9637. 9pm. liiciiing dcdicatcd to thc nohlc art of rock'ii'roll \iith li\c lllllSlC to hc conlirnicd.

I Macrocosmica, Craig 8 and Hex 'l‘hc RC\lthlll.\. 'l‘hc l3th .\'otc (’al'c. 50 60 King Sti‘cct. 553 I638. 9pm. l.atc Night l‘orcign Radio lloxl lllc‘lt' lillill Rc‘\ltlclll\ night \\ ith noisy guitars pi‘m idcd h_\ Macrocoxinica and Acrcogi'aniiiic l‘rontniaii (‘raig ll.

I The Medicine Room Brcl. .'\\lll(lll lanc. 343 4066. 8.30pm. l’rcc. .\lonthl) prc—cluh night \\ ith l)l.\ and iiiipi'm jamming l'i'oiii “llUCVL'l' lancicx joining in. I Acoustic Open Stage The Hall Bar. I60 Woodlands Road. 564 l537. t)pin. lil'cL‘.


I The Medicine Room Bicl. 3‘) 43 Ashton Lanc. 343 4966. 8.30pm. l'rcc. Monthly pi‘c-cluh night lt‘illlll'lllg l)J\. inipro\ ixational lllll\lc‘ and pocti‘}.


I The Sempiternal Hoon Bongo ('luli. l4 .\'c\\ Strcct. 558 7604. ()pin. £5. Jan funk groon l‘roni 'l‘hc llooii hackcd up h} a \L‘lL‘L‘lltlll ol‘ [Us at thc l’l-'() ('luh. I Lee Paterson and Codeine Road Whixtlchinkics. 4 6 South Bridgc. 557

5l l4. ‘)piii. l’rcc. Rock. hlucx and pop coxcrs l'i'oni l’atcrxon.

I Showcase 'I'hc .\laltiiig\. 8l 85 St Iconardx Sti‘ccl. 667 5946. 0.30pm. lircc. Scc \Vcd 30.

I Invisible Sun l.;l BL‘llL‘ .'\ll:_'L‘lL‘. llaxtic's (low. 335 7536. 8pm. £4 £5. Mclodic rock from [in ixihlc Stiii \\ itli tuo more local act\ to hc conlii'nicd.

Thursday 28


I Orange Goblin, Roadsaw and Grand Magus King 'l'tit'x \\'ah \‘i‘ah llut. 373a St Vinccnt Strcct. 33l 537‘). 8.30pm £7 plux hooking l'cc.

I Pee 45, Eight Page Pullout, Misled Youth, Veda and PMO 'l‘lic (’atliotixc. l5 l'nion Strcct. 348 6606. 7.15pm. £3.50 plllx hooking lcc. ()xcr- l-l\ \hoii. Skatc punk \pccial.

I Ken Stringfellow Nlc‘c-‘ii‘SIca/i. 43l Sauchicliall Strccl. 333 0637. ‘)pin. .-\cou\lic \ct l'roiii 'l‘hc l)(l\lL‘\ l'i‘ontniaii

u ho hax i'clcaxcd a \olo alhiiiii on thc l’oploncx ltllk‘l.

I Acid Mothers Temple 'l‘lic l3ili NUIL‘ ('illt‘. .50 (ill King Stt'cct. 5.5.3 l(i.38. 8pm. £6.50. Bcst gct along carl} l'oi' llll\ \hou oncc all thc iiiciiihcrx ol llll\ Japancw llL‘ilV) px) chcdclic rock collcctn c ha\ c littcd on to thc tin} \tagc arca thcrc ma} not hc much room lcl'l l‘oi‘ piiiitci'x.

I Park Lane, Swedger and Hailing Uncle Paranoia 'l‘hc Stilllltlllltlh. 47 ll}dc l’ai‘k Sli'cct. 331 465‘). 0pm. £3. Na! in a llltlllllll} \cricx ot' gigx l'roin local groupx \\ ho lISL‘ thc Soundhaux i'ccordiiig L‘Ulllplc‘x.

I Lady Jude All l.lh. I l l llopc Sll’ccl. 348 6645. llpiii. £3. .\lcllo\\ loll. hop \\llll \ll;ltlc‘\ ol l’lil’ll\llc‘;ltl.

