Music rock & pop listings

Thursday 24 continued

I The Reindeer Section ()ld Fruitmarket. Albion Street. 353 8000. 9pm. £12.50. Members of Snow Patrol. Mogu'ai. Arab Strap. Astrid. .\Iu|l Historieal Soeiety and Belle & Sebaxtian eome together for a bit of poxl-t'tiek aetion. l’ur! tt/‘(i’llit' ('uttitt't'lt'mt.x.

I Raging Speedhorn, Clutch and Candiria 'l‘he (iarage. 490 Sauehiehall Street. 332 ll20. 7.30pm. £8.50 pltts booking fee. ()\'Cl'- 14.x ShO“. Young l'K metal band who time been bttildittg a lite following for a while attd are tipped for selling a text reeords this year. Support eomes from West Virginian quartet (‘lutelt

I Redeye, Kiness, Silvertone, Austin and The Daze The (‘atltouse l5 L'nion Street. 248 6606. 7.15pm. £3 (advanee). £3.50 (door). ()Ver- I45 show. Line-up ol‘ loeal roek and tttetal bands.

I The Magic Blues Surfers Stttdio ()ne. (irosx'enor Hotel. (ironenor Terraee. 341 6516. 9pm. Free.

I The Vagabonds The Seotia.

112—1 14 Stoek“ ell Street. 552 868l. 9pm. Free. Popular eox'ers.

I Jam Session Samuel I)o\\ 'x, 67—‘)l.\'ith.\dale Road. 423 ()l07. 8.30pm. Free.

I Live Music Quietf. The 13th Note Cafe. 50-760 King Street. 553 I638. 9pm. £3. Montth club it ith live music element. The elue to the music polie) is iii the title.


I Peter Michael Rowan Whistlebinkies. 4—6 South Bridge. 557 5114.94 1.30pm. Free. See Sun 20.

Glasgow I Celtic Connections See folk listings.

A r it l SE ,. 1i


44 THE LIST 7 SEN‘ 2’13?

The Cooper Temple Clause play La Belle, Edinburgh, Mon 28 Jan and King Tut’s, Glasgow, Tue 29 Jan

0 Brian Wilson ('bde Auditorium. SF.('(‘. Finniexton Qua}. 0870 040 4000. 8pm. £40/L'35/L'25 plus booking lee. 'l'he errant genius from The lleaeh Bots. Fanx can be t‘orgi\ en tor drooling at the proxpeet. See pre\ ietx.

I Death Cab For Cutie Niee'n'Sleaz}. 42 l Saueliiehall Street. 333 9637. 0pm. l'S emo/indie band \\ itlt a considerable eult follow ing.

I Hemlock, Syth and Man Has 7 Strauberr} Fieldx. 56 ()\\\;liki Street. 22l 7871. 7.30pm. £4. Metal/hem} roek litte- up.

3 g.

I Texas Gun (irand ()le ()pt'). l’aixle} Road To”. 42‘) 5396. 7.30pm. £3 (£2 memberxi. (‘ountr_\.

I Abba Disco Party Bourbon Street. l08 (ieorge Street. 552 ()l4l. "pm. £5

(L' l 2.50 \\ ilit ditmert. Featuring an Abba tribute aet.

I Monkey Tribe The Halt Bar. I60 \Voodlantlx Road. 564 I52". 0pm. Free. I.i\ e attd l).l ;l\\;lllil.

I Bronx Satnuel l)o\\ 'x. 67- ‘)thtlixtlale Road. 423 “Ht”. 8.30pm. Free.

0 Live Music The |3tli xtite (‘lub. 260 (‘l_\de Street. 243 2l77. 8pm. Benelit nigltt l’or llelpl3. the tund \et up to raise Citin tor the bid to hit} baek the l3th \ote. l.oeal bandx “iii [k‘l’ittt'ttt emerx of their lamurite ehart pop tt'aekx. I Live Music The 1301 Note (are.

50 60 King Street. 553 I638. 9pm. £4. Fenee Records night \\ itlt line-up to be eontirmed.


I Gecko and KT Tunstall (iilded Saloon. 2.3.3 ('ougate. 226 6550. 0pm. Free. [51’ lattneh part} for lidinburglt indie aet (ieeko. \\ ith \upport lrom ’I‘unxtall the e\-lead \oealixt ol‘ Red light St} Ittx.

Saturday 26


I Celtic Connections See alm loll. iixliltgx.

