FOLK TALE ADAPTATION MOLLY WHUPPIE Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, Wed 19—Sat 22 Dec oooo

Magical and entertaining without being tack

The convincing adaptability of children’s theatre groups continues to amaze me. Multiple cast members, a complex storyline, massive leaps of the imagination and challenging characters are all ingeniously and creatively manipulated with ease. But then, that’s just what we’ve come to

expect from Wee Stories.

Their latest adaptation of an old Scots tale hits the mark with the young audience. What could be a confusing tale of a young girl who goes in search of food during a harsh winter, and manages to outwit a king and befriend a giant, was delicately yet mesmerisingly told. Beginning with an infectious jazzy rap which repeats throughout (not to mention in your head for hours after the performance), the story is told by just two cast members using rhymed verse, physical humour and lots of interaction with the kiddies seated on the floor in front of the stage.

Virginia Radcliffe was admirable as the feistin inquisitive Molly Whuppie, but without a doubt, the star of the show was Deborah Arnott. With those stilt-like giant’s feet, puffed out cheeks and booming voice, she was the ultimate big friendly giant. These enchantineg astute touches were peppered throughout, from the giant’s larger than life sacred possessions and the king’s gaggling party to the take-home colouring-in sheet serving

as a lasting reminder of the experience.

As a Christmas show, it was magical and entertaining without being tacky. Big on laughs and even bigger on heart-warming goodwill thanks to the requisite happy ending, this is a thoughtful and charming panto

alternative. (Maureen Ellis)

We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Kids listings compiled by Maureen Ellis.

Activities And Fun

The Tinsel Trail l'ntil Stiii (i Jun. .\lon & Wed Sui It).3()uin Spin; The Hunt Spin; Sun noon Spin. Slip. The Lighthouse. ll Mitehell Lune. 33| (i363. Agex 5 l3. l'i)ll()\\ the pttlli til

96 7"} [INC 755'. I‘; lit"

(I It”)

\iiim llukex \euitered o\ er \i\ liloorx ol' hidden L‘lllL‘S. riddlex und lun.

Santa’s Grotto i'niil Molt 3-1 l)ee. .\lon Hi 4 (ipiii; Sui ck Stiii noon (ipni. £3. (iluxgim Seietiee (t‘tilt'e. 5i) l’ueilit‘ Qtiu)‘. 430 Silt)”. liuiher (‘hrixiiiiux liliex into the \eienee eenire to meet kidx :iiid tlixpeiixe \tllllL‘ \eienee-t'eluied gtiiitlieS. Christmas Craft Fair t‘niit 'l'hii I3 Dee. (L30 t)pin. \ltigdoek ('ouiitr} l’urk. (‘ruigulliuii Roud. \liliigin ie. 05o (ultiti. :\ Seleetion ol ('hi‘xtinux ei'ulix l'or \ule \\ illi iiitixie :iiiil L'ill'tilS. illltl l'ood :itid inulled \\ ine inuiluhle. 'l‘here \\ ill ulxo he ueti\ itiex lor ehildren uiid u \ ixit l'roin Suntu.

Keeping Christmas At Pollok Sui I5 Stiii lo Dee. ltiuni 4pm. £31ehildren l'i'ee: gi‘ollii £3). l’ollok lliilISL'. l’ollok (‘otinir-\ l’urk. 3l)(i() l’ollokxhuu \ Roud. (ilo (i-l l(). Seuxotiul \ieekend l'euturing u eruli iuii'. truditionul deeorutionx uiid u .\li\ ('lutix‘ grotto.

Christmas 8- New Year Card- making Workshop Sui IS Sun It» Dee. Sui 33 Sun 33 Dee. Sut 3‘) Sun 30 Dee. lluiii l.3(ipni. l‘ree. \luxeiiiii ()l’ ‘I‘runxport. Kehin Hull. 1 litirnhouxe Roud. 3S," 3730. .v\d\unee hooking required. .v\ge\ oi er S. .\luke un originul Seuxonul greeting\ eurd \\ ith the Iielp ol' Julie Buird.