I The Vagabonds 'I‘lic Scoilii. l l:- 114 Stockncll Slrcct. 553 868|. ()plll. lircc. l’opular cmcrx.

I Jam Session Samuel l)()\\ ‘x. 67 ()l Nitlixdalc Road. 433 0l07. 8.30pm. l'rcc.


I Police Chief and Bendy Toy lllL‘ Liquid Rooin. ()c Victoria Strccl. 335 3564. 7.30pm. £5. \Vhilc it ina_\ \(llllltl likc a lurid tahloid hcadlinc llllx l\£llltilll1lL‘ hill of [no ol~ Scotland'x lincxl pl'tlptillc‘llh ol daiicc hcatx \\ itli a \crioux rock \ ihc lthiiik thc (‘hcnix l.o-l‘i\. clc and )tllll' in thc right ballpark l.

I Range Eleven, Alfonso, Cry 500' and Ignition Bongo (‘llllx l4 .\'c\\ Strch 558 7604. 9pm. £5. Spccial lundraixcr gig l'oi' liot’lll l'x llclp lhc (‘hild Appcal.

I Andy McCabe arid Delta Croft Review \Vhixtlchinkicx. 4 (i Stilllll llridgc. 557 5| I4. Upin. l‘rcc. Rock. hliicx and pop L'()\L‘l’\ l'roni l’;llc‘l'\tlll.

The dates listed below are for one-off or ticketed shows; see below section for free residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Jazz listings compiled by Henry Horthmore and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 14


I Scott Hamilton and Brian Kellock Trio 'l‘hc l’iping (‘ciili‘cz

30 34 .\lcl’h.ilcr Stt'cct. ('oxicaddcnx. 387 55l l. 8pm. £8 £l0. Suing \;i\oplioni\l Scott llainiltoii lc‘ullh up

\\ itlt llic Kcllock 'l‘rio l'oi' .lil/l \liiiiixli'caiii. although lhc} iiia} ;Il\(i dip into thcir linc diio collaboration at \onic poiiil ;l\ “0”.


I The Goat Stew World Jazz Party ’l‘hc llcat .la/I llaxcinciil. l ('haiiihcrx Slrcct. 078ll 3753.74. 8pm. l‘i‘cc. World l'tiol\. al‘ro hcal and latin lilinourcd iii/I l'i'oiii 'l‘oli} Shippc) \ ncu \i\ piccc lNlllll.

I Dave Milligan Trio llcni'} \ .la// ('cllar. 8 .\lorri\on Slrccl. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £5. l’iaiiixl .\lilligan and hix trio \llppl} a inclodic ia// \clcction l'roiii old \landard\ lo llc‘\\L‘l' l'unk} lllllt‘N.


I Glasgow Jazz Record Club l‘nitarian (’hiirch ('cnti'c. 73 Bcrkclc§ Strccl. 33l 3l5—l. 7.30pm. £3 l£l l'ol‘ lllL‘llllk‘l‘\. \\ ith a £5 joining lcc l. .lax/ i'ccord club and tll\L‘ll\\lt‘ll group. \ ixilol‘x \xclcoinc. l‘ui'thcr dclailx l'roiii lii'nic Spcii'x. l4 (ilcndcc Road. chlrcii. l’.r\4 0;\l). 0l4l 886 304‘). ‘l‘hix \xcck liill Ncixiiian prcxcntx "l'lic li\ il linipirc Again'.


I Masquenada llcnr} \ .la// (‘cllaiz 8 \ltii'i'ixoii Sti'c‘ct. 467 530i). lilitllliglll. £5. .\ l.atin-inl'ii\cd jal/ \clcction l‘i'oni thcxc lorinci' ('alc (ii'al‘lili rcgularx. including (‘liinip ol Salxa ('cltica lanic on pcrcuxxion and ('oliii Stcclc oii trtiiiipct. I Hush Hush Session The llciil Ja/l llaxcinciil. l (’hanihcrx Slrccl. 078ll 375374. 8pm. £l £3. ('raig Sniith pro\ idcx thc \oull'til lioiixc-l'uiik l'nxion ax hc lzlllh :llt)!l}_'\ltlc‘ hix rcgular collahoi‘iitoi‘x liiidgc l’ingci‘x and Soiiiidhoiic.

