Ding ding. All change at the Honeycomb. The beautiful friendship between Colours and Honeycomb Entertainments has come to a close and so it‘s out with ‘IT' and in with Audio Deluxe, a new weekly Saturday showcasing the talents of Edinburgh’s own Craig Smith (pictured). Catherine Bromley engages her foolish friend in conversation in the hope of finding out more.

Craig Smith? lsn’t he a bit like Yogi Haughton in that he’s been playing out in Edinburgh since he retrieved his records from the thaw of the Ice Age? Fav' (ice. St“ t"'s; a ixt (1" a DJ (llllOS£.ti.". He cut "is; [DJ Hg; toot." ‘.l‘ the cart; 905; '.'.".)."K at; ‘:,i' Hoot), ::i;"‘i; Doss ‘-.“."a."ro" Deigha" at tl‘-:; C-tr‘..:a

lat). a relatioi's'li: that fl ~at-::-" lead to his from: "g; flit} (i 53:; at. fiiél'l‘ of Stillstanta; at the :> it i I Blair Street. The Spit“ DE: aga" conn «:tic'l ::o"tirx.-:3:i at .'."€E"(;- Sll‘llll did the .'.'a"'i‘ .il, '2..t -:,-:; nan‘e guest Dds stici‘ as: Sta-La l.£‘:.'..(‘:". Dania; Réll“ll‘ll‘§} aria Li" l_<;.. -:,~ Vega. Deighan’s clearly a fan of Smith’s smooth and silky grooves then? if you 'i‘ea'l he M23; '.."(3 "(xx/5:35 "f; i: ax; thei‘. yes. he does; at t"at. [Vii .'."‘<: can bian‘e lit“. A“. as; l;-.’3Tlil‘“(; '15; distinct we 'l‘lX o" 130.. t:,i garage am: funk. US "coat; in bars; a":: f; ..i,€; arc-and Edeninn‘g". t't':; [Joj credts l ‘.(Illi(l‘.3 guest ‘;:,<,t:’; at M " sir", Of Soti'xl and Back Ti, 8:18.733; l -:;3;

Clot about. too/u aim; ' 5:; fix" o

Hush Has.“ Pecor'tiir‘tiis a":l "(2'8 firm-t: ropixmg (totes; 7'0" t't‘; «1-5) of K. t; i‘vlti‘ogue and Mo <:»<<;.

So how come he’s doing Audio Deluxe then? H F; r"a "eta. l) :;'.'*<,‘. sad}; (tied a (Kg-{ith .'.’"r:" Nza (Safari and {defining at)", IliE"")".S'.."Et’.(;"l “:52. Grog-id i;t(3ass"‘;i l)"f,‘.'.”;.“)33 LU." twig-"r;- ai‘o at ‘lT'. the l‘l(;'7‘.:.’i’.;"‘l, t"< iiti'”.

t": on? the gape-at t' r,- ';"a" ".(l’lillg rtseif 0‘ (.J’)",.."f; av: (,1; "awa- lif)-".‘.’irl<8 l)t.t «(piano t"-'; ta -';-"t<;': resident Dds c" 'l'." :"tat,t.

So Audio Deluxe is essentially ‘IT’ without the superstar DJs? V05; am: "a. Sr" tl‘. "‘anis t"<: "‘a 't '20" mm;- fellcx.’ DISllitl’. “CS/hf”. iii ’2 iztams trot ream/r,- ssotii gax/ t"";_.:;" Tl‘t: pack. Arid while the other, of the " ii"t a": that ocal ;<><;k5; o‘te" (if, t l;‘3'.If:" t"ai‘. 0“") ‘issheo ri'zr'h-x-f;

owl, ( ll‘i‘5”: lL‘: Ti: 1:87..“

yyi<jr§tit Hip/Ll (Ii'yi: 1;:1"il"r<

Fe! (ram 2 FUln aw: Bent, Mail.

I Audio Data/t}. {930% .‘Safiir/ia at


66 THE LIST" "

I Lost at Sttidio 3-1. .\lonthl\. .'\'c\t datc S’ l-'ch \\ ith l).l Surgcon i'l'rcxori.