Santa At The Tall Ship Sui 15 Sun It» l)ee. lluin -lpin. £4.5(iit‘3 L335i. 'l'he lull Ship .'\t (iluxgou llurhour. Hit) Sioherosx Roud. 33‘) ()(i3 1. liutlier ('hrixiiiiux \ltipS ol'l' ui the (ilenlee to tuke in ('hriniho prexxie requextx. Snowman Workshop Sui 15 Dee. lluni l3.3(ipiii. £4. The l.igltihoti\e. ll Mitehell I.uiie. 335 (Sill-1. .‘\ge\ 5 " 'l‘i‘unxl‘orin _\oui‘\ell into u \noix niun uxing L‘(i\llllile\ und iuee puintx.

Workshops At GoMA Sui 15 Dee.

l 3pm. l‘ree. (iuller) ()l' Modern .-\i't. Queen Street. 33‘) l‘)‘)(i. ,-\ge\ in er 5. :\ Seriex ol' ;ii‘ii\i~led ereuti\ e \\iil‘l\\lltip\ e\ploi‘ing one uSpeei oi the guller} \ e\hiliit\.

Puppet Panto Sui IS |)ee. Ho 4pm. £5. The [.ighthouxe. ll \iiiehell lune. 335 S414. ('reute )our on n puppet ehurueter hel‘oi'e iiiunipuluting hiui iii u \peeiul punto perloi'niunee. l’t‘l'liil‘liltillt‘t' heginx .it 3.45pm.

Banner-making Workshop Sui

l5 Sun to Dee. Sui 33 Sun 33 Dee. Sui 3‘) Sun 31) Dee. 3.31) ~i.3iipiii. l‘ree. .\lll\t'lllll ()i'l‘ruiixpori. Kehiii Hull. | BurnhouSe Roud. 3S“ 3‘31). .loiti .lulie Huird l'or u itin drop»in \torkxhop. Moving Mobiles Workshop Sui 33 Dee. lluni l33iipin. H. The lighthouw. ll \litehell lune. 33.< S~ll‘1..r\ge\ 5 ”. l)e\ign und eoiNi'iiet u giunt ino\ ing niohile.

All I Want For Christmas . . . Sui 33 Dee. |.3ii 3.3(ipin. l’ree. 'l'ollei‘oxx l);li'l\. \Vt‘llSlitil l\)i\;itl. 7‘3 l.\(i3. l‘t‘SllH‘ lun und guinex lor ull the iuinii} in the run up to (‘hrixtinux

Crystal Chandeliers Sui 33 Dee. l.3() 4pm. £5. The lighthouxe. ll \lllt'llt‘ll l.;lllt‘. Nil-l. .'\:Jk‘\ 3 l3. l'xing heudx und \purkl} deeoi'utionx. ereuie u l'i'mt} l;llii[\\li;itlt‘ or u liiiil‘llt‘. Bellydancing Sui 2.3 Dee. 3pm. 0;:

til i. Burrell ('olleetion. 3iiot) l’tilliik\l1;i\\\ Roud. 3S“ 355“. The uneient lig)ptiuti dunee ix denioiixtruied in the eourt_\urd. A Pirate’s Christmas Sui 32 Sun 3% l)ee.3 3pm. {-1.51iit3.5() £3.35i. 'l'he lull Ship .v\i (il;i\_‘_'ii\\ llurhoui'. Hill Sloliet'oxx Rotiil. 33‘) No.3 l. l’ii'ule l’eie hoxtx u S\\.l\lll‘llt’l\llllf_‘ (‘hrixtniux e\iru\ugun/u \\ ith puppetx. iiiugie. hulloon modelling und eonipetitionx.

