Music folk & world listings

4 Monday 29


I Acoustic Underground Whistlebinkies. Sotith Bridge. 557 51 14. 10pm. Free. ()ne of the most popular open-mic spots in town. hosted by Peter .‘vlichael Rowan.

Tuesday 30


I Sangsters ()swald Hall. Auchincruive.(11292 678100. 8.30—l0.30pm. £5 (£4). Close harmony songs from the respected Fife group.

Wednesday 1


I Mary Gauthier Tron Theatre. Trongate. 552 4267. 9pm. £8.51). A preview concert for the Big Big Country festival.


I Leon Rosselson lidinburgh Folk Club. Cabaret Bar. The Pleasance. 651) 2349. 8pm. £6 (£5). Powerful. veteran socialist songw riter and performer. author of 'The World Turned L'pside Down' and other anthems of the Left. I Open Mic Southern Bar. South Clerk Street. 667 2289. 8.30pm. Free. All styles welcome. please bring your own instruments.


I The Rockin’ Ceilidh Band Dunfermline Folk Club. Thistle Tavern. Baldridgeburn. 01383 729673. 8.30pm. £4 (£3). Bob Aimer and Chick Henderson mix folk. blues and Cajun.


I Leon Rosselson The Star (‘luh Riverside Club. Fox Street. 5697287. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). See Wed 1.


I Shooglenifty Tolbooth Theatre. Jail Wynd. ()1786 274000. 7.30pm. £8 (£5.50). Celtic dance and acid croft grooves from the globetrotting Edinburgh-based outfit.


I Festival Club Opening Night The Famous Spiegeltcnl. Wellington Square. ()1292 443700. 7.30—10.30pm. £11). Jean Redpath. .\1acAlias. Rod Paterson with Pete Clark. and Highland groovers Daimh. as part of the Burns Am! .‘1 'I'Iiui festival.


I Dick Gaughan Paisley Arts Centre. New Street. 887 11111). 7.30pm. £8 (£4). Thought-provoking. charged lyrics from the admired communist. songwriter and guitarist. He's brilliant at traditional ballads too.


I Girvan Folk Festival \v‘estelil‘l'e Hotel. Louisa Drive. 01465 712128. £13 day—£26 weekend. (illests include Craobh Rua. .\1alinky. Beolach. Alison .\1c.\1orland. Tony .\1ac.\1aiius. Norman Stewart and many others. Traditional music and song over three days. plus competitions. workshops and ceilidhs.


I Jim Malcolm Burns National Heritage Park. Murdoch's Loan. 01292 443701). 5 -6pm. £2. The ()ld Blind Dog vocalist performs a selection of Burns‘ songs. l’ur! oft/iv Burns Aiiil.»1"l'/iul jihvlit'ul.


I Beasties, Burns And More! (iaiety Theatre. Carrick Street. (11292 611222. 7.30pm. £5 —£7 (£4). The young

58 THE LIST 25; Apr—t; Ma,» 2902

Ayrshire Voices group present an evening of theatre and song. including Tani ()‘Shanter and favourite Burns songs. I’url oft/iv Burns JUN/:1.TAlltll‘Ii'ylltl'tll.

I The Radical Tradition The Famous Spiegeltent. Wellington Square. 111292 4437111). 7.31) 10.31me. £111. .\Iusic. poetry. dancing and debate from Michael .\1arra. Tam Dean Burn. Croft 3'35 and Patrick Scott Hogg. l’ur! oft/Iv Burns :1an :1 ' 'l‘liur/i'slit'ul.


I Royal Bank Festival Gala Concert Cul/ean Country Park. (11292 443700. 8pm. £11). The Royal Scottish National Orchestra is joined by Karen .\1athieson. liddi Reader. l’hil Curmiugham. Aly Bain and Jean Redpath. I’url nil/iv Burns.>1IIr/.'1"l‘/Iul


East Kilbride

I Martin Stephenson and Scott MacDonald tiast Kilbride Arts Centre. ()ld Coach Road. 01 355 261000. 8pm. £8 (£6). A night of roots. country and pop from two singer/songvv ritcrs.