I M8 Club Tour at ligo.

lll.3ll[llll 3am. £5. IS .lan onl_\. li\cr}hod_\ \ lilHllll'llC music inaga/inc hoxtx a cluh night lor \ick kidx in association \\ith local night. ‘l‘hc l‘un. l).l\ Rodnc} Rcla\. lan 'l'hoinpmn. l’aul Dickxon. Smokc} tk 'l'hc Bandit pla) hard-hitting llllll\L‘ \\ ith local hcat coniho .\l} lilcctric l.o\ c .\llair pla_\ li\c. .'\ll pl'oL‘L‘L‘th go to ‘Sick KltlS l'llllltlt

I Majestica at .\'oa hax no\\ linixhcd. I The Mambo Club at thc .\laniho ('liih. lllpin 3am. £4 it;i \\llll li\L‘l‘l hclorc midnight; £5 al'tci'. \Vcckl}. Sir ()\\lc\ ltlglll} I'L‘SPL‘L‘lL‘tl llil\ ol i'cggttt‘. ragga. Rxll rap and hip hop contintic\ to hc onc ol thc \trongcxt nightx loi' music ol hlack origin in to\\ n.

0 Manga at l.a llcllc .-\ngclc.

lllfillpni 3am. L‘lll it‘h‘l. 25 Jan. Monthl). 'l'hc nion\tci' di'uin N ha“ part}

cclchratcx \i\ _\cai'\ raging \\ ith a lll;l\\l\t‘

wNon lcaturing thc ci'cain ol Scotlaiid’x

innglc l).lx. It‘s an all—out tlll\l;ltlj_'lll

lllL‘ltltllllg \liort l).l \lot\ ll'rllll (i .\lac. Kid. Kcinal tk Roll l)ata. lhc (icnci'al. 'lcl. 'lania Suil't. l’aul chct. Scnxcx and 5“” ()l {.341} lllth .\l(‘ tltlllL‘\ lrom .\.l. l'cclinan and (itllll\. lo guarantcc cnti‘}. gct _\our tickctx in ad\ancc lroin thc tl\tl;ll outlclx or arm c carl} on thc night. Scc pi'c\ ic\\ and llitlixt.

I Metalheadz at thc llonc} coinh. \c\t datc S l'ch lcaturing gtlt‘\l l).l. (il’tltl\cl’ltlL‘l'.

I Mischief tll lllL‘ \t‘lltlt‘.

lllfillpin 3am. [to plu\ hooking lcc ia\ailahlc in ad\ancc ll‘lllll Ripping. l'ndcrgi'ound Solu‘ \hn and l-'oppi. l l'ch onl_\. 'l'hc \ccond in a \cricx ol onc-oll aural \pcctaciilarx hringing logcthci' thc coinplimcntar} lic|d\ ol hip hop. di'iiiii tk ham and ragga. ln thc tli'tiin t\ haxx arcna \\ c ha\ c l).l .-\phroditc. .\lickc} l‘lllll and .'\1(. limit l’ipcr; in thc hip hop arcna \\c ha\c lx’odnc} l’. Skit/ and ll;ii'i'_\ l.o\ c and in thc ragga Iotingc \\ c ha\ c lhc onc and oitl} .'\.l litixh lx’ccoi'dingxi. (ict _\our tickctx in ad\ancc or _\oti lll;l_\ llll\\ out. I Mondo at thc \cntic. lll. lllpin 3am. U tL'5 l. 35 Jan. .\lonthl\. lx’midciih night at thc pi'ogi'cxxn c houxc and trancc \houcaxc lcaturing .\ldoxox. .\ Ra} and Sltlttl'l .\l\ll. .'\lltl l'ol' llltixt‘ llltll llkt‘ cliihhing \\ itli thcii' othci' hall. il _\oii conic a\ a cotiplc )oii gct in llll’ a tcnnci'. I Modern Lovers ;ii l'.go. llpiii ‘~;iiii. L31. 1 l‘ch. .\lonthl\. 'l‘hc might} (’hi'ix (lL‘tlth\ tllcllc t\' Scll;i\liani ioinx rcxitlcnl l).l ('raig and llL‘\\ ho} l.atii‘cnl at llll\ \uinging (illx li\. lcatui'ing rarc \oul. llaininond _i;i//. lrcakhcat. i‘ockxtcatl} and claxxic .latnaican \ka.

I A For Cuba ill lllt‘ lltlllg‘tl ('luh. lllfillpin .iain. to i Ur IS .laii. .\lonthl\. lzdinhui‘ghK lcading l.atiii nightx (‘Iuh l.atiiio. Salxa \'i\a. :\rakataca and l.aliii |'.\p|o\ion cluh togcthci' oncc again to hunt thi\ might} hootcnann}. .'\|l prolitx lroni thc night go tlll'L‘L‘ll} ltl .\lt‘tllk‘illt‘ ('tllltt. \il ttx \\ C” ;I\ ha\ ing a licr) licxta _\oti can congratiilatc )tltiiM‘ll on doing _\otii' \llltlll hit lor thc pcoplc that ga\c ux l.atiii \pii'it iii thc lirxt placc.

