Exhibitions are listed alphabetically by city and category, then alphabetically by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


164 Woodlands Road. 332 0028. Mon-l‘ri 10am 5pm; Sat

10am 12.30pm.

Mixed Exhibition l'ntil Thu 28 l-‘cb. A sclcction of paintings by Scottish artists including John Bathgatc. 1.1). l-lcndcrson and Alastair Buchanan.


253 Argylc Strcct. 0901 022 0300.

The National Review Of Live Art ch 13 Sun l7 l’cb. Britain's longcst rutming l’cstiyal ol liyc art takcs up rcsidcncy in thc Archcs with an cclcctic rangc of‘ ncw work from around thc world and thc l'K. (‘uratcd by .\'ikki .\1ilican. i'oundcr and artistic dircctor ol Ncw .\1o\‘cs lntcrnational. thc programmc cncompasscs pcrl’ormancc- bascd. timc-bascd installation and yidco work. Highlights includc Roscmary Butchcr’s Sam. madc in collaboration with Visual artist Yong l’haophanit and composcr ('athy Lanc: intcractiyc cybcr installations by Baiju Parthan; an intcractiyc yidco installation crcatcd by ('lairc Ward-'1‘hornton and Part Ros. Kis‘an.t' and the British prcmicrc ol' Shilpa (iutpta installation which attcmpts to dcal with prcjudicc. 15or morc information log onto www.ncwtcrritorics.co.uk. Scc l'caturc.



l9 Parnic Strccl. 552 7779. Mon Sat noon— 5pm.

Bringing In The New l-‘ri l—-.\lon 25 l-‘cb. A mixcd cxhibition f'caturing (ilasgow paintings and ctchings. a sclcction of work by ncw artists. paintings on a low thcmc and rcgular cxhibitors try somcthing ncw. NEW SHOW.

Director’s Choice l’ri l—<.\lon 35 Feb. Sculpturc by April Young.


185a Bath Strcct. 222 2830. 'l'uc Sat 10am 5.30pm.

Mixed Show l'ntil l‘ri l5 l‘cb. A sclcction ol‘ paintings including works by (iracmc Sharp. .\latt .\lacintyrc and Rob Mulholland plus glass work. ccramics and jcwcllcry by (ilasgow School of Art graduatcs.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART 134 Blythswood Strccl. 332 4027. Mon—Hi 9.30am—5.30pm: Sat 10am—1pm.

this cxhibition ol modcls. imagcs and drawings.

Donut Fri 8 l-‘cb Sun 17 Mar l('(‘A l). Mikc Stubbs’ twin I)V'l) projcction and l'our-monitor installation is about lhc drawing of a pcrl‘cct circlc. lisploring idiosyncratic pastimcs ol‘ British culturc. lhc title of thc piccc Doll!!! rcl'crs to thc tcrm uscd by young last-car cnlhusiasts to dcscribc a circlc of burnt rubbcr madc by spinning a rcar whccl driyc car on thc spot. NEW SHOW.

Mike Stubbs 'l‘uc l2 l-‘cb. 6pm. £3 (£2) f('('A 4). Artist .\likc Stubbs talks about his installation Dunn! currcntly on show. l‘ollowcd by a discussion and scrccnings of his prcyious singlc scrccn works including Zero. .Sii'r'ullmlgr’. Homing and limlli Action. Connected? Mon 4 licb. 8pm. £4 (£2.50) ((‘(‘A 4). A scrccning ol' ncw lilm and y'idco works by artists bascd in llclsinki.

Icelandic Love Corporation Thu 7 l-‘cb. 6pm. £3 (£2) (('('A 6). 'l'hc Icclandic l.oyc (‘orporation aka Sigrun llrolt'dottir. liirun Sigurdardottir and Joni Jonsdottir talk about thcir first film projch and thcir prcyious work which has includcd cshibitions. installations. y-idcos and pcrl'ormanccs.


36 \\'cst (icorgc Strccl. 332 5551.

Mon Sat 10am 5.30pm; Sun noon 5pm.

Mixed Exhibition A sclcclion ol~ paintings by local artists.

Govindar l'ntil Thu 31 Jan. An cxhibition ol' limitcd cdition paintings and sculpturc by (ioyindar.

St Valentine’s Hi I Thu 28 l-‘cb. .-\ sclcction o1 figuratch paintings including works by llcindcl and Joy Kirton-Smith.


l'niycrsity o1 Strathclydc. 22 Richmond Strcct. 548 2558. Mon 1"ri 10am 5pm: Sat noon 4pm.

