give his weekly session a natne bttt he can play quality dance tare lrottt across the board.
Chart & Party
I Fairy Liquid at Loca. I()pm--3am. £tbc. Weekly. Brand new weekly gay night featuring uplifting commercial chart and dance.
I Shagtag at (iaia. 10pm —-3am. £4
(£2 ). Weekly. Alcohol-fuelled flirting (aided and abetted by drinks protnos) via the infamous number-based introductions system. It’. on the other hand. you’d rather take the piss than llirt your way to a cheap shag. why not gather a posse of your mates and reek hayoc. using the message boards to publicly instill the l‘reaks that are hoping to get lucky.
I Smarty Pants at Subway West lind. 7pm—3am. £2 (£1 with student II) or them. Weekly. Shameless chart and party mix-up with 1)] Aka.
I The Subway at the Subway.
‘)pm 3am. Free for students with matriculation card: £l otherwise. Weekly. See Thu.
Edinburgh Wednesdays
I Beluga at Beluga. 8pm lam. Free. Weekly. Bob (‘airns attd I)om Flanagan select the best in global jazz grooyes tor the local drinking hordes.
I The Departure Lounge at l’opRokit. ‘)pm lam. Free. Weekly. (‘aptain Harry Ainsworth and Dame ‘Jesus (‘hristl‘ Strong (‘I’errier Newcomer Award' winners 2001 ) invite you to hop aboard an interstellar excursion into qui/land. The gift of booze awaits those with adequate knowledge at a night that’s fun for all the family.
I Ad-Lib l I I Hope Street. 248 6645. I Air Organic 36 Kelyingroye Street. 564 5201.
I Alasksa (42 Bath Lane. 248 (777. I Archaos 25 Queen Street. 204 318‘). I The Arches Midland Street toll Jamaica Street). ()‘)()I ()22 0300.
I Asylum 70 (‘owcaddcns Road. 332 068 I .
I Babaza 25 Royal lixchange Square. 204 0I0l.
I Bennet’s 80 (ilassl‘ord Street. 552 576].
I Blackfriars 26 Bell Street. 552 5024.
I Bonkers Hope St. 248 5884.
I Brel 3‘) Ashton Lane. 342 4‘)66.
I Budda I42 St Vincent Street. 22] 5660.
I Caledonian University Student Union (Asylum) 70 ("owcaddens Road. 332 ()68 l.
I The Cathouse l5 t'nion Street. 248 6606.
I Cleopatra’s 508 (ireat Western Road. Kelyinbridge. 334 0560.
I Club Budda (42 St Vincent St. 221
22l3. I The Cran I038 Argyle Street. 248 688l.
I Cube 34 Queen Street. 226 8‘)‘)(). I Cul De Sac Ashton Lane. 334 8800.
I Eat Drink Man Woman 34 44 King st. 552 9227.
I Firebird I32] Argyle Street. 33-1 ()504.
I Fury Murry’s ‘)6 Maxwell Street. 22l 65I l.
I Excursions at Igttana. ‘)pm lam. Free. \Veekly. Rotational residents (i- Mac (Manga). (iary Mac (Sublitue). (‘olin Millar and Adatn Bray (Headspin) demonstrate their astounding decksterical versatility in the lields of drum 8; bass. hip hop. funk and breaks. I Headzeint at IiIll. ‘)pm lam. Free. Weekly. Hip hop. funk and electrobeats courtesy of Michael and (iary.
I Monkey Boy’s Afro Lounge at I’iyo. ‘)pm - latn. Free. Weekly. ('heeky ‘Monkey Boy" Mark Iidmondson plays t‘unky phatback grooves and aim sottl. I Oxygen Music at ()xygen Bar. 8pm -lam. Free. Weekly. The popular prc—club plays host to rotational residents (iino. Fryer (Motherlunk) and (‘hris Flexon and the musical styles of t‘unk. hip hop and soul. Arriye early to capitalise on two-for-one drinks otters. I Together at Batn Bou. 8pm lam. Free. Weekly. Bass buggin‘. dirty discoid t'unk with your hosts (irant Macdonald and Alan I’aul (Mu/.ikizum). I UrbannHangSuite at Bann‘s.
l lpm 3am. Free. Weekly. Light vegetarian snacks scryed to a mellow hip hop attd breaks soundtrack t‘rom assorted guest I)Js. including 1)] Dolphin Boy ('I'ummy 'I'ouch).
I Workers Wednesdays at the ()uthouse. 8pm lant. Free. Weekly. An opportttnity tor the gral'ters w ho work weekends in ptibs and clubs to pump the party at this sneaky session. I’royidc prool~ ol‘ pesky employment and you'll get drinks promos a plenty.
