Classified ! Saw You


I Marchmont sunny comfortable 2 bed llat. (}(‘II £531)petn. Suit enupIe/xingle

n I aux (is: 643

One bedroom .\'e\\ 'l‘tmn l'lal. lixeellent \lL‘\\\ n\ er Queen Street (iardenx. £52llpeni e\e|uding hillx. Suit prnl‘exxinnal xingle/enuple. \nn-xmnking

Tel: 07967 323 328

I Holyrood. TWO bedroom lilat nn tun l'lnnrx \\ ith xtunning \ ie\\ x n1 Salixhur) ('ragx. l-‘rexhl'\ deenrated. lull) litted and eninl'nrtahl} l'urnixhed. £481) pL‘III. Tel ()131 332 (I167

Rooms Wanted

Friendly, easygoing mature xtudent xeekx dnuhle/xingle rnnni in Bruntxlieltl /.\larehmnnt/.\lnrningxide area. ('an pa} £2()()-25()pein +hi11x. Please contact Ollie Tel: 07763 278 397


VI saw you at the .-\hha night in the 'l'heatre 1{n_\al \\ hen 1 \\;ix dancing next In )ntt. [hank )ntt lnt' turning in) \’ intn a \V. (iet in lntIL‘lt. lin\ Nn [7434/ 1.

VI saw you again tnda} xitting in Irnnt nlttte in Sl’;\.\1e\atn. Ynu - ('ute. red. 3rd )1" Phil girl. .\IL‘ - .\l}\1ig‘;tll_\ SPL‘CL‘lIlL‘SS li\ei"\tiine. 13m .\'n [7434/2.

V I saw you Jenn). het'nre Xniax. at a part} lilled \\ ith Jet xtudentx. Ynu talked ahnut painting Sit eanxaxex in I)ennixtnun. 1 treluetantl} i had In hugger [ill and meet xnine ntatex at a club and \\ ax Inn gnhxinaeked h} _\nu In axk l'nr )nttt' numher. dexpite all the pintx nl mulled \\ ine \\ e drank that night. All} ehanee nl' enllee‘.’ 13m .\'n [7434/3.

VI saw you 1e\el 3. 31/1. entnputer ne\t tn the under the hig map at ahnut 2:31).'1‘hnught _\nu \\ ere a 1n\ hut )nu ran atta} at 3. \xixh 1 had hetter ehat. lin\ \n 1743474.

VI saw you Dnnegal girl that ttxed tn “ink in \\';i\}'x. Spnke tn _\nlI in l.n\\tln\\tt II [‘11 lk‘lnt‘L‘ ('hrixtinax. 1 \xax unrking nu the hnttle har and _\nu had 1an )nur lriend. Ynur tall. ha\ e dark hair. reall} hig xinile. 1 think _\nur name ix ()li\ ia. Ynur l'riend kept enenuraging )nu talk In me. 1 \Hillltl reall} like In xee }ntt again and take )nu tor a drink. l’leaxe get it] touch. I3()\ \n [7434/3

V I saw you delightlull} attenti\ e. tall. hlnnde. rather xex} man unrking in ()xhi . . . tne‘.’ Suited \th unman \\ hn nntieed )nu nn 'l’uexda} 2‘) dning a xplendid _inh. Wanna meet the & e\p1ain the l'uxinn enneept . . . Btu Nn [7434/(i.

V I saw you 1"rank heing Iii} hn} l'riend. him ennl ix that'.’‘x gn xpend lntx n1" nn\'el \xeekendx tngether. ha\ e raeex. dn aernhatiex and dance naked??? Ynurx alua} x. .’\1ee \\\ inna? lin\ \n [7434/7.

VI saw you hnxx. ‘\\nrking‘ at 1.'\1.S. ()ur underenx'er xunnner drunken get-tngetherx nn xneial prngrainine 'l‘hurx didn't l‘nnl aii_\nne1 '1‘heeheniixtr} hetneen ttx ix nh\ inuxl} inipnxxihle In hide. l.n\'e alua} x. l’pee \\. Bn\ .\'n [7434/8.

VI saw you Buttert't} ('nlleetnr. ehangitig _\nur eardx in the phone hnnth nn SI.\'ineent Street. The hull nl' tnurjnke rennundx In _\nurxell: lalxe hnttnin. ltalian \entrilnquixt'.’ llintnnt. . . a hriinlexx xitiile ix heained haek xpanning enuntlexx ennte‘xtx. llapp} relleetinn in the xhallnxx x nl' mixennxtruetinn. 'I'he I'L‘Sl IS xilenee. I3’.I\ \n [7434/‘). VI saw you Rnhet't. dning the pigenn danee (U .\lnttn\. the xnund hattx_ \Ve ln\ e _\nu Rnhertl ['r next tune ix ltealth}x. l3n\ .\'n [7434/11).

VI saw you Sat 22 Dee. Queen/Street Statinn ahnut lllpin. ’l‘all dark/gre) haired gu} xeeing l'riend nntn train a xtniled ttl IIIC... \Hillltl llkL‘ ltI \L‘L‘ \IllllC again. 13m .\'n[7434/11.