Bobby Roberts Super Circus Sui 33 Mon 3--l Dee. \\'ed 3o |)et~ Thu 3 Jun. 3pm tk “pin. L'li) US it" L‘liii1iuniil} tieket £38, Sli(‘(‘_ l‘inniexton ()uu}. ()Shi ll~lll Milli), l{\[it‘l’lt‘llt‘t‘ lllt‘ llll'lll\ :illtl SpillS oi the hig top \\ itli the renou tied eii'eux eoinpun}.

Art And Storytelling Workshops Thu 3“ Hi 3S Dee. Thu 3 Jun.

HilSuni l3.-15piiit\' |.3() ~lplll. Ll litit'i'ell ('iillt‘t‘liiiii. 3W1“ l’iilliikSlitmx Roud. 35'“ 355i). .-\ge\ 5 .\ tk ‘) I3. l’uii til'IS und erui'tx uetii itiex lor the (lil'lSlliltlS holidu} \ huwd on the theme oi .ineient lig}pt.


Courage Of Lassie it‘i Sui 15 Dee. lpin; It’s A Wonderful Life i M ii Sui 33 Dee. 3.3(ipni; Wind In The Willows ti" Sui 3‘) Dee. lpiii. [3.35 lltiliill} tieket Wt. (il;l\;_‘ii\\ l-ihn 'l’heuire. l3 RUSL‘ Sll't‘t‘l. 333 Nllo. St't‘ l‘illii llltlL'\. Human Bodyii’tii; Grand Canyon tl’( ii lllllt‘\ \ui'}. eheek l'ihn ll\llll_L‘\ lor \houing lllllt‘S. t5 it_3.3iii. l.\l.\.\ 'l‘heutre. (iluSgou St'ienee ('enti'e. 5H l’ut'ilie ()iiu}. .ijii Soot),


The Sands Of Time Sun 23 Dee it Stiii 3() Dee. noon. [3 it] i. Burrell ('olleeliiiti. 30M) l’tillokxhtmx Riitid. 387 3550, (i.\l(i l’roduetionx hring uneieni Iig} pi to lil'e \\ ith u ehurining niuxieul interlude l'or ull the ltiiiiil}.

Theatre & Dance

The Twits 'l‘hu l3 Sui l5 Dee. 'l‘ue

IS Sui 33 Dee. 7.3(lpiii. £3 U3. (‘iti/enx' 'I'heuti‘e. l l‘) (iorhulx Street. 43‘) 0033. The ('iti/enx‘ 'l‘heuti'e (’hrixtiuux \hoti is the \iuge udupiution ol' Rould Duhl‘x inueh lo\ ed \toi'y uhout the tule ol‘ litiSl}' .\lr und .\lr.\ '1‘“ it uiid their lillL‘lliPlS to \ieul ilie inonke} i'uinily .\luggle--\\'uinp l'roin their home. See

ret ie\\ in 'I'heutre.

The Singing Kettle’s Winter Wonderland 'l‘hu l3 Mon 17 Dee. Sui 33 Mon 34 Dee. Thu 37 iii 38 Dee. 'l‘hu l3 Dee tk Mon 17 Dee Ilium: [ii 14 Dee liiuin tk lpin: Sui |51)ee lluin: Stiii lo l)ee tiooti; Sui 3.3 l)ee ck Mott 3—1 l)ee lluin & 3pm: Sun 33 Dee noon; Thu 37 Dee noon & 3pm: l’i‘i 3S Dee noon.

