Theatre listings

Citizens’ Theatre continued

The Cherry Orchard ’t‘hu Sat 30 Mar rnot Sun & .\loni. "fillprn. L'lt) i Lit. l'ree pre\ ie\\ on Thu 7 Mar. Anton (‘hekhm '\ elaxxie iu \xhielt Madame Rane\ \k) return\ to Ruxxia to tind her former \ia) oi lite in peril. See pre\ ieu.


‘) l'nixerxit} .I\\enue. 33“ 5533. Popcorn 'l‘hu 33 ten Sat 2 Mar. "30pm. to t [4 l. Student 'l‘heatre .’\t (ila\:_‘o\\ ltl'exent Ren lilton\ tale oi t\\o \erial killerx arid their lloll} \\ood direetor idol.

The Pearl \Ved l3 Sal lo .\lar‘. 5' .itlpm. L‘h‘ iL'J t. \ixiltle l‘ietionx and l’aixle} .v\rt~ ('entre adapt .lohn Steinheek\ rto\el about a pearl tixher \\ lime lite eltanuex dramatieall} \\llL'll he tindx 'a pearl ax perleet ax the moon'; hilt not in the ua) ltL‘ L‘\]lL‘t‘l\. Not \uitaltle lor‘ tttltlL‘l' l3\.


3*)" Bath Street. 38‘ 551 l. Ill. \\‘(‘. \\’.v\l Mum’s The Word t’niil Sat 23 Mar inot Sun). "..‘~llpiii r\\‘ed mat 3.3(lputt; Sat (ipm & .\'.3(lpm. Ell) UN. liieerrrr \tar Rl}the Hull and e\—l)eaeon Blue \oealixt

Irorraine Melntoxh are ioined It} tour other

uomen. eaeh \\ itli a tale to tell about the to} \ ol' parenting.


.\'e\\ Street. HS" ltiltt. Ill. \\‘('. \\’.-\l Tally’s Blood Tue 5 t\ Wed (3 Mar. “,Fttpm. (‘rueial 'l‘lteatre prewnt thix eorttie drama ahout one l'amil} \ e\perienee\ in (ilaxgou and ltal} ltel'ore. durng and alter the Seeond World War. Derek Ogilvie 'l'hu ' Sat () \lar. 3.30pm. [lo I L‘Ni. ()tltei'uor‘ldl} \killx trom \pirit medium ()gilx ie.

PAISLEY TOWN HALL .'\ltlte} (low. 33— llllll.

The Phantom 8. The Opera 'l‘ue l3 .\lar. "fittpm. {8.5” t UH. Sltlh l'rom l.ondon\ \Vext lind perform hitx from popular lllll\lL';Il\ and opera. ineluding (‘lrrr'uuru \li'\l Sir/e .Vlon and (irll'lllr’ll.


|3l Reutield Street. 333 IMO. ll’. \\’('. \\'.v\|

Peter Powers Sat 3 Mar. "filtpm. L'ltl tor 3 \eatx. The popular li}pnoti\t returnx \\ ith a mi\ iii in} xter) and ma} hem. Peter Powers Midnight Madness Sat 3 Mar. Midnight. L'Io. late—night adultx-onl} \erxion ot' the popular h_\ puotixt\ \lto\\.

A Happy Medium \Ved Sat 23 Mar inot Sun). "filtpm r3pin mat Sat t). \\'ed l3 .\lar‘t. [Ill L'Iil. \eu eomed} \tarriu;

A Streetcar Named Desire at Royal Lyceum, Edinburgh

l)orollt_\ l’aul ax a uoman tr} in}; to make eontaet \\ ith her dead \ixter. \ ia a loeal P\_\CIIIC.


UN Ingram Street. 553 3-15“), ll’. \\'('. \\‘.v\. \\'.r\.v\|

The Bear/The Proposal Hi l & Sat 3 Mar. 8pm. £8 ILVlI. lnno\ali\e theatre eompan}. Reuelitourx prexent lhix dotlltle-ltill ol. oltt‘dtel laree\ ll} -'\ttlrttt ('hekhm. ln Hie li't'irr. a mixogtuixt landou uer tallx lor the \\ idim ol a man \\ ho o\\ ed him moire}. and 'l'lre I’l'rl/HNH/ liudx a h_\ poeltondriae arguing; \\ ith tlte \mman he \\ant\ to marr}. See re\ ie\\. Incident l‘ri N Sal Ir» .\lar (not ~\‘un

ll) 'l'ue l3). 8pm. ‘5 L‘.\ i [3 LT-li. .\ \\orttatt itnextigatex the latal ear eraxh

\‘shieh killed her partner. in thix dark tale perl'ormed h} Strathelnle 'l‘heatr‘e (iroup.



