Glasgow life

Glasgow life continued

Tuesday 1 9 -

Book events

Smugglers’ Tour il'hc Arcticx. 353 Mg} lc Strcct. (Mt)! U22 (NH). 8pm. £75“ 15!. \Vatcrxtonc'x and (‘anongatc join l'orccx to prcxcnt thc ad\cnturc\ ol' t\\o ol thc ltlthl daring \niugglcrx l'roin hoth \idcx ol't|1c.-\tlantic. looking at thc c\ploit\ ol llouard Mark and .v\llcn Scc photo caption.

Wednesday 20

Book events

Paul Johnston and John Connolly \Valcrxtonc‘x. t53 IS" Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ‘)lll5. ."pni. l’rcc. Scotland and lrcland conic togcthcr ax thcxc tuo popular tittthorx discuxx lhcir “ink and thc gcnrc ot' critnc \\ riting ax a \\ holc.


The Fabulous Burrell Tapestries llurrcll ('ollcction. Zttot) l’ollokshau \ RUiltl. :o— .355“. lilillttllt. l‘l'L‘C. AlillL'lllL‘tl guidc tour ot‘ thc llttrrcll ('ollcction \\ ith l)ina \Vard.

Turkish Shadow Puppets In The National Museums Of Scotland Huntcrian :\t't (lallcr). l'nixcrxit} ol (ilaxgou. h: llillhcad Sticcl. “(I 543 l. 5.45pm. l'rcc. l'lrikc .v\lr lx'haniix troni thc \ational \lttxcuinx ( )1 Scotland gncs a lcctnrc on 'l‘urki\h \ltadtm puppctx

Thursday 21

Book events

Elizabeth Wurtzel \Vatcrxtonc‘x.

153 15' Sauchichall Strcct. 333 0105. —[tltt. l‘rcc. 'l‘hix (icn .\ poxlct' girl lor tlcpl‘c\\ittlt I‘CL‘L‘IH‘tl \Htt‘ltl \\ itlL‘ rccognttion l'or hcr groundhrcaking incinoir. l’rusm .\t1/im:. 'l hc popular

\\ t'ilL‘l' l\ ilhlitt‘i' lU tll\L‘tl\\ ltL‘l' ttc\\ \\ttt'k. .l/ort. lion. imam.

Chris Dolan liaxt Kilhrtdc r\rt\ (critic. ()ld ('oach Road. l:a\t Kilhrtdc. U! 355 JOHN)”. ".Ftlpnt. [3 @1501, (il;t\go\\ hawd no\cl1\t and Ida} v. right l)olan l‘L‘ittlx lt'ttltt tt \L'lc‘clttttt ttl ltl\ I‘L‘L‘L‘ltl \Htl'k.

Other events

Rosina Bonsu cht‘icld Si Stcphcn'x (illlll'cll ('L'llll't‘. :(dl litlllt Slt'i‘t'l. 33: 3530. ltlfittain 13.3tlpnt. 'l'hc l)ancc llouxc artixt lcads a ph}\1cal \xot'kxhop haxcd on hod} qttalil}.

Continuity & Discontinuity - A European View’ .\dt-la1ttc\. 30*) Bath Sin-ct. 14.x .lw'ai “cm. 'I tic .\i‘clntcctural llct'itagc Soctct} ot Scotland tnttodncc l’i'tilt‘\\trt' l'rank \Valkcr who \\ ill hc talking ax part ol thcrr \xintci Icctnrc \L'l'lt‘\.

Other events

Model Rail 2002 Sli(‘('. l'llllllL‘\lttll Qua}. t)x"ttt).1tt4t)tltt. llatn Hpni. LY»: tainil} tickct ill. 'l'hc latc\t tlc'flg‘lh and practical ad\ icc on Hitler tor inodcl rail L‘llllltl\lit\l\ and mu iccx.

lttpnt. E ‘5” txtndcntx

r./‘|E:’i"-"',"}" 37.n- €:,~ Museum Of Transport ' " "v'; .' i "' ' ’, ,3"; (“Vii/ii if;

People’s Palace & ' -'-: '- Winter Garden

92 THE LIST '-

Smugglers Tales

Who’s telling tales? .\l|cn thc nian \\ ho hrottght ('olonthiau (iold inariinana to .\ntcrica. \\ ill hc in cott\ct\;tliott \\ ith llo\\;tt'd .\lark\. Hritaink \t-r} o\\tt

.\lr \icc.

