From Hell 4 I81... tAllen and Albert lltighex. I'S. Illfll l Johnnx Depp. lleather (iraham. Robbie ('oltrane. Ill minx. Ax a (iothic thriller in the Ilaniiiiei' mould. I-‘runi Hell xx'orlx'x jttsl fine. Blood tx xplattered about with the eiitliuxiaxm of an abattoir attendant. and there'x not an opportunitx mixxed to xx'reath scenes in inixt and .xhroud them in shadow. lloxx'ex'er. ax an investigation of the Jack the Ripper inurderx. From Hell ix a disappointment. lt bringx nothing nexx to the plethora of conxpiracx theoriex .xurrounding the brutal .xla_x ing of fix e Whitcchapel proxtittitex in lb‘h‘h‘. Btit then it xx ax alxx axx going to be a tall order. adapting Alan Moore and [fiddle ('aiiipbell‘x exhauxtixe graphic

nox el inxextigation into the criinex. See prex'iexx and rex iexx. (ieneral releaxe.

From Here To Eternity il’(li oooo tl’red 7.lllllClll;lllll. l'S. IUSRI Burt l.anca.xter. Deborah Kerr. lirank Sinatra. 1 lb‘ minx. ('inetnatic xoap opera xx ith all the necexxai‘x loxe andjealouxx .xet in a Pearl llarbour arm} baxe before the Japanexe bombing. lirank xxoii an ()xcar. xx hile Burt and Debbie tangled xx ith more than the xeaxxecd on the beach. (Iroxxenor. (ilaxgoxx.

Ghost World 1 IS I .0... t'l‘eri'x' Xxx igoff. I'S. lefll l ‘l‘hora Birch. Scarlett Johanxxon. Stexe Btixcemi. l l l iiiiiix. Daniel ('loxx ex adaptx hix oxx n ctilt comic xx ith Xxx igoff. opting not to tranxlate parrot-faxhion. but to dixtil the exxcnce of the xource material. 'I’hux. characterx. xetting and tone are .xpot on. btit the epixodic nature of the xcrialixed xti‘ip ix xhaped into a loxx kex xtor_x rexolx ing around high xchool graduatex linid and Rebecca (Birch and Johanxxoni xx ho temper dixguxt

xx ith the bland xx extern xxorld of xhopping inallx and theme rextaurantx xx ith cx nical beinuxenient. The dialogue. humour. production dexign and perforiiiancex are a xxorld apart from lexxer American teen flickx. ()deon. (ilaxgoxx.

The Glass House I I5: 00 ll);tlllel Sackhein. lb. Zlhll I l.eelee Stilttexkt. Diane Lane. Stellati Skarxgard. lll(x iiitiix. Rubx tSobiexkil ix xtitii' t) pical lo-xear-old rebel. but her life ax a teinpextiiotix teen endx xx hen her parentx die in a car craxh. Her and her kid brother are then xhipped off to lixe xx ith her parent'x bext friendx. lirin and 'I‘eri‘x (ilaxx tl.ane and Skarxgardi in a houxe made of glaxx. But xoiiiething ix not quite right and Rub} niakex it her mixxion to dixcox er the truth behind the (ilaxx'x errant behax iour. If it ix not xx ixe to throxx xtoiiex in glaxx houxex it ix definitelx not clex er to make a pxx cliological thriller xx ith about ax much xuxpenxe ax an episode of (iriit/t'iit'r'x ll‘urld. (ienei'al releaxe. Gohatto 1 ISI .0. t.\'agixa ()xhima. Japan. I‘N‘Ii Rx uehi .\latxuda. Beat 'l‘ak'exhi. l()l ininx. ()xhinia'x nexx film recall liix popular earlier xxorkx Ai .\'o ('orritlu and .llf‘I'I'V (’lirixmnix. .llr [.Ull'l't'llt't'. alxo ftluix emphaxixing a hothouxe xexual atmoxphere and cloxed off xpace. In thix xtudx of a much- dexired xoung xamurai recruit t.\latxudai in a Japanexe xamurai temple in the lh‘oflx. ()xhima coinbiiiex the xexuallx ripe xx ith the coldlx rittialixtic. “here that maxter of larger than life xamurai cinetna. the late. great Akira Kuroxaxxa. often emphaxixed the realixtic xx ith difficult on location xhootx. it‘x ax if()xhinia xx antx to plax tip the dreaniilx iiixtliic xx ith a xtudio xet dexign xuggextiiig the xxliole xamurai xxorld cotild hax e been a xx ixp_x erotic fiction. (‘aineo & 'l‘he l.uiiiiei'e. lidiiiburgh. O Gosford Park 1 ISi 0000 (Robert Altman. I'S/I'K. Zflfll I .‘xlichacl (iaiiibon. Krixtin Scott 'l'homax. Kellx .\lacdoiiald. l3? minx. ’I‘lie Agatha ('hrixtic-exqtie murder iiixx- let} it! the centre UI~ (inxfun/ I’rll'k l\ the leaxt compelling part of Altiiian'x otherxxixe linelx - obxei'x ed period piece. Set in Nox ember I933 ox er a fexx da_xx during a xliooting part} at the eponx iiioux countrx extate of Sir William .\lc(‘ordle t(Iamboiii and l.adx lex ta .\lc('ordle tScott lllttlllthl. (iuxlonl I’urk detailx the relationxhip betxxeen the filth} rich upper claxx and their put upon xei‘xantx. And xx hat detail the film llcxhex out all 25 mem- berx (III the excellent ethetttltle ett\l. ltlxtllg‘ xxith their indixidual xtoi'iex, .\'o CM} trick in txxo hotii‘x. Sec t'ex iexx. (ienei'al releaxe. Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone l l’( ii .0... 1(‘hi'ix (‘oluinbux. l'S/l‘lx'. Ztlfll J Daniel Radcliffe. Robbie Coltrane. Maggie Smith. John ('leexe. Richard

