3|: ('ontemporar} and l-‘ilm .\lu\ic.

Wednesday 29


I Baamfest Strathcl_\de t‘nixerxit}. Jordanhill ('ampux. 7r» Southhrae l)ri\e. ()5() 3476. 7.30pm. See Tue 28.

Thursday 30


I Baamfest Strathcl_\de l‘nixerxit}. Jordanhill (‘ampux. 7o Southhrae l)ri\e. ‘)5() 347(». 7.30pm. See Tue 23.

Edinburgh I George Heriot’s School ()tieen'x llall. (’lerlt Street. («)8 201‘). 2.3013111. thc. .\ mi\ed programme ol muxical entertaimnent l'rom thexe )oung ltlllxlcittlh. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra l'xher llall. l.othian Road. 223 ll55. 7.30pm. £10.50 £24 15 £22). The l'xher llall\ '.\la} (‘lawicx' and R0}al ('oncert llall'x ‘lnternational Seriex’ dl'a\\\ to a cloxe \\ ith a \ iin lrom one ol‘ Britain\ moxt extcemed orchex- trax. (‘onducted h} the d_\namic .\lat|iia\ Bamert. the} \\ ill perl'orm three \xorltx h_\ 'l'chaikm \lx}: .lIu/t‘lu' S/ui‘t'. lio/i/t

(‘mu't'rlo In [) and Srmp/mni' no (i 'l’uI/u'lit/m“. 'I'alented )oung \ iolinixt \icola l.oud join\ them tor the occaxion.


I Opera On A Shoestring t’ollok llouxe. l’ollok ('ountr} Park. 2060 l’ollokxhau \ Road. ()l() (i4l(). 7.30pm. L' l 3. Opera on a Shoextring are on the road. thix time “ith ‘.\n l-'.\ening ln l’arix'. a programme ol~ highlights from operax set in the l‘rench capital. including Lu [in/temp and Lu 'I'rui‘iulu.

I Baamfest Strathcl_\de l‘nherxit}. .lordanhill ('ainpux. 7n Southhrae l)ri\e. ()5t) 3470. 7.30pm. See Tue 28.


I Candlelit Concert Adam Smith 'l‘heatre. Bennoch} Road. (H.592 4 l 292‘). 7.30pm. fl5.5()t£l3.5() £14.5(llfl‘he RS.\'() perl'ormx \xorkx h} Bach. l’achelhel and .\lo/art.


I Two’s Company (iilllL‘l') ()t‘ .\lodern :\t‘l. Queen Street. 22‘) l‘)‘)().

.3 4pm. l‘ree. Violinixt Hector Scott and clarinettixt Shinohu .\lil\i continue their xeriex ol' inl‘ormal alternoon concertx. lilling (i().\l.v\ \\ ith the \Mllttlx ol' contemporar} Scottixh compoxerx. all ol' \xhom \\ ill he prexent to \pealx ahout their \xork.

I Junior Academy Wind Orchestra Concert RSAMI). lllt) RL‘tlli'c“ Street. .552 .5057. 3.30pm. l'il'L‘L‘ hut ticketed. 'l'he orchextra. conducted h) John Miller. [k‘t‘lin‘ltn a mi\ed programme. including l)a\ id Bedl'ord’x l’me/m/rum. highlightx l'rom .lolm \Villiamx' \oundtrack to .lumnrt~ Park and Herman lluplield'x .lx ’li/m' (ium l)’\'.

54 THE LIST l.7.:. I ;.'

Dougie Vipond presents he RSNO Proms, Usher Hall, Edinburgh,

Thu 6—Sat 8 Jun & Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Wed 19-Sat 29 Jun


0 BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra Ro}al ('oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 Slllll). 3pm. U) tL‘3l. l’art ol' BB(' .\lu\ic I.i\e 2002. lot] .\lacho\ cr\ 'Ior .Srmp/Ioni' i\ the culmi- nation ol~ a \eriex ol' \\t)l'l\\ltt)p\ \\ ith local \chool children. ()riginating from the .\lll .\ledia l.;th in Boxlotl. it‘x hilled a\ heing a lot ol' l'un. Violinixt .loxhua Bell ix gttc\t \oloi\t.


