Edinburgh life

Monday 18 continued Talks

Russell Eberst Roytl ()ltxel'ullttl’} \'i\itor (‘entre. Blilk’l’xlt‘l'tl Hill. 005' 8405. 7.5llprn. l'ree. 'l'he astronomer gl\L‘\ :t talk.

Other events

Plaisir Du Chocolat - French Cookery Classes t‘ntil lit-i l .\l;tl'. l’laisir tlu ('liocolat. 251 255 ('anongate. 550 ‘)524. 2 4.50pm. £50 per L‘l;t\\. :\n al'ternoon cooker} claxx taught h) Bertrand lixpou} antl l'octtxing areas \uch ax \tockx antl \aucex. \cgetarian cooking. pastries and cake\.

Wednesday 20


Peace In Israel & Palestine: Where Are We Now? Open Door. 42() Morningxitle Road. 447 0757. lt).5()am. L' l. .-\ l‘or‘mer titllll\lcl‘ in Jerusalem Re\ ('olin Morton L‘Ull\ltlL‘l'\ the lrouhletl \ituation in the Middle liaxt.

New Faces: Impressions, Inventions, Conclusions? National Portrait (ialler'). l Queen Street. (‘24 (i200. l2.—l.5pltt. l'lL‘L‘. l.l/ Ritleal. tlt‘ll\l and curator ol‘ the National Portrait (taller). l.ontlon gix'cx

a talk.

Other events

Camp America :\\\emhl_\ Rooms. 54 (image Street. 220 454‘). .\'oon 4pm. Free. Recruitment lair.

Wine Tasting Evening Bot-den Botth l'nit 2o. l‘ort Kinnairtl Retail Park. O5“ .104 l. 7.50pm. l’rce. lnxpirc _\ottr palate and \amplc \\ lllL‘\ ll'ttlll around the \xorltl.

Book events

Big Word Performance Poetry (iiltlctl Saloon. 255 (on gate. 226 (3550. ‘lptn. ‘24 t£5t. l.eice\tet'\ \er'hal tl) namo Rolt (iL'L‘. \L‘ilMlllCtl \lttl‘} teller Sandie ('raigic. Rotlne} Rela\ and line \tot'tlxntith John Sinclair \tat‘ at this

it} peractne perl‘ormance poetr'}



Tropical Science: Exploring the Last Botanical Frontier Rotal Botanic Garden. ltnerletth llouxe. 552 7171. 5pm. l-‘r'ee. :\ lecture exploring \tork untlcrtaken h\ the hotanicx \tal'l'.

Other events

Saheliya - Indian Dance and Yoga (i;llL‘\\;I_\ 'l‘heatre. lilrn Ron. l.eith \VaIk. 5l7 595‘). 1 2pm. See lllll l4.

Whisky tasting Scotch \Vhixkt llL‘l'llitgL‘ (t‘llll'C. 5.5-4 (lbllL‘lllll. ‘l‘he Ro}al .\lilc. 22H H44 l. 5 7pm. 92 I 5. :\ \\lll\l\_\ l;t\llltg ol' l‘our speciall) \electctl Scotch \\lll\l\lL‘\. taking _\ou on a \o_\agc ol tlixcowr} throttgh the \\lll\l\_\ regionx ol' Scotland.

Midlothian Ski Centre liasrxt ::" 11v,- la..":," st-q: prt: histor‘, tltr'otrgth lira;- 3-; 47.1,, In,“ ,- pm; .1..:; of flit:- Hl-Eoi Ami" t1. tint;- lll(llrf;lll£ll lif)‘.()lllll()ll to $35,: 't‘..'s;~:‘:.."‘ f3ll()r'“t:'.’) tltt:prt2t;<3nt (lay;

