“.00 Excellent

0... Recommended .0. Good

0. Flawed

0 Poor

106 Hanlf Kurelshl 1 13 Command and Conquer j ' ~. 1 15 The West Wing, Sara Cox

15‘ Comics : Internet Food

109 100 Bullets L J 113 Ban screwdrivers -' 4 " . 117 Arlgo Centre

Records , Videos Rear View

1 1o Jo Mallk, Ollnlc , 114 A.I.', The Devil’s Backbone ~ 128 Phll Kay and John Fardell

gggfiOK ‘Some images. such as the b \ Vernacular Drawings (Drawn & Quarterly) 00'” laundry. SUOW'UD 0000. because I have a fascrnation

with the world of small, privately—owned businesses. As the world becomes

Along with underground/alternative comic artists Robert Crumb, Daniel Clowes and

Chris Ware, Canada’s Seth (real name: 5 .3 increasingly corporate the Gregory Gallant) is passionate about the r _ V @ ‘5 image of the small business past. His ongoing comic, Palookaville, has ' ’{?‘4; (3/4 53¢ h seems more and more serialised two stories: ‘lt’s A Good Life If ' w. A poignant; sad little storefronts You Don’t Weaken’, about the search for ' of antiquated businesses like



an obscure 19405 newspaper cartoonist, and ‘Clyde Fans’, a portrait of mid- century travelling salesmen. The handsomely-bound coffee table book Vernacular Drawings gathers Seth’s sketchbook work and likewise illustrates the artist’s fascination with ‘old times’. Seth talks to The List about some of the images.

confectioneries. hat shops. ethnic clothiers etc; the vanishing landscape of yesterday's business world. These storefronts are like old people lost in the world of today. You can‘t help but feel your heart go out to them. Their days are numbered.‘

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A ‘I like old things. A ‘It is hard to be truly nostalgic A ‘l have always had a “cartoony” drawing style. '[It is] a sympathetic A Old TVs, Laurel and about a time in which you were As a child I was drawn to artists like Schulz and response to the quiet Hardy, old music. never actually alive. It is simply Kirby. In my late teens l was exposed to Herge forgotten places of an movies, ephemera an aesthetic preference for the and Crumb. Later I became fascinated by urban (and sometimes of the past. A design sensibilities of that era. Chaland. and of course. the cartoonists of the old rural) environment. The vanished world that Our aesthetic has been polluted New Yorker. I've always been a sponge when it world is filled with such seems beautiful by a cheapening of production comes to being influenced stylistically. l9th places. Lately, I seem to when viewed values. a lessening of century cartoonists. 30s regionalists. children‘s be fascinated with uncomplicatedly expectations and an book artists of the SOs . . . it goes on and on. | electrical towers.‘ from this end of the overabundance of kitsch, camp like simplicity and a bold contour line; that and a

telescope.’ and irony.’ certain moodiness of atmosphere.‘

1.: gr“ My THE LIST