What are they talking about? lhc} \\ ill hc talking about thcit daring drug \uiuggling da'u uhtch itt\ol\ctl plcnt) ol’gutx. caxh. high lllllL'\ and hot li\ ing. Anything else? .‘\l\\ttllllL‘l_\. 'l hc c\cttl \\ lll hc chaircd It} thc itcxhclhrtg author Rohcrt Saithag. \\lltl \\ iotc tltc ding \innggling clawic Sum. lu'nrt/ and thc hrand tic\\

.\n1okt’\r/tt'n. I ‘3”. .,

Book events

Poetry In The Park lotto-o“ l’at‘k. \\'cll\ltot Road. 7o} l.\(» l.

l Spin. l)ct'ck Rcad hoxlx an altcrnoon ot poctr} rcadings and lltll\lL'.


Glasgow Championships ('ockltttrn (‘cntrc. 4H lloginoor l’lacc. 445 lllh. lladtninton coinpctition.


Winter Lecture (ilaxgou (Htlltc'tlthl. ('axtlc Slt't‘cl. 55: Ni”& llatn l3.l5pnt. l‘rcc. l’rcxcntcd h} .\lr Ra_\ \lcl'x'cn/ic. a lccturc cntitlcd "l'hc \ccropolix (ila\go\\ '.

Vivienne Gaskin (‘(‘.\. 35H Sauchichall Strcct. 352 -l‘)(t(). Fpni. l't‘t‘L‘. t('(' \ it. llt‘lltl (tl .\t'li\liL‘ l’rograinnic and lztlucatton at thc (‘( ‘.\. \'i\ icnnc ( iaxkin talkx :tl‘tttll thc curatorial dcwlopincnt ot thc ‘lcnth l.c\ cl c\hiltttion.

Other events

Model Rail 2002 SI-1('( '. l‘ttlttlt‘\lttlt Qua}. tlh’t) (Ht) -l()tl(t. ltlani opnt. L'o; lainil_\ tickct Lll. Scc lit 22.

National Wedding Fair St;(‘(‘. l'innicston ()tta}, ()XW) tl-ltl .ltttlll. Illain (tpltl. H I, .\i: opportunit} to mantinc and hit} ilL‘lth t'or thc ’ltig tla_\ '.

Farmers Market \t;az\tit-ttt t’aik. ll_\ttdland \tt'cct Huntl‘aitor‘. Road. 35" .‘HHH. ltlan‘: ‘pm, I rct'. \chancc to l‘ti_\ tit-sh piodncc ducct tron: thc lttllllt‘h


Sunday 24 ' '


Glasgow Championships (‘ot-klmm (critic. 4H lloginoor l’lacc. 445 lllh. Scc Sat 3*.

Other events

Diverse City l anxdounc l ppcr (‘hnrch

llall.‘ll(i(ircat\\'t‘\tct'i1Roatl..i.i-33l| (\I‘llt. l'l't‘t‘. .\ ct‘l‘c‘lttdlli‘lt ttl (ilthg‘tn‘. ‘\

rich cultural di\cr\it_\ through dancc.

lllll\l\'. dranta. poctr} and art. 'l'hc altct'ttoott

it ill lcatuit‘ a rim ol pc:torinancc\ and

\\ttl'l\\lllt[‘\ trout in.iii_\ cultnrcx and a \‘.tdc

rangc ot agcx. .\|| procccdx to a (il;t\go\\

hontclcw proicct and thc 'l'rawllcrs and

(i_\p\ic\ l)c\cloptucnt l’roicct.

Model Rail 2002 Sl:(‘(‘. l'tiiitic\toit

Qua}. “5—H H-ltl 4H1 N) lttatn 5pm. Lo;

latitih ttckt't Lil. Scc l'll 3.7.

National Wedding Fair Stzt‘t‘.

l'llllllt'\litlt ()ua}. (LVN tl-lll .ttttttt.

ltlain opnt. L1 1. Scc Sat 33.