llarrix. Julie \Valterx. l5: minx. (‘oluinbux hax remained true not pm to the xpirit btit. in man} caxex. the letter ofl.l\'. Roxx ling'x noxel. With onlx the occaxional nip and tuck. the film folloxxx cloxelx' the tale of orphan box llarrx. xx‘ho groxxxx up in .xuburbia little realixiiig that he'x of xxi/ard .xtock. Like the noxel. the film ix unxentiniental. with no hint of ickx xxhinixx. Rather. it ix .xuxtained by a set of xiiixc'rblx' dr_x' perforinancex by the all- Britixh caxt and rewarded b) the true. xx ell- earned emotion of an honourable quext .xlleeexslitlll) lixttlglll. (ieneral t‘eleaxe.

Help! I’m A Fish ill .00 i.\tichael llegner. Stefan Iijeldniark.

I)eniiiark/(iermanx /lreland. 2001 l \‘oicex of Alan Rickman. 'l'errx Jonex. ’I'ei'x'l Router}. "/8 iiiiiix. 'l'hix cheerful offering inxolxex three kids: pe\lx'} l'il}. lltx xxx’eel little \l\let‘ Stella and their geek} cotixiii ('huck. After xncaking out of the house the} come tlet‘oxx tt xecret tunnel bx the xea. in xx liich lix'ex a profexxor txoieed b_x Jotlexi xx Ito-x created lt formula to turn huinanx into fixh. I.o‘ and behold our junior heroex are xoon xxx imming xx ith the fixhex. tr_x ing to find an antidote and doing battle xx ith aii ex il pilot-fixh t\ illainoux Ricknian i. Younger children xhould enjox it. btit if xou're looking for humour or an} real momentx of hiin drama. xou‘ll be dtxttppotltletl. Selected releaxe.

Homeward Bound ch 000

il)tixxaxne Dunham. l’S. NUS) With the xoicex of Michael J. l‘ox. Still} l'ilL‘ltl. l)olt Ameche. 37 ltllttx. l)t\tle} remake til. Iii/Iv liicm/i/ilt' .luurm'x'. in xx hich txxo dogx and a cat croxx the (‘aliforniaii mountainx to return to their famil'x. More than mere antliropomtirphixiii: the dratted aniinalx haxe characterixticx that xxould pttt (Iliandi to .xhaine. l'nder-xixex xx ill lox e it. parciitx probabe not. The Lumiere. lidinburgh.

The House Of Mirth it’(ii oooo t'l‘erence I);t\ le\. l-K. leXIl (itlltttll .Altxlel'xxtll. Iiric Stoltx. Anthonx’aglia. l-ll) minx.

Dax iex' xuperb xcreen adaptation of liditli \Vliarton'x nox el. filmed in (ilaxgoxx. makex it clear that beneath the xx ell-bred xkiii of \t'xx York xocietx at the turn of the centur_x ltti'kx a remorxelexx xaxaget'x. Socialite l.ilx Bart (the excellent .-\nderxonl xxould appear to be a natural xurx ixoi'. bttt through a combination of naixetx. follx and bad timing xhe ix brought loxx. Dax iex chai'tx l.ilx 'x tragic dexcent xx ith formal rigour. framing xcenex xx ith xelf- coiixciouxlx paintei'lx tableaux that exoke the era‘x faxliioiiablc artixtx. Btit. ax xx ith hix other xxork. aexthetic control gocx hand in glox e

xx ith a deep coiiipaxxion. I-'iliiiliotixe. Iidinburgh.

