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I Saw You .
V I saw you Josh. but you never responded to my valentine's card. Oh. how I lust for you. (‘all me soon or I'll cry. Box No [7439/34
V I saw you naked in my room after a chance encounter at the Garage. Too bad about your little accident! Box No [7439/35
V I saw you looking all sexy before. during and after (irandmaster Flash. But why didn't you worry about me. Claire? Box No [7439/36
V I saw you Ross in Ad Lib. You forgot my name. hope you didn't forget my number! X. Box .\'o [7439/38
V I saw you Neil. drinking coffee in the Barras (of all places) on a sunny. Sunday afternoon. Too shy to get your number but you said you'd look out for me. Are you'.’ Karen. Box No [7439/39
V I saw you - I bought "Buddha Lounge" from you in Iiopp (Byres Rd). Sunday 14th. You: tall. glasses. grey hoody. Me: wearing bright red coat. Box No [7439/40
V I saw you working in the ()1d Printworks. You are an Atissie boy and had 2 lemons on your shoulders. I asked for a Bloody Mary and you gave me one. eventually! Box No [7439/41
V I saw you Brian I" upside down on the hard shoulder junction 16 on the Mo heading north. Box No [7439/42
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’ or connect ‘ live 1-to-1! Up to 240 callers on
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12. 444 21
.p ” " a? a es ..'e" "Ii-r1 a cat-3 Le sa‘c a"; sec;
124 THE LIST 25 Apr—9 May 2002
V I saw you in Tinderbox April 6th 6.30pm (ish). You looking gorgeous & exotic. Me - red coat black spikey hair. Like to meet‘.’ Box No [7439/43 V I saw you (a‘ Public Spirit. Budda on Friday l2th April drunken mother“***!! CL' next week 4 [' wilkes. Box No [7439/44
V I saw you Suzie in easyEverything at lunchtime on Friday April 5th. You were gorgeous. brunette. 6' l " checking out Strongbow. l was 6'3" on your right. playing chess. Let's have a coffee. Box No [7439/45
V I saw you You want a clue. I don't really have space fora big one so you'll just have to let me email you or send a cute txt. Perhaps I could intrigue you instead by saying I always had a smile with you one particular day of the week...Box No [7439/46
V I saw you son of 1)] french bloke a year ago walking around with a big beard and a (ihostbusters vhs under your arm. Box No [7439/47
V I saw you (‘lucdo - what could you buy for 3/4 of a five pound note‘.’ Box .\'o [7439/48 V I saw you Woolworths. Lothian Rd Sunday 7 April 8pm ponytail girl. fawn trousers. Me: orange t-shirt shaved hair buying orange sheet. Iiye contact in choccies aisle... let's share a pick n mix! Box No [7439/49
V I saw you baby it's sooo nice to have you back...where's my bear claw?!'.’ Touch my ass!!! Box No [7439/50
V I saw you. hope you have a fantastic birthday. You are the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. Still say dogs are better than cheese though! Box No [7439/51
V I saw you I think your name is Jez and I saw you looking dark and mysterious in Broughton Street a few years ago. I love what you've done to your body! Are you coming out to play‘.’ Box No [7439/52
V I saw you Tess PP and Deano. [' dicks!! I love it. Jen x Box No [7439/53
V I saw you Shona. tried to call u for that coffee. but ur number is wrong. Still fancy that chat‘.’ A. Box No [7439/54 V I saw you cross-legged on (ieorge IV Bridge. 15th April. Nearly gave you some change. then realised you were waiting for library to open! I'd have said hello but didn't want to disturb you. meditating to music. Box .\'o [7439/55
V I saw you in a stupor. browsing the lKIiA catalogue again. You're a I’rond or a Louvre. as yet unassemblcd. ('all my helpline for the instructions. Box No [7439/56 V I saw you dancing with me in the l93()s. Hope you find love real soon. Let‘s be friends again. your redheaded Marilyn. Box No [7439/57
V I saw you after you split with a hacksaw. and became part of your merry bandsaw. Please don't fretsaw. and let me know how you are coping saw. Box No [7439/58
I saw you please note
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