Music folk & world listings
Edinburgh, Sat 1 I Ceilidhs At The Caley
('alcdotiian BI‘L‘\\L‘I'}‘. Slatcl'ord Road. 623 8066. 7pm laitt. £6 (£5). Scc Sat 25.
I Allie Fox Bowhill 'I‘hcati‘c. Bowhill llousc. Bimhiii. 0l750 22204. 7.30pm. £7» £‘) (£6t. l’olishcd pcrl‘orntanccs l'rottt thc Bordcrs-donticilcd songwritcr aitd guitarist land organiscr ol' (iala'x Strittg Jam ('lith).
I Kenny Speirs and Joe Wright Wee l’olk Club. Royal Oak. lnl'irntar} Strcct. 557 2‘)76. 8.30pm. £3. l-‘iddlc \‘ocal aitd guitar.
I St Ronan’s Tattoo 'l‘raquair llousc. Information 0l8‘)6 830323.
I lillll~ 5.30pm. l’ipcs. ill'lllll\ aitd hands from all UVL‘I‘ Scotland aitd thc ('ontntoim'calth conVcrgc iii a \pc‘c‘litc‘uliit‘ displa} on tltc ntain trcc-lincd a\'cniic. l’ltts childrcn’s cntcrtainntcnt. a hccr tcnt and lantil} acli\itic\.
I The Sandy Brechin Band 'I‘orphichcn Kirk. 'l‘orphichcn. 01506 635257. 7pm. £51L‘3t. l.ocal hcro accordionist Brcchin and his hattd pla}
\\ itlt a contcntporar) takc oit lllSll'UlilL‘nILli traditions. \\ ith support from )oiing Portohcllo clarsach aitd tiddlc dito. thc (iilc‘ht'ixt Stxlc‘t‘x.
Wednesday 5
Glasgow 0 Baaba Maal Royal ('onccrt llall. Sattchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 8pm.
Tom Paxton
+ special guest Anne Hills
Wednesday 29 May 0 8pm
*2. Eelt c
A Celtic Connections promotion.
‘ ' p i
“2.50 £14. Scnagalcsc SllpL‘l'Sllll' Baaha Maal hrings his \Vcst African roots hand to Scotlattd. Iixccrpts from world music projcct l)\'[) l (iianl l.cap will hc scrccncd as art introduction.
I Vin Garbutt lidinhttrgh I’olk (‘luh. (‘aharct Bar. thc l’lcasancc. 650 234‘). 8pm. £6 (£5t. \ctcran. ntuch-lox'cd. .\'orth oi lingland cntcrtaincr. singcr. guitarist aitd tin \\ histlc playcr.
I Session With Stuart Bell Dunlcrntlinc Folk (‘ltth. 'l'histlc 'I‘at'crn. Baldridgchitrn. 0l383 729673. 8.30pm. l'lc‘c‘. Sc‘ssiittt with Kirkald)‘ singcr/songtt'ritcr Stuart Bcll.
0 Sierra Maestra Quccn’s llall. ('lcrk Strcct. 668 201‘). 8pm. L'l2.50. 'I'hcir poucrl‘itl. higth danccahlc song stylc looks hack to thc 20's hcyda} oi" ('tihan llltlxic‘. as thc C\Cl'-L‘\()l\‘illg group marks its iticnt} -lil'th :tltlli\c‘t‘\;il‘_\ \\ itlt a ncu alhtiitt. Rum/writ Sui. \tiiddcd with gllc‘\l\ including Biicna Vixiti star lhrahiin l-crrcr.
I The Proclaimers (ilcn Pa\i|ioit. l’ittcncricll l’ark. 0l383 3l4 l 27. 7.30pm. flhfiil. SL‘L‘ Thu 33.
I Norman Stewart l-‘alkirk l-‘olk (‘ltth. thc l’olixlt ('lith. Arnot Strcct. (H.324 6l33‘)5. 8.30pm. £5 (£4.50t. Rai'c conccrt appcarancc l'ront thc Highland traditional singcr attd tttoittlt organ playcr.
_ Folk & world
Dates listed below are for one-off and ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Folk & World listings compiled by Norman Chalmers.
.Baaba Maal
+1 Giant Leap an audio visual experience
Wednesday 5 June 0 8pm
Tickets: 0141 353 8000
The Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, 2 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3NY
I Ben Nevis Argylc Strcct. 8.30pm. l’rcc. Live Music.
I lslay Inn Argylc Strcct. ‘)pnt. l’rcc. l.i\‘c Highland mlhic‘.
I Jinty McGinty’s Ashton l.anc. ‘)pnt. I‘rcc. l.i\'c mlhic‘.
I Finnegan’s Wake St Vinccnt Strccl. 248 4‘)8‘). ‘)pnt. l‘rcc. li'ixli tltcntc pith. l.i\‘c hands.
I Victoria Bar Briggait. 8.30pm. Free. Acoustic
I Molly Malone’s liopc Slt'ccl. 0pm.
I Riverside Club Ceilidh Dances l5o.\ Strcct. 8pm. £6 ll;i\[ cntr_\ ‘).30pntt. l.i\‘i.‘ ditllc‘c‘ liztliiix.
I lslay Inn .'\rg_\ lc Strcct. ‘)pnt. lircc. l.i\c mllSiL‘.
I Clutha Vaults Siockucll Stt'cct. 8.30pm. l-‘rcc.
I Finnegan’s Wake St Vinccnt Strch 248 498‘) ‘)pnt. l-"rcc. Irish thcnic pith. l.i\'c hands.
I Molly Malones Hopc Sin-ct. 332 2757. ‘)pnt. l-‘rcc. Irish thctttc pith. H c hands.