Iris 1 ISI tRichard I-Ixi‘c'. l'lx'. Ztltil i Kate \Vinxlet. Jtidi Dench. Jim Broadbent. .\liiix tbc. ('Iiaritx premiere xcreening of the life and death xtoi'x of li'ix Murdoch. 'l‘he leadx are all being xx‘idelx praixed for their performancex. and the film itxelf max xx ell be bound for ()xcar glorx. ('ameo. lidinburgh.

Jaws tl’(il O... tStex en Spielberg. IS. 1975) Ro_x Scheider. Robert Shaxx. Richard l)re_x fuxx. 125 iiiiiix. ('racking xhark adxenture from the da) x xx lien Spielberg niox iex xx ere xcarx. See the citi/enx of Amitx xcreaml Watch the bodx count pile up? Hear the authoritiex declare the xxater perfectlx xafe? (iroxxenor. (ilaxgoxx.

The Judge And The Assassin (Le juge et I’assassin) l Ifii flier-timid

'l‘ax erniet'. France. l‘l75i IZ‘) iiiiiix. Part of a iiiitii-retroxpectixe of the filiiix of lax ei'nier running in collaboration xx ith the Alliance l‘rancaixe. IN”. A man named Bouxiei xhootx liix xx ife and hiinxclf. btit iiiiraculouxlx both xurx ix e. Boux iei~ endx up iii an ax} ltiiii and upon i‘cleaxe coininitx iiitirder. Alter lie ix captured. auibitiotix Judge Rouxxcau takcx liix caxc. determined to adxance hix career. (ilfl'. (ilaxgoxx.

Jules Et Jim tl’(ii .0... tl’t'ancoix 'l‘ruffaut. I‘i'ance. I‘lol i Jeanne Moi'eau. ()xkar \Veinei'. lleiiri Seri'c. HIS iiiiiix. 'l‘rtiffaut'x earl) iiiaxtei'piece. telling the coiiii-tragic tale of an eternal triatigle xtraddling the I‘ii'xt World War. Bohemian. iiiercui‘ial I’arixienne (‘athet'me (\lttt'ettltt dix idex her :tlleellttltx betxxeen Julex t\\'ei'ncri and Jim tSei'i'e i. xxlioxe deep friendxhip ox erridex their i‘txali'x in lox c and their separation bx xxai‘. But 'l‘i'tiffaut hax a xaltitoi‘x fare in xtoi‘e for thc thi'eexonie. xxhich ix both dcxaxtating and

poetic. I’oxxerful xttiff. l-‘ilmhouxe. lidinburgh. Just Visiting tl’(ii O. tJeatt-.\l;ii'ie (iaubert. l‘rance/l'S. letll iJcan Reno. ('hrixtian ('Iaxier. .\la|colin .\lcl)oxxcll. SS minx. \Vlien .\Iediexal l‘rencli nobleman 'I'hibault tReiioi accidentallx killx hix xx ife on the me of lllx xx etltllng he implorex ltt\ potion- concocting xxi/ai‘d .\lcl)oxx ell to xend him back in time to right the xx rongx. But the

xx i/ai'd mixtakenlx xendx 'I'hibault and hix dexoted .xet‘xattt Andre t('|ax ieri foi‘xxard to let centurx ('hicago xxliei‘e hax e ‘hilarioux adxenturex' xx itli indoor plumbing and electrical appliancex. “illlle the original. /.¢'x l'ixitcui‘x exuded a certain I’_x thonexque charm xx ith itx petit bourgeoixie parodx and xchoolbox xulgaritx. thix xluxhx remake ix xaddled xx ith an anaemic. xx itlexx xcript co-

xx ritten bx Sll'x teen flick director John llughex I'll/lr' Ifl't’tI/x/uxl (fit/ll. See t‘ex icxx. (ienei'al releaxe.

Kiki’s Delivery Service it'i itlax no .\li_xa/aki. Japan. l‘).\“)i Voiccx of lx'irxten Dtiiixt. Janeaitc (Iai'afolo. Phil Hartman. lll3 ininx. Japancxe animation xx ith American \oice ox er in xxhich a xtiiiiig xx itch findx fitting into a nexx coiniiiunitx difficult xxhtle xhe xuppoi'tx hcrxelf running an airborne brooinxtick delixerx xei'x ice. Part of the Studio (ihibli xeaxon. l’ilmhouxe. lidinbui‘gh. Laputa: Castles in the Sky t t’(;. ill;ix;io .\lixa/aki. Japan. NM»: 134 ininx. Rollei'coaxler animated adxeiitui'e xct ma I‘lth centurx fantaxx xxorld concerning txxo children on a quext to dixcox er the Iegcndarx flx ing caxtle l.aputa. Part of the Studio (ihibli xeaxoii. (iilmorehillGIZ. (ilaxgoxx; l’iliiihouxe. Iidinburgh.

