Clubs ll‘Slll’lflS

Glasgow Sundays continued

I Moloco at .\loloco. Spin tttidttigltt. l-‘ree. Weekly. Martin St John spitts stompin' nortltertt soul. roots. rock arid reggae.

I Nico’s at Nico's. 9pm ttiidttigltt. liree. Weekly. Billy .\lilligatt. tlte latt .\lellis of datice music. supplies a wide-ranging clteesehoard.

I Paul Cawley at (iroucho St Judes. ()pm 7 tttiditigltt. l‘ree. 9 Dec. liortnightly. The lienetik fellow witlt some heats. hreaks attd hip-hop.

I R&B at Bar l(). 7ptti- midnight. l‘ree. Weekly. Relax witlt R&B cuts arid take ady‘antage of tlte generous drinks promos at tltis city centre style hat.

I Scratch ‘n’ Sniff at Me(‘huitl‘s. Omit-midnight. liree. New pre-cluh yenture. featuring Danny Barhour playing house. garage attd whatey er else lte faticies. I Soulsa Presents: Vinyl at Strata. 0pm midnight. liree. Weekly. l'nderground quality house. Latin \‘ihes attd choicest disco front Andy l'itger. Shae-l) arid special guest l)Js.

I Soulful Sundays at 'l‘chai-()y'na.

.3 7pm. Free. Weekly. Soulful chill-out session to help yoti wind down the weekend. hosted hy Ray itioitdo attd Rodriguez (littols ()nly ). Drink ohscttre teas. play chess. giye your hody a rest.

I Sunday Social at the Arches.

4pm I lattt. £5; free hefore (tpm. 2 Dec. .‘ylonthly. DJ Sidewinder attd \'J Time ltead are joined hy Roh l)a Bank front London‘s legendary Sunday Best session. A Sahhatlt institution itt his hometown of London. Roh will he proyiding cool. caltii arid cltilled tttttes for your aural pleasure. l.ook otit for an iny'asiott of the limits too - with 1)] 'l'ixa attd percussionist '/.arkus l’otissa performing as part of the l-‘innish lndependertce l)ay celehratiotts.


I Bennet’s at Bettnet’s. l l.3(lptti 3am. £3. Weekly. 'l'om plays tunes loy ed hy twelye-year-old girls. plus some hangin' ltandhag. to equally appreciatiye gay men. litinny' old world.

I Bite at the ('athouse. l().3()pm 3am. l’ree hefore 1 1.30pm; £2 (£l.5()i alter. Weekly. A milder tttix of indie arid rock than you'll find at the city's premier rock yenuc on Fri or Sat.

I Bump ‘N’ Grind at the \‘elyet Rooms. 1 lpttt 3am. £4 (£2). Wind dowtt the weekend with l).\l(}’s mix of R&B attd street sottl.

I Chittlin’ Hoedown at the l3th Note ('afe. llpttt 2am. U. A new night deyoted to pretty tttuclt whateyer the l)Js please. including duh. hip-hop attd electro with added splashes of indie sttiff.

I Club Tropicana at the Garage (Attic). llpttt 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. lttdie. hotlt classic attd ctutteitiporary. with a healthy dose of Britpop.

I Dream at Straw herry l'iields.

l(l.3()pm 3am. £15. Weekly. l-‘ifteen rticker might seem a hit steep for a night dowtt Strawherry l'ields. hut in addition to hanging house anthems attd saucy dancing girls. the har is totally aitd utterly free. Much like a stottiaclt ptiittp on the NllS. I Liquid Cool at Baha/a. 9pm 3am. £5. Weekly. A.J.. Kris Keegan arid Ian Thompson playing top-notch Vocal garage attd house to a cluh packed with hyper-ltedonistic twentysontetlting reyellers. all of whom seem to hate forgottett that they hate work iii the morning. If qtiality tunes attd glamorous antics are your hag. Stitts at Baha/a are tinttiissahle.

I Optimo at MAS (itt association w itlt the Sub ('luh). llpttt 3am. £5 (£4); £(i on gtiest itigltts. Weekly. lixpect ahsoltitely anything from l.ady .‘yliss Roland attd ' 'l‘witch t‘e Wilkes. including gut-hustiiig techno. country (& western. punk attd painfully cool electro-pop, plus w hateyer the hell they feel like play itig. Arriye early to mold the mammoth qtietie.