I Nuklear Puppy at ligo. .\ltlllllll}. \L‘\l tlttlL‘ l5 l't‘ll.

I Opium at ()piuin. Illpin .iaiii. l'i'cc. \‘i'cckh. lhc all nc\\ rock hat ctiiii cliih coinplc\ takc» hold ol' l'.tliiihiii‘;_'li\ altci' lllllll‘\ \ccnc Iikc a i‘uxt} \tccl trap to a haplcxx \xoodland ci‘catiirc. hi tci‘inx ol llltl\lL' polic_\ )t'il. )tltl gllt‘\\ctl ill it\ rock. iiti inclal and allci'natnc/indic.

I Pillbox at Studio 3-1. Illillpin ‘llllll. L") lUll. 25 .lan. .\lonthl\. Ilouhlc drop and _\ou don't \top at thc third hii‘thd;i_\ L't‘lt‘lll'allolh ill llll\ it‘l\l) lt‘cllllo Iilglll. 'l-llL‘ lll‘\l lllll llll'tltlt‘ll lllt' tltltll' j..'t'l ti llt't‘ l’illho\ (l) and c\cr_\onc cl\c gclx a lull on clcctro tcch li'ciix} cai'c ol ll\\.it\ong. .l-l.oop. .\loi'ph lli\c \t‘ll and l'ilth} lx’ich. \Vhat'x inoi'c. thci'c'x li\ c hip hop lioni l.lt|llltl tip lhc \ltlll'. \ai'ict) or \\l1al .’

I Planet Earth at thc (’itrux (‘luh lllfillpni 3am. L'S. \Vcckl}. ’l'hc \aricd

\ ixual and lllthlL‘tll dclightx ol thc 7ll\ and St)» \\ ith \oinc \lrcxx laid on thc c\ploit\ ol' carl} .\‘llx clccti'o pop arlixtx. .\'o \inoking at thc har plcaxc.

I Radio Babylon iii [a Bcllc .-\ngclc hax no\\ linixhctl ax a i'cgular llltlllllll} rc\idcnc_\. \t-\t datc 3| .\lar l'caturing giicxt l).l .\ndrcu \Vcathcrall.

I Rampage :ii ilic \ciitic llop i'looi-i. Illfillpin 3am. U t£5l. IS .lan. .\lonlhl}. Rampagc rcxidcntx l’hil [cm and l’cai\a|l go hcad to hcad in a l).l hatllc to thc dcalh againxt l).l Skclp and l‘rcd l.cinon ol' inlanioux .\hcrdccn hard honxc night. lriplc Haw. Bring thc pain.

I Resistance :ii ilit- \cnuc.

‘lpin 3am. to. 35 Jan. .\lonthl\. (irit )lllll' tccth and gird _\our loinx lor anothcr tantali\ing trip doun hard \trccl ax chixlancc \\clcoiiic\ a linc-tip conipi'ixcd ol': l).l Slitlll'l. l’riinal l. Roh \oi/c. l).l /.onk and lilcincnt .\htixc lll\ c \ct l. l’\}cho \ccncx ol' hardcorc inxanit) \\ ill no dotiht t‘lhllt‘ and il'_\oti ari'i\ c carl) and hring \oinc ol~ _\our o\\ n rccordx. )ou can takc part in thc l).l coinpctition \\ itli a \lot at a Iatcr l\’t‘\l\l;lllt‘t‘ tip lor grahx.

I Roadblock at l’o .\a \a.

lllpin .‘ain. U. \Vcckl}. \icci l' (.4 l’iccc Suitcl \ltl|l\ thc tral'lic in had innxic

\\ hcn \hc digx tip thc hcxt in liiiik. dixco. hoiixc and hlock i'ockin‘ hcalx.

I Salsa Con Sabor .ii l-.l llal‘l‘ltl. Illpni .iani. licc hclorc llpiii: £2 altcr. \Vcckl}. ’icatx li'oin thc hai'i'io at thix \\\lll;_’lllL‘ part} hoxtcd h} l).l llcctoi‘. .\ano and thc l.atiii pomc‘. l‘rcc hcginnci'x‘ \alxa claw \ltll'l\ at “pm.