Last Orders l lit 0.. tl‘red Schcpixi. l-K. zlllll l Michael (’aine. Bub llttxkllh.

Dax id llemmingx. 'I‘oiii ('oui'tnex. Ra} Winxtone. lflS iiiiiix. Jack t('ainel. a butcher from Bei'iiiondxex. hax died. Joined b_x Jack'x \nll (\Vittxtonc i. lltx three lk‘\l Il‘lL‘llxlS i(‘oiii'tiiex. lleniiiiingx. lloxkiiixi xet off on a road-trip to .\lai'gate to xcatter the old man'x t'einainx. (‘onx erting (irahani Sxx ift'x remarkable nox el of loxx. friendxhip and life‘x

index Film

cruel decline into a moxie xxax alxxaxx going to be xoinething akin to catching xalt in the

\\ llltl. Schepixi ll;t\ lxhl the leltt‘lle \etl\e lllttl thix xad xtorx ix built on odd tender momentx xnatched from elel’llll). 'I‘liix ix. ltoxx ex er. a xoap opera acted otit bx a right ro_xal caxt. Selected releaxe.

Liannat lh'i O... tJohn Saxlex. I'S. IIISM I.inda (iriffithx. Jane llallaren. Jon De\'riex. I II iiiiiix. Superblx‘ performed. xinai'tlx handled drama frotn Sax Iex xx hich dexci'tbex the grim ltlg‘ lttx e betxx een :t

thirtx xoiiietliing iiiai'ried mother of txxo and her night xchool teacher. Iirotic btit nex er ti'axhx xx ith xpai‘kling dialogue and moinentx of tendernexx and xx inning coined}. lidinburgh I’ilni (Build. lidinburgh.

Limboi l5) t.-\ttne (‘i'ill_x. l‘lx'. Ititll l 25 mmx. Short film in (iaelic xxith linglixh xubtitlex examining the 'dixappeared' of Northern Ireland and exploring the nature of prixate grief. (‘i'illx xx ill make a prexentation prior to thc xcreening. (iilinorchil|(i13. (ilaxgoxx.

The Loch Long Monster libel illen Kelllpth. l'lx/(ici'iiianx. lelll l 5‘) iiiitix. l-oi'get tlie l.och \exx nionxter. the real threat ix the l.och ll‘lxlelll nuclear xubniai‘inex. Kc‘iiiit;ix' film docutiientx the effoi'tx of peace inoxenient actix ixtx to dixarin that threat. b_x aii_x xafe meanx necexxarx. l-ilinliouxe. Iidinbui'gli.

Long Time Dead l ISI 0 t.\larcux Adanix. l‘lx'. Itltll iAIec .\’exxman. I.ara Belmont. Joe Abxolom. 04 iiiiiix. ('hilling iii the baxement beneath a xxareliouxe part}. a group of college matex plax a inakexhift ()uiia board. l'iifoi'tunatelx. the} accidentallx xtinimon an Arabian fire demon. xxhich. ax lore hax ll. iiiiixt murder in gi'uexoiiie. though not pai'tictilai'lx ingenioux xxax x. each member of the group before it can return to itx realm. l’oxt-threc le‘c‘Utl\lt’llc‘llxith til. the horror thriller xx ith the Sci-mm trilogx thexe l‘ai‘odied lit the txxo St‘tii‘x .llui‘it'x thix non- ii'onic 'xtalk 'ii' xlaxh' flick ix plain otit of date. l’erhapx the thinking xxax: Bi'itx can make teen horror filmx too. 'I‘hex can't. (ieneral releaxe.



cal and Crazy

lastiiiw Filiillifiitr—e

12 Rose St 0 Glasgow 0 G3 6R8

Box Office - 0141 332 8128

SUNDAY FEBRUARY 10, 1 1.30am

The buzz film at last year's Edinburgh Film Festival and directed by Knut Erik Jensen. one of N0rway's most renowned filmmakers. Cool and Crazy follows a choir from the remote fishing village of Berlevag facing the ferocious Barents Sea - with practically uninterrupted views to the North Pole. The Berlevag Mans Choir (with ages from 29-96) belt out their repertoire to the world with dignity and irresistible wit. An arctic Buena Vista Social Club - compulsive viewing!

We have 100 tickets to giveaway to YOU and other List readers to see this film - all you have to do is email us at and mark it ‘I’m Cool & Crazy" by noon on February 7.

Al .lti'tv '-1 Fol) 21"."; THE LIST 29