I Shagtag at (iaia. l()ptn 3am. £4 (£2 I. Weekly. Aleohol-l'uelletl t'lirting (aided and abetted by drinks prtttltttxi \‘ia the infamous lItIltItIet'-tIiISCti tlltl'thllL‘tlttlIS system.

I Smarty Pants at Sutm'a) \Vest lintl. 7pm 3am. £2 (£l with \tutlent It) or tlyer). \\'eekl_\‘. Shatnelexs eliat't and party mix-up \\ ith [)1 .-\ka.

I The Subway at the Suhua}; 9pm 3am. liree tor students \\ ith matrieulation eartl; £l otherwise. Weekly. See 'l‘hu.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


I Beluga at Beluga. 8pm lain. l‘ree. \Veekl}. Boh (aims and l)ont l’lanagan Select the best in global ja/l groovex lor the toeal drinking lttlt'ttL‘S.

I The Departure Lounge at l’opRokit hax now tilllSltL‘tl.

I Excursions at Igttana. 9pm lattt. l-‘ree. \Veekl). Rotittitmttl rexitlents (i— .\lae t.\tanga). (iltt'_\ .\tae tSuhlitneI. ('olin .\lillar and Adam Bra} llleiltlSPiltl demonstrate their astounding tleekxterieal versatility III the lieltlx (It. tlrunt & haxx. ltip hop. ttttlk’ and breaks. I Headzeint at I-LIII. Uptn Iain. t-‘ree. \Veekl). Hip hop. l'ttnk antl eleetroheats eottrte\_\' of Michael and (iar);

I Monkey Boy’s Afro Lounge at l’th). 9pm lain. t-‘ree. \\'eekl_\. (’heek} ‘.\tonke_\' Bo)‘ .\tark litltnontlxon pla_\\ funk} pltathaek grooVes antl alro soul. I Oxygen Music at ()\}gen Bar. 8pm lain. lit'ee. \Veekl}. the popttlar pre-eluh plays ttoxt to rotational I'L‘SttletttS (iino. lir) er t.\totherl'unk) atttl (‘hrix l-"lexon and the tnusieal St) lex ol' t‘unk. hip hop and soul. .-\rri\'e early to eapitalixe on t\\‘o-l'or-one (ll'ltlle ol'lerx.


I Ad-Lib t l I Hope Street. 248 6045. I Air Organic 36 Kelx ittgroVe Street. 564 520].

I Alasksa I42 Bath Lane. 248 I777. I Archaos 25 Queen Street. 204 3 I 8‘). I The Arches Midland Street toll Jatnaiea Street). 090] (I22 0300.

I Asylum 7t) (‘oueatltlenx Road. 332 “()8 t.

I Babaza 25 Ro}al tixehange Square. 204 ()ltll.

I Bennet’s 8t) (ilaxxt‘ord Street. 552 576 l.

I Blackfriars 2() Bell Street. 552 5924.

I Bonkers Hope St. 248 5884.

I Brel 3‘) Axhton Lane. 342 4‘)(r(r.

I Budda 142 St \‘ineent Street. 22l 5(itrt).

I Caledonian University Student Union (Asylum) 7t) (‘oueatltlenx Road. 332 ()(r8l.

I The Cathouse I5 t'nion Street. 248 (i()()(i.

I Cleopatra’s 5(I8 (ireat \Vextet'lt Roatl. Kehinhritlge. 334 ()5oll.

I Club Budda I42 St \‘ineent St. 22l 22 l 3.

I The Cran lll38 .v\rg_\ Ie Street. 248 ()88 l.

I Cube 34 Queen Street. 22h moo.

I Cut De Sac :\\lttt)II lane. 33 889‘).

I Eat Drink Man Woman 34 44 King St. 552 9227.

I Firebird l32l :\t‘g'\le Street. .334 (I594.

I Fury Murry’s ()0 Min“ ell Street.

22l (i5lt.