V I saw you nt‘ Sltntlltl l \a} )nu xau ltl_\ trnuxerxl Sauehiehall St nn 30/01/02. 1

.iuxt \tanted In xa} thank )nu -

\er) hra\ e. hnnext ck )nu \\ ere

\\ ith _\nur l'riend. meant e\en innre - I'd like In return \that )nu ga\ e In the & hu) )ntt a pint nn tittil'e ttn lewll lin\ \ti [7434/l 2. V I saw you hriel'l} thrnugh glaxx ualIx at Springhurn ’I‘exen. ;\ gliinpxe and then )nu are gnne. 1 make exeuxex In xhnp.

Vittxl In Sec _\UII. l’leaxe let me

take _\nu hnine next time. linx .\'n [7434/13.

VI saw you l)nelnr ('hrix dim nxtait'x in the l’nln l.nunge l‘rida) ()l .0202. Me dark hair \\ ith 1‘lue xhirt. We talked. Then 1 Iel‘l. Snrr}. lane} a drink xnnietiine xnnn‘.’ 13m No [7434/14.

V I saw you xparkly Kate. enining ntit the l’retteh huilding. I,L‘I\ [In clIL‘L‘S} pup ;Il [L‘ttxl UIIL‘L‘ thix tertnf'.’ liig hugx. Laura. Bn\ .\'n [7434/15.

V I saw you in Borderx. Your hair \tax lire} red and ynur ga/e deep [k paxxinnate. l)nn't he a xtranger. letx keep thnxe Ilamex igttiletl. .. lin\ \n [7434/16.

V I saw you linr ahnttt a month hut the lure nl that hole behind the tnilet wax greater than )ntn‘ eueumher treatx. l.n\'e I'iL‘lIX. BOX NU [7434/17.

V I saw you Big (2 ('hunk'y. 1.etx get l‘unk}; You \\‘nt'k in the Sac. let me elimh in! ['11 help ynu \K'ttl'lx‘ nll write [)1 thnxe extra pnundx. (ili'l‘ I'll ()['l('l\'113n\ .\'n [7434/22.

V I saw you in} delieinux hn} \\ ith the twinkling ex ex. Ynu make my head .xpin hah}; Ynu. tne. \ext & nur hearx down \\ L‘llS'. the PL‘IICL‘I team. Blixxl'tlll) )ntIt‘S. I. lace. an .\'n [7434/23.

V I saw you :\.xlI;I huh} ! At the Mad ('atldiex gig. llnw are ynur elieking hipx‘.’11a\'e}nu gnt ajnh )et'.’ Box \n [7434/24.

V I saw you . . . getting maxhed nut n1 _\'nur head nn

\\ ine alter \ndk'a and daixiex . . . .'\xk ynur man ahnut Nell} . . . Bn\ \n [7434/25.

V I saw you Bnniher ilarrix! 1.nnking gnnd at 711+?! Box .\'n [7434/26.

V I saw you beautiful Victnt‘ia it] the l'nntl lttelnt‘}. l)innae xtrexx ahnnt the dixxertatinn. all gnnd thingx CUIIIL‘ [n Sneial Seienee xtudentxf l,n\ e l.aurah. Box .\'n [7434/27.

V I saw you in the Sae. ('nine and xtx'ing lrnin III} CI'L‘L‘DCI'S and I‘ll L‘ill )nltl‘ hanana. Ynu're in} eheek} little mnnke) \\ ith eherriex nn tnp. letx tumble in the jungle. linx .\'n [7434/28.

V I saw you \nluptunux lilnnde in Allen and llarrix - pnpping an ainign..xe11 me. hah}. xell ine . . . Adinxfff Box .\'n [7434/2‘).

V I saw you anuaeinux Italian Laura in the eale ((1 linrderx.'.x make Stltttltt}’x nur drinking da} from non nu? Ynu are a l‘antaxtie era/._\ pixie? [an e Smiley. an Nn [7434/30. VI saw you in H x M nn .\lnnda} the 28th. Ynu had patch} xtuhhle and .xexy hair. I

\\ ax the gu} alter you in the queue \\ ith a black jacket. Inexxy hair and a wee hit n1" :1 eruxh nn _\'ntt. 13n\ .\'n [7434/31.

V I saw you at prexx night n1 "\Vhixtle" - at l't‘xllle 'l’heatre . . . [land the a tieket. Julie. no matter “[1111 . . . 1’8. \Vaxh and (in... lin\ Nn [7434/32.

V I saw you Sexy Sophie. nearing _\'nur new blue unnlly jumper It] Qtttlns. l lnnk‘Ctl like ' xtiek nl rnek \\ ith hig enined) hair. linx .\'n [7434/33.

V I saw you in white 'I‘-.xhirt drix ing a green .\l(i in \\'e.xt lind. \\'e'\ e eaught eaeh nther'x eye... hut I've been tnn .xh_\ tn even xmile. l’rninixe l'll tr) dn lk‘llL‘I‘. an Ni) [7434/34.


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