Every issue, The List is highlighting the work of a young Scottish photographer in association with Beck’s.
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Mlkael Hallgren
Born in Sweden, Mikael Hallgren came to Britain to study photography and is currently in his 4th year at Napier University on the BA (Hons) in photography, film and television course. His main interest lies in social documentary and portraiture and the featured images are a series of studio shots taken in 1999. If you would like to get in touch with Mikael call 07811 466594 or email: mikaelhallgren@hotmai|.com
How to enter work
Applicants should be students in the second year or beyond of a photography or relevant degree, or those who have graduated in the last three years. To arrange a time for The List to see your portfolio call Helen Monaghan on 0131 550 3076. Each of the chosen photographers will receive $100, courtesy of Beck’s and The List.
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