
Art Unlimited Mon 3 I)cc Hi 4 Jun il.oihiun und llopc Scott Room). A ini\cd incdiu c\hihiiion lcuturing works in paint. puslcls. churcoul und collugc h} this group ol urtists. NET." SHO‘.’..


l5 Rutlund Squurc. 22‘) 2545. Mon l‘ri ‘lillil Spin: Sui i0uni 4pm.

Andrew Doolan Architects: A Profile l'ntil Hi 30 .\'o\. :\n c\hihition highlighting ihc work ol‘.r\ndrcw l)oolun .-\rchitccts o\cr thc pusl 2l ycurs. l’i‘c\ ious projccls includc thc Ingi‘uni Squurc in (ilusgow und lhc l’oint llolcl und lidinhurgh ('ii} 'l'rux cl Inn in lidinhurgh. GIA Annual Awards 2001 Mon 3 iii 2l I)cc. 'l‘hc (ilusgow Institutc ol'.v\rchiiccts unnuul dcsign uwurds lt‘tlllll'lllg u sclcclion of thc shortlistcd schcriics. NE7‘.'.' 840.1.


lnx L‘l'lL‘llli Rim. 2' l H 1,

Stella Ross-Craig l'niil Stin 10 .\lur ilmcrlciih lloiisc: 'l'uc Sun

l0.30uni 3.30pm). liotuuicul druwings ol~ British plunts h'x Stcllu Ross-(rum. Born in 1900 il1:\ltlcl‘\llill (ll. Sctillidi pail'c‘ITIS. Ross-(‘ruig‘s curccr us u holunicul urtist siui‘tcd in 192‘). working lot" ihc Royul llorticiilturul Socict} und tlic Roin Botunic (iurdcns. ch 'l‘hc druw ings on displu} \\crc sclcclcd h) lhc urlisl licrscll'. und nonc littS L‘\ L‘l‘ l‘L‘L‘ll \L‘L‘ll ll} lllL‘ [\tllillc‘ I‘Cltllit‘. Portrait Of The Nation {mil Hi 30 .\'o\ ili\hihition llull: .\lou liri

illuui 3.30pm; Sui ik Sun noon 3.30pnii. .\lui'l\s ik Spcnccr‘s )cui‘-loiig proiccl. Portrait ()1 HM .Viilion stops oil in litlinhurgh us purl ol' u [is tour. (‘rculcd h} urtist l)u\ id .\luch. this .illiii-long collugc coinpriscs 250.000 phoiogruphs suhniiticd h) pcoplc l'roni ull o\cr Briiuin. :AS' CHANCE; "13 Siti


‘l‘hc link (iullcr). 23 'l‘ippcrlinn Roud. 22‘) Men And Beasts l'niil Thu 28 l-‘ch. .\ colluhorution hctwccn poct Vulcric (iillics und photogi'uphcr Rchcccu .\lurr comprising hluck und whitc photogruphs und pocir} docunicnting inun's rcluiionship lo hcusts und lhc lund ut lhc turn ol' thc ccntur).

ROYAL FINE ART COMMISSION Bukchousc ('losc. l4o (Iiiioiigutc. 550 (row. 'l‘uc l‘ri noon 3pm.

Eugen Laube - Colour And Texture l'ntil liri " I)cc. l.ut\ iun urchitccl litigcn l.uuhc i lSSl) l‘)(i"i wus rcspousihlc l‘or inorc thun 200 huildings. lliiillll} situulcd in Rigu. This c\hihition c\plorc\ his projccis und urchitccturul thcor}. l'octising on thc .v\rt .\'ou\cuu huildings ol' llllll l‘ll2. SL‘L‘ rc\ icw.


'l'lic l’clicun (iullcr). I l.uurislon l’lucc. l‘or l'urthcr iiil'orinution cull .-\rtlinl\. 22‘)

n swam»,-.~«r.n-.~mmc«m'rtmwrrwmm'lmqfinummi-imruéxmmwixwmwviun”. “MIN. a

Ian Ferguson’s display case forming part of A Foot Squared at New Stree

7th Annual Staff Exhibition t'niil 'Iliu 3| Jun. Artworks h} thc siul‘l‘ ol thc l.othiun l'nixcrsit) llospitul \llS 'l‘riisl l’cuturing puiniing. druw ing. nccdlcwork. stuincd gluss und photogruph).