I Spectral at \Vcc Rt-tl Bar.

llpiii ‘ain. L'o i (5 i. IS .lan. .\lonthl\. lx’midnit l).l l’hil l)ick\on unlcaxhcx a tour hour \ct ol dccp and dark litiropcan hotixc and liink_\ tcchno.

I Subculture meets Friscodisco at 'l hc llonc\coinh. .\lonthl\. \c\t dalc l i-t-ii. ' '

I Sublime at thc llonc}conih. ll)..:ll[\lll Kain. L‘lll t L‘Si. IS .lan. l'orltiiglill}. .\ Scotlixh c\clii\i\ c at thc cit) \ pi‘cinicr tcch ti'ancc night thi\ l'ortnight. a\ l't‘\ltlt‘lll Km Wright inakcx room at thc dcckx lot" a j..'th\l \ct lroin Sxtcdcn'x .\lllltl\ l H} ing Rhino l\)t‘c‘ill‘tl\l.

I Underground Solu ‘shn ;ll l.;i llcllc .\ngclc. lllfillpin Rain. L‘," tL'Sl. l.\' .l.in. \lonthl}. 'l'hc hcxt in undci'groiind lltll|\t‘ li'oni thc kno\\ lcdgcahlc t} pcx

\\ ho \lall thc cit} \ Icading indcpcndcnt i‘ccoi'd \hack nainch (icoi'gc 'l'. Sinionc and (i;t\ Stithci'land.

I UTI presents ‘X-Ray Ted’ zit ilic \Vcc lx’cd llai'. lllfillpni 3am. L‘S iL'Sl. l l-ch .\lonthl\. 'l'hc tindci'grotind tcchno night \\ clcoiiicx a li\ c \ct lroin ('_\niho|. Suppoit \‘lllllt'\ caic ol thc rcxidcnlx ’I'orniod .\loi‘. .lti|l|l_\ (Hi? and Scinai.

I Work at Iago. .\lonthl\. \t‘\t datc thc.

Chart & Party

I The Bristo Square Experience ttl l’tlllt‘l'l'o“ ;tlltl lt'\ llll RU“ llilll\L‘. ‘lpiii .‘aiii. l'icc. \\cckl_\. 'l‘hc cit} \ \llltlt'lll\ run amok in llrixto Stiuarc. waking up lll;llll\ll't‘;llll houxc. ci';i/} kaiaokc and plcnt_\ ol alcohol.

I Cross Town Traffic at ("liih .l;l\;i. tl. lllpai lain. L5 iUl. \Vcckl}. ('hccx} chart and dancc \\ ith l).l .'\lllt‘\.

I Friday Funkin’ at ilic .'\l'l\.

lllpiii Kain. ljl it'll. \Vcckl}. Yoti'u‘ \toikcd hard. nou \ll'lll )oiii' lunk} \tull likc thci'c'x no loniorroxt to llig l)a\c\ pail} llll\,

I Frozen In Time ill ’l‘iiiic.

llpiii iain. L' 1 Mill li\cr; £5 \\ithout. \\cck|_\. \ \lltlll. gruinp} inan p|a_\\ t‘oiiiiiici'cial chart and dancc. ()\cr 3 l \ only

I Kick at loca. lllplll .lani. LC llclot'c iiiidiiighl; L31 .illci'. \Vcckl}. Kick \tart lhc \\cckcntl \\ ith ciii'i'ciit connncrcial chart and pop pap li'oiii .ici'oxx thc dccadcx,

I Lights, Camera, Action ill Rcmliititiii. lll.3()piii 3am. £5 lUl. \Vcckl). l-‘irc catcrx. \nak'c charmcrx. c\otic dancci'x. li\c l’;\\ and a juiccd-iip cast ol thouxandx at lltl\ hig ‘olc .\hotthi/ haxh.

I Lush at ligo. lllfillpin 3am. £3. 25 .Ian. .\lontth Shin}. happy liotlxc l'or \lllll}. llapp} pcoplc at llllx coinincrcial ini\cd/ga_\ night hoxtcd h} D] l)alc and (’raig.

I Mardi Gras at ilic (‘axcndixli lllpin 3am. tjo tl‘rcc lllL‘lllllL‘l'Slilp a\ailahlc i. \Vcckl}. 'l‘hc (li\cndixh conicx o\ci' all carnnal at llli\ ncn night \lttmca\il1g 7th right through to tip-to- datc llltlllhll‘L‘itlll dancc lllll\lc. ()Vcr 35\ olil).

