The Queen Mother

How sad I was to learn of the passing of the Queen Mother so soon after her younger daughter. Princess Margaret. The Queen Mother truly was the nation's granny and I do feel that not enough fuss has been made in the media about her passing.

For instance. the royal family were Quick enough to get on the phone to Elton John after Diana's sudden death to get him to rewrite 'Candle In The Wind' in her memOry.

Why haven't they been as quick this time to get the remaining members of Queen to rewrite ‘Another One Bites The Dust"?

Justathought Jonathan Muirhead via email



Re: Book now (issue 437)

I can answer the letter concerning the black book found in the Botanical Gardens. Glasgow. At the Lighthouse we were confused about repons of these black books which were addressed to be returned to us. We knew nothing about it until one turned up as an entry for 'Pigeonhole City'. a competition that asked entrants to devise a messaging system about architecture and the built environment.

The book invites people who find it to ‘use the book as their own for a short period of time. record your surroundings. take photos and write something‘ and then to leave it for the next person. Needless to say it won as in our eyes. although a small gesture. it has a big effect: the book has a distinct feel of Alice in Wonderland as it simply states 'Read Me' on the cover.

Part of the prize is suppon to take the project further and there are plans to produce many more and leave the books in places all over the world. Missing Presumed

2 THE LIST 2:") Apr—9 May 2002


React, The List,

14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE

or React, The List,

at the CCA, 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3.10

or email

Found (MPF) who are the instigators of this fantastic idea remain anonymous - even to me but watch out as there is already an amazing amount of interest.

‘Pigeonhole City' is at the Lighthouse until 12 May. Morag Bain National development officer The Lighthouse 56 Mitchell Street Glasgow

MARKET IN THE GAP Re: The Great Escape (issue 438) Just opened the new List to find an eight-page spread on gap year ideas. As a local company providing gap year courses. it would have been nice to have a chance to be involved. As you can see from our new brochure. there are plenty of options. You don‘t even mention learning a language (a popular option) as a possibility.

Support your local companies: we do . . . Trisha Emblem Caledonia Languages Abroad www. ca/edonia/anguages. co. uk


Re: Stage Whispers

(issue 436)

I want to thank you for the support you have given to the Brunton Theatre Company. Although I have just finished clearing my desk (I guess we lost). I can tell you that all the press suppOrt and indignation surrounding the closure of the company has helped keep spirits and belief up throughout the theatre staff.

Along with The Evening News. I can't think of anywhere else our cause has been so virulentlv voiced than in The List. It got to the point when l left y0ur Stage Whispers column surprised when we were not mentioned.

Well, it's finished now and that‘s a shame. but thanks to you and those like you. we do not feel failures. rather victims of something we just couldn't control or overcome. Let

hope for a more healthy and respectful future for theatre and those that want it. David Mark Thomson Former artistic director Brunton Theatre Musse/burgh


Re: The Full Monty/The York

Realist (issue 438)

Was I missing something here

or are we still reading a

Glasgow and Edinburgh events

guide? With such limited space

why cover a London

production of The Full Monty? John. get off your arse and

get Out more.

Gary Kerr

via email


Re: Glasgow Fabulous

Just thought I'd drop a Quick note to applaud the Glasgow Fabuloas comic strip. It's funny and strange and parochial: a bit like the City itself.

I am an Edinburgh reSIdent who was educated in the second City and it's nice to see something so local that's so funny and well de8igned.

l u8ually WOLildn't write but the strip was only drawn to my attention by the Vitriolic email a ceiiple of issues back and l thOnght it only fair to pass on my praise. given its now the first thing my friends and I turn to.

I really enjoy the strip and hope you keep up the good work. Art Art indeed.

Andrew McLaren via email


Re: Billy Brill (issue 438) Hello. If is |. Billy Bragg-Barking. bard of this hyphenated land. What an added benus that at least one person at my recent Usher Hall lecture had a life affirming experience. and such a decent chap too. Seldom has preaching to the faithful been so rewarding, especrally when nearly half the congregation hummed along almost eritltiiSiastically to the refrain from my great crowd pleaser ‘A New England'.

Between the old codgers rocking out like good uns and the knowledgeable nodding. toe tapping. chino clad chap in the front row . . . phew! OUite a night.

Mind you. next time I go on t0ur I think I'll do it (more Or less) solo with a really good s0und system so that people can actually hear the words (good idea for a wordsmith donchathink?). and choose venues that I can fill that don‘t have the parallel universe of a grand circle. billy-bragg@talkthem Via email

ANGEL LIES Re: Airborne’s first birthday at the Venue, Edinburgh Flyers say ‘38 mo. Everyone pays €12. Flyer says Dave Angel will play an exclusive three hour set. Clocks go forward. he plays just over two hours. upon which the promoter terminates the night blaming ‘the licensing police'. Hinmm.

To quote the Bash St Kids: ‘What a sww.‘ Marc Ely Via email


Re: Belle and Sebastian (issue 438)

How wonderful to read James Smart review of Belle 8 Sebastian at the Usher Hall. One explanation as to why the collective still appear self- consciOus on stage is the possmility that they share the knowledge of how absolutely shite they are.

Indeed. I am appalled that this entity. so despised by 98 per cent of the population. still receive volumous press coverage. Stephen Pastel. after years of dedicated tweeness. must be spinning in his playj.)en to see his position as ‘Godmother of Piddle Pop' being usurped by Stuart Murdoch. a man as talented as a legless spider.

Frank Satan Via email




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