Art Textiles 2 l'ntil Sat 2 Mar. (‘hallcnging pcrccptions oi tcstilc art. this group cxhibition of work by 2.3 artists l‘calurcs a rangc ol' diycrsc and cutting-cdgc tcstilcs. 'l‘hc artists usc yarious matcrials including ricc. bonc. was. human hair and photography and among thc sclcction arc Jcrwood Pri/c winncr ('arolinc Broadhcad. Jcancttc Applcton. Lisa (iallachct‘. Paddy Killcr and Andrcw 'l‘imms.


178 \\'cst chcnt Strccl. 221 6370.

Mon Sat 10am 5.30pm.

Mixed Show l'ntil Thu 31 Jan. Paintings. drawings. sculpturc. ccramics and jcwcllcry by lcading British artists including Jack Knox. Philip Rccycs. lili/abcth Blackaddcr. Philip Braham. l’ctcr llowson. Ashlcy ('ook. Joycc (aims and Andrcw Fit/patrick.

Mixed Exhibition Hi I 11111 28 l’cb. A sclcction of paintings. drawings. sculpturc. ccramics and jcwcllcry by lcading British artists including Jack Knox. Philip Rccycs. Philip Braham.

has bccn shortlistcd for thc lluntcrs Art Pri/c. shows film and an installation. Kysa Johnson. Katc Bcaugic. l)amian Shiclds. (irant Patcrson and .\lclinda Stradling also l’caturc in thc show. NEW SHOW.


18 ('astlcmilk Arcadc. 634 2603.

Mon Sat 10am 5pm.

Garry Adam: New Photographs Hi 1 l’ri l5 l‘cb. Photographs by (iarry Adam.

GALLERY OF MODERN ART Quccn Strccl. 229 1996. Mon 'l‘hu & Sat 10am 5pm; l’ri & Sun 1 lain 5pm. l.ocatcd in thc hcart ol‘ thc city. (i().\lA is homc to an csprcssiyc rangc of host- war art and dcsign l'caturing works by llowson. llockncy. ('ampbcll. Bcllany and Byrnc.


Roukcn (ilcn Road. 620 0235. 1’ri. Sun 6’; Mon 1.30 5.30pm; Sat

11.30am 5.30pm.

Mixed Show l'nlil Thu 28 l‘cb. A miscd show ol work by gallcry artists and ncw cshibitors.


148 \Vcsl chcnt Strcct. 221 3095. Mon Sat 9.30am 5.30pm.

The Winter Collection t'ntil Thu

31 Jan. A spccially rcscrycd collcction ol‘

work by thc Scottish (‘olourists. (ilasgow School. liranccs .\lacl)onald. Joan liardlcy. Pctcr llowson. thc Bloomsbury (iroup. Annic l’rcnch. Jamcs (‘ow ic and many othcrs. Mixed Exhibition Fri 1 Thu 28 l-‘cb. Paintings. drawings and sculpturc by British artists including thc Scottish (‘olourists. (ilasgow School. Joan liardlcy. Pctcr llowson. Jamcs (‘owic. Annic l-rcnch and many othcrs.


('al‘c ('osmo. 12 Rosc Strccl. 332 6535. .\lonSat 10.30am 9pm. Photography Exhibition t'ntil Thu 31 Jan. An cshibition ol black and w hitc photographs rcsulting from (il’l‘ and (ilasgow ('ity (‘ouncil's anti-bigotry initiatiyc.

Tenement Life Within The Jewish Community l’ri 1 Thu 28 licb. Rcsidcnts ol‘ \cwark l.odgc nursing homc wcrc inyitcd to rcminiscc and rcyisit thc past through art in this cxhibition co-ordinalcd by Mark Skcnc.


22 (Q 25 King Strccl. 552 0704. 'l'uc Sat 10am 5.30pm.

Gallery Artists t'niil Sat 9 l-‘cb. Paintings and prints by many artists associatcd with thc Print Studio including lili/abcth Blackaddcr. Ashlcy ('ook. llctty llaxworth. John llouston. Pctcr llowson. Suc Mackcchnic. Abigail

Maclcllan. Barbara Rac and many othcrs.


listings Art

Bridget Riley: Silkscreen Prints And Gouaches 1963-2001 From black and white op art swirls to visual vibrations of colour. this small retrospective of works by leading exponent of op art. Bridget Riley is a must-see. Prepare yourself for disorientating viewing. See preview. Hunter/an Art Gallery, Glasgow. Sat 2 Feb—Sat 6 Apr. Keith Coventry and Keith Farquhar Silkscreen prints of women in a crack den and sculptures of supermodels from Sensation artist Keith Coventry. while Leith—born Keith Farquhar. with a penchant for sweaters. shows a work made with his mother. along With sculpture and paintings. See preview. dogged/Sher, Thu 7 Feb—Sat 23 Mar.

