IS it am? Is it And On The Thousandth Night: Forced Entertainment

. . These Shellieltl-hasetl theatrieal itttto\'alot‘_\ present a e‘ottlittttotlx ~xix-hour perl'ormanee l'eaturing eight storytelling mUSlC? '8 It performers dressed as eheap. eompetitne kings and queens. 'l‘ltroughout the puhlie is free to eotne and go. Those who linger

theatre? Or is an hile will likel} experienee a gamut oi'eom'olutetl emotionsT mootlswings and arehetypes.

I [he Arc/ms. (Vasgov; fit/n .7 f / or). 72').C3(),')/7) (Si (3.30;)172. 5‘/'.:>(l '5‘:>.:>()«. Wat/o/ia/ HOV/ow of! we Art OWE/i."

it yes to all of the above?

It is NEW TERRITORIES, incorporating the National Review of Live Art, an international celebration of artistic boundary breaking. And as this

page shows . .t I k Luna: 0 Vertigo | 00 S .. ln Luna. Montreal ehoret)grapher ( nnette amaZIng _ l.aurin\ tlaneers orhit round a dreamy galax} ol \\'lll\[)L‘l'L‘tl breaths. loom-like \U Helen ehanting. \tring \uitex and \eientilie text. ma: . . . , . lheir movementx are etther languid or

monaghan’ Donald pttlxatingl} athletie. Some \Iitlltl behind scratChlng The Inner Fle'dS: Ult'ma vez

Hutera and . . . . . . . .. .

Keuy Apter huge. tlixtortmg tnagml} mg glassex. \VltllL‘ Belgian dance-theatre maker \\ im \antlelxe} has ewlotletl onto the other\ weep l'Ulllltl in hillou in? international \eene in the late [080x lle'\ hack \\'lll] an all—lemale eaxt projeetion—xereen skirtx. l.aurin\ purpose“? tineltnling Seottixh tlaneer lona Ken'ne} ) in Stunt-lune 'l'lu' Inner/711th. 'l'o shed light on the human hotl}. l'sing te.\t looxel} haxetl on a eontemporar} lair} -tale no\el. thix tlark lantax} I l/(l/II‘HKTIE. (Hangout; / 7:5 (*2 .‘Ja! .’(>‘ Mar. promise\ to hold lt\ spellbound \\ ith tt\ dangei‘oux \ igour. [RU/Mn. iii/2:5015154350,, I Ila/72mm. (}/’;1:;g}(>‘-.'.. Sat it; X Stir; I ob, foil/NY). “fiat? row.