The Visit l'ntil 'l‘hu 3N l’eh. "fittpm. [(i «[4 l. .-\ millionaire“ make\ a \inixter bargain \\ ith loeal lo\\tl\lttlk in return t'or her mone}.

Romeo and Juliet .\lon I I & line I: .\lar. “.Rttprn r'l'ue mat 3.3(tpm t. Lil i [J r. RS.'\.\ll) \tudeutx pertor‘m Shake~pearex L‘l;t\\ie lo\ e \tor}.

They Were Nenty-Three \Ved

l3 l‘r'i l5 .\lar. ".l5pm. u) I Hi. .\ pla} e\amining_' \\ lto \\ e are. \\ here audienee memherx ma} heeome part ol the \ltou. The War Of The Roses 'I‘Iiu It & l‘ri l5 .\lar. “.Rttpm il‘r‘i mat 3.3llprni. {hit-1i. RS.-\.\ll) aetiu}: \tudentx adapt three part\ oi ShakupeareK lll'Il/'\ Il'.


35 .-\|hert l)ri\e. 3.\‘~ Won, [I’. ll. \\'(‘. \\'_-\l

Mare’s Nest lit 8 A; Sat U Mar. 3.30pm [951) I Uw.5tti. Station llottxe ()pera the their \lriking; ph}\ieal and \ l\ll‘.tl \t) le to e\p|ore doultle. triple arid quadruple li\e\ interaetmg in the \paee \xhere aiehiteeture and \ ideo meet. l’ar't ot' .\'e\t 'l'erritor‘iex.


(i3 'l‘r‘on‘uate. 553 -l3(\".

Clinic. Exit 'l'hu 3.\ l’elt Sat 3 Mar. “.Sltpmt {0.5” I Ui.5l)i. l’olaltd\ .4\kademia Ruehu and the lion 'l'heatre (‘ompani prexent thix \ ixuall} -led look at the po\\ er ol mone} and tear.

Company 'l'hu 3 Sat ‘) .\lar‘. ".Sllpm. L" It-l I. .\lu\ieal 'l‘heatre \tudentx at

.\lother\\ ell (‘ollege polixh up their aeeentx tor Sondherm'x \lanhattan muxieal. ahout a \\ortt.ttli\et' \\ ho \eex the error oi hix \ia} \. Women On The Verge Of HRT ’l‘ue l3 Sat Io .\lar. 8pm «Sat mat 3.3ltpmi.



Citizens Main Citizens Circle GilmorehillG12 King’s

Paisley Arts Pavilion Ramshorn RSAMD Theatre Royal


I\"\‘\ th'\\ \It't‘l‘x'l \

I)\'|‘\ or n

\luiiik llie “mid

See (‘laxxtt‘al

Theatre Guide

Thursday 28

Friday 1

I\,‘\‘\ :Kl‘\\\ \It‘t‘l‘t'l \

I)\‘l‘k or n

\leK llie “old

l’elei l’o\‘.er~

Illt‘ Iit‘dt [I lie I’lopoxtl

Saturday 2

I’opei \r n

\lulrik ll1e\\oid

Sunday 3 Monday 4

Ree klexx \leepe: \

'l he Ilear 'l he I’Iopoxal

Tuesday 5 Wednesday 6


\lazn'x lire \\o:d \luzn\ llie “ord

Iilt‘tul liltutil

\ llai‘pi \letlr'tirz:

Church Hill Festival Theatre Gateway

Gilded Ballon King’s Netherbow Playhouse Royal Lyceum Tiaverse 1



Return lo [he I ollttdileri

Rnt‘ltlallt \‘

\ \lreek .i' \.:irie\l l)e\lre \ \treelt .u \ariteil l)e\ii'

lilat kpool

\lliti‘l‘ll];' .\ lu\ kin-J I’ttlui'il

Return Io llie I\'II‘1\I\ICII



Tiamway “~”“‘““~‘” 1 mi )'\eill I’.:tllitl\’!l\‘lZ~‘ r r~.:()‘\e:llPauli-R1?er ('linn I’.\ll (‘Iunt I.\ll ("linrt l.\it \eeRmkA l’op “I I)‘ ll \CC I\,I‘\ ix u\ I'l‘i‘ \ I l I I l

\x‘t' Rm Ix .\ I’I‘i‘

\‘\tl.rl l'er\er\rt‘. In ( 'lnt .:;‘

Return lo lite l orltidden

\ \treett .u \arxied lk'xue \ \treek .u \.1tll\‘\l Harte

lhe} (lune lo \ (at)

\'\u.;l l’e:\ei\ir\ Iii( ":nhifyri \liopg‘izt.‘ .\ lin kirxf

\lauie \larne

Rnerdante Rneiilaute

\ \treett at \arned lk‘xue \ \treek .L: \rurieti I kwue

62 THE LIST. " ‘w: '-'- :'