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE landings (itillL‘l'). lllll l’rinccs Sll‘L‘L‘l. 225 lS0l. l)uil_\ l0uni (rpm.

Scholars Exhibition 2001 t'niil Sui 1‘) Jun. An c\hihition oi work by

w inncrs ol‘ ihc R( )Sl. Arts tru\ cl scholurship ;i\\;ll‘tl\. gi\cn cuch _\cur to uriists l'roni lix c coninionw culih countrics. ’I‘hc c\hihiiion lt‘ullll‘L‘S wulcrcoloiirs h} Mullhcw Burrow s il'K) und puintings. druw ings und prints by l‘ionu ('ouldridgc tSouth .'\l'ricu l. M/ukisi l)};ilo_xi iSouth Ali'icul. Surkur .\'uliid \iu/i (Bungludcshl und Su\unhdur) \‘ongpoothorn i.-\ustruliui.


lo l)undus Sti'cct. SSS I200. Mon Fri l0uiu (rpni; Sui l0uni 4pm.

Yasuki Hiramatsu t'niil .\Ion 24 I)cc. .lcwcllcr} und ohiccts h} onc ol' .lupun's w idcl} rcgui'dcd und scnior

l0“ CllL‘l'S :llitl lliL‘lzilslillllls. l’l'tilt‘sstll'

Yusuki lliruniuisu.

Exhibition Space SLEEPER

Rciuch und llull .-\rchitccts. (r l)urnuwu_\ Strcct. 225 S444. .\lon l‘ri 2 Spin. Matt Rogalsky: Ellipsis [hill in 7 Dcc. .-\n inslullution h) .\lult Rogulsk} in which snippcts l‘roni lix c rudio ui'c proccsscd to rc\ cul thc silcnccs hctwccn words ulong with hrcuth und huckground sounds. which in turn urc uniplilicd in lllc gullcr} spucc. [AST Cl lANCl TO SEE.


44 High Strcct. 557 S360. l)uil_\

|0uin (rpm.

Mixed Exhibition .-\ chunging \clcction ol' puintings hy prcdoininuntl} ltuliun urtists. l‘cuturing still lil'c. lundscupcs und ligurutn c. with ull works litil‘ sillL‘.


23 (’ockhurn Strch (322 (>200. 'l‘uc Sui l0um Spin.

Face On t’niil Sui 32 l)cc. (‘uruicd h} ('i'uig Richurdson und .\lurk Durdcn. this cxhihition c\uinincs und rccontcxtuuliscs ncw und cxisting photogruphic und lcns- huscd urtworks which lll\'tll\L‘ u sociul

listings Art

cxcliungc hciwccn ihc uriisi uud lhcir humun suhjccts. l-‘cuturcd uriists includc Rodcrick Buchunun. Philip-Lorcu di(‘orciu. :\lcxu Wright. Jcnnil'cr Bornstcin. Alli‘cdo lurr und .-\duni ('liod/ko.

Noctivagation t'niil Sui 22 I)cc. l)igitul iniugcs pi'oduccd h} six _\'ouih workcrs during it rcccnt Stills [ruining progruniinc lcd h_\' urtist l.iiidsu_V l’crth with lhc liclp of Billy Mc(‘ull.

TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'niycrsity ol~ lidinhurgh. Sotiih Bridgc. 650221 1. 'l'uc Sui |0uin Spin.

0 Philip Reeves At 70 - Retrospective i'niil Sui 15 [kc (Whilc (iiillc‘i')‘l. To coincidc with u pur- ullcl l'L‘ll'tlspccllVL‘ cxhihition of prints ut (ilusgow's llunicriun (iullcr); u inujor cxhihition ol' colluch und puiniings h) thc (ilusgow -huscd urtist l’hilip Rccycs. 'l’hc show lt‘tlllll‘c‘s o\cr ()0 works spun— ning Rccwx' curccr sincc hc lirst urrixcd in Scotlund in 1954. Scc ulso lluntcriun .-\i'l (itillc‘i‘). (ilusgow. Scc i'c\ icw und llitlist.