£7 U) do LS): liiiiiil} tieket £33 £38. l<ti§lil (‘oneert Hull. 3 Suuehiehull Street. 353 Slit it). llu\ e )ourxell' u iiierr) (‘hrixtinux \‘. itli (‘illzr Artie. (iui‘) und .lune uho tuke )oti to u llitl\it‘iil. iiiugieul \\tilltlt‘l'l£llitl. l)on u poin—poin hut. hring ulong u kettle l'lug und hop oiihourd The Kettlerx l'exth e truin to join in \\ itli the xeuxonul \ingulongx und l'exiii e tun. The Happy Gang’s Arabian Adventure 'i‘hu IR Sui 15 Dee. ’l‘hu lll.l5;llii & l.lSpin; l-‘ri ldlSuin: Sui lluin tk 3.30pm. £7; £33l'or-1iiekeix. (‘l_\de .'\litliltii‘itiiii. l‘iniiiexton ()uu}. (ltS—‘(l (iv-ll) 4th)“. .'\ge\ tip [ti l). Join the Hupp} (iuttg u\ the} eiiihurk on u inugieul. lililSlt‘dl \o_\;ige to 111) \tieul ;\ruhiu.

The Snowman hi it Sui l5 Dee. Thu 3 Jun. ".lSpni; Sui 3.15pm.

£35“ £3”. 'l‘heuire Ro)ul. 3S3 llope Street. 333 Utiliti. Seottixh Bullet prexeiiis itx ne\\ uduptution ol' the \\ ell-lm ed L'lllltll't‘ll.\ l‘iiiik. [IA/1USHINY/HUN. \Vhen ti little ho) huilds u \no\\ niun in hix gurden. little doex he kno\\ \\ hut (lil’lSliililS lite hux in \iore. See pre\ lt‘\\ iii 'l'heuire \L‘L‘liitii.

Jack Frost & The Jolly Snowman Sui l5 l‘ri 3| l)ee. 3pm. [4 (£31. Seotiixh .\lu\k tk I’uppet 'l'heuire (‘entre. S Hi Buleurrex .«\\entie.

Keh iiidule. 33‘) (ilSS. li\ il .luek l'hroxi hutehex u duxturdl} plun to ruin the lt‘SllH‘ t‘t‘lel‘i’nliiitiS lii llilS Yuletide li‘L‘ul \\ itli u t\\ ixt l'roiii the .\inu/ing .\ll' Bonex.


Storytime Sui I5 I)et'. Sui 32 Dee. Sui 3‘) Dee. lluiti. Bot'det'x Book\. 333 Hueliunun Street. 333 “"(ili, Stiituhle l’oi' uge\ 3 S. Stor}ie|ling \L‘SSliill. lolloued l\_\ ltin ueti\ itiex.

Edinburgh Activities And Fun Quickies For Kids Roiul .\lu\euin ()l' Seoilund. 3 (‘huiiiherx Street. 3—17 .13 l‘). l‘ree enlr} to liltl\t‘tllil l'or \ ixiiorx uged lS und under. 'l‘en-niiuute tulkx l'or ehildren held e\ei'} Sui ut 3.l5pin und exer} Sun ui 3.15pm. Magical Forest Grotto t'niil Mon 31 Dee. 10.3(iuni -l..3tlpiii. £3. lidinhurgh /.titi. (Illl'\llll'lilllllt' Rl‘thl. 334 l) l 7 l. Stilllti und .\li'\ (‘luux \et up \hop in their \\ intry l'oi'exi grotto. und there'x pri/ex to he “on it )oti eun iind the hidden :illlliltilS. Santa’s Ice Caves i’niil Mon 24 Dee. lluiii opiii; 'l‘hti l3 [)ee. l'ri l4 Dee. ‘l‘hu 30 Dee. iii 31 Dee & Sui 33 Dee lluni "pm; Mon 3-1 l)ee

Iliuin -lpni. £3.5tiit‘l ;idtill\i. l’riiieex .\lu|| Rooltop l’lu/u. l’rineex Street. 473 38W). .\x you \\;lllilt‘l' through the K} iiiu/e. \ee l’uther ( ‘hrixtiiiux on hix \l;il‘.l}_'liiilt‘ throne. Fairy & Wizard Fancy Dress Competition Sui l5 Dee. iiium. Dunee Huxe. H to ( it';i\\lli;ll'l\el. 33o (65!). .\ ehunee tor litidding Il;ii‘i'_\ l’oitei'\