I Daimh and Dolphinboy The Famous Spiegeltent. Wellington Square. 01292 443700. llptn. £5. late night dancing and beats from Daimh (pronounced ‘dive’ ) and DJ Dolphinboy. I’ur! oft/iv Burns :1m/.-1"I‘/iul fi'slii‘ul.

Saturday 4


I Glasgow Caledonian Strathspey 8. Reel Society and Caledonian Fiddle Orchestra Royal Concert Hall. 2 Satichichall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £8. Annual concert with leader Jimmy Yeaman. soloist .‘ylark Donnelly'. and conductor Ken .\1c1.ean.


I The Border Gaitherin \‘arious \t‘lille. 111573 2249211. £45 weekend

(£25). A weekend of traditional music workshops, sessions and concerts.


I Girvan Folk Festival Westcliffe Hotel. Louisa Drive. 01465 712128. £13 day £26 weekend. See Fri 3.


I Robert Burns In Verse & Song Burns National Heritage Park. Murdoch's Loan. 01292 4437110. 2.30 3.30pm. £2. Denis Johnston and Drew (ioodvv in perform and discuss Burns' life and works. l’iirl of the Burns .'1I1(/.’1HI'/I(II



I Fresh Ayr l.ovv (irccn. (11292 678100. 6.30pm. Free. 'l‘vvo-day music festival featuring ‘The Sound of'Young Scotland' on Saturday and seasoned talents ('apcrcaillie. Bla/in' Fiddles and La Sonera ('alav era on Sunday. The

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Hung Drawn Quartet play All Of The Above, the Bongo Club, Edinburgh, Sun 5 May

weekend culminates in a spectacular fireworks display at 10.50pm on Sunday. l’iirl oft/I." Bur/is slut/:1"I‘lqu/i’slii'ul.

I Toasting The Lassies The Famous Spiegeltcnl. Wellington Square. (11292 443700. 4.30pm. £5. Burns‘ love life is brought to life through story and song by (iill Bow man. l’rtr! oft/1e Burns .'1II(/.'1.lilltllyfi’ylfl'tll.

I The Lyrical Tradition The Famous Spiegeltent. Wellington Square. 01292 443700. 7.30pm. £10. liddie Reader interprets the music of Burns. while James (irant play s material from his new album. Also performing are Li/ Niven and 3rd Degree Burns. l’rirr oft/iv Burns .‘1I1(/.'1“]./1(ll fi'ylft'rll.

I Croft No 5 and Dolphinboy The Fanious Spiegeltcnt. Wellington Square. 01292 4437110. 11pm. £5. Celtic tunes and beats from the energetic Croft 3‘5 and DJ Dolphinboy. l’ur/ut I/Ir' Biii'it.s.'1/ul.-1' 'l‘lail fi’ylfl'rll.


I Vaisakhi Da Mela Royal Concert Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 80111). 7pm. £3. A multicultural concert of Asian music. dance and drama from local and national artists.

I Brazilian Fiesta Cafe Cossachok‘. Rtissian Cultural Centre. King Street. 553 0733. 8.30pm. £5 (£3). Singer l.ynne ()‘Neill joins Kesha for a night of South American _ia//.


I None Of The Above Bongo Club. New Street. 558 76114. 8.30pm. £81£6). None ()f'The Above's ttsual eclectic line— up includes .\1r .\IcFall's Quartet (a Scottish Chamber Orchestra splinter group). Hung Drawn Quartet (quality sax _ia// and funk) and guitarist (ialo (‘eron. I TBC Wec Folk Club. Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. 557 2976. 8.30pm. £3. I The Listening Room The Blue Bla/er. Spittal Street. 229 5030. 8 10pm. £2 suggested donation. See Sun 28.


I The Border Gaitherin Various \L‘lillcs. 11157.3 224921). £45 \\ L‘L‘vallLl (£25). See Sat 4.


