What prompted Mary Shelley to write Frankenstein? Trauma, rejection, death and adultery for starters. Now SALLY BEAMISH and JANICE GALLOWAY have gone inside the mind that created the monster. \"x’nids: Kelly Apter

iL‘IIIl'L‘ Ihe seene. :\ \L‘Cllldcd \‘Illzl pel‘L‘lIL‘d UH lllC L‘Ilgc

nl ll lzike. ()Verheud. II Ierril}ing \lIIl’IIl rngex LIL‘I'I),\\ :1

dank. hrnnding \k). l’rexenIed t‘rnni reInrning hnnie. ll _\'nnng ennple LII'L‘ l‘nreed In \pend Ihe nighI \IiIh Iheir han. \th I'egzilex IheIn \inh ghan \Inriex helnre ili\ll'l|L‘lll]:_' illl presenI In erenIe Iheir nun Iule nl hnrrnr. lI'x ill] npening an} Ieen \lilxlIeI' lliek \\I)lll(l he pI'nIld nli.

BIII \\h;rI Hill} \nund like \\'e\ ('rzn en \ehlnek ix in lzieI ll IrIIe \Inr)’. nne Iliill led In Ir landmark in BriIixh liIerur} hixInr}. 'l‘he ennple in quexlinn \\ ere l’ere) and MM} Shelle). \ iining Iheir IIan l.nrd B) rnn ill lIi\ \lllillilL‘l' hnine nn l.;1l\e(iene\n in IXIh. 'l'he dark \l\_\ \\11\ Ihe I’L‘\llll (II :I \nlennie erIIpIinn in ll)Il()l]L‘\lil ean'lier IhuI war. \Ihieh L‘il\l Ll \hndnu iIL‘l'I)\\ Ihe \x‘hnle nl' \nIIIhern linrnpe. .\ \Ieek IIl‘Ier lllill IEIIelIIl nighI. inspired h_\ her \IIrrnnndingx and in rexpnnxe In liy'nn‘s reqnexl. eighIeen—_\eur-nld .\l;rr_\ hegnn \xriIing I’l'un/w/ixn'in. Ihe lllIisl Iinnnnx \\nl'l\ nlgnlhie IieIinn e\ er puhlixhed.

l)e\pile iIx reIIIIi\e hre\iI_\. nInnernnx inezirnuIinnu nl Ihe Ianel hzn e l‘nund Iheir \\il_\ nnIn Ihe \Izige zind \ereen. making :1 legend nl il\ hnlI—neeked \lill'. HIII \Ihile Ihix lLllL‘\l \enIIIre

10 THE LIST '«1 .-

InighI n\\ e II\ IiIle In Ihe ninn-inude henxl. SenIIixh ()perLIK new prndIIeIinn ix Inr Innre inIerexled in Mar} than her erenIinn.

'l'he enllnlmrnIiVe hrninehild nl ennIeInpnrnr} L‘Ulilpnxcl‘ Snll) Beninixh zind \xriIer .lnniee (inllnmi). .l/um/vr Inkex :I peek inxide Ihe _\nnng Inind Ilier drenmI up \ueh :I hnrrilie. Irugie Izile. Drinking nn M;II'_\\ n\\n inIrndneIinn In Ihe Ie\I. (iilllII\\il_\ '\ lihreIIn I'IIII\ lrnin IhIII \InrnI} .lIIne nighI. up IInIil Ihe "making nighImIn‘e' lliill linull} prninpled Mar) In\\1‘i1e\L‘Vendal}s lnIer.

‘lI‘x n {is} ehnlngiezil panrniI.~ urn (iilllI)\\;l_\. ‘.'\nd ulIhnIigh l gel led up \inh penple evnnining Ihe li\e\ nl illllliIiI'x In II‘_\ and explain 1m Ll_\ Iheir \\nrl\. enme I‘rnm \ninenhere llllIl \xhen )nn \ee \nine nl Ihe e\'enI\ in .\l;Ir_\\ enrl) lile. iI \Inggerx _\'I)ll IhnI

IIlL‘iI\ (in


\ninenne zil Ihe zige nI eighIeen hud heen IhrnIigh Ihnxe eqwrieneexf

lIIdL‘L‘d ll IlI)L‘\. ll) lllL‘ Iiine \lIL‘ \\'I‘I)IL‘ IVI'un/wm/vm. Mar} hnd lan her ninIher. zieqnired n hnrrihle neu \IepInnIher. lelI Ihe lurnih'x l.nndnn hnnie In Me in Dundee. elnped In I‘rnnee \inh l’ere} Shelle}. heen dixnu'ned h} her I‘LIIher. enennrnged h) Shelle) In hm e (l relziIinnxhip \\ iIh nne nl' lIi\ lriendx \\ hile pregnnnl \\ iIh hix ehild. gix en hith In Ll preInnIIIre dzrughler \\lIn died l\\n lIInlIllI\ lnIer. illiIl had :1 \nn. .'\dd In lllill Ihe lirwinnling liIernIi eirele \he inn\ed in and )IIII'\ e gnI \er_\ rieh pielxingx I'nr ill} npern. .‘\llliU\l Inn rieh.

"l'n hegin \inh Ihe lihreIIn \\;l\ (i() pzigex lnng: iI‘x nn\\ dn\\n lHjlhl n\ er 30] my (inllnuu). 'YnIIK e gnI In le;I\ e hig \[Ineex l‘nr Ihe lilll\lL‘ In IIeI In ;I drnInnIie ehurneler nl' ll\ nu n.'

‘It staggers you that someone of eighteen had been through
