Ladyvipb ‘Communication’ (Nuphonic COO. Breakage/xx:- ‘.'.’();it(l l)(: int: :;:>.t":i'.r'a(:k. Tonto. Kt:- '1. anti O/ont: :.. (l t:<::i, ~t:o(:
tisst:$.<>"t.: l\/i(lkll‘</11lcll(>"f3 l)lf,.tll(}(l'
Milli) (B'liiif'i) Silt. {YOGA}. Telepopmusik ‘Breathe’ (Catalogue O. ii'a"::t; We is. 2:100 «(its and
a ‘.()(Zit~f$'. s; "gait; in at least "-(1-r second (annaagit: “Jas’. :;(:- -::-‘.(2. Just tireat'iti'. A"::ct."<3 a"‘t::(2t‘.t oat).
50:50 ‘Bad Boys Holler Boo!’ (Logic II. 8:: Satin not) 'l‘..'8iil from the 5.1151) (yr-ca t:a:: no.3; (:aagil‘t t;(>t'.'.’t‘;(:~ti Oxt-zil} 8. Netti" ":1 a":) Dam:- Boxers. Pack aw) a "éif‘il t: a::-::-. "02121..
Timo Maas ‘To Get Down’ (Perfecto
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Llorca with Nicole Graham ‘Indigo Blues’ (F Communications 0000 Cum-:3" "(Altar (: astt; t)‘ N colt} Gt‘a"ati‘
ann t...:it>‘.i<: l- area's; ’l .i'i-rz sa'in‘.
53a *‘na. Scottish .'.':ri'.~::" .'.r(>..::il"t satien‘ :K€}f3..13i" anati ;:la::-:;-. Part: Bra/(Ila ni'ss.
Sarah McLachlan ‘Angel’ (Nettwerk O. A (Iran a.“ statue“. ‘.'.'l‘()8(} {moral .(XiEiSEt"flli,£llll‘it8121101901
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Various Artists ‘Various Artists’ (Looking Good Good looking
I. Attentxrigi to aiio to his (:rtili‘ 8. pass; (art, "-::. LTJ Bthtj’l‘ starts int:- ,c-a' t?‘ °..'.<, (ii:..t:~i(: l>£tfiv<53 53‘1.:;.'.<:asl";; a" octet o" ki‘osxirili ia/z— ‘i(:(:k(3<i talc-"35;. Swee- trlilg. townie titles Sax Anne-a5 ~ ‘(it' lacks sake!» little 2t'..'l‘()f3l)":{:l' <3 hing (,- «itt: tic-alt; and syntii f3.’.’£lI.’)l}S a2. 0‘ x" T'a.’ if: Milt/:0 tot:- tann'nti. "(nor (“("(l lion’s, soak “(i S.O.L.|.S. ‘Dolphins’ (Additive 0.. (I asst (2:: l)t'();€:f;‘. some iitis‘. ’_;"'.”f3{ (0:; 'l’tl'lféf-fp" .'.'tl1;isst;’)<‘k, Et".’2 giltft, sex 9" attacgtae §}t\.'t'.S. litmus; "‘(,"(: iikt; (if, ;:ii:l‘:; (italic: t(;:i "V; 21"‘021'. {}"'l‘(l(:"f"£t" ti‘tssxxitltvui
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"‘é‘t'Y‘W‘é‘i‘S zi't; asaa'l. t;"()"»:2 if; tiiwr. No.2. .'.'l:(;"-’;'ts "‘(,- f...";‘: (ital? Cat'ltfl‘ftz Brfil‘xtz, at") I"/l£tt‘r< l'l’)t;(:l'ff‘)(,"(
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(3.2%; 8??!) H(}(,()'():;
Soma’s Percy X guests at all-new techno night Monox at the Soundhaus, Fri 18 Jan
I Fourward Thinking at Four (‘ale Bar ((‘(‘;\). 9pm midnight. l-‘ree. \Veekl}. l’re-cltih \\ itli an emphasis on hreakx atid heals.
I Moda at Moda. Spin 3am. l5ree. Weekl). DJ Scolt \\tlt‘ltt\ tip \\ itli \ueet RN13. lolloxxed h} DJ l’i.\ie\ lunk} littlISL‘ shenanigans.
I Nico’s at .\'ico'\. 9pm midnight. l‘ree. \\cekl_\. DJ Mark Dull pla}ing a \\ ide selection ol littlhe. garage. Rtkl’) atid hip hop.
I Papacool at Mel’ltalihx.
9pm midnight. I-‘ree. \Veekl}. 'l‘he llne\l iii iaH. \oul atid ltiiik.
I Soulflow at liat Drink Man \Voiiian. 9pm midnight. £3. 5 .laii. l5ortniglill_\. (’laxxic will cut\ \piced tip \\ill1\()ltte l.atinhoogaloolroiii Manuel and Michael.
