Edinburgh life
Edinburgh Life continued
Tuesday 30
Ann Dr Matheson Scottish Poetry l.ihrat‘y. 5 (‘richton's ('lose. ('anongate. 557 2876. 7.30pm. £3. .\latheson presents a lecture. .It Questioning ()f lil/ltt’\.‘ l/H’ lite and ll'()I'k.\' ofRu/wr! .llut'l.t'//ttrt. Part of the Broyynshank Lectures Series.
Other events
Stella Screen Cinebar ()xygen Bat' & (irill. 3- 5 Infirmary Street. 557 ‘)‘)‘)7. 8pm. Free. Stella hring cinema to the ptih. screening classic films in a relaxed and familiar eny‘ironment. 'l'his e\ening's film is Ix! ])()/('(' liltl.
Beltane Fire Festival ('alton Hill. 228 5353. l()pm. Free hut donations welcome. linjoy a the. dance and drtttmning spectacttlar as the .\lay Queen welcomes the new season. It's the fifteenth year for Iidinhurgh’s Beltane l-‘ire Society. and the procession has groyy n to hecome Europe‘s largest tire festiy'al. See preyieyy.
Wednesday 1
Book events
Alistair Moffat l'iesll‘all 'I’hcatre. l5 2‘) .\'ico|son Street. 52‘) (lllllll. lpm. L4. The former head of Scottish 'l‘eley ision and liringe \‘isionat'y' tells fascinating stories of ('eltic Britain from his neyy hook. 'l‘lit’ Sm Kingdoms.
National Hunt Racing Kelso Racecourse. Kelso. ()1573 224767.
5.45 8.30pm. £12t£4 £7: children free). Six national hunt races.
Hugh Miller Guided Tour Royal Museum. 2 ('hamhers Street. 247 42l‘). 12.30pm. l‘ree. See Fri 26.
Artist’s Talk 'I‘alhot Rice (iallery. t'niy'ersity of lidinhurgh. Sottth Bridge. 650221 I. lptn. liree. ('hristine (ioodtttan talks ahottt her \york currently on slltm iii the round room.
0.0. Hill: The Birth Of The Photographic Portrait 'l‘allsot Rice (iallery. l'niyersity of lidinhurgh. Sottth Bridge. (i5() 22] l. 5.15pm. l‘ree. .\ discussion of the \york of l).(). Hill \y ith Richard ()y-enden. director of collections at the l'niy‘ersity of lidinhttrgh.
Book events
Out Loud Athletic .-\rms. .-\ngle l’ark 'l’errace. 337 3822. 7.30pm. l‘ree. The Phoenix Writers (it‘ottp host this monthly ‘open mic' night for poets. \yriters. musicians and performers.
The Stilt-Men Of The Lunar Swamps And Other Stories (‘at‘e Royal Bistro Bat'. l7 \Vest Register Street. 557 47‘)2. 8pm. £2 (£1 ). Spoken yyord performance group \Vriters Bloc host an eyening of science fiction ranging frotn hard-edged speculation to pulp satire. The four main stories yy ill he presented hy
May Day 2002
What is it? May Day is traditionally set aside for campaigning for yy‘orkers’ rights. and in lidinhttrgh that manifests in an annual march from Market Street. along the length of Princes Street. to a rally in Princes Street (iardens.
Who will be there? Aside from the thousands of people yy ho tttrn ottt to support this worthy cause. and the usual political actiy ists including .\lSl’ 'l'ommy Sheridan and S'l'l'(‘ secretary Bill Spiers. the star speaker \\ ill he l’aul Roheson Jttr. Who is he? the Ne“ York actiy isl is “ell-respected in his on it right as an historian and human rights campaigner. httt is hest knoyy n as the son of legendary
actor. orator and political \ isionary l’aul Roheson.
Why haven’t I heard of him? His ama/ing life story \y as mostly ’forgotten' hy yy hite history hooks. httt the centenary of his hirth reayyakened his standing in the .r\merican conscience. ln l‘)‘)8. he posthumously rcceiy ed a (irammy for ‘l.ifetime .-\chie\ement’. 'l'hat ayyard yyas accepted hy his son. l’attl Roheson Jnr.
I t‘t/tav Dav 2002. Market Street (‘2 Princes Street Gardens. 5:36 8865). Sat 4' Mat;
1 1.30am.
Hui—'0 ayy ard nominee ('harles Stross. .4 Son ()I'l'ht' Roe/t author Jack l)eighton. (iay in lnglis. \\ ith his hellish story ofold age. and local yy riter .-\ndre\y J Wilson. Big Word Performance Poetry (iildetl Saloon. 2.3.3 ('oyy'gate. 226 (i550. ‘)pm. £4 H23). llypet'actiye performance poetry from actless/comedian liaye Milligan (who starred in the lite/nu .tlonu/neutts ). Jenny Lindsay. Nick 1'. .\lel\ ille and Longface.
