NYC’s John Creamer makes his Scottish debut at Progression, Sat 16 Feb
I Angel Delight at lllc \‘eiiiie. Monthly Next date 22 Mar.
I Arakataca! at the Bongo (‘luh Ilpm 3am. £5. I .\lar. .\lonthl_\. l).l\ Jal'l'er (Senegal) and /.uppa [iiglexe (Bogota) host a tier} ini\ ot' salsa. African. Latin and ('arihhean dance. 'l‘o help publicise .-\rakataca dates. the promoters are looking l'or people to l'l_\ei' specilic locations littl' \ltot‘l litll'\l\ (it little ill) llllIIS to one hourt. 'I‘he re\\ard lot' doing this is free tickets to the night. It tlllCt‘L‘\lL‘tl. email
ai'akatacaw hotinailcoin.
I Behave? at the llonc} comb. .\lonthl_\. Next date 8 Mar \\tlll a li\e Slit)“ trom the “em iex l'eaturing l).l Plus One and Killa Kela.
I Big Beat at La Belle .'\ngelc. 10.30pm 3am. £7 tuii; £3.50 heloi'e
l 1.30pm. l .\1ar. Monthly chident l).l\ Sitnon llodge. Stuart Bennett and 'l'inku dig deep in the \ in}l \aultx to unearth the best in dancel'loor \oul. tunk. tau and rare gt'oo\e. This month. lixpen llorne (Bobby llughex li\pericneei contributes liix \ in}l gems to the ini\. I Canned Heat at (iaia. lllpin Sam. [4 (£3). \Veckl}; Harri ‘\ (it). \\ till it reliable mix of dancel'looi' greats including pop. punk. milk and hip hop. Please note that entr} to lltlx c\cnt includes entr} to RNB showcase l‘icxta liicxta. See separate listing below.
I 0.6. Blooms at ('.(‘. Blooim. 10.30pm 3am that" limit (ipni i. lirce. \Veekl}. High camp and chart elaxxicx hill] [)1 All) at [lttx popular ga} \enue. I Club Jakata: A Tribal Affair at La Belle :\ngele. ll)..‘~f)pm Sam. [5. [5 Feb old). A tribal house \oii'ce lltixlt‘tl h} l)a\ e Begg. .\lo\ ida and Aldo \\ itli all proceeds from the night going towards the \uil'lll} L‘altxe til the \Vl).\l (\Vol‘ltl l)e\*elopment .\lo\enient l.
I Concept (formerly Cerotonin) ill the \iL‘llllL' floucr l\\() lilt)()l'\). .\lonthl_\. Next date S .\lar \\ itli the second birthda) celelu‘ationx lt‘illlll'lllf.‘ 'l'homax Sehumacher. See next ixxue loi' l'ull prc\ ieu.
I Dischord at Sttidio 2~l. llpni 3am. £3.5(llfl25lll. 15 l‘eli. Monthly lle;i\} metal. nu metal. death metal. e\treiiie metal and \(illlL‘ token goth \\ itli l).|\ Wall}. lip and Lil.
I Dr No’s at the Bongo (‘lulm
llpiti Rant. [7 it'Si. 22 l‘eh. .\lonthl_\. ()riginal Jamaican \ka. elaxxic rockxtead). skinhead reggae and hltieheat with your llt)\l\ .\lel. 'l‘ain and Mar}.
I El Segundo at the Bongo ('luh. .\lonlhl_\. \c\t date S .\lat'.
I Eruptor at Studio Z-l flop l'looi'i.
llpm .‘Kllll. (5. l \lar.\1onth|_\. l'iiciiinpi'oinixiiig. lo\ic techno night leatui'ing l).l dime“ l'i‘oin l’i‘iinal 'l‘ and Paul (1
I Evol at the lititiid Room
lll..ill[‘lll 3am, L31, \Veekl}. l'diiihurgli'x lottgcxl running llltllt‘ night ilen coiixeculne )t‘;ii‘\. \\ ilh no ltolida} \ and no \lcklt‘\ i. pi‘ox iding .i likel} ini\ ol' the best current and cl;t\\lc altei'iiatn e. crown er tunex. Its an lll\lllllllt\ll ahead) and \\ itli the recent addition ot the hack iooiii. p|a_\iiig llt\\l to Mr and .\ll'\ \loguai. the future look\ like a happ} place loi' all llllllf_‘\ l~.\ol.
I Fiesta Fiesta at (iata. llpllt 3am. £2 hclore midnight; Li-l alter \\cekl}. l).l l'ahiilo/ iVilie. 2 lilxini drops the latest [‘l‘t‘\\lllj_'\ and |;llll\ lioiii the liol and |l_L'_‘_‘_\ \xorldx ol hip hop and RikB. \‘ll’ paxxcx a\.iilah|c e\ei') Sun .it the () Bar.
