Gay listings

Gay listings continued

Glasgow Mondays


Holistic Healing Group LGBT (‘cnlrc. ll Dixon Strccl. 22| 7203.

7.30- 10pm. Frcc. \Vcckly. To (ind out morc about this grottp that mccts cycry Monday night contact 423 5952.

Performance Group LUB'I‘ ('cer. I t Dixot) Slrcct. 22] 7203. 7.30pm. Frcc. chkly. chular mccling of anyonc intcrcstcd in lhcalrc attd tnusic skills.

Glasgow Tuesdays


Bi-G-Les Youth Group (.08) (‘cntrcn l I Dixot) Strccl. 22| 7203.7 10pm. Frcc. chkly. At) opct) tnccling for l.(}BT up to thc agc of 25.

Glasgow Wednesdays


Crosslynx Group l.(iB'I‘ (‘cntt‘c. l 1 Dixon Strcct. 22l 7203. 7 l0pm. \Vcd 9 Jan. Monthly.

Poets & Writers LUBT (‘cnlrc l 1 Dixon Slrccl. 22l 7203. 7.30pm. ch 16 Jan. Monthly.


Presque Rien (it-’1‘. Rosc Slrcct. 332 8(28. 8.30pm. £3.75 £4.75 (£2 £3.50). \Vcd l6 8: Thlt 17 Jan. Scc Tht).

Edinburgh Thursdays

Groups Gay Outdoor Club ('onlact 556 8705. Thu 10121)). Monthly. Social mccling.


The Deep End l-‘ilttthousc. 88 l.othian Road. 228 2688. £3.50 £5.50 (£2 £4). Fri 4 Thu )0 Jan. Trying to supprcss hcr son‘s iny'olycn)cnt in thc dcalh of his gay loy‘cr. Tilda Swinton is swcpt into blackmail and intriguc in a tcnsc psychological lhrillcr.

Edinburgh Fridays


Juice Solas. 2/4 Ahhcymounl. 66] 0982. 2 4pm. Frcc. chkly. Informal social grottp offcring mutual support. information. actiy'itics. gucsl .spcakct's attd tnorc for gay mcn affcctcd by HIV and AIDS.


The Deep End Filmhousc. 88 l.othian Road. 228 2688. £3.50 £5.50 (£2» £4). Fri 4 Thu 10 Jan. Scc Thu.

What’s Cookin’ Thc Lumicrc. Royal Mttscum. (‘hamhcr St. 247 42l9. 7.30pm (Slit) 4.30pm). £4.50 (£2.50). Fri 4 & Still 6 Jan. From thc dircctor of Buji (m Illl’


Bennet’s 90 (ilzlssltn‘tl Strcct. 552 576l. llptt) 3.30am. £3 £6 (£2 £5). Bcnnct's. lhc longcsl running gay club in (ilasgow. is opcn for flit) ftyc nights a wcck with somc damn tinc dancing \Vcd to Slit) and a studcnt night oi) Thu.

Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Strccl. 553 1221. l0pm 3am. £5. If you'rc up for a dancc. downstairs in thc Polo is lhc placc to hc with cltth nights Fri to Stir) with Frcsh. Lush and ('arry on Polo.

Cube 34 ()uccn Strcct. 226 8990.

l lpm 3am. £3 (£2 with flycr). Formcrly known as Planct Pcacl). this rcy'ampcd club holds gay nights on Mon and Tuc with Passionality and lil'..\'. holh playing cthsy chart and handhag housc.


Sadie Frosts 8 to West (icorgc Slrcct. 332 8005. Frcc. Thcrc‘s a litllc somcthing for cycryonc throughout thc wcck with DJs (Fri. Sat and Mon). karaokc (Thu aitd Sun) attd quil/cs (Tuc and Wed ). Jttst to hc dilfcrcnt. Tuc hlcnds

60 THE LIST *1 l f Jar: 2U)?

Tilda Swinton gets caught up in a gay intrigue in The Deep End

Burr/t. .t porlmantcau moyic sct at various thanksgiving dinncrs including a touching lcshiat) cpisodc.

Edinburgh Saturdays


Angel Delight Thc Vcnuc. ('alton Road. 557 3073. l0pm. £6 (£4). Sat l2 Jan. Launch party of ncw supcrcluh for womctt. Frcc huhhly.

