Film index

Cats And Dogs tl’(ii ooo

tl.a\t'rcncc (hitcrman. l'S. 2(ltll l Jcl'l' (ioldhlum. lili/ahcth l’crk'inx. Miriam .\largo_\'lcx. 87 min. 'l‘hix rclrcxhing approach to cutc talking pctx tilmx ix a kind of .xuthrxch lumit' mcclx .lliuiun.‘ Imprint/tic. 'l‘hcxc dogx don't juxt talk. thc} uxc xurx'cillancc cquipmcnt and ha\ c a .xolcmn mixxion to protccl xcicntixt (ioldhlum ax hc im'cntx a curc for dog allL‘t'gicx. 'l’hc L‘ttlx arc 0 ll. ltL‘ll-lk‘nl on conqucring thc \xorld; thcir xpccial agcntx ha\c dcadl} ninja xk‘illx and \ icioux \xcaponx. 'l'hc animatronic cl‘lcctx arc ol‘ a prctty higli xtatidar'd. hut it'x thc animal traincrx you'rc in rcal axx'c ol'. 'l'hc occaxional uandcr into xcntimcntal tcrritor} and xltm ing up ol~ pacc can hc l‘orgixcn h} thc madl_\‘ original idca. Incl} action xcqucnccx and knockahout humour. Sclcctcd rclcaxc.

Charlotte Grayt15t... t( iillian Armxtrong. l'K. 2002i ('atc Blanchclt. Bill} ('rudup. .\lichacl (iamhon. Ill min. 'l‘hcrc'x a fundamcntal Ila“ in thix adaptation of Schaxtian liaulk'x' nox cl about a )oung Scotx “Ulliilll who ix traincd ax a xp} h} thc Britixh Arm) during World War II and droppcd into occupicd l'i‘ancc to \xork‘ \\ ith lhc chixtancc movcmcnt: it'x ahout ax tcnxc ax an cpixodc ol' ‘xll/u. ‘u/lo. 'l'hc lilm l'ocuxcx too much on thc charactcrx and not cnough on lhc action. In contcnting himxclf \\ ith charactcr arc and ritcx ol' paxxagc narrati\ c. ,xcrccnuritcr .lcrcm} Brock and .-\rinxtrong ha\ c ahandoncd thc hcightcncd drama of thc xtor}. l‘inc pcrl'ormanccx. though. ('amco. lidinhurgh: l’l'll ('incma. l-'alkirk. Collateral Damage t 15» o

l.’\lltll'c\\ l):l\'ix. ('8. 2002) Arnold Sch“ar/cncggcr. liliax Kotcax. l-‘ranccxca .\'cri. 103 min. In hix ncu- action llick Arnic pla}'.x a l,ox .r\ngclcx lircman at ho. upon

\\ itncxxing hix wife and xon killcd during a tcrrorixt action and xuhxcqucntl} \\ rittcn ol'l' ax 'collatcral damagc‘ h} thc go\ crnmcnt. takcx it upon himxclt to hcad oll lot (‘olumhia to hunt do“ n thc murdcroux maxtcrmind kno“ n ax 'l‘hc \Voll'. Although. poxt-Scptcmhcr l I it might xccm ('o/lult'ml Ihmmuc' hax a good dcal ol- contcmporar} rclcvancc tan unl‘ortunatc coincidcncc thc lilm wax complctcd in .-\uguxt 200] t. thix ix mcrcly anothcr dumh Sclmar/cncggcr actioncr. Shtmcaxc (‘incma. (ilaxgou;

Shim caxc. l’;iixlc_\,

Company t l’(il .-\xian lilm prcxcntation. l'('l. lidinhurgh.

The Conversation t IS) 00000 tl-‘rancix l‘ord (’oppola. l‘S. 197-li (icnc llackman. l‘rcdcric liorrcxt. ('indy \Villiainx. l 13 min. Harry (‘aul tllackmani ix a maxtcr ol' xur\cillancc who uoi‘k‘x alonc and ix xccrctix'c to thc point of paranoia. ()nc da} a routinc \x'irc-tapping joh turnx into a nightmat'c \xhcn llarr} thinkx hc licarx xomcthing dixturhing in a com crxation hctxxccn a young couplc. .-\x hc hcginx to mu't‘} that hix tapc ma} hc tixcd ax a prc- cnipti\ c to murdcr. hc hrcak'x hix t)\\n rigid rulcx h} gctting imohcd. l’oxt Kcnt Statc. hang in thc middlc ot~ thc \Hil‘xl atrociticx ol‘ Victnam. (’aul \xax a mctaphor for thc Amcrican middlc-agcd c\cr_\ man. hctra}cd

l concur: ' BUTTERFLY

32 THE LIST 1/5) At)!- Ei Ma, 1/301?

Guy Pearce and Jim Caviezel swash and buckle to no great effect in The Count Of Monte Cristo

h_\ hix go\ crmncnt. _\ct hatcd h} a )oungcr gcncration. .\ dark. c\ixtcntial thrillcr \\ hicli hax oltcn hccn copicd hut nc\ cr cquallcd. l‘ilmhouxc. ludinhurgh.

