aehicxement ix to hring the author‘x 1000 page tome to lite. not inerelx rcalixing the tantaxtic elemcntx xx Itlt xpecial cl'l'ectx xpectacle (though the} are ten xpcctactilari. htit through xtot‘)‘teIIitig flare and marxelloux pert'ormaiieex t'rom hix caxt. \'ixceral and hreathtakinglx dramatic. 'l'lie l‘t’I/(Hx'x/ti/t ()1 [11(' Ring ix ati inxpired Iahour ol' on e and a monumental acliiexement. (iencral releaxe. Lost Sons 1 l5! il‘redrick \‘on Kriixciixternia. (iernianx /Sxx eden/I )enuiark. 1000i 80 minx. I’oxxerl'ul docuiiientar) looking at a lather and xon and the choiccx the) made xxliicli lead them doxx n radicallx dittcrent pathx iii lite - one to heeome a (‘ommunixL the other a Na/i. Director Von Kriixenxternia xx ill make a perxonal appearance. (iITL. (ilaxgoxx.

Lovely Rita 1 ISI C... thxxica Ilaiixncr. .'\tI\[t'ltt. 2t)t)l i Barhara ()xika. (‘hrixtopli Bauer. I’etr l‘iala. .S’t) minx. Jexxica IIttllxllet'\ Lore/t It’tlu Ix It grim. tI_\ xpeptic tale of teetiage angxt. Rita lix ex on the otttxkirtx of Vienna. goex to a nice ('atholic xchool atid ix xtill'ocating under the pt‘exxiirex ol xx ild liormoncx. hull} iitg. dull parentx and the tact that her hext l'riend. I’c\i. art I l _xcar old axthmatic. xeemx to he d_x ing. 'I‘hix grinding. Dogmc-exque xliee ol modern mixer} perl'ectl) cncapxulatcx tlte t'eelingx ol nihilixm and anger that accompan} itx all in earl_x puhert}. .-\ little gem of dixplaccd thcrapx. ('ameo. Iidinhurgh.

The Manchurian Candidate t ISi moo tJohn I‘rankenheimer. t'S. 10(th I‘t‘ank Sitiatra. Laurence “an ex. Angela Lanxhur). Janet Leigh. llo minx. In IIIx moxt conx incing xcreen role. Ilarx e_x pIa_xx a Korean xxar hero hrainxxaxhed h} the communixtx. xxho hecomex a paxxri m the xtnixter mixxion planned tor him on Iiix return home. Brilliant political xatirc-cum- thriller. xx ith the caxt in great l’orm and a xtaggeringlx inx eiitixe plot clean) and grippinng unraxelled. It damn xx eII xxorkx and xtii'prixex in a xxax that xo t'cxx tilmx do an} more. (’(‘.-\. (ilaxgoxx.

Manhattan I I5) m” (\Vood} .r\llen. t'S. 1079i Wood} Allen. Diane Keaton. .Mariel Ilemingxxax. t)(i tninx. Wood} xxanderx through the t'cmale jungle ol' .\'exx York III xearch ot a pei'lect xoiilmate alter the demixe ol hix marriage. Suhlime comic delight xx ith a xoult'ul (ierxhxx in xcorc. I’I'II (‘inema. I-alkirk.

Meet Me In St Louis it‘i O... i\'incentc Minnelli. l'S. I‘)-I~li Jud) (iat'Iand. Margaret O'Brien. Marx .'\xlol'. l 13 iiiitix. Releaxcd during xxartime. tliix inuxical xx ax an optimixtic attempt to emphaxixe Jamil) xaluex. hut Minnelli nex er xxalloxxx in noxtalgia. Inxtcad he comhatx it xx ith xparkx and xarkx taniil} ilxiiiiiiiic‘x. Set It] 1003. the [HILIIIIUII lather xxantx to mox e Iiix l'amilx lrom St Lottix to chx York hut l'accx rexixtanee l'rom hix gaggle ol' gii'lx xx ho hax c romanccx to get on xx ith. and the laxt- approaching World liair to eniox. I’crl'ect caxting atid pel’lt)t'llltttleex. along xx ith xotigx like 'IIaxe Yourxcll .\ Merrx Little ('hrixtmax' add to the xxarni gloxx. Adam Smith 'I‘heatre. Kirkcaldx.