Saturday Social (‘ltth Jay'a. (‘ommcrcial Strcct. 555 5622. 9pm 2am. Frcc hcforc 10pm: £6 (£4) aftct'. Sal l2 Jan. Fortnightly. A mix of party hits from t'csidcnt DJ Dalc (l.ttslt). drinks promos a plcnty and a frcc shulllc scry'icc running cycry 30 mins aflcr 9pm from Bt‘oltglttott.

Mingin’ Studio 24 (upstairs). ('alton Road. 558 3758. l0.30pn) 3am. £5. Sat l2 Jan. Fortnightly. No-ttottscnsc. gay- fricndly cluhhing with hard housc and scxy' trancc from thc rcsidcnls Brian Dcmpstcl' and Alan Joy.

Joy ligo. Picardy Placc. 478 7434. 10.30pm 3am. £ I0 (£8). Sat 5 Jan. Fortnightly. Maggic and Alan's mcaty' housc institution of hands-in-lhc-air hcdonism with rcsidcms including Trcndy Wendy. with Sally Finlay's saucy

thc quiz and karaokc and cotncs up with qui/okc. whilc Slit) is women only in thc Bluc Room.

Delmonicas 68 Virginia Strccl. 552 4803. 9pm. Frcc. Dcls has a wcck packcd lull of things to kccp you amuscd will) DJs on Fri. Sat. Mon and Tuc. a mm on Thu. karaokc on Slit) attd a gamcs night or) ch.

LGBT Centre I 1 Dixon Strcct. 221 7203. Frcc. Thc har/cafc in thc I.(iBT not only scry cs coffccs. food and drink but also has karaokc frott) Fri to Sun.

Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Strch 553 l22l. l0pm lam. Frcc. linlcrtainmcnl from Mon to Thu will) cwrylhing front laid hack sounds and liyc music from Tom and Mar) at thc hcginnil)g of thc wcck to funk. disco and rcqucsls ncarcr lhc wcckcnd.

Revolver 6;) John Slrccl. 553 2456. 8.30pm. Ft'cc. \Vcckly. Popular ncw bar which hosts arcadc galnc and dull nights or) Sat aftcrnoons attd also has a supct‘h lt'cc jukchox with m cr 5000 top [Ulle to choosc from.

Court Bar 6‘) llutchcson Strccl. 552 2463. 6.30 10pm. Ft'cc. A popular

mix of chart. pop and garagc in thc downstairs suitc.

Eye Candy ('lul) Mcrcado. 36 39 Markcl Strccl. 226 4224. I lptt) 3am. £l0 (£8); £6 in fancy drcss. Sat 5 Jan. Fortnightly. Rcsidcnts ('tracmc Popstar. .\'cjat Barton and .\'cil (‘rookslon host thcir infamous. glam housc party. Divine Divas Thc \'ci)uc. (top floor). (‘alton Road. 557 3073. |0pm 3am. £6 (£4). Sat l2 Jan. Monthly. lidinhurgh‘s rcnowncd womcn-only night with DJ Simmonc Black spinning a liycly mix of sounds.


The Claremont Thc (‘larcmont. I33 I35 liast ('larcmonl Slrcct. 556 5662. 8pm. Frcc. Sat 5 Jan. Fortnightly. MS(‘ and Thc Bcars organisc lhc night with a drcss codc as wild as you darc.


The Deep End Filmhousc. 88 l.othian Road. 228 2688. £3.50 £5.50 (£2 £4). Fri 4 Thu l0 Jan. Scc Thu.

Moulin Rouge Thc Lumiere. Royal Muscun). (‘hamhcr St. 247 421‘).

7.30pm. £4.50 (£2.50). Sat 5 Jan. Surcly thc campcsl. most thcalrical musical cycr. (it) along and fly away.

traditional har whcrc you can chill all wcck apart frott) Stir) whcn it's gct ottl your singing shocs for thc karaokc. Waterloo \Vatct'hm Strccl. 22‘) 58‘) I. ()nc of (ilasgow's hcsl known gay bars. Candle Bar 20 (‘andlcriggs 564 I285. 9pm. Frcc. This liycly bar has a disco llayour on \Vcd. Fri and Sat. with an unhclicyahlc mix of gossip'n'triyia'tt‘karaokc in thc company of Angic() on a Slit).