I Snow Patrol King 'l‘ut‘x \Vah \\'alt Hut. 272a St \‘ineent Street. 221 52“). 8.30pm. £8. .\lu\eular indie d} namiex lrom the band behind the \upergroup that i\ The Reindeer Section. I’url ()f-(t'lll't‘ (iUIIIt't‘IUHH.

OThe Electric Soft Parade the 13th Note ('lub. 260 ('l_\de Street. 243

2 I77. 8pm. £4. 'l‘u‘o teenage brothers mash it up indie-\tyle. \xith towering itllttospltel‘ie\. lixpeet a debut albunt \hot‘tl).

I Aether Niee'tt‘Sleal}. 421 Sauehiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm.

I Section 8 and Nausea Straitberr} Fields. 56 ()\\\;titi Street. 221 787 l. 7.30pm. £4. Metal.

I Abba Revival Bourbon Street. I08 George Street. .552 UN I. 7pm. £5

tL‘ l4.50 \\ ith dinner). Tribute to the poplaxtie Suedex

I Open Stage The Halt Bar. I60 \Vootilantlx Road. 564 I527. 4 Split. Free. \Veekl} \exxion tor loeal muxieianx. I Curtains 'I'tte Halt Bar. I60 Woodlands Road. 564 I527. 0pm. Free. I The Unit .\le(‘ltttill\ \Va) ()ut \Vext. l0 l4 Keb inltattglt Street. 5"6 50l8. 9.30pm. Free.

I Sexx Godz Satttttel i)o\\ \.

67 UlXitltxdale Road. 423 lllll“. 8.30pm. Free. (ilam eoterx.

I Live Music Grand Ole ()pr}. l’aixle) Road loll. 42‘) 5396. ".30pm. £3 t£2 memberxi. Regular eountr} ltoetlou n \\ ith battd to be eontirmed.


I Requiem, Maya 29 and The Rains ’iyilk‘ XiL‘l'L‘ul. ZS \\‘L'\i \iullidllti Street. 225 3S6l. ".3llpm. [3. Double bill oi roek aetion \\ itli \oul/tunk/roek eroth er l'rom The Rain\.


I Celtic Connections See toll. il\[lll:_‘\.

0 Andrew WK, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, The Coral and Lostprophets Queen Margaret l'nion. 22 l'ni\er\it} (iardenx. 33‘) 0‘84. ".30an £l(l.50 Pith booking lee. Annual .\'.llli- \ponxored tour \\ hieh hax had a reaxonable \lrike rate in reeent _\eat\ \\ itlt apik‘araneex b} Stet'eopltoniex (‘oldpltn and Starxailor. iiti\ )ear'x tipx tor the top inelude hopelesx pott er roek gee/er Andre“ \\'l\’. leather-elad Mar) ('hain \xannabee\ Blaek Rebel Motore} ele Club. hugel} eeleetie adolexeent gang The (‘oral and the straight-edge nu-metal ol‘ (‘arditt'x Foxtprophetx.

I Horse With Hindsight Rina] ('oneert Hall. 2 Sauehieltall Street. 353 8000.23th11.£l.3x£\eningot iittI'\L‘\ttltg\ in \\ hieh the \inger/xongu riter in\ itex some \ltou bi/ palx to em er her

on n material. l’tu't or ('t'lln‘ ('unueeltmti. I Swiss Family Orbison and The Pearlfishers King 'l‘ut‘x \Vah \Vah Hut. 2‘2a St \ineent Street. 22l 52“). 8.30pm. L8. Sunn} pop trom e\-l)ann} \Vilmn and l)eaeon Blue members. supported b} the .lititgi) l’earltixherx. I’ul'l tI/(t'lll't‘ (it/Inertia)“.

I Zebedee Numchuck The 130] Note ('al'e. King Street. 553 1638. 0pm. £3. lttdie.

I Johnny Zhivago and The Cherrykicks \iee'tt'Sleal). 42! Sauehiehall Street. 333 063". 0pm.

I Stealaway (irand ()le ()pi'}. l’aixle) Road loll. 42‘) 5396. 5.30pm. £3 tL‘2 memberxi. (‘ountry

I The Cobramatics 'I‘lie Seotia.

ll2 ll4 Stoek“ ell Street. 552 S68l. 4pm. Free. RL‘Sitielte}.

I Big Blues Jam Studio One. (it‘ouenor Hotel. (iroxxenot‘ 'lerraee. 34l 65l6. 5pm. Free.

I Steff’s Sunday Session l'hge Beatlta. 232 \Voodlantlx Road. 564 I596. 5pm. Free Bring _\ttlll‘ o\\n ithlt‘lllttelll.