()5 'I‘hc Shorc. l.cith. 553 5255. 'l'uc l’ri l lam 5pm; Sat 1 lam 4pm.
2 Years On 2002 Sat lo l-‘ch Sat 2 Mar. .-\n cxhihition l'caturing thc ik‘\l of thc I.cith (iallcr) '\ .\'c\\‘ liaccx cxhihition which \Iln\\c‘tt.\C\ thc “mix of t'cccnt graduatcx. NEW SHOW.
S7 Broughton Strcct. 558 S778.
'I'uc Sat llatn (1pm.
Mixed Exhibition This ncu gallcr} on Broughton Strcct. \ct tip h} thc lormct' ownct‘ of thc BcllcVuc (iallct')‘. ('allum Buchanan. lcaturcx a rangc ol‘ paintings h_\ 20th artixtx. 'I‘hc \clcction includcs an carl} work h_\ .lcnn} SaVillc. plus \\ol'l\‘\ h_\- Stcx'cn llood. (icol‘l‘rcy Ropcr. Junc Rcdlcrn. llcnry Kondracki. .-\lc\andcr (ioudic. .lohn Bcl|an_\'. Katc Dou'nic. Jack Knox and Bt‘cnt .\lillcr.
NAPIER UNIVERSITY .\larchmont (iallci'). Mat'chmont ('ampux. ol .\larchmont Road. 455 5203. Mon Fri 9am 4pm.
77th RSA Student Design Awards National Touring Exhibition l'nlil l’ri 22 l‘ch. .\ chancc to \cc thc \\ inning cntt‘icx oi thix prcmicr \ttldcnt dcxigu compctition which highlightx thc hcxt ol‘ Britixh dcxign including taxhion. l'urniturc. dcsign. graphics. cnginccring. animation and packaging. lASi CHANCF TO Si’i‘.
Bell‘ot'd Road. (i24 (i200 lrccordcd information 332 22pm. .\lon Sat
lllam 5pm; Stilt noon 5pm. (‘alc Hmmm . . . David Shrigley’s Selection From The Permanent Collection t'niil Sun 24 l'ch. Artixt Da\ id Shriglc) \clcctx hix I-ilVUtlI'IlC \xorltx l‘rom thc pcrmancnt CUHL‘L‘IIUH \tillL‘il lllL‘itltlL‘ Nitlt'L’L‘i Duchamp‘x lli’tlgt' ()1 ('limlili' and an carl} portrait h) Scottixh (’olourixt S..l. l’cploc. 'l‘hc dixpla) \ lllL‘illtIL‘\ a \CIL‘CIIUII ol- Sltl‘iglc} '\ o\\ It \\ol‘l\. [ASI CHANCE l0 SH;
Wilhelmina Barns-Graham t‘niil Sttn 17 Mar. lo coincidc u ith thc launch oi lhc lirxt hook on thc itl'll\l. a spccial dixpla} of paintings and
draw ingx h_\ St Andrcu \-Dtll'll artixt \\'illlcltiiitia Bariix—(iraliain.
Frank Auerbach l‘inil Sun I: Ma}. llighlightx l'rom thc criticall} acclaimcd rctrostk‘ctn c h} l’rank .-\ucrhach. hcld rcccntl} at thc Ro}al .-\cadcm) ol‘.v\rt\ in London. lcaturing l‘ourtccn paintingx dating lrom thc mid l‘)5(l\ to rcccntl} complctcd \xorkx. 'l‘hc (ict‘man-horn artist who lcl’t ltix natix c Bcrlin lot lingland in 193‘) is t'cnou ncd lol‘ hix usc oi hcaVy oil paint u hich l\ \ciapcd and dauhcd onto lhc picturc \url'acc. :\ucrhach t'cpcatcdl} t'cpainlx thc \amc Colttpoxllion o\ cr \c\cral llltllllilx or
c\cn _\cat'\ until Itc ix \atixlicd that hc hax produccd a ‘truc c\prc\\ion' ol' hix \uhicct. SL‘L‘ l'c\ lL‘u.
