
I Professional belly dancers available for performances: Weddings. PR events. restaurant theme nights etc. Contact Keira 07957 882 951


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Edinburgh Naturlst Swimming Club runs swim/sauna sessions 9-10pm every Friday at Glcnogle Baths. For more information please visit or call 07880 618 073


what are you doing

a! the weekend."

NC is a self run club for graduates and professionals offering a wide range of social and sporting activities. livery month our members run dozens of events covering a diverse range of interests.

Info from... GLASGOW 07050 248164 bellow EDINBITRGH 01313321342 www.cdinburghlV(‘

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this month: Hovercraft Flying, Gorge

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much, much more.

In Edinburgh, Glasgow and throughout Stotland SPICE - BECAUSE YOU ONlY lIVE ONEE for ERIE into pad: tel 0131 311 8822 Or visit our website on Inspired.“-

I Male and female volunteers required for stand-up comedy act. must have a bizarre sense of humour. Tel: 07720 152 896 or e-mail johnnyboy014(a‘

r _ - Learn to partner dance to any music, live, Latin, Charts . . . 0 Come alone or with friends (no need to bring a partner). 0 Complete beginners welcome every week at all nights. SPECIAL OFFER: Ist NIGHT £3.00 ONLY WITH THIS AD. (incl. FREE membership) GLASGOW: Mondays: Maryhill Community Hall. 304 Maryhill Road Wednesdays: Glasgow Uni. Union. 32 University Ave.West End. EDINBURGH: Mondays &Thursdays: Marco's. 55 Grove St. Tuesdays: St Stephens Hall. St Stephen's St. Stockbridge.

DUNDEE: Wednesdays: Ollie's Cafe. Olympia Leisure Centre. Earl Grey Place. ABERDEEN: Tuesdays: The Culter Mills Club. Cairn Road.


Thursdays:The Loft @ O'Donaghues.

16 Justice Mill Lane. For all classes doors open at 7.15. Beginners' class at 7.30pm.Admission is £5.00 (£4.00) Membership is £1.00 payable on first night. MONTHLY PARTIES: GLASGOW: Partick Burgh Halls. Off Dumbarton Rd. Second Saturday of the month. 8pm 'til 123m EDINBURGH: Marco's. 55 Grove Street. Last Saturday of the month. 8pm ‘til 1am ABERDEENzAberdeen Deaf Society. Smithfield Rd. Third Saturday of the month 8pm til'lZam. WEEKEND WORKSHOPS: - REGUUXR weekend workshops for all levels. including complete beginners.

Tel: 01324-613 209 - Email: Web:

Bands 8: Music

I Rock ‘n‘ Roll band with own material seek drummer. Must be dedicated and committed. 07715 784 834.

i Person-Centred Counselling in central Edinburgh for change. growth and for healing distress . Militza Maitland BACP. 0131 556 5692 Militzaemaitlandm. Robert Stone Therapeutics 153 Broughton Road professionally accredited & experienced therapists specialising in: Swedish massage therapeutic massage reflexology Indian head massage. Gift certificates available. 1 0131 557 3806

Person centred counselling


i change life problems. depressing. abuse. stress. relationship difficulties and bereavement. i Ring Marion Osborne ' in Glasgow on 07931 527 243

I Art as therapy. counselling. Also Group work. Confidential. creative exploration of personal. professional. health. and family issues. etc. Experienced. caring y professional. Mrs Ruth Fckctey. Tel: 0131 336 1737

POWER YOGA also KICKBOXERCISE, YOGA combination (no contact) increase your strength. stamina. flexibility and muscle tone. Try this innovative wholistic form of mindful exercise. Beginners classes central Edinburgh I

Contact Morgan 1 0131 226 2941 or 07870 824 133

Holographic Repatterning A fun and extraordinary to release old patterns. regain balance and get more out of life. Georgia Wolfson BA (Hons) MFA. Registered Holographic Repatterning

Sahaj Marg: Heart- centred meditation. A natural path of

balances spirituality with

Practitioner Tel: 01“ 423 2.64 i all regardless. of bcackground or r persuasion. on act: t (“875 830 358 (Edinburgh) 5 0141 339 1343 (Glasgow)

120 THE LIST 25 Apr-9 May 2002


an Exhibition of paintings and Crafts by members of the Glasgow Society of Women Artists at the LILLIE ART GALLERY, STATION ROAD, MILNGAVIE. Saturday 27 April to Thursday 23 May incluswe. Opening hours: Tuesday Saturday 103m - 1pm and 2 - 50m. Closed Sundays and Mondays.

Admission Free.


can help you to understand and

: Body 8. Soul -

transformation from within that

everyday life. No fees. ()pen to

“a (U; :2 _<_U LL a Z

CLUB OPEN DAY Anyone for tennis? Come down to the Open Day at the Grange Tennis Club. Stockbridge on the 1 1th May from 2-5pm. Fun and mini tour— naments for all levels and ages. On court try your luck at: Beating the Coach. Fastest Serve. Adult Grass Mini Tournament. ()ff Court Enjoy: Strawberries and Cream. Stalls. Snacks. Bar. Contact: The Grange Club. Portgower Place. Stockbridge. Edinburgh Tel: 0131 332 2148 E-mail: grangedyvoursO

"31': O N O . 0) O


Ultimate West End flat. Comprising billiard room. floor of mansion. ()wn internal hall and stairway - windows all round - spacious dbl b/room - large lounge - raised dining area. fitted kitchen - tiled bathroom + shower. (ias c/hcating. Easy parking. Large garden. £550 pm 0141 357 1 1 16

I Thornwood. One bedroom flat. fully furnished GCH. £400pcm + dep + bills Tel ()l7()() 503 103

Hyndland. Attractive, spacious flat. opposite park. Bay windowed lounge. three bedrooms. and large dining- kitchcn. (iCll. all appliances. furnished. well decorated £720pcm. 01770 840 276/ 0141 956 2830

I Southside flat. Desirable location: one double bedroom: dining kitchen; box room; (i.(‘.ll. newa decorated: all mod cons: close to amenities and bus/rail networks. 0141 (>49 7380

I Bellgrove - handy for city centre - one bedroom flat. modern. stylish. resident parking. (iCl—l. all mod cons. Suit professional single/couple - £380 pcm. Tel: 0141 575 5507 I Large bright furnished Queen's Park flat. New kitchen. wood floors. CH. l)(i. sunny garden. (‘lose amenities. transport. park. Suit professional couple £495 pcrn 0141 579 7968 or 07989 478 320

I White Street, Partick. Traditional. high-quality top- lloor furnished fiat. (ircat views. 1-l)B with “1113. lounge. fitted kitchen. electric shower. (iCH. 1)(i. £480pm. Available 1/05/02. Call 07748 805 268

I To let in Ccssnock. Large l-bedrooms from £350/ 2- bedroom £480. (‘lose to shops. underground. bus. ideal for 2-3 people sharing. ('all Franca on 0141—1274482or07812191781


I Leith Links flat. Excellent decorative order ideal for professional couple. 1 dbl bedroom. Bus routes to city centre 5 mins from Shore. Available from May. £530 pcrn. Includes council tax. Tel 07778 621 (336

I Leith. One bedroom flat. Recently restored. new kitchen and sanded floors. rear garden. Suit professional or couple. Tel ()7940 729 641 £550pm including (‘T and bills plus deposit.

I Easter Road - fully furnished newly decorated top floor flat. large double bedroom. boxroom. kitchen/lounge. new bathroom. Would suit professional couple. £420 pcm + bills (no DSS please). Tel. 0131 343 2638