Every issue, The List in association with Beck’s highlights the work of a young Scottish-based photographer.
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Matthlas Kothe
Born in Germany, Matthias Kothe is due to complete an HND in photography and
illustration at Telford College and hopes to start a degree course in fine art photography
at Edinburgh College of Art in Septembe Working mainly in black and white, Matthias is ‘ interested in portrait and social documentary pho ography. If you would like to get in suppor‘ed by touch with him, call 0131 466 8217 or email Thias76@gmx net
How to enter work
Applicants should be students in the second year or beyond of a photography or relevant degree, or those who have graduated in the last three years. To arrange a tme for The List to see your portfolio call Helen Monaghan on 0131 550 3076. Each
of the chosen photographers wull receive E100, courtesy of Beck 8 and The L/st. wwwanofbecksocouk