Exhibitions are listed alphabetically by city and category, then alphabetically by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


7 Bow-mont (iardens. 339-12“. (ll-ll 339 4224.

Victor Hugo t'ntil Fri 31 May. An exhibition of posters commemorating the bicentenary of the birth of French author Victor Hugo. featuring extracts from his works and reproductions of his drawings.


164 Woodlands Road. 332 0028. Mon liri 10am—5pm; Sat l0am-—l2.3(lpm.

Water L'ntil Sat 4 May. An exhibition of work by various artists including Lin Pattullo. James Watt. Hamish MacDonald. Helen Turner and John Bathgate.


253 Argyle Street. 0901 022 0300.

Lomo Scotland ['ntil Stm l2 May. The results of a year-long lomography project in which six lomographers documented Glasgow on a daily basis through the lens of a lomo camera.

All Hands On Debt Thu 25 Apr Tue 30 Apr. An exhibition and charity auction (Tue 30 Apr. 7pm) of celebrity artworks to raise funds for Jubilee Scotland. the charity campaigning for cancellation of Third World debt. (‘elebs include Robert (‘arlyle. Noddy Holder. Darius Danesh. Weezcr and Linda Barker.


1‘) Parnie Street. 552 777‘). Mon r-Sat noon-5pm.

Director’s Choice t'niil Mon 2‘) Apr. Sculpture by Tom Allan. ceramic sculpture by April Young and Shirley Pettigrew and jewellery by Julie Hyslop.

Portfolio L'ntil Mon 2‘) Apr. New paintings by regular gallery exhibitors including Alan King. Jacqueline Marr. Bryan liyans. Todd (iarner. Mary Batchelor. Judith Bridgland and ('hery Iene Dyer.

The MacRoberts Open l-‘ri 3wMon 27 May. A selection of paintings 12" by 12" or smaller. all priced under £250 by \ariotts artists. NEW SHOW.

Director’s Choice t-‘ri .3 Mon 27 May. Whimsical. figuratiye ceramic sculptures by Baillie Brown.


185a Bath Street. 222 2830. Tue Sat mam—5.30pm.

Cherylene Dyer l'ntil Wed 5 Jun. A solo show of figuratiye works by (’hery'lene Dyer.


5 De(‘ourcy's Arcade. (‘ressw ell [.ane. 33-1 6776 and at l‘) Skirying Street. Shawlands. 632 8090.

Ken Sharp [intil Wed 15 May. A selection of rock photography and family portraits by Ken Sharp.


l3-l Blythswood Street. 332 4027. Mon Fri t).30am-—5.30pm: Sat l0am lpm.

The Glasgow Boys t'niil Fri 3 May. Paintings by the (ilasgow Boys drawn from the collection of the l-‘leming-Wyfold Art Foundation including works by (iuthrie. Henry. Melville. Walton. (iauld. Marni. (.‘rawhall and Hornel.

Jane Blackman t’niil Fri 3 May. A solo exhibition of hand built ceramic yessels. Roger Millar l'ntil liri 3 May. A small group of silyer boxes and candlesticks. Mark Huell and Anne Clare Graham L'ntil l’ri 3 May. Jewellery. Richardson 8: Ottewill t‘ntil l-‘ri 3

May. Silverware by silyersmiths Justin Richardson and Steyen ()ttewill.

THE BLYTHSWOOD GALLERY Suite 542 (5th floor). Baltic Chambers. 50 Wellington Street. 248 199]. Mon Fri l0amv-5pm; Sat l0am- lprn.

The Spring Exhibition t'ntil Sat l Jun. A spring selection of paintings from the l‘)th century to the present day including works by lili/abeth Blackadder. l).Y. Cameron. (ieorge Deylin. John Knox. Philip Reeyes. Anne Redpath. (icoff [glow and many others.

CAFE COSSACHOK GALLERY 10 King Street. 5530733. Mon-Sat l0.30am midnight; Sun I l lpm. Kaleidoscope t'ntil Sat 8 Jun. Paintings. drawings. prints and other media by artists from liastern liurope.


