Gay listings

Gay listings continued

Edinburgh Sundays


Tackno ('ltib Mercado. 36 3‘) Market Street. 226 4224. 10.30pm 3am. £3 £6. Still 27 Jan. .‘ylonthly. 'l'rendy Wendy consolidates her domination of lidinburgh’s club scene at her most celebrated showcase. 'fackno

Lube ligo. l’icardy‘ Place. 478 7434. l0.30pnt 3am. £ l0. Stilt 27 Jan. Fortnightly. .\'ew fortnightly club promising tlte yery best of underground daitce.

Edinburgh Mondays


Gay Men’s Swimming Group (‘all 2264476. 8pm. Weekly. Informal swimming session.


Trendy Wendy Planet ()ttt. (ireenside Place. 524 0061. 10.30pm 3am that from 6pm). l’ree. l-‘ortnightly. l)J's eyery week and Trendy Wendy doing her thing eyery fortnight (Mon 21 Jan).


Velvet Goldmine l-‘ilittliouse. 88 Lothian Road. 228 2688. 7.15pm. £3.50--£5.50 (£2.00 £4.00). .\lon 2l Jan. liwan .\lc(iregoi' in a heady. bisexual glam rock odyssey from 'I‘odd llaynes.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


Women’s Group Drop-In I.(iB ('entre. 60 Brotighton Street. 478 706‘). 7pm. Free. Weekly. lnforntal meeting. Edinburgh Gay Women’s Group Nexus. Broughton Street. 557 8847. 7pm. Free. Weekly. Social group.

Glasgow Scene Clubs

Bennet’s 90 (ilttssford Street. .552 576l. llpm 3.30am. £3 £6 (£2 £5). Bennet's recently celebrated its twentieth birthday aitd is open for futi the nights a week with excellent dance action Wed to Stilt attd a student night on Thu. Cube 34 Queen Street. 226 8990.

1 1pm 3am. £3 (£2 with flyeri. l-‘ormerly known as l’lanet Peach this reyamped club holds gay nights on Mon and Tile with l’assionality and l“.l'..\'. both playing cheesy cltart and hattdbag house.

Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Street. 553 I22]. l0pm 3am. £5. lfyou're up fora dance downstairs in the Polo is the place to be with club nights Hi to Still with l’resh. lush and ('arry tilt l’olo.


Candle Bar 20 (‘rtiidlet-iggs. 564 1285. 9pm. Free. This liyely bar has a disco llayour on Wed. Hi and Sat. with a seductiye mix of gossip. triyia and karaoke in the company of :\ngie() till a Sun.

Court Bar ()9 Htlleheson Street. 5.52 2463. 6.30 l0pm. liree. A popular traditional bar where you cart cltill all week apart from Sun when it’s karaoke fren/y.

Delmonica’s 68 Virginia Street. 552 4803. ()pm. l‘ree. l)els ltas a week packed fttll of things to keep you amused with His on I‘ll. Sat. .\lon aitd 'l'tle. a gui/ on Thu. karaoke on Stttt aiid a games night on Wed.

LGBT Centre I l Dixon Street. 221 7203. l lam l2am. Free. The bar/cafe iii the l.(il£'f is ttot only a perfect \enue for coffees. food atid drink btit also has karaoke from l’ri to Sttn.

Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Street. 553 l22l. |0pm lam. l-"ree. lintertainment from Mon to 'l‘hu with eyerything front

58 THE LIST 1-;‘. .la" I’t/fl/


Obsessions (Gay Men's Press $39.95)

Borderline, The Mainstream Book Of Scottish Gay Writing

llvlainstream $39.99)

Joseph Mills. who works in a Glasgow library and lives in a Gorbals tower block which he describes as “a hell hole Surrounded by herein addicts and asylum seekers'. has an incredibly productive life.

He has jUSl edited Border/lite: The Mainstream Book Of Scottish Gav Writing and his collection of short stories Obsessions is about to be reprinted by the Gay Men's Press after the first erilllOll sold out.