I Jazz ’n’ Jive Club l‘airiiiilc Inn. 44 liiggai' Road. 3 l 3 8343. 8pm. £4 l£3i. ’l'lic \\'c\t lind .la// lland join thc l.tilll\i;tll;t Ragtiiiic lland l'or inorc traditional jal/ \oundx.

I Lynne O’Neil llcnr} '\ .la// ('cllar. 8 .\lorri\on Strccl. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £5. I.) nnc ()‘.\'cil \llppllt‘N thc \ociil\ l'oi' a night of l'unk) ia// \tilllltlx.

Saturday 1 6


I Freewheelers Bic-l. 3t) 43 :\\llltill l.anc. 343 4066. 3pm. l‘i‘cc. S;i\ophoiii\t Roh llall Icadx hix lll\ with c l'oiii' piccc jal/ hand.

I Glasgow Wind Band Annual Concert RS.v\.\ll). I00 chlrcu Slrccl. 333 5057. 7.30pm. £7.50l£4i. l’rcxcnting "l‘hc Yankx arc ('oniingll (All .'\lllL‘l'lL';lll l’ciNl’cctnci‘. a trihiitc to :\lllL‘l'lL';lll coinpoxci'x l‘i'oni contctnporari loia/x.


I Subie Coleman Band llcni‘} \ .la/l (I'llut'. 8 \liit'l'ixiiii Sli'ccl. 407 .5300. iiiidnight. £5. Vocalixt (‘olciiiaiL \\lio \\;l\ prc\ lt)ll\l_\ axxocialcd \\ itli ('alc (ii‘iillili'x Midnight Bluc Hand. l‘i'ontx hci' o\\li

tlllllll. \\ ith hliicx. iii/I and \oiill'ul lllllt‘x. I Carlo Actis Dato and Enzo Rocco llcnr} \ .liix/ (’cllar. 8 .\lorri\ol1 Sli'cct. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £5. You prohahl} uon't lia\ c licard ol' lhcxc ginx. hiit il'}oii clicck lhcni out. _\ou non‘t l'orgct tliciii in a hiirr}. Sa\ophoiii\t ('ai‘lo .-\cli\ Halo and giiitarixt liii/o Rocco l_\ou iiia_\hc giicxxcd thc_\ arc llaliiini pll\ll ja/l and iniproi ixalion iiilo iiiicxpcctcd placcx iii inccndiai‘} laxliion.

I We Got The Bug 'l‘lic llciil .la// Baxcincnt. | ('haiiihcrx Strccl. 078|l 37537 . l0pin. £7 l£5l. lliig/ ln 'l‘lic .v\ttic and BB Boogic prcxcnt a DJ \cl l'roni Div I Ktic and a ll\ c \ct l'i'oin .v\iidrca ('Iarkc.


I A Tribute To Count Basie ('arncgic llall. lia\t l’ort. (H383 3|4000. 7.30pm. £l3.50 (£6.50 £l0). Sa\oplioni\l 'l‘oniin} Siiiilli Icadx llic Scollixli National .la// ()l'c‘llt‘Sll'll in llllx lrihutc to thc lllll\lL' ol' lhc grcal pianixl and handlcadci'. ('oiiiil l3;t\lc.


I Oleg Ponomarev and Nigel Clark (izllic‘ (‘tixxitt‘lltik lll Kill}: Sll‘c‘c‘l. 553 0733. 8.30pm. £3. (lipo -.ia// liixion l'i'oin thc gtiilai'ixt and \ iolinixt. \\lto arc alxo part ol~ thc group Kc‘\ll;l.


I Melanie O’Reilly and Sean 0’ Nuallian llcni') \ .la/x (‘cllaiz 8 .\lorri\on Strcct. 46" 5300. 3.30pm. £6. ;\ rclurn to laiiiiliiii' lcrritor} lor l'ornicr lidinhtirgli rcxidcnl \lclanic (YRcill). noxi haxcd hack honic in Dublin. 'l‘lic \iiigcr ix joincd h} licr l)lll‘llll haxcd accoiiipanixt lor thi\ \pccial St l’;ili‘icl\\ l);i_\ coiicci't.