Monsoon Wedding i lSi moo t.\Iit‘a \ttll'. India/I'K. 200] i \axeeruddin Shah. Lillcte Utihe}. \‘iiax Raal. l I.‘ iiiitix. ()n the cxc ol' the longed-tor. cooling monxoon \L'dxtttl. the tar thing memherx ot' aii upper- middlc claxx Indian lainilx gather iii l)clhi tor a t)pieal l’imlahi xx edding. But ax the hig da_x daxxnx. the xx eddtng contractor'x promtxex hccome more exaxi\c. xxhile the hride'x hard prexxed lather xxorriex hoxx he ix going to pa} lor ex cr_xthing. \air'x

xpi'axx litig. carnixalquuc drama comhincx the colour and \ ihrancx ol Bollxxxood xx ith an earth} realixm. :\nd xx hile xhe cati he xharplx xatiric. \aii‘ tt'eatx her charactct'x. high and loxx. xx itliotit condexcenxion. 'I'Iic (‘ircuit ('inema. Lixingxton.

Monsters, Inc. Hi 00.. tI’ete I)oelet‘. t'S. ltitil i John (ioodtnan. Bill}

('1') xtal. Stex c Btixeemi. 92 iititix. Ihe latext (‘( iI animation trout [in Slnrx tnaket'x I’ixar ix xct largelx in Monxtropolix. a cit} mhahitcd hx the touIext ol heaxtx. 'I'he inonxterx poxx er their citx hx xending ‘xcaret'x' through doorx xxhich telcport them into childt'cn'x t‘ooiiix. Once there. the} pull Iaccx at tlte kidx. producing xhriekx ol terror.

35:3. a-‘x- “LC-t -

xx hich are hottled hack iii Monxtropolix and tixed ax a xource ot' ciierg}. It'x a neat idea. hut xx Iiat reall} littx the tilm ix the xenxe ol‘ tun that perxadex the whole moxie. .lIo/iiti'rx. Im' riinx ax xmoothlx ax a lairground xlide. that no one ix too hig to enjox'. (ienet‘al releaxe.

Moonstruck t I’( it 0... t.\'orman Jexxixon. I'S. I087! (‘hctz Nicolax (age.

()I} mpia Dukakix. Int) minx. ('her on ()xear- xx inning torni ax a doxxd) xiiiirig xx idoxx xx ho agreex to marr} a man xhe doexn‘t loxe in return for a xeetire tuture. When xhe meetx liix xoungei' hrothcr. it'x on e at lirxt xight. and xhe ix torn hetxxeen the demandx of head and heart. Meanxxhile. other memherx other cloxe~ktiit latitil} are throxxn into ximilat' turmoil h} the influence ol' a iiiixchiexoux moon. .-\ tlioroughlx xx inning romantic coined): poignant and charmingl} eccentric. St Bride'x ('cntre. lidinhurgh.

The Mothman Prophecies t ID

0. tMark I’ellington. LS. 2003) Richard (iet'e. Laura Linne). Will I’atoii. I IS iiiiiix. I’ellington'x paranormal chiller xeex (iet'e'x Iliix/imelon l’oxl journalixt John Klein loxe Iiix xx il'e iii tragic circumxtanccx. 'l‘xxo xc';ii‘x later he lindx hirnxell inexplicahlx xtranded in the xmall Wext Virginia toxx ii iii I’oiiit I’Icaxant. xx here he dixcox ct'x that the edgx localx haxe hccn e\periencing xtrange phenomena. iticluding manit'extationx ot a giant. moth-like creature. Iierilx. the ligure recallx the xtrange xketchcx Klein‘x xx il‘e made hel'ore her death. I’ellington ix xer} good at creating aii atmoxphere ot uneaxc. hut the hiiild up ix too xloxx and clima\ ox erxx rouglit. (ieneral releaxe.

Moulin Rouge t tli um i Ba/ Luht‘mann. I'S. ltltll t Iixxan Mc(iregor. .\'icole Kidman. Jitn Broadhent. It).\’ minx. Liiht‘mann'x l'olloxx -up to Romeo A" .lu/iel ix a xx ildl} iini'extrained. gloriotixlx camp. lexxd ax hell miixical on e xtorx that re-inx entx the form. limit the (ioldeti :\ge IIole xxood xong and dance xpcctacularx tip. l.iihrmaim hax lI'ttIIxIttI'IIIL‘tl the eponx moux I‘)th centurx I’at‘txian dancehall-cum-hrothel into the raw capital ol' Iiuropc. xxeax iitg 20th eetittirx pop miixic hitx into the xerx dialogtie ol the liltn xo that it heeomex almoxt opera. And xpiralling around a l';iii'xt;ilc' rotnance hetxxeen Mc( iregorK tdcaIixtic poet and Kidman'x dance girl ix a hari‘age ol' riotoux imager} and dexign. 'I‘herc‘x no middle- ground xx ith Luhrmann‘x tilm; it xiiti ahandon xiiiii‘xell' to it it'll lca\c )tttl intoxicated xx ith pleaxurc. ()deon. lidinhurgh.