Encouraged by David Rees. Peter Robins and Edmund While. Mills‘ stories in Obsessions date from 198/1. to 1997. Despite a misleading front cover (don't read on expecting porni. these stories disarm with the:r humanity. warmth and humour in their depiction of gay Glasgow life. Set On Glasgow Greet. often in winter. or in West End bedstts and Vintners pub on ClydeSide. Ohsessmns rings true with authenticity and wit.

Particularly strong is l/‘l/atch Out. The l/‘l/or/d's Behind You charting the love affair between an older Scottish man and his younger English lover. Throw in glorious working-c ass parents. camp repartee and tenderness and you have a lovely short story. The novella Dreaming. Drag. exploring the drag all wear and the various roles we conform to. has the makings of a funny TV comedy with ra/or-sharp dialogue. ouirky characters and that age-old theme of the search for true love.

Border/me. the anthology. is gloriously ambitious. and .s impressive in the range and pedigree of its contributors. There are extracts to suit ereryone's tastes. ‘Working in the library you see all the new stuff that's coming out and I noticed how many new gay writers were appearing

Manda Scott. Ali Smith. Jackie Kay and how other established gay writers were gaining a more mainstream profile: Toni Davidson. Christopher \.r't./l‘\,'te.' says i‘vliils. 'Also in my own reading l "etaced how many of the younger non-gay Scottish ‘.'./r:ters untere commenting on the g; stuff that tl‘at came into their orbit: Irv ".(E \I‘v’elsh. Gordon Legge. Janice Gallox'ray. AL. Kennedy, I don't tl‘ink there was a sudden "Eureka!" moment but I soon t‘OEtl‘Stj’i that if you put all the old guard writers Alasdair Gray. Ja'nes Kel'ita't together with the est;,tl)l;s;lte<: gay writers ETl‘.'.’l". Morgan. Carol Ann Duffy. Martin Foreman. Sebastan Beaumont. Graena: \‘foo'aston. Jack Dckson and myself you "ad a


lvlills took a long time to compile Border/lite . with much derricatzoi‘. and hard work. but It :5; worth. 4t. I‘ you ever wanted a sense of the writing style of All Smith. lryiite V‘."t}lSll or Tl oritas Heal, or 23 others. then Border/me s .lte ar‘thology ‘or you. It’? make yOu search out longer works of your favourite co'ttr'btltors. Joseph Mills shcu‘d be co"gratolate:l i)" titakitig as fee? mood at the breadth and var'ety of Scottish gay wrltzng he has .rtteart'tied. dolir‘. B‘l"‘.l(3

I Obsessions and Borderline are both out now.

laid back sounds and liye ntusic from Tom and Mari at the beginning of the week to funk. disco and request fttn nearer the weekend.

Revolver 6a John Street. 553 2456. 8.30pm. l‘ree. Weekly. Popular new ish bar w ltich hosts arcade game attd gui/ nights on Sat afternoons and also has what is beconting a legendary free

jukebox with oy er 5000 top tunes to

choose front.

Sadie Frosts 8 to West (icorge Street. 332 8005. l2pm l2am. free. 'l'here's a little something for eyeryone throughout the week w itlt [)Js tl’ri. Sat and .\lonl. karaoke t'l'hu aitd Sun) and quiz/es title attd Wedl. Jtist to be different ’l‘tte blends the quiz and karaoke attd comes tip with gtii/oke while Sttn is women only iii the Blue Room.

Waterloo Waterloo Street. 22‘) 58‘) l. 12pm l2am. ()tte of(}lasgow‘s best known gay bars.

Glasgow Groups

Bi-G-Les ('/() l.(iB'l'. l l l)ixon Street. 22] 7203. (il'tillp offering befriending attd support network for I.B(i'l’ under the age of 25.

Body Positive 3 Park Quadrant. 332 50l0. Support attd adyice for those affected by HIV/AIDS.

Centre for Women’s Health 2 Sandyford l’lace. 2| 1 6700. Offering a range of information aitd seryices to women and specific .set‘\ ices for lesbians.

Glasgow Lesbian Line Pt) Box 686. (i3 7'l‘l.. 552 3355. (ii\ ing ady ice and support either on the phone or by SAli.

