US rock beasts P.O.D. flex some righteous nu metal muscle at Barrowland, Glasgow, Tue 30 Apr

Ayr I Fresh Ayr Lovv (il'k‘L'll. 01202 673100. 1pm. free. See Sat 4.


I Four More Heroes \a\aar House Hotel. 130g Road. 01‘th 67263.3. 7.30pm. £6. ’l'rihule to life Stranglers and songs like (ioldcn Brovv n. Strange Little (iirl and No More Heroes.

Monday 6


I Enrique lnglesias (‘lydc .-\nditorium. Sli(‘(‘. l’innieston Quay. 0S70 040 4000. £25. Sec .\lt111(i.

I The Suicide Machines, Lightyear and Jesse James The (’athousc. l5 l'nion Street. 248 6606. 7pm. £8. ()vcrv‘ l-ls shou. Detroit rockers promoting their fourth alhum Sli'u/ I'll/X /\)('t (ml.

I Melaton ls'ing 'lut‘s \Vah \Vah llul. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). H.30pin. £4 plus hooking fcc. ('onsidercd melodic guitar sounds from these l)uhlin hoys promoting their dehtit lil’ I‘iil/I'He Slur.

I Sean Na Na, The Mooney Suzuki and Macrocosmica l3ili \Ulc (.al'c‘. .50 (ill ls'ing Sll't‘t‘l. 5.5.3 163S. Spin.

I Acoustic Jam \icdn‘Slca/y. .lll Sauchichall Street. 3 33 0637.

Split midnight. l'rce. \Veekly open session vs ith a free hcvcrage ofyour choice for participants.


I Doolah, Wildtype, Lebowski and Chiasma Bongo (lull. l-1.\'e\v Street. 553 760-1. 0pm. £4. .v\n evening of heavy rock from a hunch of local

G asgow

I Westlife Sl'.( ‘( I l'inniesion ()uav. usm 0.10 .1000. £32.50, ‘l’liese Irish fads still continue in their quest for \voi'ld domination through dtill songs and cinlmrrassing dance routines. Somehme please tell them to stop.

I The Moody Blues (‘lyde .\uditorium. Sl:( ‘( ‘. l'innieston ()iiav. 0870010 4000. £21.50 £2 3.50. ()Id dodgers \v ho had a string of hits throughout the lzli/ahcllian age hilt like lllt' \‘llalis ill)t)\t‘ l't'lllst‘ 1f) ;Yl\t‘ llll. lilt‘ss

I Dillinger Escape Plan, Nasum, Sikth and Rabies Caste lhe (Kitliotise. l5 l‘nion Street. 248 6606. Still]. £7.50. ()ver— 14s \llt)\\. a hill ofdense. proggy thrash \vith l)liP's hyper hyhrid of metal and hardcore vv ith truly insane. almost free ja/l attitude to time changes. Nuts for sure htit stranger engrossing. The} recently vvoocd the peeps supporting System Of .-\ l)o\\ n at the Barras.

I The Von Bondies ls’ing ‘l‘ui‘s \Vah \Vah lltil. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). .S'.30pm. £6 plus hooking fee. I Bebado Baha/a. 25 Royal li\change Square. 204 0101. 0pm.

£3 £4. :\ night of Latin. samha. ja/x 'n‘ hass in aid of the flood victims in .‘vlo/amhique.

I Stuart’s Session l'isge Beailia. 232 \Voodlands Road. 564 l5‘)6. 9pm.



I T-Break 'l‘he Liquid Room. 9C Victoria Street. 225 2564. 7pm. £thc. SCL‘ \Vt'tl l.

Wednesday 8


I Westlife Sli('(‘. l’iimieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. £22.50. See Tue 7.

I Nickelcreek St :\ndrevv 's In The Square. St .-\ndre\v ’s Square. 353 8000. 8pm. £101£Sr .\'ickelcreek play their old lime hluegrass mountain music a la () li’ml/n'r lliltr'n' sir] Hum to kick off this festival of:\mcrica:ia. I’ur/ (if/fie li’l'e ('uiuilrv.