I C.C. Blooms at (‘.(‘. Blooms. l0.30pm 3am (bar from 6pm). Free. Weekly. A spot of midweek house action at this consistently busy gay clttb.
I The Garage 4‘)() Sattcltichall Street. 332 1 l2().
I Glasgow School of Art I67 Retilrew Street. 332 060].
I Glasgow University Union 32 t'niyersity Ayenue. 33‘) 8607.
I The Griffiny 266 Bath Street. 33‘) 8607.
I Groucho St Judes (90 Bath Street. 33| 5l7l.
I 92 474 Sattchiehall St (behind the (iarage). 35.3 3I I I.
I Havana 50 Hope Street. 248 4466. I Life (basement or ('orinlhian). l‘)l Ingram Street. 552 Hm.
I The Lighthouse 56 Mitchell Street. 22l 6362
I The Living Room 5 Byers Road. 33‘) 85l l.
I MAS 2‘) Royal lixchange Square. 22l
7080. I Moloco I287 Argyle Street. 334 4813.
I Nice ‘n’ Sleazy 42l Sauchiehall Street. 333 0637
I O’Henry’s I)rury Street. 248 375 l. I Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Street. 553 I22].
I Queen Margaret Student Union 22 l'niyersity (iardens. 33‘)
I Reds. 375 Sauchiehall Street. 33l I635.
I Riverside Club Fox Street. 56‘) 7287.
I Rocksy’s Basement 40 New Sneddon Street. l’aislcy. 552 57‘)l.
I The Shack (93 Pitt St. 332 7522. I Soba I l Mitchell Street Lane. 204 2404.
I Spy Bar Bath Street. 22! 77l l.
I Tchai-Ovna 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524.
I 13th Note 260 (‘lyde Street. 243 2177
I Trash 197 Pitt Street. 572 3372. I The Tunnel 84 Mitehell Street. 204 I000.
I Kero-Scene-K2 at Stttdio 24. l lptn late. £l.50. Weekly. Increasingly
popular alternatiyc night which sees Leal.
Wally. qu and Li/ play death. doom. heay'y metal and extreme ttmes.
I Low Gravity at the Liquid Room. l0.30pm 3am. £3 (£2); tree with Sttblime membership. Weekly. A night geared towards turning the mid-week messy with nu-skool breaks and cheap boo/e. It's a heady combo attd it comes courtesy of Felix. Beany and (iary Mac. the back rootn boys from Sublime.
I M2K at (iaia. 10pm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. Iinjoy the Mtidd (‘lub. an alternatiye indie night on the main lloor atid I)isco 2000. a sell-explanatory night olidancelloor disco III the upstairs lounge.
I Obscene at La Belle Angele. l().30pm 3am. £3 with llyer/bel‘ore midnight: £4 alter. 13 Feb only. In the same way that the kids say something‘s ‘wicked‘ (and my (iod. they still do). the buzz. word here will be that the dark ragga jungle rhythms will be. like. totally ‘obscene’. As will the live show from Solar I’erplexus.
I Red at Ft) .\'a .\'a. l lpm 3am. Free. Weekly. 1)] Harry Lets (lo ('I‘ribal Funktion/Boombox) pttts the eclectic into electric at this stylish sottk bar.
I Para La Ninos at the Bongo (‘|ub. I0pm 3am. £3. l3 Feb only. A benelit gig l'or Mexican street urchins featuring l'unk. Latin and hip hop l)Js pltts liye percussion.
I Slap 8: Tickle at (’lth Mercado. 10pm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. [)1 'l'ully supplies the l‘unky beats and breaks while drinks promos. competitions and themed dress nights combine to keep things interesting.
I Soul Boogie at La Belle Angele. Monthly. Launch date 27 Feb.
I Variety Bar 40lSauchiehall Street. . 32 444‘).
I The Velvet Rooms Sauchiehall Street. 332 0755.
I The Woodside Social Club 32‘) North \Vootlside Road. 337 I643.
I Yang 33 Queen Street. 248 8484.
I The Ark 3 Setnple Street. 22‘) 77a33. I Bam BOU 66/67 Sotlth Bridge. 556 0200.
I Bann UK 5 lltmter Square. 226 lll2. I Baracoa 7 Victoria Street. 225 5846. I Bar Union 253/258 (‘ow gate. 557 2780.
I La Belle Angele l l llasties (lose. 225 7536.
I Beluga 30a ('hambers Street. 624 4545.
I The Bongo Club l4 .\'ew Street. 556 5204.
I Cavendish West 'I‘ollcross. 22C 3252. I C.C. Blooms 23 24 (ireenside Place. 556 033 I.