I Tango Club (Libertango) at (‘at'e Roytl. 7 l lptti. l‘ree. \Veekl). .\ hrattd ne\\ tattgo xexxion leaturing a ‘)() tninute l'ree instruction elaxs \\ ith Ste\ e .\tet\'a} from 7pm. llegittnerx antl non-tlaneerx \teleonte to [MS inlortttal gathering ineorporating elaxxie to eontetnporar} tattgo tune\.

I Together at llant Bou. 8pm lattt. l‘ree. \Veekl}. Baxx httggin’. dirt} tllSL‘Ultl lunk \\ ith _\our llt)\t\ (it‘ant Maetlonaltl antl .-\lan l’attl tXItt/iki/tttttt.

I UrbannHangSuite at Battn'x.

l lptn 3am. liree. \Veekl}. See ‘l‘htt.

I Workers Wednesdays at the ()ttthottxe. 8pm lain. t‘ree. \Veekl}; .-\n opportunin lot‘ the gralterx \\ ho uork “L‘L‘ketltlS in puhx and eluhx to ptttnp the

part) at tlIIx \tteak} xexxion. l’rox itle pt'ool

ol' pexk} etuploynent antl _\ott‘ll get th'lllle Pl'ttltlttx a plettt}.


I C.C. Blooms at (‘.(‘. Blootttx. ll).3()pnt 3am thar lront (rptnt. l-‘ree. \Veekl}. .\ \pot ol' tnidtxeek lttItISe aetion at thix eonxixtentl} hux} ga} eluh.

I Kero-Scene—K2 at Studio 24.

l lptn late. £l.5ll. \Veekl}. lnereaxingl) popular alternatit e night \\ hieh \eex l.eal. \Vall}. lq} and l.i/ pla_\ death. doom. hea\_\ metal and e\trettte tune\.

I Low Gravity at the Liquid Room. ll).3()ptn 3am. £3 t£2I1 tree \\ itlt Stthlinte tnetnherxhip. \Veekl}. .\ night geared tonartlx turning the ntitl-neek lllL‘SS} \\ ith tilt-Skim] hreakx and eheap hoo/e. lt'x a head) eotttho and it et)IIIe\ eourtex} ot t't‘lix. Bean} and (iat‘) .\lae. the haek room hop lront Stthlittte.

I M2K at (iaia. lllptn 3am. £4 t£2I. \Veekl). linio} the .\ttttltl (‘luh. an alternatit e indie night on the main lloor and “two 2000. a Sett-explattatot‘} night ol' tlatteelloor (llSL'tt iii the up\tair\ lottnge.

I The Garage 4t)t) Sanehiehall Street.

332 I III).

I Glasgow School of Art In? Renl'reu Street. 332 Well.

I Glasgow University Union 32 t'ni\et'\it) .-\\entte. 33‘) 8007.

I The Griffiny 200 Bath Street. 339 8007.

I Groucho St Judes Int) Bath Street. 33l 5171.

I 92 474 Sauehiehall St thehintl the Garage). 35.3 31 l l.

I Havana 5o tlope Street. 248 44m». I Life thaxentent ol(‘orinthiant. l‘)l lttgrant Street. 552 l till.

I The Lighthouse 5t» .\liteltell Street. 221 (3302

I The Living Room 5 therx Road. 33‘) 85l l.

I MAS 2‘) Ro}al l-.\e'lt;tttge Square. 22l 7080.

I Moloco I287 .v\rg_\ le Street. 334 48l3.

I Nice ‘n’ Sleazy 42I Sauehiehall Street. 3.3.3 90.37

I O’Henry’s |)rttr_\ Street. 248 375l. I Polo Lounge 84 \\'i|\on Street. 553 l22l.

I Queen Margaret Student Union 22 t‘niterxit} (lilt'tleltS. 33‘)

9784. I Reds. .375 Sauehiehall Street. .33] l(t35. I Riverside Club t-m Street. 5(a) 7287.

I Rocksy’s Basement 41) .\‘en Slletltitttt Street. l’;tt\le_\. 5.52 557‘”.

I The Shack I<)3 Pitt St. 332 "-522. I Soba ll Milehell Street t.;llte. 2ll4 2404.

I Soundhaus 47 II_\de Park Street. 22l 4(i5‘).