Glasgow Women’s Library tut) 'I'rongate. 552 8345. Open 'l‘ue l’ri

l 6pm: Sat 2 5pm A library ftill of women's literature as well as the lesbian archiye. An ideal place to find ottt about women's eyents happening

across Scotland. Phace West 4‘) Bath Street. 332

3838. The main seryice iii the West of

Scotland for people who are affected by HIV/AIDS.

Steve Retson Project 2 Sandyford l’lace. 2| 1 860l. ()pett 'l‘ue & ’l'hu 5.30 8.30pm. Sextial health adyice aitd counselling for gay

Strathclyde Lesbian & Gay Switchboard PO Box 38. (t2 2()Ii. 332 8372. Open 7 l0pm daily. (’onlidential adyice for all gay nten attd lesbians.

Edinburgh Scene


C.C. Blooms 2.3 24 (ireenside Place. 556 033 . 10.30pm 3am tbar from 6pm). lirec. .\ bar attd club with a whole host of high camp and disco classics.

The Honeycomb l5 l7 .\'iddry Street. 530 5540. llpm 3am. £8 (£6). liyei'y Sunday the Honey comb plays host to Taste. a night of hard house and hedonism with his l-‘isher ty Price and guests.


Blue Moon Café l Barony Street. 557 ()‘)l l. .\’lon l-‘ri l lant ll.30pm. Sat Stlit 9pm l2.30am. l‘rec. lidittburgh's longest runtting gay cafe. Nexus 60 Broughton Street. 478 706‘). l lam l lpiit. l’ree. 'l‘his cafe/bar is part of the l.(il3 ('eittre aitd seryes up tasty food as well as being a great place to littd ottt what’s going on.

C.C. Blooms 23 24 (ireeiiside Place. 556 933 . l0.30pni 3am tbar from 6pm). free. A bar attd clttb w ith a whole host of hiin camp atld disco classics.

Habana (lreenside l’lace. 55S l27tl. l2pm latit. l’rce. .-\ popular place to go for a drink and a mingle.

Frenchies Rtlse Street. 22.5 765 l. lpni lam. lirec. :\ place to chat attd chill or wait until Sttn for the triy ia gtti/ or Wed for karaoke w ith 'l‘itty (ialore.

The Gilded Saloon 233 (‘owgrite 226 6550. ()pm laiit. l-‘ree. liyery Sunday the Saloon holds the oh so com enient pre-club session for 'l‘aste at the Honey comb.

The Laughing Duck 24 Howe Street. 220 2.376. .\lt)n 'fhu

l lam llpitt. l-‘ri & Sat llam lam. Sun ll.30am llpm. lt‘s back and it's gay again? Stylish. comfy bar. condttciye to chatting and merrymaking. Downstairs clttb for open mic. goth and rock sessions beginning late .lanuary.

Planet Out (ireenside Place. 524 006]. Mon l‘ri 4pm lam. Sat Stilt 2pm lam. l-‘ree. :\ darn line bar with his ex et‘y .\1on night. a quiz on 'l‘uesday s and 'l‘reitdy Wendy of 'l‘ackno fame doing her stttff ey ery fortnight.

Edinburgh Groups

Dykes Night Out PO Box lot). lilll 3l.l ’. lttfortttal get togethci's for

Lesbian Line 557 ()75l. .\loit .& 'l‘hu 7.30 l0pm. Helpline.

LGBT Police Link l.(iB (‘eiitie (it) Bl'tltlgllltlll Street. Mon 6 7pm. Weekly. (‘all 620 5 l 38. 620 5 I40 if you want a chat with your community UlilL‘L‘l'.

Lothian Gay 8: Lesbian Switchboard 55o 404‘). 7.30 lupin e\ery day. (lay arid lesbian helpline giy iitg all types of ady ice including sexual health and lll\'/.\ll)S. Stonewall Youth Project (‘oiitact 022 2260 t()flic‘el or 0845 ll3t) “()5 lYouthliitel. Regular meetings and social eycnts for lesbians. gay men. bisexuals arid the transgendered tinder tlte age of 20.