Mulholland Drive I Ht .00. tom id I.xneh. t‘S. Zttttt i .\'aomi Wattx. Laura Iilena Ilarring. Jiixtin IIIL‘I'Ull\. I-lti minx. (iixen the trouhled production hixtor_x ot 1.xncli'x latext ince ol nightmare noir it xxax ot’iglttallx a pilot lot” a I'S tech ixion xet'icx xxhich xxax cancelled it’x nothing xhort oI miraciiloux that .IIu/lio/limi/ I)ri'i e xhinex

xx ith the tilnimaker'x ItIIt)\}lIL'I';III\' hrilliance. Although xct in the prexent da_x ialheit xx ith retro xtx ling i. 1.xnclidraxx x on liix laxcinatioii xx ith -It)x aitd 50x llollpxood and itx xecrct hixtor_x ol crime. here

iiixolx ing txxo actrexxex. atnnexiae Rita tIIarringi and amateur xIeiith Bettx iWattxi. 'I'hc proceedingx \eet' into the kind oI xxakitig nightmare tet'ritorx that either tlummoxex ot' delightx \ iexxerx ax I._x nch mi\cx the hi/arrc. almoxt Iatigliahle xxith the momenton electrit'xing tear. I’I‘II (’incma. I’alkirk.

No Pain No Gain (Mas pena que Gloria) 1 l5) t\'ictor ( iat'cia Leon. Spain. lttttl i Biel l)uran. Barhara Lennie. Manuel Lo/ano. ‘ll minx. ’I'hix hitterxxxcet tale ol’ adolexcent lruxtration xeex it xenxitt\e.

introx erted hox xcnt Madrid to li\e xx ith a xpectaciilarlx d_xxlimctional lamilix. xx hich includex a p}t‘oiii;iiii;ic' gratin}. I’ai't ol' the Spamin I‘ilm I'extixal. (it’ll. (ilaxgoxx 1 The I'IIIIIIltttIxL‘. Iidinhurgh.

Nobody Someday I lit 00 tBt‘ian IIiIl. I’K. 2001 i Rohhie Williamx. ‘N iiiiiix. ’I‘hix docuiiieiitarx tilm ix meant to he a l'rom the heart. \xat'tx arid all. look at the da_\ to- da} tour lite ol Rohhie Willtatnx. lIc xaxx he xxantx people to we the truth about xx hat Iiix lite ix like. xxhich. dcxpite heing Iiix dream come true. he dcxct‘ihex ax horing. I)expite

index Film

all thix xxe .xee hitn putting on a line dam in front of xell-out croxx'dx ol' .xcreaming girlx. There are. hoxxex'cr. l'exx‘ inxightl'ul momentx and a lingering feeling that he doex hax‘e a rather horing lite. xx liicli in turn makex tor a rather horing lilm. .Vn/mdvx‘ .S‘imm/ux' ix hcxt xuited to die-hard Rohhie laiix and thoxe

xx till a xhalloxx laxcination xx ith popxtarx

lix ex. ()deon. (ilaxgoxx; (‘inexx'orld lialk'irk. Nomads (Nomadas) i la) t(ion/alo I.ope/-(ia|lego. Spain. 200] I Manuel Sanche/ Ramox. Diana La/aro. I’ahlo Menaxench. 95 iiiiiix. Micro-httdgeted drama about IUtIt‘ ixolated outeaxtx: a childlike mechanic. a kidnap x‘ictim girl and two x'iolent hrotherx. III a cold. grey urhan xx'axteland their pathx interxect to dramatic effect. Part of the Spaniin I-‘ilm I"extix'iil. (ll-'1'. (ilaxgoxx; The Iiilmhoiixe. Iidinhurgh. Notorious t I’( i i I... i.-\li‘red Ilitchcock. t'S. 194m ('ai‘x (irant. Ingrid Bergman. ('Iaude Rainx. ltll minx. World War 'I'xxo. (‘x iiical intelligence agent (irant enlixtx plaxgirl Bergman to help him

uncox er a .\'a/i atomic plot in Rio de Jaiieiro. She marriex xuax‘e plotter Rainx and then liiidx her lilc iii alarming danger. ’I‘aut. claxxic thriller. xxith a line Bert IIecht xcript that ellcctixelx' hlendx romance and xtixpenxe. Bergman and (irant create moxie magic in each other'x prexence. particular} during xx hat xx ax adxertixed ax ‘the longext kixx in Iiixtiii‘x“. 'I‘he Lumiere. lidinhurgh.

