Glasgow Iif _'

We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Glasgow life listings compiled by Jane Hamilton.


Practically Ponds l’alacct'igg (‘ountry l’ark. l’alaccrigg Road. ('umhcrnauld. ()l 236 720047.

l0am 3pm. This is thc hcst timc to clcan ponds: frogs and toads arc still in hihcrnation and it's too carl)‘ for plants to start growing. \Vrap tip warm and comc along for sonic good clcan l'un.


Celtic Conversation Pieces Royal ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strccl. 353 8000. l2.30pm. £3.50 £4. lain Anderson introduccs Richard Holloway who will hc gi\'ing a talk cnlitlcd llopcs ttltd Doubts. I’d/'I of ('v/ll't‘ (.(HIIIUt'ItUIM.

Scotland On Film Bordcrs Books. 283 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. 7pm. Iircc. l’anamint ('incma cclchratcs thc rclcasc ol’ rarcly sccn films l'rom thc Scottish l-ilm .-\rchi\ c

Other events

Dykes In The City Screenings l'ntil Sun 27 Jan. (iallcr} ()f' .\lodcrn .-\I'l. ()uccn Sll'L‘L‘l. 32‘) l‘)‘)(i. Dail} scrccnings ol~ lix'c short lilms madc h) thc I..l.l’.S. tl.cshians in l’ccr Support) Youth (iroup follow ing a pcriod ol' scripr riting and tcchnical training at thc (ilasgtm ch‘tlltt :\L‘CC\\ ('cntrc.

Friday 18

Book events

Hamish Whyte (ilasgow :\\\t)L‘lilllt)ll l-"or l"amil_\ Support (iroups, West Strccl. 556 4554. l0.30am l2.30pm. l'rcc to mcmhcrs. £3 mcmhcrship.

Wh) tc hosts a \ irtual mcmorics workshop attcmpting to capturc L'lll\l\ c mcmorics.


Jiri Pelcl 'l‘hc lighthousc. l | Mitchcll Lanc. 22l 6362. 5 6pm. l‘rcc. l(‘onl'ct‘cncc Suitc. Hour 3). Hcad ol' dcsign at thc Acadcmy of Ads. Architccturc and I)csign in l’raguc. .liri l’clcl. will gix c a lccturc on (’/ch1 dcsign.

Other events

The Holiday And Travel Show Sli('(‘. liinnicston Qua}; 0870 040 4000. |0am 6pm. £6 (£4 l. 'I‘op trawl tips and idcas tor dcstinalions alongsidc cntct'tainmcnt. cxhibits and compctitions. Scc photo caption.


San lfam -:'>pm. l ree.

Burrell Collection Qlltii) l’o'ioksha'~.'xs Head. 98/ 9:560. Mon 01:18. Sat l0am 5pm; in 8.


Saturday 1 9


Celtic v St Johnstone ('cltic Park. Kcrrylalc Strcct. l’arkhcad. 551 8653. 3pm. £2 1. SH. l‘oothall tnatch.

Other events

The Holiday And Travel Show Sli('('. l-‘innicston Qua). 08700404000. l0am 6pm. L6 0.4). Scc photo caption. Life Drawing [.ow Parks .\lttscum. l2‘) .\luir Strcct. Hamilton. 0l608 328232.

|.30 3.30pm. £40 pcr tcrm. .\ ninc-wcck coursc in thc art of lit'c drawing locusng on lorm. spacc and light.


Wannabe Birdy? RSPB l.ochwinnoch .\'aturc Rcscn c. largs Road. l.och\\innoch. 01505 842663. I 3pm. l‘rcc. Tr} )otlt' hand at bird watching with stall assisting _\ou on thc hasics such as idcntilication. clothing. optics. habitats and licld cral‘t. Wonderful Weather (‘altlcrglcn (‘ountn Park. Stralhaxcn Road. liast Killu'idc. ()l355 236644. 2 3.30pm. l-rcc. .-\n illtrstratcd talk on thc basics of “cathcr.

Other events

The Holiday And Travel Show Sli(‘(‘. l"innimton ()ua}. 0870 0404000. lilam 5pm. £6 tt'4i. Scc photo caption. Scottish Computer Fair Sl-;(‘(‘. l’innicston Qua}. 0870 040 4000.

l0am 3pm. £3 t£2l. liwryhing computcr- rclatcd at tradc priccs. lrom thc latcst hardw arc and still“ arc to top-qualit} sccond-haiul cqtlipmcnl.

Antique 8. Collectors Fairs .\loll' Hall. Mitchcll 'l'hcatrc (’omplc\. (iram illc Strcct. 0l764 654555. Illam 4pm. U tchildt‘cn lr'cc l. Brow sc or hu} from a w idc \L‘lL‘L‘llolt ol' antiqttcs tllttl L’ollL‘Clllflcs. 30/20 Craft 8. Design Fair Riwal ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. l0.30am 4.30pm. lice ('ontcmporar} cral‘tworlt sold dircct h} thc maltcrs.