I O’ Neills Saitchichall Strcci. l0.30pnt-2ant. l‘rcc. Irish thcntc pith \\ itlt li\'c hand.
Fri 31 May 7.30pm £8/f4.
Scotland’s top young folk instrumentalists perform almost entirely original material, while producing the sound of a full on rock band.
Accordion Masterclass Fri 31 May 3.30pm - 4.30pm
0141 887 1010
52 THE LIST QT-i Ma, -’1 l1."
I Park Bar .-\t'g} lc Strcct. ncar Kclvin Park. 33‘) l7l5. ‘)ptit. lircc. lligltlattd har \\ili1ll\c‘lllll\lc‘.
I Victoria Bar Briggait. ‘)pnt. l'ii'cc. .'\C()ll\lik‘ \L‘\\iitlt.
I Tolbooth Saltntarkct. 6pm. l5rcc. Sc‘ttls/ll‘ixh \L‘SSlUll.
I Scotia Bar Sitik'ix“ CH Sli'c‘i‘l. 3.30pm. l.i\c loll/acoustic groups.
I Babbity Bowsters Blackliiai‘x Strcct. 4.30pm. l-‘rcc. Scxxion.
I Brazen Head (‘athcart Road. ‘)pnt. l-‘rcc. l.i\‘c hand.
I Finnegan’s Wake Si \‘inccnt Strcct. 248 4‘)8‘). ‘)pnt. l‘rcc. lrixh thcntc pith.
I McNeills ’l‘orrisdalc Strcct. ‘)pnt. l-‘rcc. ll'i\it lllllxlc‘.
I Molly Malones Hopc Strch 332 2757. ‘)pnt. l-‘rcc. lrixh thcntc pith. [it c hands.
I O’ Neills Sauclticltall Strcct. l0pnt. l-‘rcc. lrish tltcntc pith \\ itlt ll\ c hand.
I Park Bar .Nt'g‘} lL‘ SII'L‘L‘I. llL‘ul‘ Kch in Park. 33‘) l7l5. ‘)pnt. l’rcc. l'antoiix llighlandcr'x har. I.i\ c groups.
I lslay Inn .v\rg_\ lc Strcct. ‘)pnt. l'rcc. l.i\ c.
I Blues Band Scotia Bar. Stockucll Strcct. 552 868 l. 3.30 5.30pm. l‘rcc.
I Finnegan’s Wake 7‘) St Vinccnt Strcct. 248 4‘)8‘)_ ‘)pni. lircc. Irish thcntc pith. [it c hands.
I Jinty McGinty’s .-\\hlon lattc. l.i\ c initsic 4pm and 7pm.
I Molly Malones [lope Sircct. 332 2757. ‘)pni. l'rcc. l.i\ c hands.
I O, NGIIIS Stillc‘lllc‘lltill Sll‘ci‘l. 9pm. l-rcc. lrixh thcntc pith u itlt li\ c hands. I Park Bar .'\l'f_'} lc Strccl. itcar Kclt iit l’ill'h. 33‘) l7l5. ‘)pnt. l’rcc. lnlorntal Highland lllllSic‘.
I Victoria Bar Bt'iggail. 8.30pm. iii-CC. :\L‘Ull\IiL' \L‘\\l()ll.
I lslay Inn :\l‘j_‘_\ lL‘ Sll‘c‘c‘l. ‘)pnt. l'lCL‘. l,i\ c llllISlc‘.
I Lismore Bar l)ttntharton Road. ‘)pnt. l'rcc. 'l‘anlritnt.
I Uisge Beatha Woodlands Road. ‘)pitt. l‘rcc. Scxxion.
I Victoria Bar Briggait. ‘)pm. l't‘cc. Acoustic hand.
I Molly Malones llUPL‘ Street. 33 2757. ‘)pnt. l’rcc. Irish tltcntc pith. l.i\ lizilldx
I 0’ Neills Saitcltichall Strcct. l0.30pin~2ant. l't'cc. lrixlt tltcntc pith \\ itlt lit c hattd.
I Lismore Bar l)unthartoit Road. ‘)piii. l'ircc.
I Jinty McGinty’s Ashton lattc.
‘)pnt. l’rcc. l.i\ c lllll\lc‘.
I Ben Nevis .-\i‘g_\ lc Sli‘cct. 8.30pm. l'il'c‘c'. SL‘\\i0ll.
I Lismore Bar lhtntharton Road. 8.30pm. l-‘rcc. Scxxion.
I Finnegan’s Wake St Vinccnt Sti‘cct. ‘)ptit. l'rcc. Irish thcnic har \\ itlt li\ c lllllSlc‘.
I Jinty McGinty’s Ashton lanc. B}rc\ Road. ‘lpnt. l’rcc.
I Molly Malones Hopc Sim-t. 33 2757. ‘)pnt l-"rcc. lrixh thcntc pith. l.i\ hilllilx.
I Victoria Bar Bi'iggail. 0pm. l‘rcc. .-\coti\tic hand.
I Scotia Bar Stocktwll Sti‘cct. 8.30pm. l'rcc. |.i\ c hands.
I Lismore Bar lhittthatton Road. ()iilll. l'il't'k'. Sc‘tth/ll'ldi \c‘\\litil.
I Finnegan’s Wake St Vincent Strcct. 248 408‘). ‘)pnt. l'rcc. lrixh thciitc pith. in c hands.
I Molly Malones llopc Stt’cct. 332 2757. ‘)pnt. l‘i'cc. ll'l\li thcntc pith. l.i\c hands.
I Park Bar .\rg_\ lc Strcct. ncar Kch iii Park. 33‘) l7l5. ‘)pitt. l‘rcc. lligltlattd music.