76 THE LIST '21: NI). ':-; l)(:r. 2m“


CCA, Glasgow, Fri 7 Dec.

The concept of Sonic Mook Experiment sounds like the drunken ramblings of a multi-media dreamer. top-notch leftfield DJs, a live room to showcase the latest barrier breaking talents, and why not throw in a ‘live art’ room for showing underground short films and hearing some challenging spoken word. Strange, but organiser Sean McClusky has made a few dreams come true, both at the London-based showcase and at the all-new session at Glasgow’s CCA.

‘The good thing about Sonic Mook is

that it’s not like a label night or a club

with a load of residents and we’re not restricted to any line-up, so we can take it anywhere and do whatever we want with it.’ Armed with this sound philosophy, McClusky once again retreats from the safety of a standard club programme

with this month’s CCA line-up.

The headline DJ spot sees the long overdue return to Glasgow of Mo’ Wax’s experimental breaks crew The Psychonauts with the retro-eclecticism of Add N to X’s Barry 7 in support alongside Disastronaught and ‘The Dreaded’ McClusky himself. The live arena spotlights two disparate strands of modern music’s cannibalism, with Manchester’s Nylon Pylon espousing the virtues of 80’s synth-pop and Digital Hardcore’s Lolita Storm trying oh-so-hard to be Atari Teenage Riot fronted by Shampoo. Running the gauntlet of ridicule in the live art room will be writer and radio presenter Sophie Woolley in character as her infamous spoof DJ groupie, DJ Bird (‘lt’s really disgusting,’ warns McClusky), with

spoken-word from Donna Rutherford and short films from The Halloween Society.

The freshly-painted labyrinth of the CCA is the only place in Glasgow that Sonic Mook could conceivably work, so how did McClusky enjoy his previous visit on the grand opening night where Jarvis Cocker spun records and the legendary Suicide played live? ‘I think perhaps the management were wary of having a full-on crowd in a nice new space. You could see them wincing at the feet on chairs and the dropped drinks, but I definitely think it could become a great space to do regularly.’ And with future dates to include a Twisted Nerve collaboration and Simian playing live, it would appear that there’s a lot of experimenting to do yet. (Steven Clark)

I Pure Funk at (‘luh Budda.

l lptti 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. (ilasgow reacqtiainted itself with its long-held love of the ftiiik this year. with a hrace of tiigltts deyoted to the genre. including this one iii the hijoux enyirons of Budda.

I Solvent at Alaska. I lpttt 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. ('olin I)ayie giyes tts another reason to go out attd get completely trollied on a Sunday night. Playing funky house attd w hateyer he fancies to a crowd of tip-for-it Sunday night reyellers who just don't w attt the weekend to end.

I Sunday Best at Sltack.

10.30pm 3.30am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Jim l)a Best play s pop. dance aitd Refit.

I Sunday Shelter at Ad-Lih. Monthly. Next date thc.

I Transistor at the Polo Lounge.

l lpttt 3am. £thc. Weekly. Real pop for real people with his Niall .\lc.\lurray aitd Wayne Dixon.

Chart & Party

I Atmosphere at Destiny. l()pm~3am. £3 hefore l lpm: £4 alter. Weekly. l‘ull-oit party action accompanied hy generous drinks promos.

I Disco at l-‘ury Murrys l lpttt 43am. £4 (£3). Weekly. (‘heese-tastic disco ftitt for students. with l)aye arid Phil spinning the discs.

I Media at Media. I lpttt ~3am. £2. Weekly. A full-on flavoured mix frottt rotational residents plus karaoke itt rootti two. Drinks promos a honus (all drinks £2 all night).

Glasgow Mondays


I Cul De Sac at ('ul l)e Sac.

‘)pm midnight. l’ree. Weekly. Watch you don't hurtt your lingers on Dr l’aul's ‘Qui/ ()f l'iit‘e'.

I Loose at the Variety Bar.