I Girvan Folk Festival Westcliffe Hotel. 1.00th Drive. 11146.5 7121281215 (111) £21) \\ L‘L‘kt‘llti. SL‘L‘ HT 5.


I Fresh Ayr 1.ovv (ireen. 01392 678100. 6.30pm. Free. Two-day music festival featuring ‘The Sound of'Young Scotland' on Saturday and seasoned talents Capercaillie. Bla/in' Fiddles and La Sonera ('alav era on Sunday. The weekend culminates in a spectacular fireworks display at 10.50pm on Sunday. I’urlu/ Illt’ “HF/IXsilk/:1.'IJIflI/i'ylfl‘tll. I To A Mouth The Famous Spiegeltcnl. Wellington Square. ()1292 4437110. 2pm. £5. (ircat title. .\1usic.

poetry and discussion from the likes of the Brian Kellock trio. Brian Morton and Margo MacDonald. l’url oft/iv Burns Am/ .1 I That/63111111.


I Robert Burns In Verse & Song Burns National Heritage Park. Murdoch‘s Loan. (11292 443700. 2.30—3.30pm. £2. See Sat 4. Par! oft/re Burns :1an A ' ’l'ltu!



I The Living Tradition The Famous Spiegeltent. Wellington Square. ()1292 443700. 7.30pm. £11). Selections from the Burns songbook performed by John .\1orran. Marc Duff and Dick (iaughan. l’urr “fl/Iv Burns Am! :1 ' 'I'lirtI_/i’.v'riv'(1/.


I Black Umfolosi Tolbooth Theatre. Jail Wynd. 01786 2740111). 8pm. £8 (£5.50). A cappella song and southern African dance (including the famed miner's welly boot dance) from Zimbabwean star performers.

Monday 6


I The Border Gaitherin \ariotis \‘enues. 01573 224921). £45 weekend (£25). See Sat 4.

Wednesday 8


I Nickel Creek St Andrew‘s In The Square. Off Saltmarket. St Andrew's Street. 548 6020. 8pm. £11) (£8). Youthful bluegrass for the opening concert of (ilasgow's annual country music festival. The Creek use mandolin. fiddle. guitar and vocal harmonies to update old-time mountain music. Part of Big Big Country- festival.


I Flook Iidinburgh Folk Club. Cabaret Bar. The Pleasance. 651) 2349. 8pm. £8 (£6). Astonishing. happy virtuosity from this four-piece featuring Brian Finnegan and Sarah Allen on flutes. John Joe Kelly on bodhran and guitarist [id Boyd. See preview.

I La Boum Bongo Club. 14 New Street. 556 5204. 913111-5111". £5. Touring in support of their new album (i/olm/ lliirming. this nine-piece count various Poo/.ies. Peatbog Faeires and Salsa Celtics among their number. so you can imagine a mix of musical styles from Cuban to African and back isn't out of the question. (iuest stars for the evening include performers from ther South African 'l‘ownship troupe .‘vlamelodi Arts And Theatre ()rganisation with vocals. dancing and more.


I Maurice Dickson Dunfermline Folk Club. Thistle Tavern. Baldridgeburn. 01383 729673. 8.30pm. £4 (£3). Traditional folk and blues guitar picking from the Northern Iriin singer- songwriter.


I The Cash Brothers Tron Theatre. 'I‘rongate. 552 4267. 8pm. £7.50 (£5.50). Country -tinged rock from this sibling duo. mixing ballads and wry observations on everyday life. Part of the Big Big Country festival.

I John Hinshelwood Band The Star Club. Riverside Club. Fox Street. 569 7287. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). Singer/songwriter 11inshelvvood and his band with their own take on country/roots music.


I Kieran Halpin Falkirk Folk Club. The Polish Club. Arnot Street. 01324 613395. 8.30pm. £5 (£4.50). The club and festival favourite lrish songwriter has t‘clL‘ilsctl clcv C11 itll‘tlllts.