0 Paul Keir l'ntil Sui 15 l)cc (round room). .’\hcrdccn-horn urtist l’uul Kcir's suhtlc und cnguging w ull druw iiigs L‘lliplii)‘ thc sunic hrick-rcd colour oi thc floor to follow lhc cii'ciilur wull oi thc giillcry spucc. ()n unothcr wull. u icw siniplc struight lincs urc ulinosi hiddcn l'roni \‘icw. Kcir coniplcnicnts thcsc druwings with six i'cil/hrow n puncls puinlcd on gluss. Scc llitlist.


l‘or inorc inl'orniution und u dctuilcd itincrui'} cull 52‘) 3030/3682. Dovetail ’l‘hc 'l‘ru\clling (iullci') ’s lutcst cxhihiiion hrings togcthcr til'liSls und inukcrs \Vlitlsc work hridgcs thc gup lk‘l“ CL‘ll Cl'ill‘l Lilitl til'l. J0 .'\l‘l\'SL‘-\. l.l//lL‘ l‘urc}; .\'uonii l‘ilnicr. Joun lloldsworth tilitl SIL‘VCIT Xlt‘KL‘li/lc urc umong lllL‘ sclcction. 'l‘hc iour stops oil" at ihc l'ollowing \cnucs: lidinhurgh ('ollcgc ol .-\rt l'l‘uc 4 I)cc. ‘)uni 4pm); ('it} Art ('cntrc (\Vcd 5 I)cc. l0uni Spinl und l.uui‘iston ('ustlc (Sun 9 I)cc.

noon 4pm).


'l‘ru\crsc 'l‘hculrc. l0 (‘unihridgc Sti'ccl. 228 5383.

Isolated Incidents l‘niil Sui l I)cc. I’hotogruphs hy l’ctcr l)u\ ics.

Reflex & Reflect Sun 2 Sui 32 I)cc. Paintings by Riu :\lilitllltl und Iun \\'chh.


l‘) lilltl Run, 550 (1000.

Still Leaves l'ntil Sui 5 Jun. (’olour pcncil druw ings by Doincnicu .\lorc (itil'tltlll.


to South liort Strcct. 478 78 ll). Mon Sui lluni ll.45pni: Sun 12.30 ll.45pni. Our Journey: Fred Sims i‘niil Sui 5 Jun. Rcccnt puintings h} l'i'cd Sims inspircd h} thc nuturul world.

'l‘.\i.i;o'i RIM-I (i..\i.i.i-;io' till/14' l'.\'i\‘i-.i<si‘r\‘ ()l- liirix‘ni'itiui ()ii) (‘oi.i.i-.(u-.. Soi'rii BRllXil:

lll November-l5 December 'l'ucsduy—Stilurdu)‘ 10—5

PHILIP REEVES A RE'I‘R()SPE(.T'I‘IVE .\ long overdue show of lItt‘ unstercl) lwuutil'ul paintings by this distinguished artist. and in the round room now wall drawings

In l’iiii/ Ktir


Redefining Memory Saturday 8th December 2001 Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art

This symposium will explore the work of contemporary artists who have presented a challenge to the traditional monument and memorial. There will be case-studies of work by artists such as Rachel Whiteread. Joseph Beuys. Douglas Gordon. Anselm

Kiefer. Ian Hamilton Finlay. Hans Waanders and Nathan Coley.

The day will be chaired by Richard Calvocoressi Director of the Gallery of Modern Art. Other speakers include Kirstie Skinner. Tom Eccles. Debbie Lewer. Tom Lubbock. Glyn Davies. Alec Finlay. and Nathan Coley.

Tickets costing £20 (£10 concessions) include lunch and are available from the shop at the Gallery of Modern Art, 0131 624 6307 For further information please contact Emma Nicolson on 0131 624 6506

3:" N“. *3 [tr THE LIST 91