I Funkey Magic at the (‘ocleaii lounge ido\\n\laii\ .il lzgoi llpin 4am. L5. 22 l'ch. Monthly Soul ltielled deep liotixe toi [‘llg‘l'lllh \ia the llotl l’i'oiecl leatui'iiig |i\c percuxxion li'oiii 'l'ag'g.
I Future Noodle .it the Venue ilouei‘ l\\o l'looixi. Illitlpin iain 95. IS l'eli. .\lonthl_\. .\ night ol intrepid e\pei'iiiientatiiin at the tech home and breaks \lioncaxe lcattiiing all kllltlx ol technological de\ ice\ that llli\\l people don't need or \\;tlll to lllltlt'l'\l;tlltl. l'.\\L‘llll;lll}. it's a de\ in. l\ iiiglil lealtii'mg l).l\ littatt .lattic\. Belie\e iBoogie \lo l)_\namoi and \like) \lagic making the \cene \\ ith the llll|\lc Ill.lclllllt‘\ in the main i'ooiii \tliile )iltlllg‘ Bah} lace lllt‘ll\ hearts
\\ ith lll\ romantic ini\ ot deep house and lunk in the ilti\‘.ll\l;lll'\ \llllt‘.
I The 60-60 at the (‘ocleaii lounge ltltl\\ll\l;lll\ at lzgoi. \lonthl}. \e\l dale l5 Matt
I Inertia at Studio 21. Ill. illpm 3am. L“ ([5 i. l5 l'eh. \loiithl). 'l he d} nainic techno night leap\ into action _\et again and \xhile the name ma} iiiipl} \l.l\l\. the l't‘\ltlt‘ltl l).l\ contriliute alile momentum to gel )oti
iiio\ mg on the dancellooi'. 'l lll\ month ti‘ihal tech liotixe to di'i\ mg techno comes care of S;it\iia. .\'ick It”) and Roland ‘l'hc Baxtai'd.
I Journey Jamaica .ii lllc \liiiiilm (‘ltih lll[\\l;t|l'\l. lllpin iani. U; U heloi'c midnight. l5 l~eli \liiiitlil). \ night ol original .laiiiaican ska. iockxteail} and reggae ltiixlt'tl h} l)i Soul and l\)ttl\l\|t' ("oi'iiiack
I Keep It Unreal .ii lagii. lti iiioiiilily _\e\l dale .\ \lai.
I Let’s Go Back, Way Back at la Belle .\iigele .\lont|il\. launch date 15 tel» \\ itli .\|lei’iih l )l set i.
I Lost at Studio 21. \loiilhl}. Ne\t date .\ \lar.
I Lush at ligo. 10.30pm 3am. U) l {St 22 l-"eh. .\lonlltl_\. Rexidetit I).l\ Dale and (’raig pla} pop hits and commercial houxe classics tor a ga_\/nii\ed crou d. To become a |.u\h member. sign on at
\x u
I The Mambo Club at the Mambo (‘luh lllpin 3am. £4 (£3 “ith l‘l}erl het'ore midnight; £5 alter. \\'eekl_\. Sir ()xxie'x highl} respected mix ol' reggae. ragga. Rth. rap and hip hop continues to he one ol~ the \tt‘ottgext ttlglltx l‘or music ol hlack origin in lt)\\ll.
I Manga at La Belle Angcle.
lllfillpin 3am. L‘ll) ( LS); ad\ance tickets a\ailahle l'roni l‘opp and l'ndcrground Solu'xhn. 22 l’eh. Monthly l‘ollouing the staggering \tlL‘L'L‘\\ ol l;l\l month‘s hirtlida} hash. Scotland's leading drum & haw night gclx hack to l‘ll\lllL‘\\ \\ itli a guest night l'eaturing the .\1anga dehut ol .\lainpi Sn ill l('harge Recordingxi.
I Mondo at the Venue. Monthly .\'e\t date 22 lieh. .\'o inl‘ortnation a\ailahle at time ol going to press.
I Modern Lovers al ligo.
llpiii 3am. H. l .\lar. .\lonthl_\. The inaxtei'tul .\lartin (ia\ in l('alcdonia Soul. (il;t\go\\ iiotlh l'L‘\ltlL‘lll [)1 (it'alg til [ltix \\\ inging (ills li\. lt‘ullll'lllg‘ rare \Ulll. llaminond ia//. treakhcat. rockxtcad) and classic Jamaican \ka.
I Moody al \Vee Red Bar. 1 lpiii 3am. £5 iLlli. 22 l‘eh. Monthly .’\n all-next club night \lto\\c;l\tltg ‘all \t} lex and no \inilex'. l)on't men think about lia\ ing a good time then \\ hen residents Stephen Bron n i'l‘ransinati and Vinnie lake to the decks. pla} ing Detroit techno. ('hicago house and \\ hate\cr else the) feel like. I Nuklear Puppy ai ligo. llipiii Rain. [8 l CI. l5 l’eh. Monthly lidinhurgh’x inl'ainoux hard house night re-launchex
\\ ith a Valentine's Special featuring Slink} residents l’antx «k (‘orxet l)J \llpptil'l comes care ol~ Jason (‘orte/ and Do“ /er in the main room and Naked l‘exltlcltl l’ltll \‘lll‘lx ill the dimllxlttlh lounge.