I Spy Bar Bath Street. 22l 77] I. I Tchai-Ovna 42 ()tago I.ane. 357 4524.

I Note 20” (ink Street. 24.3 2 l 77

I Trash I07 Pitt Street. 572 337

I Obscene :tl l.it Belle Angele. .\'e.\t date the.

I Red at l’o .\'a .\'a. l lpnt 3am. l-‘t'ee. \Veekl). l).l tlarr} Lets (io t'l'rihal l‘unktion/BoomhoxI put\ the eeleetie into eleetrie at thix \t} lixh \ouk bar.

I Slap & Tickle at (‘luh .\lereatto. ltlpnt 3am. £4 (£3). \Veekl}. l).l ’I‘ull} \uppliex the lunk} heat\ and breaks

\\ hile (tl'ttllx'S prttltltIS. competitions and themed tlre\\ nights eotnhitie to keep thingx interesting.

I Soul Boogie at In Belle Angele. l().3()pnt 3am. l‘ree. 27 l’eh. .\lotithl_\. BittlitSS lunk l'rotn the hasx2haxx ere“ at this all he“ tantl tree?) ttIUlItlIt} rexitlette).

Chart & Party

I Planet at the ('a\etttli\h.

lllpttt 3am. l-tee \\ ith Snaptax lk‘lot‘e l().3()pnt: £2 l\\ ith Stlttleltt tl)). \Veekl). Student-only night l'eaturing three l'loorx ot' unhritlletl antiex. linjo} up-to— tlate tlattee on the lirxl liloor. retro ehart on the middle l'loor and a Seleetion ol' gilttIeS and karaoke in the upxtairs lounge.

I Pop Idols at Revolution.

l()ptn 3am. £4 tltttl-StlltletttS (£2 \ttltlelttSl. \Veekl}. the [TV Star \eareh littS ereatetl a ltIUIISIer and this ix itx \paun. Singing ltopel'ulx alterttatel} IIIIPI‘L‘SS antl tllStt'eSS their l‘rientlx in the hope ol' \\ ittnittg a karaoke tnaehitte.

I Shark at tirox/lilite. 9.30pm 3am. £3 (£2) hel'ore llpttt; £4 (£3) alter. \Veekl}. .SL‘Utiillttt‘S biggeSt \ttltletlt nigltt' Suppl} ing the ohligatot'} ehart pap.

I Skint at the Ark. lllpttt 3am. £2 (tree \\ ttll pt'UUi (It. i“ L‘I'tll'tttt l. \Veekl}.

the tllltitSPtltetl king ol' \tlltlelll night\

not out} \uppliex the linext ehart anthemx httt alxo earex enough to

I The Tunnel 84 .\liteheII Street. 204 l()()().

I Variety Bar 4IIISanehieItaII Street. 332 444‘).

I The Velvet Rooms Sanehiehall Street. 5.32 “755.

I The Woodside Social Club 32‘) North \Vtttttlxltle Rtlittl. 337 H343.

I Yang 33 Queen Street. 248 8484.


I The Ark .3 Setnple Street. 22‘) 77tt55, I Bam Bou (to/(r7 South Bridge. 55o 0200.

I Bann UK 5 Hunter Square. 22o lll2. I Baracoa 7 \‘ietoria Street. 225 584(i. I Bar Union 253/258 ('ougale. 55." 25780.

I La Belle Angele I I llaxtiex (408C. 225 753(i.

I Beluga 30a (’ltatttherx Street. (i24 4545.

I The Bongo Club I4 .\'en Street. 556 5204.

I Cavendish \VeSI 'l'olleroxx, 22H


I C.C. Blooms 23 24 (ireenxitle Place. 55!) 933 |.

I The Citrus (irintlla) Street. (i22 7080.

I The City Cafe Blair Street. 220 ()l25.

I Club Java (‘ottttnereial Street. I.eith. 555 5(i22.

I The Cocteau Lounge (Ego), i’tettt‘tl} l’laee. 478 7434.

I Cuba Norte l‘)2 Morrixon Street. 22l 040‘).