University of Strathclyde Talks and Debates Roxal (‘onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 6pm. l-rcc hut tickctcd. .-\ \Cl'lL‘\ ot' c\cnt\ running as part ol(‘cltic (’onncctions. loda} Alastair .\lclntosh discusscs pcoplc \L‘l'\tl\ corporatc po\\ ct.

Tuesday 22


University of Strathclyde Talks and Debates Rtwal ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 6pm. l-‘rcc hut llc‘GClCtl. \lic‘lltlt‘l l‘il‘} gl\L‘\ it lilllx L‘llllllL‘tl "l'hc Scottish limpirc'.

glasshouses are ll()ll‘.(} to an llt'.(E"(Ef3i'll§l and educational selection o" plants. as well as

featuring ill the film Juu’e.

Sir \"'\./i|lia.".i Burrell's \.'./orld

Art Gallery 8. Museum, Kelvingrove

Argyle Street. ’28/ 9099. Mon Thu 8. Sat

10am 55pm; in 8. Sun ltam :'>pm. lree. lhis fine example of late Victorian architecture houses a permanent collection of work by such names as Rembrandt. Botticelli. VJlllSllUl' and ()adell.





not sed in a specially designed. award '.'.’Iniiirig

Glasgow Botanic [(-30 Great V‘Jesterr‘

'1 9?. [Jaiiy

-1pm. l tee. lliis

Road. iii-Er”. Q

.90? century garden ai‘d

famous collection of beautiful art ()l)](}()tf3 ‘rorn around the globe.


Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. Dates and times vary.

Glasgow life

If you are feeling lethargic after the festive excesses. get y0ur mind into gear by taking in one of the many talks happening as part of Celtic Connections. There wrll be ten of the popular University of Strathclyde talks and debates as well as the welcome return of three Celtic Conversation Pieces.

Folk singer Boy Bailey will tune up wrth left-wing politician Tony Benn to present The ll/r/t/ng On The Wall . an event that will combine their radical views in both music and prose. Other Celtic Conversation Pieces include minister Richard Holloway with a talk entitled 'Hopes And Ooubts' and James Hunter disCussing

‘Culloden And The Last Clansman'.

Lovers of the university talks will be pleased to know that they are back this year with more diverse topics up for heated and humorous debate. Mark Sheridan. the events organiser. describes the speakers as 'the glitterati of Celtic culture' and they will be talking ab0ut Current topics including politics. literature

and art.

Such debates include William Walker. Bill Aitken and Tommy Sheridan talking about nuclear weapons and the Scottish question and broadcaster and veteran of the Scottish media scene Buth Wishart who will be asking the provocative question ‘What ls Art For’?'. As Mark Sheridan remembers from past experience. there will be a lot of disagreements but there will also be a lot of fun.

tJane Hamiltoni

Roy Bailey and Tony Benn Ro}a| ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. U0. 'Ihc politician and musician join forces for this cxcnt. tising music and spokcn word to highlight thc radical causcs thc} both support. l’urr of ('(‘ltit‘ ('(mm't‘lruns.

Other events

Arts And Crafts 'I‘.v\("l‘ ('oiiiiiitiitit}' Hall. ('arlow ric .-\\'cnuc. Blant) rc. 0l6‘)8 3‘ 783. l 3pm. £44 pcr tcrm. :\ tcn-

\\ cck coursc c\ploring crcatirc tcchniqucs.

Glasgow School of Art lhe Mackintosh Gallery. 10/ Renfrew Street. 363 4600. Glasgow School of Art is Charles Rennie

People’s Palace 8: Winter Garden

famous and fascinating

l)l ulding.


Mackintosh‘s greatest achievement and it continues to intrigue and inspire vrsitors from all over the world. Still a working art school. regular guided tours let you experience this

Glasgow Science

S0 Pacific Quay. 190 6000. $15.60 5‘14

(53". <S_‘l()l. Situated on the site of the 1088 Garden l estival. Glasgow's S‘ff) million

Gerry Kielty Hot'dct's Books, 283 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. 7pm. l-‘rcc. 'l’hc (ilasgow-hascd yoga tcachcr lcads a class to coincidc with lhc launch ol‘ his ncw audio (I). legit ll'iI/I (it'rrr Kir'ln'.

Wednesday 23

Book events

Ed McBain \Valcrslonc's. l53 l57 Sattchichall Strcct. 332 ‘)l05. 7pm. l'rcc. (’rimc author McBain rcads from and discusses his new ‘87th l’rccinct' now]. .llomjr. .llonm; .llmu't‘.

visitor attraction IS a mine of information on science and technology. Opening times and prices vary. so check in advance on wwwgsc.orguk Glasgow Zoopark Calderpark. Uddingston. 771 l 185). Daily 9.30am 4er. 911.00 ($2.70). A popular haunt on school trips. Glasgow /()()t);1r‘k boasts a varied collection of animals. from lions to guinea pigs. as well as a well. stocked reptile house.

31 .Jan 1’:‘.‘.‘ THE LIST 79