I Spy at Sp} Bar. 9pm midnight. l’ree. \Veekl}. l.aurence Hughes and ('oliti Da\ ie alternate each Sat pla} ing the hext iii qualit} lit)tl\e music and hoth proViditig a part} ttlltttixpltet'e.
I The Works at Bar ll).
‘)pm midnight. l'ree. \Veekl}. (irahatii \Vilxon \\ itli \oul. hip hop atid house.
I Aurall at ('(‘.v\. \c\t date 30 Mar
\\ ith the lirxt hit'thda} honan/a leat. .locel)ti Broun and DJ Mark Moore.
I Bennet’s at Bennet‘x.
ll..‘~l)pm 3am. £5. \Veekl}. Sliaun \\ itli a coiiitiiercial dance wt and :\ttnie \\ ill) a hlend ()l 7(l\ and Nb liit\ at the cit} \ oldest ga} cluh. Not in terms ol the clientele. til course.
I The Cathouse at the (‘athotixe 10.30pm 31in). £3.50 (£2.50) helot'e
I 1.30pm: £4 alter. \Veekl}. Indie. rock. grunge atid heats ttL‘l'()\\ tuo llt)(it‘\. QCIub 69 at Rocks) \ Baxetiient. lt)pm 2.30am (tiiidtiiglit curlett ). £(i llttL‘lttlk‘l’\ ()nl} ). \Veekl}. The team hehind tlie Rtih-;\-Duh record shop \\ tilt the deepest underground Detroit atid electro sounds. 'lhix lorlnight (20 Jan). lltl)\e pioneers ol \teird electronic dance tttthiL‘. the \Varp Record Dix. are tiiakitig another appearance at the haxetiient cltih. hasicall} hecauxe the} liked it \0 much last little. l-or tiietiihei'xhip details. call Ruh—:\-Dtih on 400 (i007. See llilli\l.
I Colours at the Arehex. .‘xtoiithh. \L‘\l date 9 l'eli \\ ill) .ltiltli Dig“ ced. Ste\e lei". Anthony l’appa atid Brancaccio (k .'\i\ltet' (Bedrock).
I Cube Class at (‘uhe llpm 3am. £7 (£5 ). \Veckl}. ()ltlr-Sk'llttttl llttlISL' L‘l;t\\ie\ and up-to-date tlnlltelth are the order ol the da_\ at this packed Sat nighter. thanks to iiiaiti room titan Malt |.e l'tllllx. in [he hack l).\l(i \cr\ L‘\ (It) Rik”.
I Divine at (ilaxgotx School ol;\rt ltlti\\lt\litll‘\l. ltlptii 3am. £5 (£4); £3.50 (iSA \ltttlenlx. \Veekl). Andre“ l)i\ lne atid llthlt l’ttpp} continue the longest running i'exidenc} in (ilaxgtm. The secret ol their loiige\ it) '.’ Damn good northern \lotitpeh. ttttitig-ltezn} \lea/e-luiik and the hext in huhhleguiii pop. Long ma} it continue.
I Fluid Vs Relief at .v\la\ka.
I lptii 3am. £|() ( £8). l‘) Jan. Montlil}. Slani‘x onl_\ exent ln:\l;t\l\;tll1l\lltttnlll \ec\ D] Q and Marc Mc(’ahe take on Bill} \Vtioth. Silicone Soul and (‘tilitt Mclareti at \\ liat pl'tiltti\L‘\ to he an aliiiiglit) house riot.
I Freefall at the Arches. Montlil_\. \C\l date 2 l'el‘.
I Freelance Science at .'\la\ka. Monthl}. \e\l date 3 l‘eli.
I Freeform at the ch .\‘ote (‘ltth tholli lloot'xt. 9pm 3am. l-‘ree helorc lllfillpni; £5 (£4) alter. \Veekl}. :\|l \(il'l\ ol tunes lroiii Stexeti atid Paul Wall. taking iii hip hop. _ia//. disco and l.atiii. augmented h} Ra} Sti/uki'x lelt-ol-cetilre protections.
I Fusion at the Ri\er\ide Social. Monthly .\'e,\t date 9 l‘eh.
I Future World Funk at (‘(‘..\. Monthl}. .\'e\t date ‘) l-eh.
I Havana Esperito at ('an\a\. £7. \Veekl}. DJ Jal/ hringx hix l.atino ho.\ ol tricks to the Merchant (‘it_\ \ Ite\\e\l \eiiue. (‘amax \tliere there's no dedicated daticelloor. but there i\ chi“) \er\ ice atid an elegant. sophisticated \‘ihc lor llt()\e \\ lio’\e had enough (it \\\ eat
\\ itli their \alxa.