Tuesday 26‘


American Wrestling llattttllolt 'I‘tmn llall. l.o\\cr \uchingraniont Road. llantilton. (ll(i‘).\ 4532‘)”. “fitlput. L") IL“ t;

lainil} £28. lt‘x \llt‘\ i\al ol' thc toughcxt ax thc .'\incricau \\ rc\t|ing hcrocx linc— tip tor \UlllL‘ hair raising lamil} l‘un.

Ta ks

Past And Present Switzerland l'nixcrxit} ol Strathchdc. Room 303. l.i\ ingxtonc ’l‘oucr. Richmond Sti'cct. 548 3333. llatn. Visiting l’rol‘cxxor Ht'igittc Studcr ol lhc l'nixcrxit} ot' llcrn tll\t‘ll\\L‘\ past and prcxcnt

S“ it/crland \\ ith dchatcx and cotitrowrxicx ahout thc Sccoitd World War.

Artist Forum: Talk 'l‘hc :\t'cltL‘\. 35.: .-\I'g} lc Sll’L‘L‘l. ()‘)(ll ()3: (Wilt). "put. \ikki .\lilicait. arttxtic dircctor ol' \cu .\lo\c\ lnlcrnational tproduccrx ol \cu 'l‘crritorics and thc National

RC\ lL‘\\ ()l l.l\L‘ :\t'll pl'L‘\L‘lll\ llL‘t' c\pcricncc ol' dcwloping llli\ pi'ograininc ot' intcrnational :tl‘l\ c\cnt\.

Wednesday 27

Book events

Cafe Litteraires .'\lliancc l‘raticaixc dc (il;t\go\\. 7 lion ntont (lardcnx. 33‘) 438 l. ()pttt. l‘rcc. Inl'ornial hook discussion group l'ocuxing on Anna (iautlda.


The Carracci And Printmaking In Bologna 1550-1650 lluntcrian .v\rt (iallcry l‘ni\cr\it_\ ol' (ilaxgou. h: llillhcad Stt'cct. 33” 5-13 l. lpin. l‘rcc. 'l‘cn tninntc talk on thc \xorkx ol' thc cclcltt'atcd (‘at'racci lantil}.

Social Policy As Gender Technology t'nixcixii} ot' Sll'alltclMlL‘. Room-103.\ld‘ultu‘ Building. Richmond Stt‘cct. 543 3333. l..iltpi1i Visiting l’rol'cxsor llrigiltc Stndcr ol tltc l'ni\cr\it_\ oi llcrn dixcnxxcx thc social construction ol‘ 'thc uncinplo} cd' in S\\ it/crland lll thc lirxt halt ol‘ thc t\\cnlicth ccntur). Speaking About the Self - Working on the Self t‘nixci'xit} ot' Strathchdc. Room 303. l.i\ ingxtonc ‘l'oxxcr. Richmond Strcct. 548 3332. 4pm. Visiting l’t'olcxxot' llt‘igtttc Studcr Ul‘ thc littiH‘t'xil} ttl~ liL‘t‘lt tli\c‘ll\\L‘\ lltL‘ lorntation ot‘ thc Stalinist ('adrc in thc I‘lillx

Thursday 28


American Wrestling l’a\ ilion ’l'hcatrc. Ill chl'icld Strch 332 I840. Tittpni. LI” 1 {8 t. 'l'rihulc to thc \tarx ot thc .\ntcrican urntling \ccnc. lt‘dllll'lllg‘ Rock Stcadlfiut as lhc Rock and Rick .\la\tcr\ ax 'l'hc l'ndcrtakcr. l’rcparc lor a night ot' pilcdri\ ing and \‘lttlllt‘\ liltL‘\.


Sir Giles Gilbert Scott: Architect Of The Century t'ni\cr\it_\ ()t' Strathchdc. l.cctttrc 'l'hcatrc l. .\lc(‘ancc Building. lo Richmond Strcct. 433 4484. ".Rtlpm. l-rcc. l)r ( ia\ in Stamp on this int‘lticntial architcct.

51’ "E? Vii/RIM. \ ‘3 :' We Sine-t" * :5 " U (7; ‘t I "C ' \ "1,..E._,§ "‘(" ‘> "c Scotland Stree School -\ ~ -\ 0 I H Museum A " S;‘:i'.:‘:".). ' ' =~ ., '; The Tall Ship At ,\_ Glasgow Harbour I ix. 3' _: Scottish Football .1 Museum \ W ‘:' " ,... ;).. t h , . ‘.'- 3.