0 Brother, Where Art Thou? i 12) .... (Joel (‘oen. LS. 3000) (ieorge ('loonex. John 'I'urturro. 'l‘im Blake .\'el.xon. 107 minx. I’t'exton Sturgex' Sullivan's 'l'rux't’lx and IIomer'x The ()(l\.\.\(’\ are the xtarting pointx l'or thix .‘(lx-xet xcrcxx hall comedx. Smooth-talking lixerett l'lxxc'c'x .\Ic(iill t('toone} l. .ximplcton Delmar i.\'elxoni and maladjuxted l’ete t'I‘urturroi are memherx of a chain gang on the run looking tor huried loot. 'I‘lieii'joiiriicx tip and doxxn the xtate ol Mixxixxippi hringx them into cotttact xx ith axxot'tcd eceentt‘icx haxcd on IIornet"x Itt}thoIogtC2tI Iigurex. A lighter xxork tor the ('oenx. more Raising xtrtmmt than l'iiruu. hut it‘x xtill a rare treat. A trul_x captixating conledet'tte} ot' duncex. 'I‘he Lumiere. Iidinhurgh.

0 Ocean’s Eleven i lSi O...

iStex en Soderhergh. I'S. 2t)()l I (ieorgc (‘looiic‘}. Brad Pitt. Jtilia Rohertx. llti minx. ()tl the cult ix the opet'atix'e term tor Stex'en Soderhet'gh'x t'ettittke ol- the Lax \egax caxi- no heixt thriller that lirankie and I)ino and their Rat Pack had xo much tun making hack in 1960. But xxhere the Rat Pack t‘ux- calx uxed the original lilm ax ati e\cuxe to run riot III their adopted Iiotiie cit) Soderhergh. xcreenxxriter ’I‘ed (iril'lin and ati all-xtar caxt liaxe \xorked to prodttce a tight- I} -\et‘tptetl \t_\ leh moxie. ()ne. hoxx ex'er. xxhich reinainx at all timex xclllconxciouxlx throxxaxxax l'un. .\'ot quite ax cool ax the original. htit a hetter tilm. (ieneral releaxe. The Oflicers’ Ward (La Chambre des Officiers) i Hi .0 it-‘raneoix I)upc}r'ott. I‘rance. 3003! Iiric (‘arax’aca. lxahclle Renauld, I35 niinx. Watching I)ttpc"xron’x Iilm _\oti hax e the feeling that World War I had nothing to do xx ith national pride or international peace. hut ximplx xx ith the nature ol’ ph) xical tlelot'tttlt). Here the xxar ixn't heing fought on the hattlelieldx ol' liurope. hut chiellx in the mind of Adrien t(‘ara\acat ax he comex to tet'mx xx ith Iacial dixligurement alter heing xex erch xxoimded in the xx ar‘x earl) daxx. ()ddl_x. it turnx out to he xx ell-cratted hut xlialloxx cinema. See

rex iexx. ‘I‘he I‘ihtihottxe. tidinhurgh.

On the Waterfront t t’( it ooooo ititia Ka/an. I'S. 105-1) Marlon Brando. Iix‘a Marie-Saint. Karl Maldcii. ltlh‘ minx, Taking on gangxter xtipretno Lee J. (‘ohh'x dominating influence in the .\'exx York dockerx' union Ieadx out} to tragedx tor Brando'x e\-ho\ei' ‘I‘err'x Mallox in thix earl) ntaxtel'piece oI' the Method xehooI. I)expite ati injection ol' ox ei'xohx ioiix religioiix

xx mholixm. Budd Schulherg'x politicall) contentioux xcript and Ka/ati'x typical!) inonxed direction oI'I-et‘etl a launchpad l'ot‘ one ol’ Brando'x hcxt xcreen pcrl'iirmanccx. 'I‘hix ix xx here _xoii'll lind the original ‘I coiilda hcen a contender" monologue later xo et'teetixelx taken up h} Scorxexe/I)e .\'iro iii Raging Bull. St Bride‘x ('entrc. Iidinhurgh.

- Total Film

***** I

- Empire

- The Face

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