’:.Ti’.at" Q'r,"'; $3.; Scotland's; 'tatrot‘a: palace Of . t .’ , (tram-n (;(;{‘:.’Ll.<,". Holyroodhouse ' ' t >9 t"<“ ' Museum Of Scotland H / ' ""‘f" (LharnhtzrsStreet. 93-1. K ' ‘5'“ l” V-IHf}. Mon fiat ' "" l “""’ ltlar". f>prnzf3trn ' ' I" ““~""“' noon frptn: lllt? 5' (3‘55 Warn tipt‘t. l roe. Museum Of Flight l)(2‘.'<)l(:(l sole-l," to tltt;


.Wyp ‘r/ Scotland. tltt; l)llll(llll(_} Wt r l) t‘, (;()lll£llllf3 ll‘."(3 h v ’,;,~~_ E :: tlttrr‘tatrrxitl‘,’ étltilll()(}(l

' : yr, ‘tr;r oxlttlattontt. rnocrnt; from

94 THE LIST '7- .~ 3-4:

history and ll(:lll£l(_)(3 of

Striking back

Who’s striking back? lit the \\ake ol'the | I September atrocitiex militar} ltixtorian ('aleh (‘arr e\plore\ terrorism throughout the agex in hix ne\\ Howl. 4]./l(’ [mm/n ()l 'li'rr'ur.‘ .‘l erlurt ()1 llirr/rrr't' sluttrrrxl (it'll/tun. How does he do it? l-rom ancient Rome to the prexenl tla}. ('art‘ e\aminc\ \\;Il' \tagetl againxt

intln ltlllill\ antl inl'er'x that it \\ i|l

inet itahh hackl‘tr‘e on the altackcrx antl pt‘opoxex a \trategic. pre-emptne xtance l'or gmernntenlx.

Not exactly bedtime reading, is It? The no\el hax generated a lair amount ol contrmerx} itt .-\tnerica

\\ lllt L‘l'lllL‘\ tli\ itlctl on the hook\ rather \hocking concluxionx. htil .\lanltattart-hor'n ('arr Itaxn‘t \ltir'kctl t‘exponxihilit} in hix \xt'itingx. antl lt;l\ met lllx tll\\ClllL‘I'\ hcatl-ort h} puhltxhtrtg ltl\ on n li\c—\tar rc\ text. Is it worth a look? (‘arr-‘x

pr'e\ lttlh \tor'k tincltttling 'l'lrt'

.vt/r‘r'nm and Hip lh't'r/ .S'u/t/rt'rt hax hcen criticth and ptthlicl} acclaimed. and as a hixtorian and dramatic no\cli\l. lllx \\ r‘ittng \ergex on the c\plo\i\e. ln thc l'lcxh. hc'x

hountl to he e\ en more cntcrtainmg. I (Ia/or) Carr, '-.'Xator‘sfovo"5;. USU/Mn. Fret).

Book events

Elizabeth Wurtzel \Valerxlonc’x 128 l’r'inccx Street. 226 3mm. (rpm. l‘r'ee. 'l‘hix (ictt X poxter girl lor tlt‘pr't‘\\i«itt t‘eccitetl \torltl-\\ itle recognition lot' her grotmtlhr'eaking memoir. Prim/c .thllull. The popular \\ r'ilcr ix inxtore lo tllNL‘l|\\ her ncu \\t)l'l\. .llun’. trim. mutt/r1.


Symposium: Bodies Of Substance ()ltl ('ollcge. Raehurn arttl ('at'xtaru Rootn. l'nncrxit} ol' litlinhtrt'gh. South Bridge. (>5ll 22 l 5. ‘).l5am 4pm. l-t'cc. tRaehttr'n arttl (‘ar'xtarcx Rootn l. The 'lall‘tot Rice (taller) in collahoration \\ ith the (ioclhc llt\llltllc pr'exentx a ottc-tla} x} mpoxium \xhich introtluccx the \\ttt'k ol' Berlin- hiht‘tl artixh :\/atle Kokcr. Margaret Hunter and Ping ()itr antl \\ ill look at the \imilariticx antl tlil'l'er‘cnccx hctuecn their practiccx in the \ocial and cultural conle\t ol‘ their place ol' uorking and

In ing.


Edinburgh v Glasgow .\l}r-t~\itlc. \l}r‘t‘\itlt‘ Road. 540 5252. 7.50pm. [Ill t£5 r. \Velxh/Scottixh league nigh} match.