I St Giles’ at Six St (iilex‘ ('athcdral. Ro}al Mile. 225 9442. opm. l-‘ree. The ()pen ()rchextra. conducted h} l)a\ id ('rixp. perl‘ornh Schumann‘x Srm/i/mm

I None Of The Above Bongo (‘luh. l4 .\'e\\ Street. 558 "7004. 8.30pm. £8 (UH. .'\llntlicl‘ L'L‘lccllc tllghl ill \one ()l' The .’\ho\ e leaturing .\'l 'S.’\ ta head} mi\ ol‘ Milk and pop). (‘)lll\t)lL‘ (torch \ongx l'rom Richard Klienl and (him iolet ta claxxical haxcd quartet).


I Organ Recital St Mar} ‘\ l’aridi ('hlll'L‘h. lllL‘ Sidegate. (“620 323733. 3pm. l‘ree. Recital h_\ Brigitte llarrix featuring \xl)[.l\\ h} ('ouperin. Bach and .\lcltdcl\\ohn.


I Lunchtime Concert St (iilex' ('athedral. Ro}al .\lile. 225 9-142. l2.l5pm. l‘ree. .»\ perl'ormance li‘om Kanxax' Sumner .I\cadem_\ (‘hoitz


I Falkirk Chamber Choir ('allendar Park. 552 7l3o. lpm. liree. ('horal perl'ormance ax part ol Big in



I Queen’s Jubilee Concert llcl‘iol \Vatt l‘nherxit}. .lamex \Vatt (‘entre l. ~l5l 3444. 7.30pm. thc. (‘horale li\cel\ior and Sinl‘onia l'.\ccl\ior perl'orm .\lo/art\ Requiem. leaturing \oloixtx l'rom the Dunedin (‘onxorL and Beetllo\cn\ .Si'm/i/mn'. no 2.

I Organ Recital St .\lar_\ \ lipixcopal

('athcdral. 23 l’almerxton Place. 225

(i203. 8pm. £5. The cathedral\ ;I\\l\litlil organixt Simon \ieminxki gixex a recital.

Wednesday 5


I Winter Gardens Prom l’eople\ l’alace tk Winter (iarden. (ilitxgtm (ireen. 548 3444. 7pm. £7 (£3 £5). Strathchde l'ni\er\it} ('oncert Band and linxemhlex are joined h} the l'nixerxit) \ ('hamher (‘hoir l‘or thix \ummer e\ening concert. l'eaturing marchex. madrigalx and partxongx h) .\lcli\\ en and .\lac('unn.

0 Madama Butterfly 'l‘healre Rttytl. 232 Hope Street. 5.52 ‘)()(l(). 7.l5pm. £5.50 £50. See l’ri 24.

I Glasgow Symphony Orchestra .v\delaide\. 2”” Bath SII'L‘L‘I. 243 4970. 7.30 lllpm. the. The orchestra perl'ormx a range of \eaxonal \xorkx.


I The Burney Ensemble of London St ('ecilia\ llall. .\'iddr) Street. ()(ih' 2(ll‘). 7.30pm. U) on thH)!‘ (9.4). l-‘our pri/e-umning postgraduate pla) erx hour the (iuildhall perl‘orm muxic on Baroque ll]\ll’tllllL‘lll\ h_\ (ieneral Reid. liarl Kerr} and other»

Thursday 6


I Opera School Showcase RS:\.\ll). llll) RL‘llliliL‘“ SII‘L‘L‘I. 5.52 5057. 7. l 5pm. £5 W3). Annual \lto\\c;t\c hl‘cwnted h} \tudentx ol' the RS;\.\ll)\ opera L‘Ullt'xL‘S


I Lunchtime Organ Music St (iilex' ('athcdral. Ro)al .\lile. 225 9442. l.ltlpm. l-ree. l’hilip Ruxhl‘orth ghex a recital. including \\ol‘l\\ h_\ Bach. Bu\tehude and \ierne.

I La Traviata l’la_\hou\e. IS 22 (ireenxide l’lace. t).\'7t) otlo3424. ". l 5pm. L'l3.5ll £325”. The l‘krainian National ()pera ol‘ ( )dexxa tour Britain tor the lirxt time \\ ith \erdi‘x L‘l;t\\lL‘ opera. The tragic lo\e \tor} \\ ill he \ung in ltalian

\\ ith linglixh \urtitlex.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Proms lixher llall. l.otlii;m Road. 228 ll55, 7.30pm. [5 £2l.5(l. 'l'aina\ \'a\ar} take\ the dual role ol' conductor and \oloixt l'or thix Beethm en e\tra\agan/a. leaturing the l-[mpt'mr piano concerto. (Min/(m ()i t'l'lm't' and Sini/i/mnr ,\'o 2. Sec pl’c\ ic\\.