New Faces: Frank Auerbach Mon 18 l‘ch. 12.45pm. ('athcrinc lampcrt. indcpcndcitt curator. art hixtorian and moch l'or .\ucrhach \incc l‘)7t\’ gixcx an inxight into ilix \xork. Rethinking The City With Henderson, Paolozzi And The Smithsons Mon 25 l‘ch. l2.45pm l(i_\llllltl\lllllli. Richard \Vlliltlllh. a lcctut'cr at lidinhurgh l'niwrxit} gi\c\ a
IiilL‘ \ittllllti. (3.2—1 (izilll tt'L‘L‘ttl'tIL‘ti information 332 32%.. Mon Sat lilam 5pm1Sun noon 5pm.
New Faces: Bernini til 15 l‘ch. l2.45pm. .-\rt ili\ltll‘l;lll l’aola ‘l‘inagli gi\c\ a talk on thc \\t)l'i\ ol' Bcrnini. New Faces: Raeburn l-‘ri 23 l'ch. 12.45pm. l-ormcr dircctor ol' thc Scotlidt National Portrait (iallcr). Duncan ‘l‘homxon. di\cu\\c\ thc \xork ol~ Rachurn.
NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY ()uccn Slt'cct. (i2-l (i2llll lt‘L‘cttl'tlL‘d
inlormalion 332 22(iol. .\lon Sat
lilam 5pm1Sun noon 5pm. ('alc. l-rcc.
Great Houses Of Scotland l'ntil Sttn 2l .>\pr. l‘rcc. 'l'rcaxurcx li'om \c\cn Scotlixh ltotl\c\ Ballindalloch. Blair. Dunrohin. (ilamix. Sconc. 'l'hirlcxtanc atid 'li'aquair arc on dixpla}. l'caturing paintingx. antiqum and lamil) mcmcntocx. llighlighlx includc Dax id \\iili\lt"\ ill/Ir Iii/(luv l’N/Iillitil'H/IM it‘llt‘h urittcn h_\ Roh RU} .\lac(ircgot‘. lSth ccntur} “all cmhroidcricx and .lacohilc mcmorahilia.
QAn Exile’s Eye: Photography By Wolfgang Suschitzky tn :2 l‘cli Stilt I” .‘\la). l‘rcc. ()\cr 4“ pho tographx h_\ thc .v\u\trian horn docu mcntar} lilmmakcr and photographcr \Voll'gang Stlxchit/k}. l‘lccing .-\u\tria in l‘)33 for Britain hcl'orc traxcllinfl lirxt to Holland. SUSCIIii/h} \igncd up in W37 \\llil l’aul Rotha'x Strand l’ilm company .\lal\ing lilmx lor thc .\lini\tr_\ ol lnl'ormation. \otttc ol hix documcntar) lilm\ \\cl'c \hol in Scotland and in latcr _\c;u'\. hc “cm on ID \kttl'ix till tl \L‘l'lc\ til lt‘ullll'c llilll\ including Ring ()1 ling/ii iii/In i l‘)(il)l, linivrlu/n/ng .llr S/mm t l‘)"lli and (iv!
(‘urlt'r l l‘Fl l. 'l'hix c\hihition ho\\c\cr.
conccnlratcx on hix documcntar} pho tograph} \xhich capturc\ Britain hclnccn thc Mix and thc carl_\ 7th, Scc Ill'kW it'“ :llltl iiililfl. Ni ‘.'. E‘Si l(
Wolfgang Suschitzky \Vcd 27 l-cli.
l2.45pm. Duncan l’orhcx l'rom thc Scottixh National Portrait (iallcr) gi\c\ a talk on thc “ork ol' photographcr and lilmmakcr \\'o|l'gang Stixc‘liit/k).