New Faces: Raeburn National (taller) ol' Scotland. The Hound. ()24 (i2()(). 12.45pm. l’ree. l’orrner tlircctor' ol the Scottixh National Portrait (taller). Duncan 'l‘hontxon. talk\ about the Hulk ol' Raehttrn.

Other events

Your Record Requests llal'l‘} Miller llall. Kirk ()‘ l’icltl (hutch. 7.50pm. 70p t55pt. (‘ltarlex lnnex pla} \ l'a\otrritc\ spanning \e\cral (lL‘L'iltlL'\.

Princes Shoot. :‘f’ .‘t ,‘t't.’.‘§f§( )r :5;< > tft ( >/; (It )r r;

:>:>(> .sUJ-I. r./,'t).'t . 1'; f‘t‘h’).


Artist Talk Series l't'tlilltlarkcl (taller). 45 Market Street. 225 233%. lpm. l‘ree. .\lichclc l.a/cnh}. L‘Ulllllll\\l()llt‘tl ax part ol’ the l-‘ttxion programme. tll\k'll\\L‘\ her e\periencc ol' \xot‘king cloxel) \\ ith \tal'l' and patients in \clt‘L‘lL‘tl ltttxplltllx


Edinburgh Rocks v Manchester .\leatlo\\ hank Sportx (’cntt'c. l5‘) lontlon Road. on] 555 1. 5pm. U r £5t. Bltl. (‘hampionxliip haxkethall match.

Book events

Caleb Carr \Vaterxtone'x. l5 l4 l’rince\ Street. 55o 5ll54. (i.5()ptn. l‘r'ee. See photo caption.


Rethinking The City With Henderson, Paolozzi And The Smithsons National (taller) ol- .\Iotlcrn .'\rt. Helltit‘tl Roatl. (i24 (i2lll). 12.45pm. l’rec. t(}}rittt;t\ttttm. Richartl \Villiamx. a lecturer at litltnhttrglt l‘nnerxit) gnex a talk.

Curator’s Tour .lolm Kno\ House. High Street. 55o 2(347. 2pm. £2.25 (75p 92 l .75 l. SL'L‘ \lon l3. Searching For Life With Beagle 1 l)_\namic liarlh. llol_\t'ootl Road. 223 l I55. 5.50pm. l‘ree on tla} [5 in athance. ('olin l’illinger'. a pr'olcxxor' ol' l’l;tnelat'_\ SL'IL‘IIL'C\. tll\L‘ll\\L‘\ lllL‘ e\ploration ol' .\1ar\. See prc\ ieu. Plants And Their Uses Slttclxltl‘ltlgc Htltll'x\llll|l. 2(1 \ttl'lli \\t‘\l

('trcux Place. 225 5555. (t.5ll “.5llpm.

l-‘ree. Keren Br}ne\ l'r'om Napiet'x hoxts thi\ intloor' hcrh ualk.

Other events

Art Workshop Hottlerx Hookx [hit 20. l‘or't Kinnair'tl Retail Park. 657 404 l. opnt. See .\lon lh‘.

Tuesday 26 ,

Book events

Kay, Duncan & Sutherland \\-£IlL‘l'\lUllL‘.\. l5 l4 l’rinccx SII‘L‘L‘I. 5.50 .5054. (L5llpltt. l'irce. :\lt opporlllnll} lo \amplc the tlnerxit} ol' Scottixh literature a\ the crcatne pouerhouxe ol‘ .lackie K;t_\. Hill Duncan and Luke Sutherland join l'ot'ccx to talk about their latext \\ttl'l\\ incltttling. ll‘ln l)mr'l l'ntr Stu/i lit/king. Ili/lt' Slut/mu .S't'lrrm/ ()f'l'lrt' ('tr/t'r'nrxlx antl .Vtt’t't'lmt'ttl.


