Film index
r regularmusic presents
Jill Scott
Glasg w Barrowlands Wednesday 13th February Credit Card 0870 90 33 444
25th February
til Kama" ’
Edinburgh Liquid Rooms
i iii. :44 44444444144449; rum}
. jg; emeewmimg
_ owoeo :33 444
plus support from The Parkinsons
Edinburgh, La Belle Angele, 8th March
Glasgow, 13th Note, 9th March
Sunday 3rd March —
Edinburgh Queens Hall Venue Box Office 0131 668 2019
Monday 4th March — Glasgow Grand Ole Opry
+ special guest Colin Devlin
All tickets available from credit card on-line at www.tick-
t;twr.-l).co.ul< and from Virgin 8. Ripping and all usual outlets.
Shooters t lS’i O. t(ilenii l)urtort. ('olin league. l‘k. Ztttll i .v\drian Dunbar. (iei'ald lliitlei‘. loan (irut‘tiidd. 95 iiiiiix. (‘oke head and gangxtei' J‘x mate (itll) ix releaxed trom pi'ixon lta\ ing doiie time tor a ei‘ime liix triend eommitted. lle needx moire} that J
on ex him to go xtraight. hut ix perxiiaded to do one laxt ltll‘. Needle [it \.t_\. the deal iltiextt'l go ax planned. Yep. )et another tale ot' di'ugx. giiiix and iii} ining xlang. 'I'here'x little in thix lllltl ll‘ titlxe lllL' [illlxe lk‘xtilcx tt gleel'til tttt‘lt trom Butler ax a iixxe‘litiii;itliie (ilaxuegian. Shim (aw. l’atxle}.
Show Me Love I Hi 0.. illukux \liitiil} xxtitl. S“ CtlL‘ll. 300th Relieeea lilieherg. .'\lL‘\.tlttll‘;t l)ahlxti'om. S‘) minx. .'\ xlight tale ol t\\o teenage girlx lalliiig in lo\ e in the xmall Snedixh to“ n ot' .-\mal.
Mood} xxou'x lilm eoinhinex a einema \erite e} e \\ itli xoine xtoek xittiatioiix and eharaetei'x. (‘i'eatiiig teiixioii and tiiriiioil out ol the rite ot paxxage mm ie getx harder and harder. hut Stood} Win iiianaf—‘ex a modieiim ot li'exhiiexx. and there are enough \ariahlex at \iork to keep the tiliii going t'oi‘ an engaging hour and a halt. (‘aineo. lzdinliiirgh.
Shrek t l 'I 0.... l.'\tttll'L‘\\ .'\il;llll\ttll. \dklx) .lL‘ltxittt. l'S. :lllll I \iitec\ til \llkL' .\l_\ei‘x. ('aiuei'on l)ta/. liddie \liii'ph}. ()(t minx. Shirk \\ ill ha\ e \\'alt l)ixne_\ turning in liix ei‘yigeiiie tree/e tank. 'l‘hix trul}
xulii ei'xi\ e animated tiliii takex pot xhotx at tair)tale lll)lllitl0:._"\. uhile xiiigling out little \\L;tll.\ lieli“ L‘tl .Sliuii “I’ll/(fl (.llltlt'l't'l/(l.
l’inu ( hm. et al. l'nder the gtiixe ot a tiuext to rexeue a prineexx trom a dragon undertaken h} the epoi‘.) iiioiix green ogre iiiliieh kidx \\ lll lo\ e I. Slur/i alxo riithlexxl} pillagex eoi‘poi'ate Dune}. xatirixing itx theme parkx and
e\eeuti\ ex. .r\nd uho'x heliind all thix'.’ l’rodueer Jetli'e} Kat/eiiherg ol l)ixne_\ rnal xltttltii l)l'(‘;llll\\.ttl'lx\. :tlxti l'iit'ttlct'l} lteail Ul. )L‘p. l)l\tte_\. SL'lL‘etL‘tl I'L‘lt‘ttxe.
A Skin Too Few I l’( it ilei'oen Berk\enx. Netherlandx'l)eiiinark.'l ’K. Sittil ivlS iniiix. litopie about the lite and premature death tat Ito ot the xinger-xongnritei; .\li\ex t'ootage ol l)iake'x ehildhood home \\ ith interx ienx ineliiding the xiiigt‘i"x xixtei'. (iahrielle. l’ai‘t ot the Shellield International l)oeumentai‘} l'extnal. ( il’l‘. ( ilaxgoii; liilinliouxe. ladiiiliiirgli. Slackert 15).... iRiehai'd linklatei'. l'S. Will i ()\ er lttt) 'I’e\.mx, 0" minx. l'nelaxxiliahle pieee ot independent .'\lllL‘t‘lL‘;tll mo\ remaking \ihieh doexn't ha\ e a plot ax xueh; iiixiead it pi‘o\ idex a xnapxhoi til it\ er Itlt) ‘xlaekei‘x‘ )ouug. liapp} go»luek} driltei'x ax the} get through their dail) ll\ ex. Sti'tietui‘ed ax a monumental i'ela_\ teaeli eliai'aeter hriet'l} appearx. meetx the iie\t. and xo on I. it liax a looxe. e\periinenial. almoxi ia/l} loi'inat that )ou‘ll either |o\ e or hate. .-\ xure lire eiilt llll. ('ameo. ladinliiii'gh.