Dreaming Of Jerusalem lidinhurgh l’rintmakers. 23 l'nion Street. 557 247‘). 7pm. Stuart l)uftin presents a cross-media collahoration for string quartet. photography and atnhient sound as part of his artist talk.
Musselburgh Races Musselhtttgh Racecourse. l.iltklieltl Road. .‘ylttsselhurgh. oo5 285‘). 2.l5 5pm. Ut) {l5 (£5: under los free). lilat horse racing.
Hugh Miller Guided Tour Royal .‘ylttseum. 2 (’hamhers Street. 247 42 l‘). 12.30pm. l’ree. See l-"ri 2o.
Other events
Country 8. Western Festival Of Music And Dance Royal Highland (‘entre. Ingliston. (H.383 732otl‘). L'lo (UH) for one day £40 for weekend ticket. three day s of(‘otmtry and Western music from the likes of l.andons. .\'ehraska and 'l‘rick Rider. pltts competitions and dance instruction.
Saturday 4
May Day 2002 Market Street.
I l.3()am. Speakers l’aul Roheson Jnr and Boh (‘royy R.\l'l‘_ioin .\lSl’s 'l‘ommy
lnveresk Lodge t;"-:.- sway. :th ' .xt ‘ -(.A Garden ‘Eis $11.11. . i:..':,t;e . m t ' totsty " ll! |t‘*.'(}t-f.‘-Sv<_ Nr Pvl.tssett;.,rj;". f;";;t;-:;'. a". ‘ <: ’i 84‘ :2 one :: inmost: :;‘ it‘e <:tt‘,. the 66:"; Mon—Fr- ttie ;,-:;-r"t:-t:°. :Jgtw 2. earn .. Botanic Garden ts Home to
’(Lat'w—-t’}t;"‘tz Sat 8 St." ":;t‘-:;- M' "g; z. a ‘.'.'eat‘.". <:7' "out “out "eon—{3:771 $32 ::'2 are." :s":;'.'.:,:;a':: sk. ‘ss. gt"<>.t't<t {fie :tl:>l>e.
fret;- . Oil-t3!) al' y.ear ((Jtlt‘ft. Rosslyn Chapel Royal Museum
tins terrace?) §5€‘t"_te."- uses Bus ~1-1'l 2 ' '3?) .‘vtov‘ {Sat .11()"ar":;e:sStreet.2-1/ (tlf$t}:£t‘,S t,‘ cotottr‘ai ‘i,gt"‘«:'2:;" ~11? ‘ Me" Sat HerLaceoos; we is. :s""t.t;s Tigifxr" .1..’-:':t,"‘.E-'. 15a" f>t:"‘;
and roses to tittstratt: 3315.5; " 5;. "ts'. 'l ~ ’:"~;t;;t:l new f>t;t-~; i..e r?it:t"t;<tst“ztf fléittt)(31.f;t3(l (:f)"’.;i'. ";. :t" ".EE'.i;’t<Zt't..“. '.l;tv". fir": take. A til'th 71a fi()'t‘€if3'.t(: ttéi’fitf't. ‘gissc: "at no ::.:t ‘. "its gt":t ::<.-o:;.", moses" i'tottstttq Midlothian Ski Centre ain't/.271. "T;f}'."": t"-'*"‘:‘-"w":tt::.,‘i<:tift;'::;;:' thqar Read, lilil(:"t(l_ .2-15; aft-2": T," ’ ‘~ . " '."t: 'v .;s;'. 'itt’..t't‘tl " story, .ttrnzxtx, 43.31%. Mon Sa‘. iititfl'“ "-i.-:t t." fi'. run: sconce. ft=<;':rt:;|.;:;‘. at‘tt triatjatn—Eitjrn: Stir: Royal Botanic Garden T’l‘: decent! at: .tzts. V'stta's USUatn» 7pm S‘t5.1%(;t:,ra ll“.-f:."t:l'." ilt;.'., " “’i " " "a" ma: .';'.-': ftr' ft‘t:'
100 THE LIST 75; At» 3; Ma.
Sheridan and Margo MacDonald for this .\Iay Day rally. See photo caption.
Hugh Miller Guided Tour Royal Museum. 2 ('hamhers Street. 247 42l‘). l2.3()pm. Free. See Hi 20.
Other events
Scottish Aero 8. Auto Extravaganza Museum ()t‘ t-‘liglit. liast l-‘ortune Airfield. lladdington. t)l(y2() 88(l3tt8. 10.30am 5pm. L'lt) per car. (her 200 cars. motorcycles. commercial and military \ehiclcs conyerge on the museum fora fatnily day yyhich also features tnodel aircraft. static display s. stalls. rides and more.