I E90 l’ieat'tl} l’laee. 45.78 .2434.

I eh1 It)? Iliin Street. 220 5277.

I El Barrio Io4 \Vexl l’ot'l. 22*) xxos. I Gaia King Slahlex Road. 22‘) 708(r. I Gilded Saloon 233 (‘o\\gaIe. 22‘) 303}

I The Honeycomb I5 I" .\'iddr§ Street. 53() 5540.

I The Human Be-In 2/8 \Vext (‘roxxeattxeuay (m2 88(ill.

I Iguana 4| l.othian Street. 220 4288.

pro\ itle drink at £l all night and tree eIttr} to o\ertlra\\ n \ttltlelttS.

I Smooch at Suhua} \\e\t tind. 7pm 3am. £2 (£1 \\ltlt \ttltleltt It) or lil}er). Sttttlettt \oiree \\ itlt taxt) Santhuea U a \hot all night long.

I The Subway at the Sulma}.

Upltt 3am. liree l'or \tlltlellt\ \\ ith tttatrieulation eartl: £l otherxtiw. \Veekl}. See Tho.

I Traffic Light Night at (iaia. lllpttt 3am. £4 (£3). \Veekl). .\ night ol' \\antoti lilirting lor the \ttltlelltS. lixer}one get\ a \tieker on arri\al: retl ItteitIIS no \\a_\ tin \\ hielt eaxe \\h_\ are _\ott there'.’): anther IIIeitIIS ‘ttta)|k" and green lIIeuIIS looking into eaeli other\ e} e\ the nut morning and \a_\ ing ‘\\hat \xax )our name again'.".


pop-rustle pleasure l with DJ Trendy Wendy

8. her stats on Poms People“

Gold discs will be awarded to the TOP IO popflorst

Club Mercado, Edinburgh. Door'. Open-10.33pm Member: 5‘. Popcfot-L- £5; Groupie: £6

Sunday 24 February & the last Sunday of every month

I The Liquid Room 0e Vietoria Street. 225 25(i4.

I Loca 235 (litigate. 225 5413.

I The Mambo Club \Vexl 'I'oIIer-ow 44" 33‘)I.

I The Meadow Bar (Moo Bar) litteeleueh Street. (io' NM)".

I Club Mercado 3t» 3‘) Market Street. 22(\ 4224.

I Noa. 3 ()ueenxlerr} Street lane. 4t»~

_ l 20.

I North Bridge Bar SentSIItdII tlotel. 2n North Bridge. 33(- I558.

I Opium “I (irrigate. 225 8382.

I The Outhouse lit‘ottglttott Street lane. 55- (i(r8.

I Oxygen 3—5 ltIlIt'III;II'_\ Street. 55 t)()t)—,'.

I Peppermint Lounge Blair Street. (i22 (i8l l

I PiVO 2 (1(‘illttlll Road. .55" 2925.

I P0 Na Na 2() l‘t'etlertek Street. 220


I The Pond 22 24 Bath Road. 4(3" 3825.

I PopRokit 2 l’ieat'tl) l’laee. 55(142—2. I The Potterrow Iii-mo Square. (\5I) 9W5.

I 0 Bar 5' ll l.etth Street. 555 5831). I Revolution 3I lolltiatt Road. 22‘) Writ).

I RUSh 5 l\’t)l‘el't\ttlt\ (like. 350.8. I Studio 24 (‘altott Road. 558 3258. I The Subway ('ongate. 225 (Who. I The Subway West End Iotlnan Road. 22‘) 0W".

I The Union lleriot \Valt t'ttt\et\tt_\. Rieearton. 45| 5333.

I The Venue ('aIton Road. 55" 3II"3. I The Wash the Hound. 225 (it‘l3. I The Watershed 44 St Stephen Street. 22” .3224.

I The Wee Red Bar latlitthurgh ('ollegt' ()l .\rt. l..IlII'I\tttII l’laee. 22‘) I442.

I Time 24a l't'ettertek Street. 22l) I220. I (ieot'ge Street. (‘24 83l l.

I Yo Below (in Rme Street. 22o nit-Io.