I Quadrant 'l'lic llcat .la/x llaxciiicnl. l ('haiiihcrx Strccl. 078i] 375374. 8pm. l‘rcc. l’atil lllll‘l'lNllll lL‘iltlS llll\ liol lic\\ quarlct. alxo lcattii'iiig thc conddcralilc lillc‘lll\ ol' lx'onrad \Vix/nicxx \ki. :\lllll (‘oxlxcr and Rtlxx \liligan.

I Scottish Guitar Quartet llcnr} \ .la// ('cllar. 8 .\lori‘i\oii Strcct. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £5. l’onr :lc'tllhllc‘ giiitai\ pla} dcl't and \uhllc iii/x. it‘llllll'lllg‘ lhc talcntx olfllcd lli‘ockic. \liilcolni \lcl‘arlanc. Km in \liic'Kc‘ii/ic. and llSllllll} \igcl (‘lark although hc ix :llxo tltl\\ ii to pla} in (illhgou tonight lRiixx \lllllgull l\ lll\ likcl} \laiid-inl.

I Jazz At The Trafalgar Suite \Vatcrloo lillllt‘l. 3 \Viilcrloo l’liicc. 550 7507. 8.30pm. £3. \liiiiixli'cani. pi'iigi'c'\\i\ c and c\pcriniciilal iii/x l'roiii llic l'L‘\ltlL‘lll trio ol' lan .\lillar. l)oiiiiiiic Spcnccr and l)c\ 'l'rin ix. Pllh giicxl ilppc‘ulttllc‘c‘x.

Jazz listings Music


Carlo Actis Data and Enzo Rocco play H


llio fiis;i<>ii oi Ja// and funk iii till:- [08. till} 'l3\,.r<ls (l()lllillll(} to fly the oclaiio route. [.a [So/k} /'i/igo/o. Million/loll. Mon 2’6) ll/l'i’l/l

I Joakim Milder and Chick Lyall Quartet S‘~.'J-::-(lisl‘. saxophonist .Joakiiii l\/lll(l(}l' makes his debut in Scotland. and links up ‘.‘.’llll an itioal nai‘tiior in pianist Chick l y'all. ()n lll(} (E‘.’l(l(}ll(;(} of his l‘(3(l()l'(l(3(l work. Nlll(l()l' should lll£1k(}{il)()\.'./(}l'llllll?ll)£l(;l.{llllllllt} (‘llasgon'x altornoon (lair;- ‘.'./Iii also feature a 530K) sot how. the llllllll'. talc-(i Still: an iranmsi. lioai"

/iill'lx; i‘i iat; <:, //r}"'"',":; Ja/X (Jo/(if;

/ (Xi/noun)”. / 9.?" ('2 Sat 2.3 .' (XI/i. (3.'.'i:j<,~>.'.; 8;." ."4

I Carlo Actis Dato and Enzo Rocco /\\f353€‘:"ll;i. lit-6" foa‘ioi‘irtgi ':>‘.:; :;‘ /\_"2<;i2<:ai: talc-n: at lloiiijfs. l}.il Ill-’3. also l(}(l 1.". an oliiiall, (:()llll‘l(}l‘.(l£ll)l(}ll<1‘.'.'()l l}l£i\.(}l‘f; ll()lll llio l iiroiioan scone. lllif3 llali'in (hit) are another loi'iiiitlaliio addition to that list. ‘.'.’lill l)ato's l)£ll'll()ll(? and l(}ll()l saxos and bass; (:lai‘aiot (liiolling <:i‘<3;ili\<:-l\' ‘.'.'llll Rocco's guitar. lion/i}; Ja// (Jo/lax: I (ll/llfl/f'lj/l. Sat 76‘ l"./'.'i/.

ll="€}::f "any:

St Andrews

I Scott Hamilton and the John Rae Trio l3}l'c‘ llillt‘illl'k‘. .4\l\l\"\ Sll'cc‘l. (H334 475000. Spin. £6. .\iiicrican lciior \a\ plinci' Scott llaiiiilloii i\ ioincd Ii) llic .lolin lx’ac ‘l'i'io l'or an c\cning ol tip- tcnipo \landai'dx and \ltl\\ l‘illlilll\.

~ I n" . h "74 an... "1 J. '1

enry's Jazz Cellar, Edinburgh, Sat 16 f

-- -.' THE LIST 59