Songs From The Second Floort lit .0. iRo} ;\lltlct'\\ittt. Siieden. Itltlli larx \ordh. Stetan l.arxxoit. 'l'oihioi'n l‘alilxti'oiii. OS iiiiiix. .'\ltilL‘l'\\Ull'\ ("annex pi't/e \xiniiing lirxt leattii'e tilm in 35 )eai'x
Kristin Scott“ Thomas looks the part playing a glamorous high society Lady
in Robert Altman's Gosford Park
eoinprixex a xei‘iex ol heaiitilull} eoiiipoxed
\ igiiettex. eaeh xeene xhot in a xingle long lake. l'nxeripted and iixing lirxt time aetorx. it ol'l'erx a xitapxhot ot' the li\ ex ot \ai'ioiix eharaeterx. .\ long \L‘l'\ ing eiiiplo} ee elingx dexperatel} to hix hoxx'x leg. pleading tor hix jolt haek; a man \\ itli the “mug xkiii eolour tallx \ ietiiii to a i'aeixt attaek; \xhile a magieian unintentionall) \;l\\ x an unxuxpeetrng \oluriteer in halt. .\ \\ itt_\ ohxei'\atioii on the ahxurdit} and \uliieraliilit) ol' the human eoiidition. Soiiex I-mn The Set out! I‘lour ix at itx hext intelligent. moi ing and limit}. ('( '.v\. (ilaxgoix.
Sons Of The Desert t t ‘ i am. t\\‘r|liaii .\ Setter. l'S. l‘liir Stan laurel. ()li\ er llard}. (‘hai'le) (‘haxe (i‘) iiiiiix. One or the tiiiext ot' the Laurel and Hard) teatui'ex \L'L'\ the putt ;t\ ltt‘lllk‘e'kcd lttlxlitttiilx \\ ltit atteiid a l'raternal eoin ention hehmd their \iiiex' liaekx. Nothing goex to plan ot eourxe. not leaxt lieeaiixe Staiile) ix hound to littll tip lttx ll'tcnil'\ l‘L'\l ltiltl [‘l‘attx. The title Ul tlttx lilm \iax adopted h} the ho} x' international l-ittl L‘lllli littt' lltihc \\ ltii llL'L'kl lit ktttm. (il'fll'. (ilaxgoxi.
Soul Survivors t 13: oo ISte\e (’arpeiiter. l'S. ltltll i .\lelixxa Sagemillei‘. ('axe} Allleek. \Vex lit-title}. SS iiiiiix. ‘l'hix teehnwgotlite tale heginx \\ itli a tatal ear ei‘axh iii\o|\ ing tour .v\meriean eollege l'rexherx. But \\ ho ix alix e poxt-eraxh. “hat ix l'L‘;tltl_\ and \\ho ean the} truxt .’ Sueh tenxioiix loi'm the erii\ ot thix uninxpired ehillei'. “here a trip to the dark xide heeomex tedioiixI} tamiliar. lioi'roix iiig too t'reel} troin gi'eatx like [In l'fiort'iil and (‘tii'riix Soul Suri lion poxxexxex neither the hraiei‘} nor the \ ixion ot thexe lllltlx and Mt litttlx lit :10 the “hole ltitt‘t'iit' iltxltttlcc. Seleeted t‘L‘lL‘axe.
Southern Comfortt 15' i Kate l)a\ ix. l‘S/Auxlralia/Seotland. :lllllll 0t) llltll\ llte ti'agie \titl') til. Rtilk‘t'l l'atilx. (mtl‘i‘). gi'andlathei‘. good ol' l‘o_\ limit the .'\lltL‘l‘lt‘.l'\ deep South and tranxxe\ual a man horn temale and a mother or iuo. \Vhen diagnoxed u itli o\ai'ian eaneer Izadx couldn't lind a doctor “thing to treat lllltt. l’art ot the Sliel‘l'ield International l)oeiiiiietitai‘} l‘extnal. l'ilnihouxe. ladinhiirgh.
Space Jam il'iOO t.loe l’)tka. l'S. I‘llltii .\lieliael .lot'datt. litigx Bruin}. \\.i) ne Knight. S" iiiiiix. \axt} alien eartoonx lia\ e eaptured litigx Bruin} and are going to eiixl.i\ e the l.ooiie} 'l'uirex in their amuxement park oti .\loroii Mountain. hut Bugx liax the l‘l'.tllt\\;t\ e M ehallenging them to a liaxkethall game and eiilixtiiig the taleiitx ot' .\| .loi'dan loi Iiix letttll. laekittg lltt‘ el.t\\ til ll In! lltil/It’t/ Kim: I Ix’uli/ul ' and the paee oil a real liaxketliall game. Slum .ltim xhould di\ert the kidx on Satiii‘da} inorniiigx. e\ en tliotigli the tokex and el'teetx are tried ti'om oiei' iixe. it it’ lx’eiitiexi Street. (ilaxgoxi; l'(i(' (‘iiieiii.ix. ltdinliiiigh La Strada t ISI 0... tl'redeiieo l‘t'llllil. ltal}. Wilt (itiilietta .\laxina. .-\iit|ioii) ()iiinn. Riehard llaxehai't. 115 mm» l‘ellini'x \\ ite .\laxina ix tlllliH'f.‘L‘ll;tl\lL‘ ax a xiniple minded