New Faces: Impressions, Inventions, Conclusions? Wed 20 l-ch. l2.45pm. l.i/ Ridcal. artixt and
curator ol' lhc National Portrait (iallcr). l.illltloll gi\c\ a talk.
43 45 High Slrcct. 550 05“). Mon Sal lilam 4.30pm.
Capturing The Bass Rock l’ntil Sat 2 Mar. l’aintingx h} artixl and \\ ritcr (‘ht‘ixtinc ('roxx.
NEW-CONTEMPORARY-ART.COM ()n-linc gallcr}. \\ \\ \\ .ncu -contcmporar} - at'l.com
Miniatures One ()n-linc gallcr} \llo\\c;t\tllg thc \\til'l\ ol~ up-and-coming artixlx l'rom (ilaxgtm altd lidinhurgh with all \xorltx a\ai|ahlc to hit}.
l—I NC“ Sli‘ccl. 553 "(ill-I. .\iUlI Sill
l lam (i.3llpm. l'ntil latc on Bongo (‘luh lllgillx
Crude Cuts Sal lo l’ch inc 5 .\lar. .\ collcction ol' lino \\ttt‘i\\ h_\ l’aul Ballingal inxpircd h_\ thc cluhhing \ccnc. :\E
Rachurn and ('arxlarcx Room. l'nncrxit} oi
lidinhurgh. South Bridgc. lo hook call (i5ll 22 I 3 or c—matl patlixhcrw cd.ac.uk Symposium: Bodies Of Substance ill 22 l‘ch. l).l5am 4pm. lircc. .v\d\ancc hooking llL‘L‘L‘\\;ll"\. 'l‘hc littliitll RICL‘ (iallct') lll collahoralion \\ ith thc (iocillc lnxlitutc prcxcntx a onc-da} \_\ mpoxium \thich introduccx thc \xork oi Bcrlin-haxcd ttt'll\l\ .v\/adc Koltcr. \largarcl lluntcr and Ping (Jill and \\ ill look at lhc \imilariticx and dil'l'crcncw hctuccn thcir practiccx in lhc \Ucltli and cultural conlc\l ol' thcir placc ol' uorking and In ing. Scc ’lalhot Ricc (iallcr) lixling l'or c\hlhllion dctailx.
25 2‘) (’umhcrland Slrccl. 55" Ill2ll.
.\lon l‘rl lilam (rpm; Sal lllam 4pm. George Donald Sal In l-‘cli \Vctl (i Mar. i’;llllllllj_'\. \E
Kirsty Whither Sat lo l'ch \Vcd (\ \lar. i’;tlllllltg\.
Contemporary Glass Sal it» Hit \Vctl (i .\lar. .\ \Ilo\\ ol' conlcmporar} Brllidl L'iil\\.
Gillian Newton t‘nnl \\cd (I .\lar.
Rcccnt icucllct'}.
OUTRAGEOUS ART l— l‘) Barcla) l’lacc. 4" lil3llam o..3llplti. Mixed Exhibition .\ changing \clcctlon ol paintingx including rcproduction art
\an (iogh. Dali. \lonct. Kandinxk}. .\llro tll'lglllili\ and “ork h} up-and-coming local
29.33. inc Sat
i\\'.\Sl’Sl l’atriothall Studiox. oil 4S Hamilton l’lacc. 225 l2S‘).
Inside Out l'ntil Stilt l" lich i()pcn dail} noon opmn. ()il paintingx h) \cra ('oghill including Iandxcapcx oi l’rmcncc and portraiturc.
listings Art
25 Marchmont ('t‘cxccnt. 22‘) 2(lo3. .\lon l‘ri 0am 5.3(lpm; Sat lilam 2pm. Mixed Exhibition .\ photographic gallcr} and li'aming “orkxhop l‘caturing a rangc ol' iramcd mounch imagcx \\ ith \pacc for local photogt‘aphct'x to \htm thcir \\t)l'i\.