Cop Au Vin t 15» t(‘|audc ('hahrol. lirancc. l‘lSSi llt) min. .'\lxo knoun ax l’ou/t'l uu limiig'rt; thix ix purc (’hahrol. \\ ith mtu‘dcr. food and thc hourgcoixic tni\cd togcthcr. 'l'hc )oung poxtho}. hix girlli'icnd and crippch mum arc imcxtigating thc local cartcl'x murdcroux xchcmcx. But arc thc) a match for thc u ilcx of thc out-ol-ttm n cop'.’ (il’l‘. (ilaxgou.

The Count Of Monte Cristo 1 Put 0. IKc\ in Rc}noldx. l'S. Itltlli .lamcx (‘a\ ic/cl. (in) l’carcc. Richard llarrix. l.‘~l min. .'\x x\\;l\lll‘llL’l\lCl'\ go. .'\lc\andrc l)umax~ )arn rollockx thc xockx oll moxt. hoaxting high drama. romancc and ad\cnturc in ctiual mcaxurc. 'l‘hc talc. \xhich turnx on a man'x dcxirc l'or rc\ cngc. conccrnx )oung xailor lidmond l)antcx

((.tt\ ic/t'll \\ lit) ix lk‘lt‘u) L‘tl l3} lilx L‘ltlltllttmtl l'ricnd l't‘l'llttlltl \londcgo t l’carcc I. 'l‘hcrc‘x a lot of xtor} to gct through in iiixt oxcr tuo hourx. and it xllt)\\\. liadl}. 'l‘hc pacing of RC) littltlx. lillti ix xlltit. lo xtlttcc/c in thc

t\\ ixtx and turnx ol l)umax‘ plot. Rc}noldx gallopx through thc c\cntx. harcl} allou ing hix quitc dcccnt caxt to pcrlorm. nor thc tlL‘llHtl xL‘tltlL‘tlL‘t‘x it) liltllll'l\ll. SL‘L‘ t'c\ it“. (iL‘liL‘l‘ttl l'L‘lL‘thL‘.

Crossroads tl’( it D. t'l'ainra l)a\ ix. 1'5. ltltlli Britnc} Spcarx. Kim (‘attrall. I)an :\_\kro_\d. ‘H mm. lt'x \cr} difficult to t'c\ ic\\ ('rmxmmlx ax it'x not a normal lilm. hut ximpl} anothcr part ol~ thc Britnc} Spcarx World Domination Plan. And. dixappointingl}, thix ix not lhc turkc} \\ c xccrctl) llUPCtl littl'. liritnc} tlticxtld act \U

much ax prctcnd lo hc xomconc xhc‘x not xhc'x huilt hcr carccr on it. and hax hccomc \L‘t') gootl. ch. lltix ix chccx} illltl complctcl} lacking in originalit}. hut thcn lltix ix a tccn llitn lL'. ll' _\otl go to xcc lliix lilni. _\ou'rc not coming lor thc lilm. but for tilt L‘\[l‘;t largc tltixc til Bruno), And [hut'x cxactl} \\ hat )ou'll gct. (icnci'al rclcaxc. The Cry tthci tJat'omil .lircx. ('Icchoxlmakia. WM) NH mm. ('harming dchut cxploring thc lil'c ol a 'l‘\' rcpairman

\\ hoxc \\ itc ix c\pccting thcir lirxt hah}. 'l‘hc complc\ narratix c in\ol\cx llaxh hackx tand l‘oi'\\ardxi cxtahlixhing a incntal \\t)l‘ltl \\ hcrc paxt. prcxcnt. thc indi\ idual and xocict) l‘uxc. Si\ticx nc\\ um c praixcd l'or itx optimixtic tonc. l‘ilmhouxc. lidinhurgh.

Dancehall Queen I 151mm) l.cttx/Rick lilgood. Jamaica. I‘M") :\udt'c_\ Rcid. l’aul ('amphcli. (‘ai‘l l)a\ ix. 0% min. .\ poor lx'ingxton xtrcct \cndor. thc principal

hrcadu inncr l'or hcr xtruggling lamil}. lindx ncu \ italit) al‘tcr dixco\ cring thc pulxing. anon} moux world ol' thc dancchall. \ot otll} can xhc alltm hci'xcll’ thc ll'L‘CLlUlll to hccoinc a xtar. xhc ma} alxo hc ahlc to xx in thc lucratn c dancchall contcxt and pull hcr lamil} otit ol‘ dcxpair. ('all it a Jamaican ('imlt'n'llu. Part of trip'l‘} ch. (il’l‘. (ilaxgou: l‘iliiihotixc. lidinhurgh.