Hubble Space Telescope Roin ()lnetwator} \'t\itor (‘entrc. Blackl'ortl llill. (roh’ 8405. 7.50pm. l‘r‘ce. 'l‘he \tlL‘L‘L‘\\c\ til the telescope are tllwtlxxetl h} .-\ntl} l.ongtnore.

Wednesday 27

Book events

Mike Gayle 8: John McCabe \\';ttet\ttitte\. l5 l4 Princes Street. 550 30.54. (3.5llplll. l'lCL‘. lllL‘ lk‘xl-xL‘lllllg :llllltttl‘\ reatl trout and (ll\L‘ll\\ their ltllc\l \\orl\\. Himu'r l'Ul' Iii u and .S'rrtrkt'xlr/t.


The Work Of Help The Aged, Nationally And Internationally ()pen l)oot‘. 42H Morningxitle Road. 447 0757. 10.50am. L'l. Help The .v\getl\ llclen Simpxon outline\ the charit} ’s role.

Wolfgang Suschitzky National Portrait (ialler). l Queen Street. (\24 0200. l2.45pm. l‘r'ee. Duncan l-‘or'hex l'r‘ont thc Scottnh National Portrait (taller) gi\e\ a talk on the \tork ol~ photographer \‘t'oll'gang Slle‘llll/k}. John Knox 8: Witchcraft \elltet'lttm :\l‘l\ (t‘ltll‘t‘. 45 45 High Street. 55o 057‘). 2 5pm. l’rce. .lttlian (iootlat'c gi\c\ a talk to mark the l'nnct'xit} ol' litlinhurgh Scottish lli\tor_\ Department'x centenar).

Thursday 28 -


French Contemporary Theatre lnxtittrt lirancaix tl’licoxxe. 15 Randolph (’r'cxcent. 225 53M». 7pm. l‘rec. l’rcnch acne“ llL‘lL‘ltL‘ .'\lC\;llltll'ltll\ I‘L‘atl\ iron] the work ol trench contemporar'} pla} \\ right l.oui\-('harle\ Siriactl.

Other events

Saheliya - Indian Dance and Yoga (iatena) lltcatt'c. lilm Ron. l.eith Walk. 5|? 505‘). l 2pm. See Thu 14.

Scottish Enterprise Recruitment Fair .-\\\emhl_\ Roolth. .54 (icorge Street. 220 454‘).

2 (rpm. l-t'ce. Recruitment lair.

‘tq. t! M it t to r ' < t 't, t:t>:;t>".a‘.t>". , it 40' t; tLt '. "Vt :' r .‘fa: .:'-;-.i;: .’.;>fv\' 'ttas... at t 3.85% . , , .) . , m,“ J V .,\..:;t';t;a. ftp-«3’. ‘t > ‘g r r ;: gt' >‘ acts: St Giles’ Cathedral < <‘ l "' ("1' l?!“ 3 ll 51" ‘<l'i T l5(?‘.{ll l‘.’li'(?. 7.915 9-1.1? .w '3" ' '3“ ~"¥"‘l~-'-- Mo": Sat Sl.3§?;i"‘ 5):)n‘; t Royal Observatory 5.." ' :5th l (3t.l‘rtlt}(l rn Ma Km Visitor Centre t"<:- ‘31):3. '."'33t3"t.t<1lt W 9 finitcottt llrft, (12%“? s-hl '_ 't.i:; .'.'t'."t}f3i§t?(l Close 219.,“ Sat 't:{i'l‘ fwm; ox-Crttotztms. '.ot:;;2";t ES onr't .r-ao‘tt'at ons. "3.6?" ’V x ‘a't‘r3'. tum t. :;:7-;:-;t'.;tt‘;.a' star‘tx: Etass r' Hatt'. ants'i'w‘t‘: .'.";to'.'.t;. ."r‘att‘: ' 'r' at o' Z-l‘. 2'» :3:1T"t".'.;?'v\;t"\l\lthtliXl ' ' "ii't‘ «iT-Crti'. touts. 1.334001} startrxt ‘3" ‘Vll H tut"? for oxtw" 7h; '."t\, t' 1‘ Elma. t\l:.c-_