36 West (ieorge Street. 332 555 1.

Mon- Sat 10amr-5.30pm: Sun noon 5pm. Mixed Exhibition A selection of paintings by local artists.

All About Eve l'ntil Tue 30 Apr. Paintings by yarioiis artists including Joy Kirton Smith. Douglas llofmann. Robert Lenkiewicz. (iary Benlield and (‘harles Wilmott.

This Big Land Mon (i l-‘ri 31 May. An exhibition of work by Pam (‘arteiz [an (‘arby. Derek Hare and Henderson ('is/. NEW SHOW.


l'niyersity of Strathclyde. 22 Richmond Street. 548 2558. Mon Fri l0am 5pm; Sat noon 4pm.

Hai Huang: Tales From Two Cities l'ntil Sat l8 May. Paintings and drawings by this contemporary (‘hinese artist. inspired by urban landscapes of (ilasgow. and the artist's natiye town of Stt/hott.

Ten Thousand Li: Chinese ln/Fusion ln Contemporary British Culture l'ntil Sat lb’ May. Lens-based work by four contemporary

British artists of ('hinese descent: Dinu l.i.

Pamela So. Yeun-Yi Lo and Yeti-Lai Mo. The exhibition will explores aspects of ('hinese culture in the l'K. from illegal immigration to the ('hinese takeaway.


178 West Regent Street. 22l (i370.

Mon Sat l0am 5.30pm.

Mixed Exhibition t'ntil Thu t) May. Sponsored by Scotwork Negotiating Skills. a selection of paintings. drawings. sculpture. ceramics and jewellery by leading British artists including Jack Knox. Philip Rees-es. Philip Braham. (‘athy Richmond and Peter llowson.


3! (‘hisholm Street (entrance through salon). 552 7l00. Mon Sat

l0.30am 5.30pm (until 7pm Thu). Clemensen, Docherty and Morland l'ntil Thu 2 May. With the emphasis on the handmade and home- made. new work by (ilasgow-based artists (‘hristine ('lemensen. Heather Docherty and Douglas Morland.

GALLERY OF MODERN ART Queen Street. 22‘) 19%. Mon Thu (K' Sat 10am 5pm: Fri & Sun I lam 5pm.

0 Patricia Mackinnon-Day t'ntil Sun 1‘) May. Following her residency in (ilasgow during last year. artist Patricia Mackinnon-Day responded to the sensi- tiy'e and political issue of asylum seekers. and in particular those housed in Sighthill. The resulting installation is cori- cerned with changes in spaces and com- munities and questions our attitudes towards the relocation of the asylum seek- ers in (ilttsgoys. See reyiew ttlttl llitlist. Sighthill Views - Images Of Asylum Seekers ln Glasgow l'ntil Sun It) May. Photographs by (itiilhem Alandry and Anna Kari of the Sighthill estate and the asylum seekers w ho liye there.

ODavid Mach: Hell Bent t'ntil Sun 2‘) Sep. Fife-born Dayid Mach. creator of [fig Heir/s. the three huge steel heads on the MS. returns to Scotland with a major show of new and recent works. A space- man made from coat hangers. sculptures constructed entirely from matchsticks and collage works created by photographs donated by the people of (ilasgow are _just some of the weird and wonderful exhibits on show. See llitlist.


Rouken (ilen Road. 620 0235. Hi. Sun & Mon 1.30 5.30pm; Sat 11.30am 5.30pm. Mixed Exhibition t'ntil Sun 26 May. A selection of new paintings by gallery artists including works by lithel Walker. Jennifer Anderson. Alexandra (iardner and Kirsty Whiten.


148 West Regent Street. 22l 3095.

Mon Sat 9.30am» 5.30pm.

Modern British Paintings And Drawings l'ntil Thu 0 May. Modern British paintings and drawings by (iillies. liardley. Mc'l'aggart. Blackadder. Reeyes and many others plus sculpture by Dennis Shields. Dennis \Vestwootl. Ann Christopher. James (‘astle and Tom Allan.


(‘afe (‘osmo. 12 Rose Street. 332 (i535. Mon Sat 10.30am 0pm.

GFT Young Filmmakers t’ntil Tue 30 Apr. Pupils at St Paul's primary school explore the experiences of asylum seekers and refugee children.