(.IL‘I'I\ SII‘L‘L'I. ()(i7 7776. Mon .Stti
lilam 5.30pm.
Charlotte Reader t‘niil .\Ion 35 l‘ch. limpIo} ing a rangc ot' matcrialx. “all ililllgillgx. picturcx and thrcc- dimcnxional \\t)l'i\\ h_\ ('harlottc Rcadcr. inxpircd h_\ organic l'ormx.
An Eye For Music Mon 25
l’ch Mon 25 Mar. .\larc \lat‘nic\ black and uhitc photographic imagcx ol \omc ol' thc uorld‘x moxt ini'lucntial tttuxicialtx. l’anloux l'accx includc .\lilc\ Da\ ix. \ludd} \Vatcrx. .lamcx Broun. (iil Scott llcron. l.iam (iallaghcr. Jan I\ ('ockcr and man} morc. N Si l()‘.".'.
l5 Rutland Squat'c. 22‘) 7545. Mon Fri 0am 5pm; Sat |()attt 4pm.
Essence Of Space l'niil til 1 Mar. (il;t\gt)\\ -ha\cd photographcr I);ll\} D_\ lan \Vatxon c\p|orc\ architccturc. \pacc and thc huilt
cm ironmcnl in thix c\llihitiotl oi pilologt‘apltx.
lm crlcith Rim. 552 7 l 7|.
0 Hellen van Meene — Japan Series l'ntil Sun ll) .\iar l lmcrlcith llouxc: Inc Sun |()_3()am 3.30pm). Dutch photographcr llcllcn \an .\lccnc hax hcr lirxt c\hihilion in Scotland. \\'inncr ol' thc pt‘cxtigioux (‘harlottc Kohlcr l’ri/c l‘or thc moxt promising artixt in ilolland and \hortli\tcd tor thc 2(l()l ('itihank Photograph} l’ri/c. llcllcn \an .\lccnc photographs _\oung adolcxccnt girl\ on thc \ct'gc ol “titli- anhood. 'l'hc c\hihition l'caturcx thc .ltI/um St’rii’x. portraitx ol .lapattcw girlx \xhich \\crc \hou n at lillx _\car\ \t‘lllL'L‘ iiiL‘llllilIL‘. SL‘L‘ iiiiil\l.
Stella Ross-Craig t’ntil Sun ll) .\lar l lmcrlcith llouxcl. Botanical drgm ingx ol' Brilixh plantx h_\ Stclla l{o\\—(’t';iig. Born in luon in .r\ldcr\hot ol‘ Scottixh parcnts. l{o\\-( 'raig'x carccr a\ a botanical artixl \tartcd in 192‘). working for thc Role Horticultural Socict) and thc l{o_\a| Botanic (iardcm. Kc“. 'l‘hc dra\\ ing\ on dixpla} \\ L‘l'c \L‘lL‘L‘lL‘ti h_\ lilL‘ ttl‘ll\l ltcl'u'll'. :tlld llottc hax c\cr hccn \ccn h} thc puhlic ht‘ltil‘c.
Images From The Garden IV Sat lo l‘ch Sun 31 .\larlli\hihition Hall i. .'\ll c\lti|iition ol “ork produccd o\cr thc paxt _\car h} RB( ili‘x adult cducation \ludcutx lcaturing hotanical illuxtralionx. |and\capc imagcx. hotanical photograph}. \xood
cttgt‘m ittgx and ct'altx. Ni \.'. Si 102'.
13 February-16 March 2002
@ Arches, Tramway, Tron, Lighthouse, Glasgow
An international festival of live arts...an exhilarating, energising and inevitably controversial programme of music, theatre, performance, dance, video and film from some of today's most audacious and pioneering artists.
To win the chance to see what all the fuss is about as well as a bottle of spirits, just answer:
1st prize - A set of passes to seven performances of your choice and a bottle of Champagne 2nd prize - A set of passes to a performance of your choice and a bottle of Tequila
.‘ THE LIST 87