I Royksopp ‘l‘lie (iarage. 400 Sauchiehall Street. 332 1120. 7pm. £10. Over l-ls shovv. .\'orvv egian electro funk slackers. SL‘L‘ prc\ it“.

I Seafood, Jetplane Landing and Melaton King Tut's \Vali \Vah llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). S.30pin. £7 pltis hooking fee. A great hill of frisky nevv ~ish indie hopheads all \\ ith the chance to fill the Barras at a lalL‘l' (late. (in Sec.

I Big Word Performance Poetry NlL'L'dl‘SlL‘ill}. 421 Sauchieliall Street. 333 0637.

I Number One Son, The Kennedy Soundtrack, Area 54 and Left Hand Element lllL‘ ('alllttllsc. 15 [.0101] Sfl‘L‘L‘l. 248 6606. 7.45pm. £5.50, ()v er 14s shovv. Varied llll\ of nevv metal that isn't 'nu' as that is so hopelessly passe. 'l'he Kennedy Soundtrack are good crack for sure.

I Linda Fletcher Brel. Ashton Lane. 342 4966. 8pm. Linda and her hand perform lounge music tunes from her nevs alhmn Polka Dots .lm/.1lrmnln'unrs. I Acoustic Open Stage The Hall Bar. 160 \Voodlands Road. 564 1527. 9pm. Free.


I Barrichello ('ounting llouse. \Vest Nic‘tilstiii Street. 667 0876. Split. £4. As lahel mates of the lock pop shock that is hallhoy. Barrichello are either in exceedingly good company or stuck with the task of getting out from under (iordon Mclntyre's slim hut considerahle sliadovv. l’nashamed pop. think the Kinks. (irandaddy. Blur. even the l‘all. hut in a very good vvay. 'l‘his shovv is the launch of their nevv [bur/150]) liP.

I The Moody Blues t'sher llall. Lothian Road. 228 1155. 8pm.

£16.50 £23.50. See 'I‘ue 7.


I Westlife Sli(’(‘. l'innieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. £22.50. See life 7.

I Del Amitri and Cousteau Barrovvland. 244 (iallovvgate. 552 4601. 7.30pm. £16. S()l.l) ()l'l. Justin et al are hack in their old stomping ground and promoting their nevv alhum

trey ievv ed in the (iotttls fllis issttL‘l (‘rm lint l)n.1lr' (irmr/I’ l-‘ret not ifyotl missed out this time. they have announced another date at the Barrovv land on .\fon 20 .\lay.

I Mansun and Athlete King 'l‘ut’s \Vah \Vah llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £11 plus hooking fee. .\'umhering alongside Holly-oaks and our L‘le‘L‘lllL‘tl e\-cluhs Ctlilttt‘ (‘atherine Bromley as one 01‘ (‘llL'SlCl'.S finest e\ports. .\lansun inspire near fanatical devotion from their follovvers and this l'K [out is a lovv -key flip to say hello again [0 the devotees. .3011ch also aspire to cause such rumhlings in indie kids' umlergarments hut hav e time to prov e if they can.

I The Complete Stone Roses The (iarage. 490 Sauchiehall Street. 332 l 120. 7pm. £10. ()ver- 14s shovv. Hundred Reasons, Cave In and Hot Rod Circuit Queen Margaret l‘nion. 22 l'niversity (iardens. 33‘) 9784. 7.30pm. £9. The excellent Hundred Reasons promote their nevv single Silver hefore heading dim n to pel‘fot‘ltl on the Kerrang stage at ()//fest. See previevv. I Kiness, Foley and Marciano NiL‘L“ll‘SlL‘il/_\. 421 SallL‘ltiL‘llall SII‘L‘L‘I.

. .33 9637.

I The Cash Brothers Victorian Bar. 'l‘ron 'l‘heatre. 63 'l‘rongate. 552 4267. 8pm. £7.50 ( £5501. ('ountry tinged rock from these ('anadian hrothers. l’tll'l or 1er [he (‘oium'vu

I Findlay McDonald .\fe(‘liuills. 40 High Street. 552 2135. 9.30pm. Free.

I The Vagabonds 'l‘he Scotia. I l:- 114 Stockvv ell Street. 552 3681. 0pm. l-‘ree. Popular covers.