I Opium at ()piuni. ltlpni 3am. lirec. \Veekl}. Rock. nti—melal and alternati\e/indie.
I Pillbox at Studio 24. Illnillpin 3am. L“) iL'fii. 22 lieh. .\lonthl_\. Double drop and _\ou don‘t \top at llti\ \oineuhat intense night ol' underground techno. ltll‘t‘ .lcrk (Silll\ilk‘. ll'cxtil‘l phi) \ ll\L‘ ill the main room. \\ itli \ttppot't l‘roin residentx ll\\;tl\oltg and liilth} Rich. l'pxtairx in the lilth \uite there's li\e tll'lllll tk li;l\\ t'roin Biomechanoid and all kind\ ol electronic head-\hag from [Us lll\ttlllllllll\ and Rob S\\ain.
I Planet Earth at the (’iti‘ux ('liih. lll..ill[\lll Sam. [5. \\'eckl_\. .\lu\ic l'roin the )t‘dl'x l‘)"(i It) 103‘),
I Radio Babylon at (‘oeteau Lounge. .\'e\t date 8 Mar \\ ith the second hirthda} haxh. See \Vord l'p l'or lillll detail\ on the Radio Bah} loii liaxter Spectacular 13] .\lai'i \\ itli .r\ndre\\ \Veatherall (llIt/ l)a\ id llttllllt‘\.
I Rampage at the Venue (top floor). Ill..illpiii Rant. [7 ([5). IS l‘eh. Monthly Rampage l'llll\ riot on the line occasion ol' itx lirxt hirthda} \\ ith an aural onslaught letlllll'lllg‘ the hardest houxc. techno. trance and acid ktto\\ n to primiti\e man. Residents l’hil /.ero. l’earxall and DJ Skelp bring the noise and the pain along \\ itli their guest l).l. .-\nd} Morrison.
I Resistance at the Venue. 0pm 3am. fill). 22 l‘eh. .\lontlil_\. Duck and co\ er as the relentless night ol' hardcore acid. gahha and techno llle\ lit the lace Ul‘ \uhtlet} once again. South l.ondon hard- lllll 'li‘al'lik headlines \\ ith /._\ kotik. l’eralu. l’\_\ koi'e and The 'l'errorixt bringing up the blood} rear. Note that iie\t month's date 122 Mari l'eaturex hardcore legend. l.enn_\ l)ce.
I Roadblock at l’o \a \a.
ltipin .iain. [3. \Veekl). \icci l" t3 l’icce Suitei \lopx the tral'lic in bad music \\ hen \he digs tip the best in tank. dixeo. ltUth‘ and block rockin‘ heat»
Lick Shot Work that booty butterfly style at this all-new night of hip hop. ragga and R88 hosted by Proffesse. Ambassador. Nasty P and Extra. And. if you fire of all that pre— recorded shit. there‘s a live hip hop show from the Scotland Yard MCs plus a ragga toast—up from Dangerman. The Venue. Sat 76 Feb.
Progression John Creamer? He looks like David Cinola. he's rated by the likes of Danny Tenaglia. Deep Dish and Digweed and his remixes with Stephane K — including Koslieen's Hide U and Satoshi , Tomiie's ‘Love In Traffic' — took the world by storm last year with their distinctive tribal house s0und. Just how lucky can one man be. eh? lieu/d Room. Sat 7 (5 Feb.
The Ska Club Up town top skanking as the seminal ska club re- lEtllllCl‘OS with a residents night featuring DJ Mandrax and Mutant Freak. Pretty much one on the few occasions where it's OK to wear red braces. See preView. page 76. The Venue. Sun 17 Feb.
Orange Enjoy Music Tour v.2 Students get spoilt rotten by a mobile phone company with money to burn at this unprecedented union shindig. 2-step breakbeat pioneers Stanton Warriors make what could quite possibly be their Scottish debutyflnk3nxilneaksznuthh>hop ‘ come care of Deadly Avenger and the head/ from Grand Central Records. Zero (Her/oi l"/att Student Unioni, l‘hu 2} Feb.
Supernova Trance poppet Annemie ipicttiredi and her production Wl/{lfll Ian Van Dahl perform a live ‘PA' featuring the chart classics ‘Will l' and ‘Castles In the Sky". Tell me why? Reva/utter). Sat 23 / el).
Motherfunk tool the sheer bowel shifting depth of Keb Darge's legendary deep funk as he wows the crowds with his exceedingly rare records. The Honeycomb. lue 26 Feb.
oluv'wu'v _ ." >
i g THE LIST 75