Robert Niven Wed 1 Fri 31 May. Photography by (ilasgow School of Art student Robert Niyen. NEW SHOW.


22 & 25 King Street. 552 070-1. Tue Sat l0am 5.30pm.

James Macdonald: Reflections l'ntil Sat 25 May. A new collection ofoil paintings by Scottish artist James .‘ylacdonald.

Scott Campbell - Colourworks l'ntil Sat 25 May. Scott (‘ampbell explores the aesthetic experience created by the multi-layered surface and interaction of colour tising traditional screenprinting techniques.

Damian Henry - Everyday Lines l'ntil Sat 25 May. litehings of the human figure by Damian Henry.

THE GLASGOW PROJECT ROOM Top floor. ()4 ()sborne Street. 552 I472. Tue Sat noon 5pm.

Belinda Guidi l'ntil Sat 27 Apr. New work.

Jonathan Owen and Ryan Doolan Mono Sat ll May. Recent work. NFW SHOW.


(iround Iiloor. Princes Square. Buchanan Street. 221 MM. Mon Sat 10am (ipm; Sun llam 5pm.

New Artists A yaried selection of work by up-and-coming artists featuring sculpture. textile design. photography. paintings and jewellery.


The Mackintosh (iallery. l()7 Renfrew Street. 353-1500. Mon Thu l0am 7pm; Fri 10am 5pm: Sat 10am noon.

Alive l'ntil Fri 3 May (Mackintosh (iallery l. An exhibition of drawings made by secondary school pupils from all met the (K as part of a (ilasgow School of Art. Royal Academy and Yakult ()utreach programme. LAST CHANCE TO SEE. Life-Lines l'ntil Sat 27 Apr(Atrium. Podium and Mackintosh (iallery ). Students from the schools of architecture. design and line art reyeal their different approaches to drawing life studies. Studies And Academies t'ntil Sat 27 Apr (Mackintosh (iallery l. Life drawings by Barry Atherton. lecturer and painter in the first year department of Fine Art. drawn from his current exhibition at the Pentagon ('entrc.

listings Art


“I. 3?

Fall From Light As part of the Burns festival. a specially commissioned sound and light installation from The Path creators nva. inspired by the darker elements of Robbie's writing. See preview. Old Alloway, Ayr. Sun 28 Apr-Sun 5 May

Patricia Mackinnon-Day A thought-provoking installation which challenges our attitudes towards the relocation of asylum seekers in Glasgow. See review. Gallery Of Modern Art. Glasgow, unti/ Sun 79 May

-. Ruth Vollmer - Drawings And Sculpture Last chance to see the first-ever showing of drawings and sculpture by the late Ruth Vollmer whose work was influenced by the mathematical patterns found in nature. Inver/eitn House. Royal Botanic Garden. Edinburgh. until Sun 5 May

.. Light Without Shadow International collaborative group Henry Vlll's Wives responds to the Tramway's main gallery space with site-specific works including a _ reconstruction of Orkney's Neolithic settlement. Skara Brae. Tramway Glasgow. until Sun 26 May.

The Art Of Star Wars A must- see exhibition for fans of Stars Wars in the only Scottish showing of this exhibition which goes behind the scenes of the space epic. City Art Centre. Edinburgh. until Sun 8 Sep.

presence: new works of contemporary art from Scotland The latest showcase of Scotland's rising stars including Jennifer Beattie. Alex Pollard. Michelle Naismith. Fred Pederson H and Keith Thompson. Fruitmarket t; Gallery Edinburgh. until Sat 8 Jun. Fiona Banner: Your Plinth Is My Lap New and recent prints. drawings and SCUIptures by Fiona Banner which continue her fascination with language. Dundee Contemporary Arts. Dundee, until Sun 9 Jun. David Mach: Hell Bent From burnt-out abandoned cars enveloped in a sea of Hera/d newspapers to sculptures made from coat hangers. a major show of new and recent works by Fife-born David Mach. Gallery Of Modern Art, Glasgow, until Sun 29 Sep.

25 Apr 5? May 1’00? THE LIST 89