I Hi-Karate at Riterxitle (‘Itth Midtiiglit 3am. £(i. 2t) Jan. Monthl}. Re- launch ol the nigh on legendar} hip hop. ltitik and electro night pre\ iouxl} resident (H the .~\t'l Selttitil. Residentx \eil McMillan atid Andre“ Di\ inc road text the deck at this inaugural \e\\i()n uhile ltilttre datex \\ ill include guest spots lrotii local and international hip hop stars.
I Homebass at :\l;t\ktt. l lpm 3am. £8 (Hi). In .lan. Monthl}. Radio ()iie\ Sexxion iii Scotland presenter. (iill .\lill\ takes to the deck\ pla) ing \\ hate\ er takes her lane}. \\ ltilc The .lengaheadx take on .\'e\\ York haxed ('arhon Recorth llp\l;til'\. li\pect ainthing lrotii deep house. indie pop atid niath rock to gttt huxting techno.
I Homecookin at Baha/a. liree helore l lpm; £5 alter. \Veckl). DJ\ Ste“ art
Mc( ‘alltim atid .loe lliggilh keep the lttthie ‘lttltlnilll. atid the dance lloor
iumpin' all night long. Rth tracks mi\ed
\\ ill) the odd claxxic atid old- \kool la\ourite\.
I Inside Out ttl llte Arches. lll.5(lptll 3am. £l7. 2(i .lan. Motitlil}.
hollow iiig on lrom the liugel} \ttL‘L‘exxllll l‘uture Heroes night in Jul}. Inside ()ttl are hack \\ itli another hatch ol
ltillttit‘t‘()\\ \ \ltlt'\ Y\e.\ Dorruitel‘. Scot Project. Kai 'l‘racid (the). Sigiiutii. DJ lilite and hone tide local heroes Alan Belxlia“ and Simon ho} are on the decks lor a night ol progrexsne house and trance.
I Jamboree at Retl\. l lpm 3am. £7 (£5). \Veekl). John l._\t)n.\ and Martin llexketli ol Velxet Rooms lame tiii\ tip a hlend ol commercial Rtkll and \(itll.
I Life at l.ile. lllpm 3am. £5. \Veekl}. DJ Sktid. l’aul Rea aiid [an 'l'lioiiixoti present a \election ol soul. lttnk and disco augmented \\ itli original \ainplex atid loops to guarantee a next take on lamiliar \oundx.
I Lush at the Polo Lounge.
lt).3()pm 3am. £5. \Veekl}. Featuring .v\nd_\ iii the 'lroph} Rooiii \\ itli hitx lrom the DUN to [lie Sllx. \tltlle Toni PH“ ith\ an up-lront dance selection iii the main rootii at the c‘it}'\ prettiest ga} chih.
I Melting Pot at the Ri\‘er\ide Social. itiidtiight 3am. £lt). 1‘) Jan. Moiitlil}. (iet do“ ti \lttntl up and strut )ottr lunk) \lull _\ 'all at one ol ( ilthgt)“ 'x huxiext cltih nights. Residents Simon ('ordinei' and Bill} Woods pro\ ide the underground disco clasxicx and qualit} house that ha\ the CH)“ d ettlhlttnll} on their leet.
I Mish Mash at the Arches. Montlil). Next date to let) \\ itli lilth hirthda} hash. I My Machines at (ilaxgott School ol .-\rt. llptii 3am. £7 (£(i). \Veekl}. Hamish and \Vilkex luck the kids tip \\ itli their unique hlend ol Detroit and liuro experimental techno.
I Papacool at All lih. I |.3(lpm 4am. £5 (£4 ). 30 Jan. Monthly. The l’apacool ho_\ \ tiiake the lloor hounce \\ itli the tinext iii dancetloor tunk. \oul atid _ia//. I Phonic at :\d [.ih. l lpm 5am. U). 36 Jan. Mottlltl}. Qualit} Deep “tithe \tilh Phonic t‘e\ident\ Ste\ en Reill). (itit'don Logan atid Mark Heaxenor.
I Relief at Alaska. Monlhl}. Next date ‘) [eh
I Salsa Havana at thana Bar.
Uptii 3am. l‘ree. \Veekl}. .-\ \\ ild tiii\ ol l.atin selections. inlel‘\pet'\ed \\ ill) cotiiniercial chart latex lrom Keith and .v\|e\i\.
OShake The Disease at the Sotlntlltttth. llpm 5am. 20 Jan. £8. Monthl}. Drum & haxx pioneers Shut l’p & Dance ioin t‘e\itleltl\ 'I‘uitcli & Boxco to unleash a till-\kttttl hreakx \et. .v\mong the l'K.\ lit'\l eltl ‘n' [ithle producers. Smile} and Pi lllxpit'etl earl} jungle and continue to hreak houndariex \\ itli their meat) heal ltlttnlptllttlittlh. D.) \upport on the night comes care ol t'e\tdenl\ 'l'u itch and BOSCH. See prexieu and llilli\l.