9pm midnight. liree. Weekly. Alt. country. classic 7(ls rock attd hlttes frottt l’atil Shields.

I Playstation League at Bar Jedi. 9pm midnight. l’ree. Weekly. liot‘ kids sore (if llttttttlt and pallitl of complexion. .-\

case of lager is up for grahs for the top gtiit gattier. asstitttittg you cart drag yourselyes away front the ‘statiott at home.


I Burn at MAS. l lpttt 3am. l-‘ree for staff of any puh or cluh: £3 to eyery‘one else. Weekly. A top party atmosphere is guaranteed at the liye-year-old staff night out. thanks to thumping dance classics. front deep to disco. unleashed hy Norman attd '/.eus.

I Speedracer at the (lat-age.

10.30pm 3am. £5 (£3 ). Weekly. ltidie classics with the odd daft party tune thrown itt for the tistial cra/y crowd.

Chart & Party

I Pop Stars at the Sltack.

l().3()pm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Ridiculously cheap hey y at this self- explanatory homage to manufactured chart pap.

Glasgow Tuesdays


I Bar 10 at Bar ll). 7pm late. l-‘ree. Weekly. A chance for aspiring [)1 talent to get noticed: eyery week three hedroom turntahlists spin their discs. the hest heittg selected hy the crowd. who then progress to the final. where DJs aitd promoters front yarious cluhs grant the cream of the crop a chance to play at their Venue or cluh.

I Colin Davie at Spy Bar.

9pm midnight. Free. Weekly. (‘olitt l)a\'ie does his tliattg. delivering some quality house gt'ooy‘es aitd whateyer the hell he feels like.

I Cul de Sac at ('til de Sac. .\lartyn Jengahead. a ('ul de Sac resident of 1)] days gone by. gets hack itt the saddle. playing a mixed hag of house attd heats. test driyiitg his new promos aitd white lahels.

I Dub Night at the Variety Bar.

3pm midnight. l-‘ree. Weekly. Stey‘ie Donaldson (Bar Ill) play ittg. oddly enough. duh.

I A Lick of Latin at llayana Bar.

Spin l()pnt. £4. Weekly. .\ltisic frotit

around the globe with that all-ittiportant lick of Latin and there's a salsa dattce class with Maggie.

I Passion Pour La Vida at October. 8pm midnight. liree. Weekly. The aw ard- wittttittg DJ Jazz dt'iyes tip the teittperature itt l’rinces Square with a Latino/Spanish extrayagan/a.

I Tiki Island at Nice 'n' Slea/y‘.

9pm ttiidnight. l‘ree. Weekly. Ancient drums echo your footsteps as you enter ati authentic Polynesian paradise. Sip yolcanic rum cocktails and play tiki hittgo to the finest exotica attd lounge sottttds iii a new world of tropical ettcltattttnent. See l-';ictl'ile.


I Fly at Alaska. I lpttt 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. New student night at the super ltip cluh. Dr Paul play s student anthems downstairs while (‘olin attd ()w en rip it up upstairs playing funky house arid droppittg iii a few surprise tracks. Ridiculously cheap heyy attd quality tunes. further proof that 'l‘ue is the new Tim.

I Tilt at the Velyet Rooitis. l lpttt -3am. £4 (£2 ). Weekly. l’t'ogt'essiy'c house attd trance with James l)oc .llll'.

Chart & Party

I Laid at Sltack. 10.30pm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. Student tiigltt with the cheesiest of cheese.

I Shooting Stars at the (iarage.

I lptti 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. (terry arid laitt keep the drunk kids happy w itlt cltarty house aitd pop hits.

I The Shimmy Club at lienttet's.

l l.3()pm 3am. £3 (£l.5()). Weekly. A straigltt-ish attd stttdetity night at the gay yenue. with Rttyllltilitl l)ayren maintaining the party atmosphere.

I T.I.T. at 'l'rash. ll).3()pm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. (irahante l-‘erguson attd Scott liree spiit garage attd house iii the ntaitt roottt while DJ Rohert keeps the kids entertained w itlt plenty of cheese itt room two. (iit'ls. diatttante hooh tubes are a itttist. otherwise yott could look slightly underdressed.