Frank Auerbach Repeatedly repainting the same composition over several months to get the “true expression' of his subject. this exhibition features highlights from the Royal Academy of Arts in London's critically acclaimed retrospective. Nationa/ Gal/ery of Modern Art. Edinburgh, Sat 2 Feb—Sun 12 May.

5:215 Janice McNab - The Greenock Factory Project Janice McNab's documentary paintings continue her investigation into the effects of overexposure to chemicals. Her chosen subject is the workplace the National Semiconductor Factory in Greenock ~ which has been taken to court by a group of women workers over health and safety violations. See review. Tramway. Glasgow. until Sun 3 Mar.

Hellen van Meene -

Mixed Exhibition Fri l—-Thu 28 l-‘cb. Cathy Richmond and Pctcr l-lowson. Top floor. 64 ()sbornc Strcct. 552 1472. Japan Series Dutch artist A sclcction of‘contcmporary Scottish Tuc---Sat noon—5pm. H ' iii . , _ ., . - ellen van Meenes entle j. paintings and design by various artists. FIREWORKS STUDIO Lesley Anne Clark 'l'uc 12 ~Sat l6 hOtO ra hic Studieg Of Gun 7 ~ v ‘7 35a l)alhousic Strcct. 332 4969. Feb. A solo show of ncw photographic p g p , y. g CAFE COSSACHOK GALLERY .\lon~Sat noon—--5.30pm. work. NEW SHOW. Japanese g'rls documem'ng the if]; It) King Stt‘cct..553 ()733. Mon—Sat Modern Ceramic Design tfntil transitional journey from child to {l l0.30am--mtdmght: Sun l—l 1pm.. '1’hu 31 Jan.‘ Glasgow’s ncwcst gallcry. THE GLASGOW ROOM ' woman. See review. lnver/el-m Kenneth Burns - Perspective l'll'C\\'0rl\‘s Studio. lcaturcs modcrn (iround l‘loof‘. Princcs Squarc. Buchanan

Of Glasgow l'ntil Sat 2 Feb. Paintings of (ilasgow by Scottish artist Kcnncth Burns.

Eva Cadario Still 3 -~Sat 23 licb. A photographic journcy through Mongolia takcn by liya ('adario.


350 Sauchichall Strccl. 352 4900.

Sun \Vcd 11am 6pm:'l'hu Sat

11am 8pm.

Conversion l'ntil Sun 3 l-'cb. Studcnts of thc mastcr ol' architcclurc coursc at lhc Mackintosh School ol~ Af‘chilcclut'c cxplorc issucs ol scalc and pcrccption in

ccramic dcsign by rcsidcnt pottcrs Alistair l)caric. .\1ary-Annc llunt. Allan .\chcown and Katy \Vcst.


3| (‘hisholm Strccl. fcnlrancc through salon). 5.52 7100. Sat \Vcd

10.30am 6.30pmz’1hu & 1"ri

10.30am 7.30pm.

Surround Sun 3 Sun 24 1"cb. l-‘rcc (iallcry ‘s sccond cxhibilion in its I‘cyampcd spacc l'caturcs thc work of .\' Squarcd. a young architcctural practicc bascd in Bcrn. Sw it/crland; and (ilasgow School ol .Al‘l studcnt Jim Ramscy. who

Strccl. 221 8162. .\lon Sat 10am 6pm: Sun 11am 5pm.

New Artists .-\ \at'icd sclcclion ol- work by up-and-coming artists l‘caturing sculpturc. tcxtilc dcsign. photography. paintings and jcwcllcry.


'l‘hc Mackintosh (iallcry. 167 chl'rcw Strccl. 353 4500. Mon 'l‘hu 10am 7pm: Fri 10am 5pm: Sat 10am noon.

Third Year Drawing And Painting Exhibition l'niil l‘ri l l-‘cb (Ncwbci‘y (iallcry ). Rcccnt work by third yc‘itl' sltldL‘llls.

House. Roya/ Botanic Garden. Edinburgh. until Sun 10 Mar. Four Photographers With vary different approacht—is to photography and landscape. Susan Derges. Garry labian Miller. Patricia Macdonald and David Williams feature in this group exhibition. Ing/eby Ga//orv. Edinburgh, Wed 6‘ Feb-r-Sat .9 Mar;

.4‘ .Ja': ‘.2 l-n-l‘ THE LIST 81