

‘l’ll have to do some more films, otherwise people will keep thinking I’m like her,’ smiles American actress Rachel Miner. The ‘she’ in question is Lisa Connelly, a suburban Florida teenager who participated in the brutal murder of her boyfriend Marty’s pal Bobby Kent. Filmmaker Larry Clark’s Bully is a recreation of this horrific event and a problematic one: it wants to shock its audience with its portrayal of teenage debauchery, yet at the same time it feels prurient, with the camera lingering over the nubile flesh of its photogenic young cast.

Miner’s performance, however, has received considerable praise; Interview magazine, for example, talked of her Lisa as having ‘the dreamy, rapt malevolence that characterised Charles Manson’s female accomplices’. Clark himself admits: ‘For an actor to do the role of Lisa, you have to be very courageous, very brave. It’s a difficult role.’

How tough was it? ‘Playing such an unhappy Miner (centre) has received considerable praise person is a very disturbing thing to do,’ Miner says. ‘I think you have to find the feelings that you comfortable watching it, you’re not thinking this is includes a Broadway starring role in The Diary Of can identify with. I started out with her isolation. attractive, you’re disturbed. But you should be Anne Frank and guest slot in Sex And The City. She didn’t fit in, she wasn’t part of anything, she disturbed when you’re watching somebody be The American tabloids may have relished the couldn’t find anything she cared for, and I hooked killed or teenagers taking drugs and having sex break-up of her marriage to Macaulay Culkin, but into that. She loved this guy Marty so much and in with people they don’t care about. You should be she’s more concerned with building on what she this obsessive way. Part of that was to do with the uncomfortable, that is the correct reaction. The learned on the set of Bully. fact that she was so isolated. She created her own fact that so much of the time we watch TV and ‘Being an actress is trying to understand another reality and that’s what makes her so scary. She films and play video games with that kind of human being and to make that person doesn’t have the same rules as anybody else and behaviour and we’re not disturbed. That seems a understood,’ she says. ‘The harder that is to do, her sense of right and wrong is completely off.’ lot less moral.’ the more exciting it is. And I like a challenge.’ (Tom

Miner is also spirited in her defence of the film’s Although only 21, Miner has been acting Dawson) moral perspective. She stresses: ‘You’re not professionally for over ten years. Her resume I Bu/lv opens Fr/ 7 Mar. See review

BIOD'IC ,_ \ QQAI‘fl/‘x A BEAUTIFUL MIND ii’i‘iffi‘fiffifis “TI ;:fi‘"‘f“ THE SHIPPING NEWS (12) 135 mins on v' “v ‘9 -- ~ 5 (15) 117min «u

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- ‘01: 32 THE LIST 23