I The Citrus (irindlay Street. 622 7086.
I The City Cafe Blair Street. 220 ()l25.
I Club Java ('otnmercial Street. Leith. 555 5622.
I The Cocteau Lounge (Ego), l’icardy Place. 478 7434.
I Cuba Norte l‘)2 Morrison Street. 22l 0400.
I E90 I’lL‘dl'tl} Place. 478 743-1.
I eh1 l‘)7 Iligh Street. 220 5277.
I El Barrio l04 West Port. 22‘) 8805. I Eros/Elite Fottnlainpark. Dundee Street. 22S l66l.
I Gaia King Stables Road. 22‘) 7086. I Gilded Saloon 233 (‘ow gate. 22‘) 3633.
I The Honeycomb l5 l7 .\'iddry Street. 530 5540.
I The Human Be-In 2/8 \y'est ('rosscauseway. 662 8860.
I Iguana 4l Lothian Street. 220 4288.
Chart & Party
I Planet at the (‘ayendish
I0pm 3am. Free with Snapl‘ax bel‘ore l0.30pm; £2 (with student 0)). Weekly. Student-only night featuring three lloors ol unbridled antics. linjoy up-to-date dance on the first lloor. retro chart on the middle lloor and a selection ol‘ games attd karaoke iii the ttpstairs lounge.
I Pop Idols at Reyoltttion.
l()pm 3am. £4 non-students (£2 stttdettts). Weekly. The I'l‘\' star search has created a monster attd this is its spawn. Singing hopet‘uls alternately impress and distress their friends in the hope ol winning a karaoke machine.
I Shark at Iiros/Iilitc. ‘).30pm 3am. £3 (£2) below I lpm: £4 (£3) alter. Weekly. ‘Scotland’s biggest student night' supplying the obligatory chart pap.
I Skint at the Ark. 10pm 3am. £2 (tree with proof ol' oy‘erdratt ). Weekly. The undisputed king ol student nights not only stipplies the tinest chart anthems but also cares enough to proy‘ide drinks at £l all night and free entry to oy‘ct‘drawn students.
I Smooch at Subway West Iind. 7pm 3am. £2 (£1 with student II) or llyer). Student soiree with tasty Sambuca £1 a shot all night long.
I The Subway at the Subway.
0pm 3am. Free lor students with matriculation card: £l otherwise. Weekly. See Tho.
I Traffic Light Night at (iaia. l0pm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. A night ol wanton l'lirting tor the students. Iiy'et'yone gets a sticker on arriyalz red means no way (in which case why are you tltere'.’); amber means ‘may be' and green means looking into each other‘s eyes the next morning and saying ‘what was your name atgaitt'.”.
I The Liquid Room ‘)c Victoria Street. 225 256-1.
I Loca 235 ('owgate. 225 54I3.
I The Mambo Club West Iollel‘oss. 447 3301.
I The Meadow Bar (Moo Bar) Buccleuch Street. 667 6007.
I Club Mercado 36 3‘) Market Street. 226 4224.
I Noa. 3 Queenslerry Stteet Lane. 467 7l26.
I North Bridge Bar Scotsman Ilotel. 20 North Bridge. 556 I558.
I Opium 7| ('oyygtlte. 225 8382.
I The Outhouse Brottgltton Street Lane. 557 668.
I Oxygen 3-5 lnlirmary Street. 557 0007.
I Peppermint Lounge Blair Street. 622 68I l
I Five 2 6 ('alton Road. 557 2025.
I PO Na Na 26 Frederick Street. 226
I The Pond 22 24 Bath Road. 467 3825.
I PopRokit 2 I’icardy Place. 556 4272. I The Potterrow Bristo Square. 650 ‘)l‘)5.
I 0 Bar 5/l l Leith Street. 557 5830. I Revolution 3| Lothian Road. 22‘) 7670.
3768. 758. I The Subway ('owgale. 225 6766. I The Subway West End Lothiatt Road. 220 0l07.
I The Union Ileriot Watt I'niyersity. RiL‘L‘artoll. ~15I 5333.
I The Venue (‘alton Road. 55.“ 3073. I The Wash the Mottnd. 225 6|‘)3. I The Watershed 44 St Stephen Street. 2203774.
I The Wee Red Bar lidinbttrgh ('ollege ()I' Art. Laurislon Place. 22‘) I442.
I Time 2-1;l Frederick Street. 220 I226. I Why Not? l4 (ieorge Street. 624 83l l.
I Yo Below (:6 Rose Street. 220 6040.
‘0'.’ THE LIST 77
Zitit: L";