I Jam Session Samuel l)o\v \. 67- ‘)l \itlisdale Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. l'il'L‘L‘.

I Open Mic ’l’chai ()v na. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm. l'ree.


I Tinrokit, Enki and Felix Lighter The Venue. 17 2| ('allon Road. 557 3073. 3pm. £3 £4. lidinhurgh reggae/nick/funk trio 'l‘inrokit promote their dehut release The ('umou/luei' lil’. vs ith a little help from all.rockers linki and the live dehut of post rock types l‘e1i\ Lighter.

I James Taylor Quartet La Belle .-\ngele. llastie's (low. 225 7536. Split. £10 £12. llammond—filled acid ia/x from these masters of the genre.

I Dr Jones and Invisible Sun lleriot-\Vatt l'niversity l'nion. Riccarton.

451 5333. 0pm. lirec. :\cid ja/l and rock

influences comhine to produce Mr Jones' unique sound. Students and guests only.

The dates listed below are for one-off or ticketed shows; see below section for free residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Jazz listings compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.


I Adrian Byron Burns The Star (‘luh. Riverside (‘luh. l’ox Street. 56‘) 7287. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). (’lassic American hlues musician and member of Bill \Vyman's Rhythm Kings.

I Green Juice Canvas. 62 Alhion Street. 552 2101. 8pm. £5. lilectronic hreak-heat ja/I. from (ireen Juice. featuring saXopltonisl Martin Kershavv. \Villy Mofluson and Sly Si. plus rapper l-rosty J at this opening night of nevv ja/J. cluh Sidevv inder.


I Beat Root Orchestra The Beat Ja/l Basement. 1 ('hamhers Street. 078l I 375374. 8pm. £2 £3 tfree hefore £10pml. lixpect three sets starting at 10.30pm (approx ). \Vot‘ld jazz vvith an African. salsa. Latin and ska vihe. featuring the talents of Lino Rocha.

I Mario Caribe Quintet Henry‘s Ja// (’ellar. S Morrison Street. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5. Latin flavoured ja/l from this hassist hacked hy some stars of the Scottish scene: .‘vfartin Kershavv. .\lalcolm .\lcl"arlane. Brian Kellock‘ and John Rae.


I Band Of H.M. Royal Marines Scotland ('arnegie llall. liast Port. 01383 314000. 7.30pm. £6 (£5); season ticket £25 (£20). Popular concert season featuring music from the classics. shovvs. film and hig hand era.


I Shizuke and David S. Ware Quartet 'I‘olhooth 'l‘heatre. Jail \Vynd. 01786 274000. 7.30pm. £12 (£81: tvvo day and festival passes also available. Slirling's 1.4' lfi'eki'm/ festival of avant garde music kicks off vvith dark. atmospheric psy chedelia from female vocalist Slii/uka Miura. and free jazz. from tenor sa.\ophonist l)a\ id S. \Vare's first ever Scottish performance.


I Colin McPherson Princes Square. 48 Buchanan Street. 221 0324. Noon. l’ree. Ja/z. classical and easy listening from this pianist.

I Late To The Bar! Ramshorn 'I‘heatre. US Ingram Street. 552 348‘). 10.30pm. £4 (£3). Renovvned jau vocalist l-‘ionna Duncan and her hand invite Scotland's leading _ia// musicians to come together to perform.


I Rumba Caliente lfenry's Jan (‘ellar. .S' Morrison Street. 467 5200. midnight. £5. .\'evv si\ piece hand led by Salsa ('eltica trumpeter 'l’ohy Shippey. providing the finest in hot raunchy Latin sounds.

I Pharoah Sanders Quartet and Nick Peacock The Liquid Room. 0c Victoria Street. 225 2564. 7.30pm. £14. .\ true jal/ master. mixing straight ja/l \\ ith the avaiit garde and African rhythms to startling effect. Sanders made his name vvith John ('oltrane in the mid-60s_ and has gone on to semi—legendary status if] his ovv it right. l’ur! (ll-(I’li/lill'e/I. See feature.

At," :1 Mm. 9303‘ THE LIST 55