Antiques Fair Royal llighlattd ('cntre. lltglistott. 5.3.5 (i200. lit‘oyy se ot huy trout a \s ide selection of antiques and collectahles.
Country & Western Festival Of Music And Dance Royal Highland ('entt‘c. lltglislotl. (H.385 752609. [lo lL'ltH for one day. See l‘ri 3.
Dawn Chorus llt\et'e\k Lodge (iarden. lny'eresk. \r .\lttsselhurgh. (i53 55‘)5. 4 5.3tlattt. £4 (£2). l)isco\'ct‘ hirdsong at this early morning eyent. Booking required.
Scottish Claymores v Frankfurt Galaxy Murray field Stadium. Rt\et‘stl;tle ('rescettt. 0.500 3555.35. .3pltt. the (‘lay mores continue their .\'l-’l. littrope league campaign yy ith a tnatch against the (iermatt giants.
Scotland v Austria \y'est l.otltiatt ('ouricr Stadium. .'\lderstone Road. l.i\'iltgstolt. ()l5t)(i 4 l 7(lt)t). .\ qualifying match for the 2003 l-‘ifa \\'ottieti's World ('up.
Talks Hugh Miller Guided Tour Royal
.\lttseum. 2 (‘hamhers Street. 24,” 42l‘). l2.3()pm. free. See l-‘ri 2o.
Souths? falliiluYVl "ercos "
a} ,\ at. s s ‘ -o_s' ,c‘ ,‘v' f)” e. '\ [)r. s_ me See. .s' Sow... Ha .. t. to} .<,.
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Royal Yacht
Other events
In Memoriam . . . New Zealand Servicemen In Scotland .\lttseum ()f l‘liilht. liast liortune Airfield. lladdington. ()|(i2() 88()3()8. £3 if I .5(): children free l. .\ (iolden Juhilec ceremony ttny‘eiling a plaque to commemorate the Nets '/.caland airmen stationed in Scotland dttring World War 'liyyo.
Scottish Aero 8. Auto Extravaganza .\lttscttm ()f l-‘light. liast l5ortune Airfield. lladdington. ()lo2t) 88tl3tl8. lt).3t)am 5pm. L'lt) per car. See Sat 4.
Antiques Fair Royal Highland ('etttrc. lngliston. 335 6200. See Sat 4. Country 8. Western Festival Of Music And Dance Royal Highland (cutie. lngliston. ()l383 732nm). L'lo tiellll for one day. See Ht 5.
Book events
Performance Poetry Workshop Quaker Meeting House. 7 Victoria 'lcrrace. 555 2707. 7 ‘)pm. [35 tL'25l. See Mon 2‘).
Tuesday 7
Other events
Scottish Toastmasters Scottish l’oyy er Regional HQ. l’ishyyiyes (‘attscyyay l’ortohcllo. (io‘) 5l‘)().
7.l5 9pm. 9.30 for si\ months. A self- help ptthlic speaking cltth teaching inyaluahle techniques and sharing e\periences yy ith others.
Stella Screen Cinebar ()\ygctt Bar tk (irill. 3 5 Infirmary Street. 557 ‘)‘)‘)7. 8pm. l‘rcc. See 'l'ttc 3t) only tonight's film is Stilts/1min
Wednesday 8
Spons National Hunt Racing ls'elso thc‘t‘c'tttlt‘\t‘. Kelso. (H.573 224707.
2.2() 4.55pm. £l2tL'4 f"). See \Ved l.
Hugh Miller Guided Tour Royal .\lttseum. 2 ('hamhers Street. 24," 42W. l2.3t)pltl. l‘ree. See kit 20.
Alan Shipway Lunchtime Tour lalhot Rice (iallery. liniycrsity of lidinhttrgh. South Bridge. (i5() 221 l. ltttn. l-‘ree. .-\ lunchtime tour of .-\lan Shipyyay 's e\hihition of paintings.
Is Nature Conservation Helping To Destroy The Highland Landscape? Quaker Meeting House. " Victoria 'l'erracc. 557' (i238. 7.30pm. £2. “1‘ .lillllL‘\ l'elttotl considers \\ hethet' the Highlands are heing turned into an itnagined landscape.
Thursday 9
Miracles, Masters & An Extraordinary Story Netltetltoyt Arts (‘entre. 43 45 High Street. 55o ‘)5."‘).
" ‘)pm. l‘ree. The major issues facing the yyorld today are highlighted in this talk.
Britannia :‘ '. :‘.-i. ‘i: 4:12:15
Town-f :. .. .' V.“
St Giles’ Cathedral :“C..i ‘3‘ .t‘. :i.:.i..3‘
\ ‘ i 't s \l