C.C. Blooms 23 ~24 (it'cct)sidc Placc. 556 9331. l0.30pm 3am that from 6pm). Frcc. A bar and club with a wholc host of high camp and disco classics.

The Honeycomb )5 t7 Niddry Sit-cc). 530 5540. l lptt) 3am. £8 (£6). liyct'y Sunday Thc lloncycomh plays host to Tastc. a night of hard housc and hcdonism will) DJs Fisher & Pricc and gucsts.


0.6. Blooms 23 24 (it'L‘L‘llSlth l’lttL‘L‘. 556 933 l. 10.30pm 3am that from 6pm).

Edinburgh Sundays Clubs The Wendy House ('luh Mcrcado. 33-36 Markct Slrcct. 226 4224. 10.30pm. £5/£6. Stit) 13 Jan. (it) along and play at the \Vcndy llousc. (‘hancc of liflccn minulcs of fatnc.


The Deep End l-‘ilmhousc. 88 l.othian Road. 228 2688. £3.50 £5.50 (£2 £4). Fri 4 Thu 10 Jan. Scc Thu.

What’s Cookin’ Thc Lumicrc. Royal Museum. ('hamhcr St. 247 4219. 4.30pm ( Fri 7.30pm). £4.50 (£2.50). Fri 4 & Slit) 6 Jan. Scc Fri.

Edinburgh Mondays


Gay Men’s Swimming Group (‘all 226 4476. 8pm. chkly. lnfortnal swimming scssiot). (‘all for morc information.


Trendy Wendy Plancl ()ut. (irccnsidc Placc. 524 0061. [0.30pm 3am (bar from 6pm). Frcc. Fortnightly. DJs cycry wcck and ’l‘rcndy chdy doing hcr thing cycry fortnight (Mon 7 Jan).


The Deep End Filmhousc. 88 l.othian Road. 228 2688. £3.50 £5.50(£2 £4). Fri 4 Thu I0 Jan. Scc Thu.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


The Deep End Filmhousc. 88 l.othian Road. 228 2688. £3.50 £5.50 (£2 £4). Fri 4 Thu [0 Jan. Scc Thu.


001' on Tuesday 'I‘ltc Stand. 6 York Placc. 558 7272. 7.30pm. £5 (£4). Tuc 8 Jan. Monthly. Thc Stand's monthly dose of catnp high jinx will) host (‘raig llill. lop gucsts and thc chancc to win a mcal for two yia Jill l’cacock's ycry spccial gantcsl)ow.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


Women’s Group Drop-In l.(iB ('cnlrc. 60 Broughton Slrcct. 478 7069. 7pm. Frcc. \\'cckly. lnforntal drop in group for womcn.

Edinburgh Gay Women’s Group chus. Broughton Slrcct. 557 8847. 7pm. Frcc. \Vcckly. Social group.


The Deep End Filmhousc. 88 l.othiat) Road. 228 2688. £3.50 £5.50 ( £2 £4). Fri 4 Thu l01an. Scc Thu.

Frcc. A bar and club with a wholc host of high L‘tttttp tttttl LllSL‘U c‘lztssic‘s. Habana (it'CL‘ttsitlc l’lllL‘L‘. 5.58 L270. Frcc. A popular placc to go for a drink and a good tnittglc.

Frenchies Rosc Stl‘cct. 225 765 l. Frcc. A placc to chat and chill or wait until Slit) for thc lt'iyia trim or \Vcd for kal‘aokc with Titty (ialorc.

Blue Moon Café l Barony Slrcct. 557 09] l. Frcc. Edinburgh’s longcsl running gay cafc.

Nexus 60 Broughton Slrcct. 478 706‘). This c‘alc/hal' is part of thc I,(iB ('cltll‘c attd sct‘y'cs up tasty food as wcll as hcing a grcat placc to find out what's going on.

Planet Out (tt'ccnsidc Placc. 524 (MM. Mon Fri 4pm Ian). Sat Slit) 2pm lam. Frcc. A darn (inc har w ill) DJs cyct'y Mot) night. a trim on 'I‘ucsday's and 'l'rcndy \Vcndy of Tackno famc doing hcr stuff cy cry fortnight. The Gilded Saloon 233 ('oyygatc. 2266550. 9pm lam. Frcc. liy cry Sunday lhc Saloon holds thc \cry conycnicnt prc-clul) scssion for Tastc at thc lloncy cotnh.