Delicatessen t 15 l .0... iJcan-l’ici'rc Jct1nct/.\larc ('aro. l‘rancc. 1901 l [)ominiquc l’inon. .\laric-l.aurc |)ougnac. Jcan ('laudc l)rc_\ Mix. 0‘) min. In a xcpia \xaxtcland xomcu hcrc in thc l'uturc. a hutchcr lccdx hix ncighhourx \\ ith thc iuic) iointx ol' hix lodgcrx. But \xhcn l‘oi'incr clo\\n l.ouixon tl’inoni arrncx atid lallx tor hix daughtcr. an undcrground \cgctarian rcxixtancc group L‘UtttL‘ l0 lllL' I'CxcttL‘. llllttl'ititlx l‘lL‘llLl Ul‘

sprin colle tion 2002

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hi/arrc charactcrx. xlapxtick and comic tcnxion makcx for thc lirxt ti'uc cult itcm ol' lllL' “)llx. NC“ l’ic‘lllt‘L‘ llUll\C. St .-\ndi'c\\ x. Doctor Beware (Teresa Venerdi) (15) (Vittorio l)c Sica. Ital). l‘)-ll 1 Adriana Bcnctti. Arturo liragaglia. :\nna \lagnani. 03 min. ('omcd} xtarring thc dircctor ax a doctor \\ ho \\ hilc \xorking in an orphanagc mcctx a young girl \xho t'allx for him.

llou c\ cr. hc ix alrcad) ha\ ing a paxxionatc allair \\ ith a xingcr. l’art ol' thc ltalian l‘ilm l'cxti\al. (il'i'l'. (ilaxgou.

Dolphins tl'i (Itltltli. 'l‘hc produccrx of thc moxt xucccxxl'ul l.\l.r\.\ mm ic c\cr. litt'n’xl. takc tix undcrxca into thc aquatic homc ol‘ dolphinx. \Vith narration h} l’icrcc liroxnan atid intixic h) Sting. l.\l:\.\ 'l‘hcatrc. (ilaxgou.

E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial it. D... tStcxcn Spiclhcrg. l'S. HMS/21MB l)cc \Vallacc Stonc. llcnr} 'l‘homax. l’ctcr ('oxotc. 12” min. l‘or thc tucnticth anni\crxar) ol' thix lahlc about a pcaccl'ul alicn marooncd on liarth. Spiclhcrg hax duxtcd oll hix hclox cd original and rcv- rclcaxcd it in a nut and impro\ cd torn] l'caturing digital tinkcring tli‘l"x c) cx. lor c\anIPlc. ha\ c hccn ‘cnhanccd' to makc him appcar morc alicni and tin ci' hct'orc xcrccncd xccncx xuch ax li'l' ha\ ing a hath. But moxt intcrcxting ix thc c\cixion ol' all thc lircarmx thc Amcrican atithoiiticx chaxtng li'l‘ and hix hutnan l'ricnd lilliot arc noxx armcd \\ ith nothing morc thrcatcning than mohilc phoncx. ’l‘hcrc'x xomcthing a hit prccioux ahout thix kind ol' clcanxing of thc lilm. Still. ax a lantax} adwnturc l'or kidx arid ‘adult kidx‘ alikc. lil’ rcmainx xonic kind Ul' ttititlct'tl claxxic. (icncral I'clcaxc.

Elvis Live: That’s The Way It Is - Special Edition it) 0000 tl)cltix Sandcrx. l'S. ltltll l 07 min. Sandcrx‘ original documcntat'). chronicling ’l‘hc King'x lirxt xtagc xhtm x in morc than a dccadc ttimc xpcnt dcxcloping an almight} drug habit and appcaring in tcrrihlc rom- com muxicalxi. \\;Ix a xoporilic allair. 'l‘hix Spccial lidition. hoaxting around 4t) ncxx minutcx. ix a rc\clation u ith l'our morc xongx and loadx morc inxidcr l’ootagc. Within xc\cn _\carx iil\ ix \xax dcad. a hloatcd parod} ol‘ \\ hat hc \iax hcrc. 'l’hix ix onc tnuxical and hixtorical documcnt _\ou do not \\ ant to mixx. ()dcon ('it} ('cntrc. (ilaxgou. (ilaxgoxx.

The Empire Strikes Back it;

0.. Mn in Kci‘xhnci'. l‘S. I‘Nlt .\lark llamill. llarrixon l‘ord. (‘arric l’txhcr. :\nthon_\ l)aniclx. :\lcc (iuinncxx. IZJ min. Sccond and lcaxt xurprixing inxtalmcnt of thc (icorgc l.tIL';tx xctltlcticc lxlill a lt‘ilog) xo tart: \\ ith rcadil) rccogni/cd charactcrx and prcdictahl} grcat xpccial cl'l'cctx. But thc intriguc ol‘ liiiiiil} riddch ix onl_\ rcall} inicrcxtuig in thc light of thc third xci'\ ing. lt’t’lurn 0/ Hit .luli. l'ilmhouxc. lidinhurgh. Emporte-Moi t lSt tlca Pool. (‘anada/l"rancc/Sxxit/crland. WU”) lx'artnc Vanaxxc. l’axcalc Buxxicrcx. .\liki

.\lano_ilo\ ic. 04 min. ‘l‘hix drama of idcntit} and dixplaccincnt ccntrcx around 13 )car- old llannah \xho, growing tip in .\lontrcal in thc carl_\ l‘lotlx. c\pcricnccx an cpiphan} ot' xortx \\ hcn xhc xucakx into a cincnia and