I The Subway at thc Sulma}.

‘lpin 3am. l’rcc hcl'orc l 1pm: £3 (U l al'tci'. \Vcckl}. Scc 'l‘hu.

I Tease at Suhua} \cht lind.

4pm .iain. lircc hcl'orc llpiii: £3 (U l altci'. \Vcckl)‘. l).l llainin} Plil)‘\ chart tuncx tor thc \icll-oilcd \\tlt‘le‘\.

I The Time Tunnel ttl (‘ltih .\lcrcado. lllpm 3am. {Sit-1 \xith thcrl. \Vcckl}. 'l’rcnd} \Vcnd). Shim hi/ Jaxc and lictt} l-ord tllxl‘llpt thc \pacc-timc continuum \\ ith lllllc‘x l'roin lhc ()()\ right up to right no“. ()r ina}hc it’x itixt thc alcohol.

Edinburgh Saturdays

Pie—Club I Beluga at Bcluga. Spin lam. l’rcc. \Vcckl}. lirik l)a Viking and l)oni lilanagan \pan a \pcctruni ol lltltl\L‘. garagc and l.atin ltlllC\. I Black Sauce at Bani Boti. Upni lani. l’rcc. \\'cckl_\. ('onl'ticiux \21)‘ thix ncxx ()ricntal stylc har got plcnt} good undcrground hoth lllll\lL‘ \\ ith .\lai'tin \alcntinc and Stcxcn \Vanlcxx ll'll'l\L’tlLll\L'tl l. I Cuba Norte at (‘uha .\Joi'tc. lllpiii lain. l'rcc. \Vcckl}. llot \alsal lt‘x Satiirda} and that lllL‘ttll\. cr. hot \alxa at llll\ cpiccntrc ol all llllllgx l.atin. I Extra Width at (iildcd Saloon. Spin lain. l’rcc. \Vcckl}. .\'c\\ \\;l\‘L‘ \ll\L'tl tlL‘ all )otll‘ l‘a\ouritc llltllL‘ llll\l \\ ith rotational l).lx (irainnc. Kcii'on and Stuart Braillmaitc l.\log\\ ail. Sccing ax lhcw l'olk pla} a \oinc\\hal \ignilicant i'olc in Scotlanth indcpcndcnt intixic \ccnc. gucxt l).lx l'roin hands likc Bcllc tk Schaxtian and Snotx l’ati'ol arc a rcgular l'cattii'c at li\tra \Vidth. I Flashback at l'laxhhack. 8.30pm lain. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl}. l).l \cnux \cr\c\ up an cxcn mi\ ol chart pap l‘roni thc paxt tour dccadcx. ()\cr le onl_\ . I Four To The Floor at Rthli. Upni Iain. l‘i'cc. \Vcckl}. lil chiindo‘x l).chdo pla} ing l'unk. \tllll. iaH and all that inxpircd hip hop. I Immersed In Music at l’i\o. llpiii lain. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. Stuart l)tincan takcx thc highua} to progrcxxn c houxc hca\ cn t It) .lanl \\ hilc Siihliinc'x Kc\ \Vi'ight tcchx thingx cax) \\ ith hix trancc \clcction tlti .lall l. I Made In Iguana at Iguana. ()pnl ltllll. l'il‘L‘L‘. \VL‘L‘kl}. (‘Ullll (.(ltlh il'lli'agrom cl pla} \ \oinc rcal dcal houxc music. li'oin thc c\pcrinicntal to thc tough and ti'ihal \\ ith random l.atin inl'lucnccx throu n in lor good lllL‘thlll'L‘. I Mission Jnr at Studio 24.

lllpin. £5. \Vcckl}. Bah} inctallcrx go hcxcrklc} at thix all—tic“ prc-cluh. It. _\on look old cnoiigh _\ou can go thc dixtancc and \ta} ptit tor .\lixxion [ll‘tlpt'l‘ \\ hich kickx oil at llpiii. I Oxygen at ()\}gc‘ii. ‘lpin lain. l-‘rcc. \VL‘L‘kl}. l.llt“\ tl gth tll llll\ \\\;llll\} \l_\ lC har. \\ ith lunk) lll‘L‘;lk\ and hip hop to houxc groo\c\ troin llcadxpin‘x .>\llan l)tinh;ir l l‘) .lanl and llighcr ( iround'x l.iiitl\c} 'l'odd 13o .lan l.